Moving In

By _CallMe_Crazy

446K 12.9K 1.4K

Blaze White is the New Girl at the Prep school in her mothers old home town. But her only goal for senior yea... More

Mousy Mo
Meeting the boys
I Don't Party. Anymore.
A Party?
I Threw His Cigarettes
Falling Behind
Game day
Walk Away
Our Girl (Axel POV)
Plan: Trick Blaze into Being Honest with Us and Trusting Us Bc we Miss her.
The Phone Call
Run Axel Run.
Mi Casa
Spend the Night
I Should Go
Two by Two
Old friends
One Call
La Amas
I'm Done
I Do
Whose to Blame
POV of Robot Number 1
The Cliche Kidnapping
Mommy's Home
His Father's Son
What a Mean Mommy
The Trails of Love
Meanwhile... Part 1

I Don't Need a Ride

14.1K 505 54
By _CallMe_Crazy

Chapter 8

I sign dramatically and wrap my arms around myself realizing I was still wearing practically nothing in this freezing weather.

"Weren't you supposed to be in the cab?" Someone asks and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah but someone had to get your drunk friends home," I stay turning towards Axel as he leans against a slick black mustang, "What was that about me being a threat? The one who called the cab and paid for it?"

"Right. Paid with 2 hundred dollar bills that you just happened to have on you. How did you get your hands on cash like that?" He snaps back.

"Thats not a question to ask when you want to get on someone's good side," I say with sarcastic tone.

"Why the fuck would I want to get one your good side?"

"Because I got them home, you didn't."

He was silent for a while so I took it as my victory and began to walk away towards a street might have know.

"You can't be trying to walk," he says and I don't bother stopping before flicking him off behind me.

"That's non of your goddamn business," I announce still not looking towards him. Honestly I want to hit him, like not even kidding. I don't care if he's hot or popular he needs to get his head out of his ass. I'm not trying to fuck up his little system! I'm just enjoying the short time I have here, emphasize on short.

Suddenly there is a load roar of an engine and I assume he is running away with his tail between his legs but then his nice car swings in front of me smoothly and skilled. I let out a small squeak of surprise before he opens his door and shouts at me.

"Get in," he commands. Not offers. Not suggests or asks. Commands.

"Should you be offering Kayla rides," I say annoyed, "since your her favorite little henchman."

He moves around the car so quick I barely saw him and suddenly he is in my face. I suck in a breath as he holds my arm to keep me in my place. His eyes are burning with anger and something else and his grip on my arm is almost scolding. Can you feel someone's anger through a touch? Is that possible?

"Let's get one thing straight right now," he says, "I. Do. Not. Take orders. From anyone. Ever. And the Webb twins are the scum of the earth."

"That's not what you were saying earlier," I snap trying to step back but having to much pride to let him get the final word.

He pulls me closer to our chests were practically touching, "Because I wanted you away from them."

Them meaning his friends. His not mine.

"Tell them that," I hiss as we stare each other down.

Finally he groans before dragging me to his car, "get in. I'm driving you home."

He said It as a command, there was no room to argue, though I wanted to. But it has been a long night and I don't have the energy to turn down a free ride home.

So I settle with complaints under my breath as I eat into the passenger seat.

The drive was silent with the expecting of me giving him the occasional directions to the apartment complex across the street from mine. I would not let him find it where I lived.

Once parked outside I wait a second to see if he will say anything. Maybe a thank you or a sorry for being a raging asshole. Literally anything will work, but just as I expected there is only more silence.

"Yeah no need to fucking thank me or anything," I hiss and reach for the door but a long arm reaches over me and grabs my hand as I almost open the door.

"Wait," he demands, and I do.

I try not to look at him but after a minute of silence I can't take it and my eyes search for him.
I catch his crystal blue orbs already staring at me. Frustration written clearly on his face.

"Look," he signs pulling my hands away from the door, "you just... it's just... you."
I lean in waiting for his response as he huffs out a sign and says, "you piss me off."

Without a word I snap back towards the door but he pulls my hand closer towards him, still not letting go. I glare at him as he forces me closer.

"Geez you make this hard," he mutters

"I'm not even saying anything!" I snap and he rolls his eyes.

"You don't have to, I can read you like a open book," he says casually but I almost flinch back in surprise.

No way?

He watches me reaction before saying, "Bet that's the first time you've heard. Let me guess," he says leaning in without realizing, "you can honestly say no one knows you. No one understands you. Maybe even no one loves you-"

At that I try to get my hand out of his hold even pushing against his chest with my free palm, but he just wraps that one up in his other hand. Pressing my firsts against his chest as I try to struggle.

"Hit a nerve did I?" He asks and I expected it to be sarcastic uncaring but as I look up from my hands to glare at him, I see curiosity and something else brewing behind those eyes.

"You are a runner," he continues, "but not by choice."

Again I struggle looking down, "stop," I command and he only pulls me further into him.

"Wanna know why it's so easy to understand you?" He asks and I just ignore him and still pull in his grip.

"Because I was you."

This got my attention as my eyes go wide. Immediately my curiosity sparks and I want to know everything, "but I put that shit behind me, now I got people to protect, people I care about. And you are a threat to them, a threat to what I have found here."

I feel a sting in my chest when I realize he is right, they will come after people I care about. Maybe i should distance myself.

"I will say thank you for tonight, I'm not a complete dick," he continues.

I snort and his grip tightens not finding it as amusing as I did, "but I still don't trust you, I still know you are trouble. And unless you wanna come clean and tell me everything I still want them as far from you as possible."
I stare up at him, even in a seated position he still towers over me.

"Come clean?" I repeat and Axel nods his head, I almost want to say he is hoping I do. That I confess all my secrets to him and he will finally get under my skin. Yet another small part of him wants me to stay away I can practically see the interns struggle.

I slowly lean in and I can feel his grip loosen, "tell you everything?" I whisper quietly as I close even more distance between us. With his lose grip I let my fingers trace his jawline.

"Axel," I breath and pretend that I just imagined him take in the smallest breath as I say his name because there is no way he would do that.
"You can not make me, and you will not get to know my secrets," I whisper as his eyes watch my every move, "no matter how badly you want to."

His eyebrow twitches and I my eyes dart between his blue ones, "you're not so hard to read yourself," I add.

Just as I'm about to slip my hands out of his he holds on tight once more, "I will find you out. You've made a mistake provoking me Blaze. Now I won't stop till I know," he says obviously always up for a challenge.

"Ah I see," I say slowly, "you're not a runner anymore, you're a chaser. Like a predator now."

The left corner of his lip tilts up in a half smile, and I realize just how close we are. I smell his aftershave as I try not to shiver from his minty breath fanning my skin.

He seems to notice too and for the first time I don't see a glare or a cautious look as he stares at me.
Instead I see entertainment maybe even excitement dancing in his eyes, "and I think I just found my prey."

I give him a lazy smile as he lets me slip my hands out of his large warm ones, "Good luck Hunting."



Honestly, I haven't read over this so just take it as shit as the grammar is plz!!!!

Thanks for reading




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