Darlings with cheeky smiles

By CatsInTheNude

44.8K 2.3K 3.6K

What would life be with kind but teasing second year engineering student, his grumpy but oh, so cute boyfrien... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 6

2.7K 173 223
By CatsInTheNude

" I see you are still alive and kicking. What a shame you didn't broke your neck while falling" said dark voice somewhere close behind at Kong.
"So it was who pushed me. Why? Did it make you mad that I refused to suck your little pecker?" Kongpob said while cocking his head and moving his school bag to better position on his shoulder.

"Do you think that just because you're older I wouldn't dare to do anything to you?"
"No. I'm perfectly aware you would" older man gave a little laugh and raised his injured hand.
It really irked at Prayut that none of his insults or threats seemed to have any effect on this man in front of him.
"I wonder if your man is as tough as you are."

Finally Prayut saw some irritation appear into older man's eyes and he wanted to pat himself on the back because of it.
"I would recommend that you leave him out of this, do you understand me?" Kongpob said with really serious expression.
"I see. You're scared he could get hurt"
"Not exactly. But you're getting yourself pretty deeply in shit if you'll go against him" Kongpob smiled thinking back about his boyfriend's attitude while hazing.
Or when he was pissed in generally.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Don't you care about his safety?"
"Of course I do, but he can definitely deal twats like you. Well, I need to go to my class now. See you around" Kong smirked as he patted sympathetically freshmans shoulder as he walked past of him.

"What the hell? Is your boyfriend a gang leader or what?" Prayut shouted after him.
Kong thought about that for a moment.
"Something like that" he grinned over his shoulder before he continued his walk to his class.

That made younger man sweat a little as he stood there unable to move.
Had he gone little overboard?
Surely Kong's boyfriend wouldn't want to get his revenge?
He didn't have to be scared for his life for real, right?


"Do you have the name?"
That was first thing Arthit said when he joined to his gang.
"How can that be the first thing you say to your friends after you haven't seen them almost a whole month?!" Bright whined as he threw his body against Arthit, hugging at him like he was a giantic teddy bear.
"What do you want me to say then?"
"Well, you could say: Hey guys, how are you? I have missed you so much! Especially you Bright, my bestiest best buddy"
"I see you have already got out of control while I have been gone. Fear not, I'll put you back to your place" shorter man remarked and reached up to put his taller friend into headlock.

"I'm sorry Arthit. I was wrong. Please let me live! I haven't had a chance become a father yet!"
"Will you behave yourself?"
"I can only promise that I'll try"
"Fine. That's sincere enough" Arthit said and finally let go from Bright.

He sat down beside Knot.
"Well?" Arthit urged.
"Student 0101, Prayut. Good student, charming, womanizer, seems pretty clever" said Knot and handed sheet of paper to his friend.
"Clever you say. Why has he been targeting at Kongpob then?"
"It seems like he has problem with Kong having a boyfriend" Knot shrugged.
"Why? Is he attracted to him? Seriously, what is it with this guy. How can he attract at everyone he meets? I should just put him into box and keep him there" Arthit frowned feeling jealousy creep it's way into his heart, even though he knew it was silly and totally unnecessary.

"I'm not sure if that's the case. He seems more like disgusted about the fact that Kongpob is romantically involved with another man" his muscular friend shook his head.
"And what is this? Ripping books? Anonymous threatening letters? Insulting? What is he, a ten year old?" Arthit scorned while he read the paper his friend had gave to him.

"So, what are you planning to do with him? Beat him to death?" Prem asked looking like he actually kinda hoped some kind of ruthless drama.
"No. I believe beating him wouldn't change anything. It would only make him even more judgemental and bitter. I have to come up with a better way to confront at him"
"You know, it's weird to see you being so calm about this. What I heard from this Superman here, it was like you were about to attack at him via phone lines when he first told you about the accident" Prem remarked.

"Well, I had time to think and cool down" Arthit shrugged.
"So you're not angry anymore?"
Was that really disappointment in Prem's voice he heard?
"What? Of course I'm angry. I'm absolutely furious. But I have a feeling that there must be something behind this"
"You're the boss. We'll support you whatever you decided"
"Thank you. I appreciate that"

"Put that aside, have you already seen your 0062?" Toota asked.
"No. He has classes. I'll see him later"
"Wait a minute. He knows that you're here and he still chooses to study?"
"That's because my man is brilliant"
"Arthit must have been threatened at him someway" Bright whispered and three other friends agreed instantly.
"Hn. You guys suck" Arthit pouted.


Two attentive eyes stared at the group of men who sat not too far away from him and seemed to cause mayhem around them as always.
Heart pounded in his chest like a hammer and he had this weird fluttery feeling which was always there when that one particular person was around.

He had never met someone that amazing before.
Since day one he had been mesmerized by aura that hovered around him.
Plus, he was smoking hot.
Like greek god or roman gladiator or something.

He watched as sincere smile formed it's way across his lips as he said something to his friends.
Damn those angel kisses on his face.
Showing them off should be illegal.
He frowned a little while he continued to stare.

He noticed that today that person's arms were bare and he could see the muscles tighten and then relax again as he moved his hands while he spoke.
He couldn't help but wonder what those arms would feel like around at him.
Would those sexy pink lips feel as soft as they looked like?
He blushed a little even thinking about it.
That would be like a dream.
Too bad he wasn't gay.
Not like he would ever admit aloud to being one either!
That secret was something he would take to his grave.

His parents would never accept at it.
Not even when they had three other son's to continue their family name.
His parents were very strict and judgemental people.
Go figures when they were part of Bangkok's elite.

There had been this one time in high school when his good friend had hugged him out in public.
It had been completely innocent act of friendship.
There hadn't been any romantic feelings between them, just close friendship and brotherhoodness.
That guy had a girlfriend already, for christ sakes!
Anyway, somehow his parents had get to know about that, and boy had he been in trouble back then.

He had got pretty serious beating from his father and as for his friend, he had of course got dismissed from the school.
What had been used as an reason, he never got to know, but he had heard later that his friend had got accepted in another school, some another city to finish his studies.

Even though it had hurt him badly how unfairly his friend had got treated, he was happy that he still had the chance to graduate.
From that day, he had never went against his parents with anything.
He had never allowed any kind of physical contacts with anyone same gender as him.
He had started to flirt to the pretty girls and sleep around with them.
Still, he couldn't completely shake it off that he felt attracted at cute guys.

As for Kongpob, it wasn't like he actually hated at him for real.
Kongpob as an character was really impressive.
He was very kind, polite, wise and if you looked at him at that way, he definitely wasn't bad looking either.
If anything, he was jealous.
Kongpob could live his life all happy, being in male-male relationship and still everyone loved him.
Everyone looked up to him.
It just wasn't fair.
Why couldn't he get all that too?

He did feel little bad about all those things he had done to him.
Although, that stairway case, it had been really an accident.
Cross my heart and hope to die!

He had never meant to harm him physically.
What had happened, was that he had suddenly felt really dizzy because studying all night, bumped into Kongpob and stumbled to keep his balance and was instinctively shoved his hands in front of him and accidentally pushed Kongpob down.

Why didn't he had just told Kongpob that it had been an accident when he had the chance you ask?
Answer was axiomatic.
After he had got scared and fled after Kongpob fell, as if older man would had believed at him.
Especially after all that childish stuff he had done to him.

But wait a second.
Why exactly that man was here?
Didn't he go to another city to work his internship?
Did something happen?
Or did he  just miss his friends so much that he decided to come back and see them?
As he looked at them, he could clearly see that they were really close to each others but somehow it still didn't sound quite right.

Suddenly air was filled with ringing noise.
Oh, it seemed like that gorgeous creature got a call.
He watched as older man dug his phone out from his pocket and his eyes grew big as he saw gentle expression on man's face before he answered the call.

Did that man have a girlfriend?
How come he didn't know?
Who the hell could it be?
What kind of person could make smile like that appear to that fierce man's face?

Should he try to get a little closer?
Would he be able to eavesdrop a little?
Just when he was about to move closer, that man stood up and bid his goodbyes to his friends while they teased at him by whistling after him.
What. The. Heck. Was. That?!

Well, he didn't have time to investigate about that matter more deeply right now because bell rung and he had to rush so he could be in time in his next class.


"You really came" Kongpob smiled widely as he saw his boyfriend walking towards him and sat across the table.
"What the hell? I told you I would didn't I?" Arthit frowned as he took his pink milk that Kongpob had already ordered to him.
He scrutinized his lovers appearance.
He didn't see any visible injuries besides that broken arm, which was relief, although he was still little worried what kind of bruises he had managed to hide under his clothes.

"I missed you"
"Yeah yeah, I know"
"How's your work? Do you like it there?"
"It's all right" Arthit shrugged.
"What is that" he asked then curiously and pointed at cast on Kongpob's arm.
"Oh, my friends thought that plain white cast looked boring  so they decided to give it some color by leaving some messages and drawings on it" Kong explained and shoved his arm closer to Arthit so he could take a better look.

"Hn. I see that Bright has been showing off his talents too" older man snorted as he shook his head while he looked one particular message.
"How did you know? You can regonize his handwriting?" Kongpob asked impressed.
"Not really. But that message practically screams at Bright. Who else would write 'Consequences of sexual frustration. Arthit, come back before he breaks another one too'"
Once again he wondered why exactly he was friends with that idiot.

"Well, couple more weeks and he might had been right even there wasn't any accident" Kongpob laughed cheerfully.
"Can you write something on it too?" He requested softly.
"What would you want me to write?" Arthit blinked.
"I don't know. Whatever you want to write" younger man shrugged.

"Something like...I love you, I miss you, you're the whole world to me, hmmm?" Arthit asked and raised his other eyebrow while he leaned back and crossed his arms staring at the younger man.
"That would be amazing" Kongpob said and his smile was so happy and bright that it was almost too luminous to look at.

"Fine. I'll write. Give me a marker" older man sniffled and hold out his hand for a pen.
Kongpob blinked surprisedly for a moment before he dug his bag and handed a green marker to his lover who however shaked his head.
"No. The red one"
"Since when did you become so demanding?" Taller man remarked as he searched at the right color.
"You want me to write or not?" Another one snorted clicking his tongue.
"Just pretend like I didn't say anything" Kongpob grinned sheepishly as he finally found red one and handed it to his boyfriend.

"Huh? P'Arthit? What are you doing?"
"Coming closer" came short reply as older man get up and around the table and sat down seat next to his boyfriend.
"Can you stop asking so many questions and just stay still? Thank you" Arthit frowned and hold gently Kongpob's broken arm as he wrote something on his cast.

"Okay. If you have finished your iced coffee we can go back to the dorm now" Arthit stated as he handed marker back to it's owner and stood up, ready to leave.
Kong looked curiously down at his cast to see what Arthit had wrote and smiled like he had just won in a lottery.
He sprinted quickly after him.

"Thank you" he said happily.
Arthit smiled and kissed his boyfriend quickly on his cheek.
He knew that Kongpob would understand at him...

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