Emo+Prep=True Love?

By emokidslits

58.1K 577 203


Emo+Prep=True Love? Arranged Marriage
Emo+Prep=True Love? Chapter 2
Emo+Prep=True Love? Ch. 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chpter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28:

Chapter 12

1.8K 19 6
By emokidslits

Hey guys!

Chapter 12:

The woman standing in front of me was tall and wearing an apron. Her brown hair was pinned up on her head and even her flip flops looked worth a million dollars. I looked at Mark. He didn't have an answer either. "Well, mom, this is my friend Casey. She needs a place to stay tonight. I was going ot bring her down for dinner." He smiled and I instinctively stuck out my hand. She didn't shake it. B**CH! I thought. She looked me up and down from my skinnys to my messy hair.

"Well, I guess, but you better feed it and clean up after it. Make sure it doesn't mess up the carpet." SHe eyed me with disgust and my mouth opened and exploded in anger.

"What am I? A gerbil?" I asked. She didn't reply and continued to look at me as if I were a disease. "I don't care if you like me and I won't "MESS up your precious carpet"! Or eat whatever CRAP your making. That's right, I said it. CRAP, so go fall off the moon. I could care less! I'll be sleeping in the car!" I stormed off and Mark pushed past me. I ran down the stairs and out the door. By the time I got to Mark's car, my anger had simmered down. I opened the back door and climbed in. I went to close it, but Mark's hand stopped it.

"Gosh! No need to slam it!" He rubbed his hand and pushed in after me. The door closed and I shivered. Mark smiled. "Are you cold?" He asked. I shook my head no, but my teeth began to chatter. I felt bad for Mark. If I was cold, he was only wearing boxers. What must he feel like? He hugged me to his chest before I could protest. I relaxed against his muscles and closed my eyes.

"I want a warm bed." I complained. He laughed and sat forward. I put my feet under me in the set and Mark opened the glove department. From it he pulled a large blanket and a pillow. He tossed them back at me and I curled up in a ball.

"What, you're not going to share?" He asked, taking his seat next to me.

"You don't want to sleep in your bed?" I asked. He shook his head and I pulled half of the blanket over to him. He cover ed himself and pulled me into his chest. We fell into a deep sleep.

***********************************************Later that morning

I woke up, my head on Mark's lap. His head on the pillow, and his Mom BANGING on the car window. Mark shuddered awake and rolled down the old cab window. "WHAT?!" He exclaimed. 'Someone's not a morning person.' I thought. His mom grinned evilly.

"That thing your cheap thing you're sleeping with, is a disappointment. She's wanted by the missing people's place. I suggest you drive that cheap thing down to the station and charge her DOUBLE for the trip." She smirked at me and I sat up.

"Hey, fu**tard. Hate to clue you. But my name is Casey Tyler. Of he Steve Tyler family. Which, in case you haven't noticed, is much richer than you, not that money matters, and you know who I am wanted by, my FIANCE! So go eff up someone else's life!"

"Oh, Ms. Tyler. I'm so sorry! Umm, I'm making pancakes, would you like some?" I smiled at her sudden generosity.

"Well, no I don;t think so. I don't want to mess up your carpets." I turned to Mark. "Hey, do you want to stay for a couple of days?" I asked. Mark grinned. "Of course, I'll ask your mother. It is okay, right?" I smiled at her and she looked at me suspiciously,

"If your marrying, why are you spending so much time with my son?" She asked.

"Because your son didn't attack me." I replyed simply. Mark and I got out and Mark went upstairs to gather his things. I stood with his mother. "So, what shall I call you?" I asked.

She smiled genuinely. "Call me Beth." She smiled and then said: "I like your shoes." I smiled.

"Thanks." Mark came out carrying a large bag in a frsh pair of jeans and a crisp polo. "Well, see you later Beth." She smiled and I got into the passenger seat of the taxi. Mark through his bag in the backseat and got into driver seat. We pulled out and Mark smiled.

"You're good." was all he said. We drove minutes discussing random things, until the topic of sleeping arrangements came up.

"So, where am I sleeping tonight. In my car?" He asked. I giggled.

"Of course not silly! You'll be sleeping on the couch, or bed maybe." I blushed and Mark laughed.

"How do you think Steve's going to react to you inviting me over for a couple of days?" I laughed this time.

"Not well, but he can kiss my a**." I said as we pulled up the drive. I got out first with my bag in my hand. Mark followed after me. We approached the door and I carefully opened it. It wasn't even 8 am so Steve should still be sleeping, but instead, when I opened the door, Steve caught me in a hug.

"Oh my god I thought something happened to you." He held me against his chest.

"Uh. Let go Mr. Bi-Polar!" He squeezed once and then released his death grip on me.

"Did he hurt you? Should I call a doctor?" I laughed and Steve registered the bag in his hand. "What's that for?"

"Well," I began. "I stayed the night with Mark and I invited him to stay here for a couple of days." Steve frowned.

"In OUR house?"

"No," I said sarcastically, "To sleep in his car! Yes here!" Steve's mouth dropped open.

"Whatever, but you do not touch me or come near me." And with that he walked away.

Mark laughed and I hit him on the head. "Well, I guess it's the cou-" I stopped talking and the door busted open to reveal...



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