Love&Basketball (Camren)

By CC__5H

405K 8.2K 2.2K

《CONVERTED》to Camren Camila Cabello a teenager about to begin her senior year has been dating her boyfriend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 34

6.5K 123 23
By CC__5H

~*Not proof read*~

Lauren sighed as she used one of the pillows on the couch to cover her ears as a loud banging sound rang throughout the living room.

"Lauren come to the door!" Dinah shouted clearly annoyed that her best friend was ignoring her.

The raven haired girl groaned as she pulled the pillow completely over her face not wanting to get up. It was obvious, however that she was having a hard time ignoring the vulgar words dinah was screaming and the loud banging noise she was making.

After a final groan lauren finally stood up and opened the door obviously still tired.

Dinah's face was one of annoyance as she came inside. "Jesus dude, it's one thing to oversleep your morning workout, but to still be sleep at 11:30 is completely unlike you."

Lauren put a hand through her hair as she sat back on the couch stretching her back a little trying to relieve the pain that came along with sleeping on the couch.

"I guess...I was just so tired last night...I don't even remember you getting me home last night." Lauren admitted as she rubbed a bit of sleep out of her eyes.

Dinah rolled her eyes. "Lightweight, it wasn't that tiring of a night."

Lauren just ignored her friend as she stood up once again and headed to the bathroom to clean himself up. Luckily her mom had gone to work earlier in the morning so she didn't have to worry about her being mad at how loud dinah was being.

"Hurry up and get dressed dude. Lucy is expecting us in half an hour." Dinah informed.

Lauren noticeably sped up, but it was obvious she was still taking her time. "Dinah throw me my phone, it should be next to the couch on the charger." Lauren said before she entered the bathroom.

Dinah complied as she tossed lauren the cellular device before the girl went inside the bathroom closing the door after her.

As the door closed, lauren looked down at the phone.

**It's rare that I wake up before you.**

Lauren smiled a bit at the message, she had a habit of texting the brown eyed girl good morning every day, so when she didn't camila clearly came to the conclusion that she was still asleep. The message came at around ten so she hadn't been up to much earlier.

**Yeah, well you kept me up late last night. (¬‿¬)**

Lauren chuckled to herself hoping that camila would catch the double entendre. She didn't bother waiting for a reply as she sat her phone on the sink and began stripping off her clothes. Clearly she hadn't bothered to the previous night since she was still wearing the same clothes as last night.

After turning the knob for the shower, she stepped in not bothering to wait for the water to heat up. She didn't mind a cold shower, it helped her body recover quicker and lauren was sure that she was going to have a lot of cold showers this basketball season.

After around twenty minutes lauren stepped out of the shower feeling new and fresh. She brushed her teeth and dried off before walking out of the bathroom still wrapped in a towel. Dinah had already made herself comfortable laying on the couch texting, most likely normani.

Lauren didn't spare her friend another glance as she walked towards the side of the living room where her mom kept her clothes folded neatly on a small table. After grabbing what she felt was acceptable she headed back to the bathroom.

As she closed the door her hands immediately her phone which was still placed on the sink where she had left it earlier.

**Oh shut up. You're not funny lol.**

Lauren chuckled as she read camila's response. She had clearly understood her double entendre.

**You say I'm not funny, but you laughed. Contradicting yourself aren't you?** Was the reply lauren sent back before she started to get dressed.

While she was getting dressed lauren couldn't help, but wonder how camila was going to take her going to hang out with lucy, She seemed cool with it yesterday, but now she was just about to spring it on her an hour before she went out. She wasn't starting off on a good note with being a girlfriend. That was for sure.

**dinah and I will be catching up with lucy today. Sorry for the short notice.** camila read the message out loud.

She shrugged her shoulders a bit, she had believed deep down that she was going to have a hard trusting lauren, but now that she was being put in situations where she would have to trust her, she found that it actually wasn't that hard.

It was probably because no matter how she looked at it lauren just wasn't the kind who would do something to hurt her. But then again she never saw austin as the kind of person who would hurt her either..

The thought briefly worried camila.

**I don't have to worry right?** She typed back, before she could properly think it over. It was a bit of her insecurity showing, but hopefully lauren would understand. After all she did have a justifiable reason right? Her previous boyfriend had cheated on her an now her current one was going to be hanging out with a supermodel.

Camila groaned a bit at her thoughts. She was just stressing herself out now. Lucy wouldn't make a pass at lauren right? There were just close friends...Maybe with a past she didn't know about...

"AGH!" Camila shouted to herself as she rubbed her hands through her hair tired of the different thoughts her brain was creating. Her phone's vibration signaling a response from lauren finally pulled her attention away from her irrational line of thinking.

**Why would you have to worry?** Was her response. Camila sighed, unsure of what she should say. Maybe she should just say never mind and not show her insecure side...

Camila's hands slowly slid around her phone's keyboard. Her brain was telling her that she didn't want lauren to know that she was feeling insecure, but deep down she knew that she wanted lauren to erase her insecurities just like she had done the previous night.

**Never mind...I was just being silly. Have fun! :)** Was the message she finally sent back to her. In the end she had nothing to worry about, lauren hadn't done anything to make her doubt her integrity therefore she would trust her.

Lauren read camila's message with a frown. She obviously was worried about her hanging out with lucy.

"But...If she was, she would have just told me." Lauren reasoned out loud before she continued to get dressed not thinking twice about the subject.

Camila sighed once more as she read lauren's text saying that she would talk to her later once she was back home.

"I guess I should start writing a new song since I have nothing else to do..." camila said to herself as she laid down on her bed and grabbed her mp3 player. Luckily shawn had recorded a few instrumentals she had made for her so she could work at her home.

She really did owe everything to lauren and shawn without them, she would probably still be searching for her place in life and now she was about to start writing a song to show to a top notch managing agency. It all seemed surreal.

"Now the first thing I should do is find a beat that I like..." camila muttered to herself, hoping to immerse herself so deeply into her work that she would forget about the stress her girlfriend had unintentionally caused.

Camila placed her headphones in her ear and clicked play in the playlist shawn had created. She skipped a few beats as soon as they started, knowing that she wouldn't like it from the start. One thing she had learned about herself was that she was extremely picky when it came to making her own song. She felt like the beat had to match her exactly.

After going through the first five songs a small smile came to her face as she listened to the sixth one. "Shawn sure is talented." Camila giggled to herself as she listened to the song that was playing in her headphones.

"Wait...That's it!" Camila shouted as she sat up, her quick movements causing her headphones to fall out.

She had to be bold. If she just listened to what she was told, simon might not take an interest in her, but if she did something completely unexpected...Maybe. With that thought in mind she picked up her phone and dialed shawn's number. Insecure thoughts about lauren taking a backseat as the excitement of her idea welled up.

"Your taking forever to get ready." Dinah groaned. After lauren finally got dressed the two piled into dinah's car and took off towards lucy's condo. She had told dinah the address earlier that morning, trusting her not to lead any unwanted guest to her place of residence.

Camila stifled a yawn before replying. "Whatever. I had to tell camila about my plans too."

"Oh, had to get permission huh? Ah, how does it feel being in your first relationship?" Dinah teased with a small laugh as she followed the directions her phone gps was giving her.

"Are you one to talk? What color is the leash normani has you on?" Lauren challenged as she leaned over and peaked at dinah's neck to further emphasis her point.

Dinah removed one hand from her steering wheel, slapping lauren's hand away from her neck. "Shut up." Dinah replied although a small pink blush tinted her cheeks. She also was fully aware of the change that normani had caused in her. She was doing things that she wouldn't have even dreamed of doing for her. In her past relationships she would have no problem doing whatever she wanted, but with normani she was always worried about her feelings. Everything she did she would think to herself 'would normani like that?' and if the answer was no then she would abandon the action.

Normani had mentioned it a few times, much to her embarrassment, but she told her that she was glad that she was changing for her. It made her feel special, and amazingly that was all normani had to say in order for her to accept the change.

Lauren smiled a bit as she noticed the blush on dinah's cheek. She briefly remembered how camila had voiced worry about whether dinah was serious about normani or not, but obviously she had nothing to worry about.

"You know, I'm proud of you dinah for growing up." Lauren said as she turned her eyes back towards the road.

The reply she received surprised her, however as she heard the blonde haired girl scoff. "Don't speak to me all high and mighty because you finally got yourself a girlfriend." Dinah smirked, she wasn't going to allow lauren to continue teasing her.

Lauren just chuckled. "Whatever, but how far are we anyways?" She asked as she took notice of what side of town they were on. The houses rivaled dinah's own home, which said a lot considering dinah's dad's net worth was well into the high millions.

"We should be getting close soon...lucy must have dished out a fortune to stay here..I've seen the prices and let me tell you..." dinah muttered a bit surprised at how luxurious all of the houses were.

Lauren laughed. "Trust me, I can tell that just by looking. I mean look at that house right there." Lauren pointed at a large white mansion.

Dinah turned her attention to were lauren was pointing, while keeping enough of it on the road so she wouldn't crash. "Jesus..." dinah muttered, and to think she had believed that her house was as good as it gets.

The two girls marveled at the rest of the neighborhood before they finally pulled up at a high rise condominium. The building resembled a skyscraper with glass windows shinning as the sunlight reflected off of them. There was also a number of luxurious cars parked, that made dinah's car look like a toy.

"Lucy sure has developed a taste for the high life..." lauren muttered a bit intimidated by everything that was around her. Sure she had gotten use to dinah's way of life, but it wasn't like she lived it. She was just lucky enough to enjoy the fruits of her friend's family's labor. Trips to dinah's cabin and staying at her house was about as much of the lifestyle she had enjoyed.

"Come on..She said she stays in room 1321." Dinah informed lauren as she parked her car. She had already calmed herself down.

Lauren nodded as she stepped out of the car and she and dinah entered the building.

They must have rang an alarm when the automatic doors opened, since the moment they stepped into the air conditioned room all eyes went to them. Lauren's heart immediately copied it's actions at the Gabby show as it hammered against her chest. Lauren was almost positive they could see her heart's impression against her shirt. Maybe that was why so many eyes were glued onto her.

"Excuse me sirs, but can I help you?" A nicely dressed man questioned. It was obvious that he was trying to be polite, but that didn't help mask the snobbish vibe the guy just oozed of.

"Were here to visit a friend, don't worry we are big girls we can handle finding her alone." Dinah replied. Lauren could tell by the tone of her voice that dinah also picked up the vibe the man had given off.

Lauren had to choke back a sigh. If dinah caused a scene here, it would be doing exactly what everybody probably expected them to do. It was obvious that she and dinah were the odd ones out, since everybody else seemed to be wearing suits or expensive dresses, while lauren had on a pair of normal blue jeans, some sneakers, and a blue hoodie.

Dinah's clothing seemed to be closer to fitting their style, but still fell short, by a pretty wide margin. She was wearing a pair of black pants and a black collared shirt that hugged her muscles. The purple belt she was wearing also probably didn't sit well with the guest whose eyes were still trained on the two girls.

The man smiled, which was obviously forced, before replying to dinah. "I see...Well don't cause any trouble."

And with that she walked away. Lauren was thankful that it hadn't escalated, because he could tell that dinah was ready to snap back at any smart comment the man might have made.

"Stupid rich people." Dinah muttered before she motioned for lauren to follow her towards the elevator.

"Your one to talk." Lauren couldn't help, but say as dhe laughed a bit.

Once the two got into the elevator they were surprised to see that more than likely lucy's room was at the very top of the building.

"God, why does she have to live in a place like this.." dinah sighed as she leaned against the window like walls of the elevator. You could see everything outside through the elevator and while it was amazing, dinah could tell it was making lauren uncomfortable.

"Scared of heights?" Dinah teased, mostly because she already knew how the shorter girl was when it came to extreme heights.

Lauren didn't respond, as she closed her eyes trying to control her breathing. Hoping to stop the wave of nausea that was currently washing over her. What made the elevator so bad wasn't so much about how high it was, it was just that he could see how high it was.

Luckily the elevator moved them to the top floor extremely quickly, and a wave of relief flashed on lauren's face as she stepped out of the elevator. It didn't take the two girls to find the room number, and knock on the door.

The two girls could hear shuffling in the room, before a large muscular man opened the door. If lucy was paying the man to be intimidating, he was definitely doing his job.

"Um..Is lucy here?" Lauren spoke up in a curious tone, trying to hold back her surprise at who came to the door.

The man didn't get a chance to answer, before the girl peaked out from behind him. Her face immediately perked up when she saw the two girls.

"LAUREN!" Lucy shouted in an excited tone as she quickly moved her bodyguard and jumped into the girl's unsuspecting arms. Her actions causing an awkward laugh from the raven haired basketball player.

"I should have figured you'd play favorites." Dinah pouted in a joking tone as she noticed how lucy's attachment to lauren didn't seem to have faded at all during their years of separation.

Lucy chuckled as she released her hug with lauren and gave dinah one as well. "Do I detect a hint of jealousy in your tone hansen?" Lucy teased as she finished her hug with the second girl.

Dinah shrugged her shoulders, a smile still on her lips. The old gang was back together.

Lucy told her bodyguard to stand outside so the three could have their privacy, to which he obliged, but not before giving the two girls a stare that said "If you do something inappropriate your dead."

A message lauren intended to take to heart, but dinah seemed intent on pressing the man's buttons as she gave the bodyguard a mischievous chuckle before closing the door in her face.

"When he knocks you out dinah, I won't feel much sympathy." Lauren stated as she shook her head, not understanding why dinah always seemed to invite trouble.

Dinah smirked. "I could take him." She replied simply.

"Yeah right, if I remember correctly you couldn't even take me when we fought back in aeston!" Lucy added in, bringing up old memories causing a red blush to come to dinah's face.

"Please! I let you win all those times just to make you feel good about yourself." Dinah defended.

"Mhm, that's why you went crying to your mom afterwards every time." Lucy continued taking pleasure in watching dinah get embarrassed.

Lauren let out a laugh. "I remember those days! Man..It's amazing how fast time flew by..." lauren finished as she sat down on a nice black couch.

Dinah nodded in agreement, deciding not to say anything else on lucy's story knowing that it wouldn't produce any favorable memories of her. "That's how life is. It goes by in a blink of an eye." She said as she sat down in a regular chair that she had moved away from lucy's dining table.

Lucy looked at the two girls with an amused expression. "You guys are talking like we are in our 30s, we haven't even begun to live life yet!" She started choosing to sit next to lauren. A fact that dinah made a mental note of.

"I mean before you know it we will be." Dinah continued. "Soon I'll be off to college and lauren will be..." dinah started before realizing her mistake, she had no idea on if lauren had any plans on telling lucy her plans, or her secret on how she was playing basketball at miami.

Lucy interpreted dinah's hesitation in a completely different manner, however. "That's right dinah will be going off to college and what about you lauren? I hear that some NBA teams are planning to do badly on purpose in hopes that you decide to forgo college." Lucy informed him. Being famous she had access to a lot of information that a lot of people didn't. She had a friend who was pretty respected in the media field and they had told lucy how a lot of general managers from teams in the NBA were practically drooling over lauren's stock.

Lauren gave an awkward laugh. "Well, you know me lucy. School has never been my strong suit."

Once that reply came out of lauren's mouth dinah realized that lauren didn't plan to hide anything from lucy. That was a bit surprising. Sure they were childhood friends, but they hadn't seen each other in years.

"So you do plan to go straight to the NBA?" Lucy questioned, not realizing how much lauren was trusting her.

Lauren shrugged. "I mean..I've thought a lot about it, and the way I see it is..You go to college to figure out what you want to do. I already know what I want to do so...Plus I don't want my mom living in aeston for another four years..." lauren explained.

Now dinah was extremely surprised. Lauren, who was usually extremely cautious was just handing out important information so casually.

"So you still do live in aeston...I was kind of wondering about that..How do you go to miami then?" Lucy asked a frown coming to her face at hearing that her childhood friend was still living in the poverty stricken town that she had been lucky enough to get out of.

"Lucy, this is a huge secret. You can't tell anybody about this." Dinah chimed in since lauren seemed to forget just how much could go wrong if information like that fell into the wrong hands.

Lauren waved her hands. "Come on dinah, we can trust lauren. I thought about it a little on the way here.. We've never hidden anything from each other before so why start now." Lauren gave her reason for being so trusting.

The blonde haired girl just sighed. "I didn't say we couldn't trust lucy. I just wanted her to know."

A small smile came to lucy's lips as the girls talked. She was happy to hear that even after their years apart lauren still trusted her unconditionally. "I promise not to tell anybody. You guys know you can trust me." She informed the girls as she pretended as if she zipped her lips up and threw away the key.

Dinah rolled her eyes at her childish actions.

"But, I say I'm living with dinah. It's all fine though. I've managed to get away with it for this long. Whats the odds I'll be caught before the end of this season." Lauren laughed a bit at the end.

"Don't jinx it..." dinah muttered.

"Well I promise this is between us three." Lucy replied, happy to have a secret between them.

"Yeah and camila." Lauren added in causing lucy to briefly raise an eyebrow in surprise.

"Wow..You two must be close if you trust her enough with information that could possibly get you expelled." Lucy muttered. She had realized how much lauren seemed to care about the girl last night, but now it was becoming even more obvious just how deep that relationship ran.

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