Endings and Beginnings

By donmaryfan

82.8K 2.6K 411

As Don and Meryl's life as empty nesters end; they embark on a new beginning. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 51
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98

Chapter 30

781 28 1
By donmaryfan

"Honey?!" Meryl called out to Don with two social workers from Child Protective Services standing at the front door. She took a deep breath and opened the door further. "Please, come in."

Don came walking in to the entry way after hearing his wife calling for him. "I'm coming, Darl; what's up?"

"Don." Meryl said trying to communicate with hims through her eyes. "These two nice people are here from Child Protective Services saying they were following up on a complaint."

Don shook their hands. "Donald Gummer. I'm sorry, I don't understand. I thought everything was straightened out last night."

"And we have pressed charges against my brother who DID hurt our new born daughter." Meryl said trying not to show how scared she was.

Don nodded as he wrapped an arm around Meryl's waist to pull her close. "He is being charged with Child Endangerment and Attempted Kidnapping. I have all the paperwork on our computer if you would like to see. Our lawyer back in Manhattan has already taken action; we are NOT messing around with the safety and well-being of any of our children or our family."

"This is simply a follow up from your hospital visit last night." The man said. "It is protocol that we make a home visit."

Meryl reached for Don's hand. "Oh, we weren't told that."

"That's the point, Mrs. Gummer." The woman smiled softly. "To make sure that things are really as they appear."

Don nodded. "This is just one of our vacation homes so we don't have all of their stuff here; but have ordered lots of stuff for this house so it feels like home for them."

"Mr. and Mrs. Gummer, I'm Marie Welsh." The woman said. "We just need to walk through and assess your home."

The man nodded. "I am Greg Freeman and we just want to ask a few questions."

"Of course." Meryl tried to smile. "We just put them down for nap in the den."

Don nodded. "Because of Margaret's bruises we aren't swaddling her so I built a fire to try to keep her warm and comfortable."

"Twins, right?" Marie asked.

Meryl beamed. "Fraternal; Margaret and Bradley."

"The best surprises." Don winked as he led them inside and pointed to the left. "That is the study and our office. We aren't here a lot; but it was Meryl's parents' house and means a lot to us."

"We spent summers here while I was growing up; then our older kids did as well. Don and I were married here. Our oldest child, Henry, was married here this past summer." Meryl reached for his hand again. "Our babies we lost due to miscarriage over the years even have special markers here to remember them."

Marie smiled. "Nice to continue memories and traditions with new babies."

"It is." Don nodded and moved past the stairs. "This is the kitchen with a living area here to the side. Our home in Salisbury is much the same way; we like how we can all be together doing various things."

Meryl nodded and pointed to the large bay window. "The river is out there; and that cliff is where we were married. We bundled the babies up and took them for a walk along the mystic today."

"They loved it." Don said as they heard crying. "Darl?"

Meryl shook her head. "They've been fussy with all the tension and upheaval since my brother yesterday; excuse me."

"We'll come with you." Greg said.

Don nodded as he followed Meryl with the two social workers following behind them. "They've been sleeping in one bassinet because that is the only way we could get them to sleep."

"Their pediatrician, Dr. Brooks, told us how twins are like that; and that it was fine as long as they like it." Meryl explained. "There's my girl; are you hurting, sweetheart?" Meryl said softly to Margaret as she carefully picked her up and bent down to kiss Bradley. "Don?"

Don nodded as he kissed Margaret and then picked up Brady. "There's my boy; you can't be asleep if your sister isn't, huh?"

"This is the den where we spend a lot of time; and if we're in here the babies are either in here with us or in the adjoining bonus room." Meryl pointed to the adjoining room as Marie looked into it. "Don got us these amazing camera baby monitors that we can see on our phones and record."

Don nodded. "Because of that I was able to record what my brother-in-law did."

"That was smart." Greg said.

Marie saw the look on Meryl's face. "I read the report; I'm sure that was scary."

"Absolutely terrifying." Meryl choked as she kissed her daughter's head.

Don nodded as he kissed the top of Meryl's head. "But, she was calm even though she was breaking on the inside; and got our baby girl back quickly and unharmed."

"Not exactly unharmed." Meryl sighed. "Don tried to tell my brother he was holding her too tightly but he didn't listen."

Don shook his head. "You made sure it wasn't any worse."

"Can we see the rest of the house?" Greg asked. "Their nursery and where they sleep at night."

Don nodded as he led them to the main part of the house and the stairs as he continued to carry Brady; and then looked at Meryl. "Go on up, baby."

"We've been keeping one bassinet downstairs; and one upstairs in our bedroom." Meryl explained as she led them to hers and Don's bedroom; glad that she had picked stuff up and made the bed. "The bassinet is on Don's side because he changes their diapers and give them to me when they want to nurse."

Don nodded as Marie and Greg looked around. "She is still healing from traumatic births and life saving surgeries so I don't want her to do too much."

"You nurse, Mrs. Gummer?" Marie asked somewhat surprised that her favorite actress was so hands on. "No nanny?"

Don laughed. "Not my wife; not us."

"We have always been completely hands on parents." Meryl said. "I love being able to nurse all of my babies; as well as being as present in their lives as possible. I don't like the idea of someone else raising my babies. I don't want to miss a minute.

Don winked at her as he led them to the nursery. "Neither of us do. As I said, we aren't here very often so this nursery has been a work in progress."

"You have a very nice home." Greg said. "Where do you bathe them?"

Meryl nodded. "We only bathe them a couple times a week and it is always in the sink."

"We've been surprised by all the new tubs and gadgets to make sure the water is the right temp." Don laughed. "It's been awhile since we've done this."

Meryl followed Don and the social workers down the stairs. "We are so glad we get to do it again with them."

"We wouldn't trade a minute." Don said as he turned to the agents. "Is there anything else you would like to see?"

Greg looked at Marie who nodded. "I saw your double stroller jogger with the baby seats in the entry way. I would like to see the bases in the car."

"Of course." Don said. "Darl, do you want to stay in with Mags and Brady while I take them out to the car?"

Meryl nodded, hesitantly. "Can you bring him into the den for me?"

"Go ahead." Greg said. "We will wait here."

Don nodded towards the den to Meryl and followed her in; handing Brady to her as she sat down. He could feel her shaking. "They're nice; it's going to be okay."

"A fucking home visit?" Meryl choked. "Like we're some kind of criminals wanting visitation with our babies?"

Don sighed as he kissed her forehead. "They're not going to find anything, sweetheart. Yeah, this is as unnerving as hell. Just another hoop to jump through."

"All because of my fucking brother." Meryl choked. "I'm sick of the hoops, Don."

Don hated this was happening; and while he was breaking on the inside he was trying to stay as strong as possible for his wife. "I know, baby, me too. Stay here with them. I'm going to show them the car. We'll be right back. You okay with them?"

"Just hurry." Meryl smiled. "I'm fine; I am."

Don kissed his babies and then his wife's lips. "This will all be over soon; I promise."

"You always keep your promises." Meryl tried to remain positive as he gave her one last kiss and walked off. Meryl laid the babies on her laps. "Everything will be okay, my loves; you aren't going anywhere and neither am I or your daddy. We love you both so much. I don't know about you; but I'm ready for a boring day with you two and your daddy."


"This is it." Don said unlocking and opening his SUV. "We have them on either side so Meryl could sit in-between them yesterday while we took her brother to the hospital; we were pretty unnerved and didn't want to take our eyes off them. We still don't."

Greg nodded. "You have a top of the line system where carriers and seats are concerned. Well, everything else we've seen for the babies has been top of the line."

"I like to research items on Consumer's Reports." Don explained."Since we haven't done this for a long time I wanted to make sure we bought the safest equipment. Our oldest son and his wife just had a baby so they were helpful in what to buy."

Marie was writing things down. "Mr. Gummer, I noticed your outlets aren't covered."

"Not yet." Don said as they closed the door. "I have a baby proofing company coming here, to Salisbury and our Tribecca Penthouse in the next month to get all that taken care of. I know we'll need it before we know it. This isn't our first rodeo; by far."

Greg smiled softly. "I understand."

"Is there anything you would like to see that we haven't shown you?" Don asked. He was tired of all this questioning and jumping through hoops; he hated that they were having to prove themselves after putting all of their children first for 33 years but he would do whatever he would have to. "Would you like to see where we bathe them? The tub we bought for the sink? It's the same one we have in Salisbury and Tribecca."

Marie shook her head. "That won't be necessary, Mr. Gummer."

"Could Marie and I have a minute to go over some things together?" Greg asked. "We can meet you inside."

Don's heart sunk; though he was trying to be positive for himself, for his children and for his wife. "Of course, I'll be in the den with Meryl and the babies. Take your time."


Meryl felt like Don and the social workers had been outside for a long time. All she could do was sit there on the sofa in the den with the babies. She moved them so both babies were on the couch and she was sitting cross legged facing them. She smiled as she rubbed Brady's belly with one hand and she was softly running the pointer finger of her other hand over Margaret's face. "I'm sorry things have been so crazy, my loves. I don't want you to be scared or worried about anything. Mommy and Daddy are going to make sure everything is okay. I just want you two to continue being the wonderful and amazing babies you are; the babies that Daddy and I love so damn much."

"Cursing in front of the babies, Mary Louise?" Don teased as he walked into the den. He held up his hands and walked over to her, kneeling down in front of her. "You stay with them."

Meryl grabbed his hands as tears sprang to her eyes. "What happened? Where are they?"

"I showed them my SUV and the seat bases; they said how we have a very good carrier/car seat and stroller system. Top in safety." Don hoped that would calm her down. "They said they wanted a few minutes to talk; and I told them I would be in here with the three of you."

Meryl looked towards the window. "What could they be doing out there? Is the old treehouse a safety risk? Do we need to take it down?"

"We are NOT taking that down." Don said strongly. "I've rebuilt it several times; and the last time wasn't that long ago. It's a part of your childhood, our children's childhood and some amazing memories for us. By the time these two are ready to use it I will reassess to make sure it's safe for them."

Meryl was chewing on her lip as Don rubbed her thighs with his hands. "Do we need more things here for them? Maybe we didn't do enough research on the items. Maybe we need the same items for here as in Tribecca and Salisbury. I mean I know we're not here that much; but we do come here. Maybe we need to drive back to the city and..."

"Sweetheart." Don tucked her hair behind her ear. "Slow down, Darl; everything we have is just fine. Baby, they don't need much right now; besides they have more items here at their 'vacation' home than most babies have in their ONE home."

Meryl looked down at the babies and then up at him. "I know they were both surprises; but I can't imagine our lives without them. If something happens, if they get taken away from us because of my fucking brother. If I cause you to lose your..."

"First of all, they are NOT being taken away from us. Baby, they are just following up from last night. Did I think we were past that? Yes." Don wiped away her tears with his thumbs. "Second of all, THIS is NOT your fault. It wasn't your fault that he came after me; and it is NOT your fault that he did what he did to our baby and now we're jumping through these hoops. I would do ANYTHING, go through ANYTHING, for you and our children. I want to get one things straight...YOU are why she wasn't hurt worse. YOU are why he didn't take her. YOU are why you are both okay; thank God."

Meryl was embarrassed as she turned her head. "Don..."

"Look at me." Don said holding her head in his hands. "NONE of this is your fault. She is here and doing so well BECAUSE of you. I know he is sick and hurting; but who the hell knows what he could have done had you not been so damn strong and brave. Who knows what he would have done to both of you. Everything is going to be okay, baby."

Meryl smiled as she pressed her forehead against his so she could look straight into his eyes. "When you say that to me I believe you."

"Good." Don winked as he kissed her forehead. "How are our little miracles doing?"

Meryl smiled as he bent down to tenderly kiss their babies. "They're doing good. I can tell she's in pain, though."

"I know." Don sighed as he ran his finger over their daughter's furrowed brow. "Unfortunately, there really isn't anything we can do. She's too young for baby Tylenol isn't she?"

Meryl nodded. "They said last night we couldn't give her any. She isn't even 3 weeks old yet."

"Yeah, I just wanted to make sure." Don sighed. "We just need to give her lots of love and cuddles."

Meryl ran her fingers through his hair as she watched him gaze at their babies. "We will; both of them. I am sure he is picking up on our stress."

"Mr. and Mrs. Gummer?" Greg asked walking in.

Don immediately stood up as he saw Marie following behind him and motioned to the chairs in front of the sofa. "Please, have a seat."

"Is there anything else you need to see?" Meryl asked as Don carefully picked up Mags and then sat next to Meryl as she picked up Brady, kissing his head. 

Don gently rubbed Mags' back as he kissed her head. "Any other questions we can answer?"

"You have both been very accommodating and helpful." Marie began. "I'm sure the last few days have been scary."

Meryl felt Don place his hand on her knee as he carefully moved Mags to the crook of his arm. "A nightmare."

"You have a beautiful home and SAFE home for your children." Greg said as he closed his folder. "You have some of the safest items for your babies; it is obvious that their safety and well-being is of the utmost importance to you both."

Marie nodded as she leaned forward in her seat. "It is obvious how much you both not only care for one another but also for your babies. The way you hold your children and look at them, as well as each other, shows what a stable and happy home you are seeking to provide for your children; that you have already given to your older children."

"We can't control our family; and you are taking the necessary steps to make sure your children and family are all safe." Greg went on to say. "You are standing up to your brother which takes great strength."

Don grabbed Meryl's hand and kissed it. "That's my wife."

"So we passed?" Meryl choked. "You're not taking them away from us?"

Marie softly smiled at the older woman. "No, Mrs. Gummer; they aren't going anywhere. We know that they could never be safer than with you both; or in better hands than they are in."

"It was never our intention." Greg added. "We just wanted to follow up and make sure that everything was as it appears after our colleagues did their work last night."

Marie could tell how worked up Meryl was when they came back in; and felt bad for the older woman. "And it is."

"We will write up our report; and this case will be closed once and for all." Greg added.

Don gave Meryl what he thought was a subtle wink though it was noticed by the other 2 adults in the the room. "I would like a copy of that report; is that possible?"

"Well...." Greg looked at Marie. "That is usually not done."

Don nodded. "I understand how usually the people being investigated don't get a copy of the report; but we got one last night that I included in everything I sent to our lawyer this morning regarding charges against my brother-in-law. I would like to include today's report because it is related to what he did, and TRIED, to do to our baby girl. It would just be helpful."

"Of course, Mr. Gummer." Marie spoke up for her colleague when she saw relief sweep across both Don and Meryl's faces. "We will get that to you as soon as possible."

Don took out his wallet and gave her one of his business cards. "That is my business email on there but please send the report there as soon as it is ready."

"Of course." Greg said as he nodded at Marie and they both gave Don their business cards. "Here is our information as well."

Don stood up with his daughter. "Thank you; both. Let me show you out."

"Take care, Mrs. Gummer." Greg shook Meryl's free hand.

Meryl was trying hard not to cry tears of relief in front of the social workers. "Thank you so much."

"We're very sorry this happened." Marie said empathetically. "I hope Margaret feels better soon."

Meryl smiled warmly at the woman. "Thank you for doing your due diligence and making sure our babies are safe."

"We'll make sure Margaret is perfect." Don winked at Meryl as he kissed her cheek. "I'll be right back; I'm just going to show them out."

Meryl nodded as she reached out her free arm for Margaret and he placed her in it. She waited until the room was empty until she let tears of relief flow down he cheeks as she held her babies close; never wanting them to be away from her and Don again.


Don had just said good-bye to Marie and Greg as he closed the door and slid down it; burying his face in his hands and cried tears of relief. He was trying to be so strong for Meryl; not only could he not let his mind wander to the possibility of their babies being taken away cause of Dana but he also wanted to keep Meryl as calm as possible in fear something would happen to her as well. As he was letting his emotions out he could feel the door being opened from the outside. He jumped up to open it more and his heart sunk when he saw Marie the social worker on the other side. "What happened? Did you find something? I promise they are safe with us. No two people in the universe loves those babies or has fought harder for them than my wife and I."

"Mr. Gummer." Marie was surprised by the distress in the kind man's eyes; eyes where she had only seen strength and assuredness earlier. "We meant what we said; your babies have an incredibly loving and safe home with you and your wife."

Don nodded as tears of relief came to his eyes. "I'm sorry, it's just been..."

"I'm sure this is very nerve wrecking." Marie put her arm around Don, somewhat awkwardly; and not really sure what to do. "I just came to get my jacket."

Don felt awkward being comforted by some woman who wasn't his wife; some woman he barely knew. He nodded and grabbed it from the coat tree next to the door. "Oh, here you go."

"It will be okay." Marie said; still somewhat awkwardly.

Don nodded. "I just want to get back in to my wife and our babies."

"Of course." Marie said walking back to the door. "Take care."

Don closed the door; and locked it. He understood she needed to come back in to get her jacket but was a little uncomfortable with how she came back in without knocking or ringing the doorbell. He took a deep breath as he wiped his tears and walked back into the den so he could be in the only place in the world he wanted to be-with his wife and children. His heart broke as he saw his wife sitting on the sofa, crying into their babies heads. He promptly went over to sit next to her, taking all three of them into his arms as he kissed all of their heads repeatedly. "I know, baby; I know. It's over. Thank God, it's over."


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