A Dull and Vibrant Hue ||klan...

By loserlance

34.1K 1.4K 1.1K

Everyone in this world gains color once they kiss there soulmate and looses it when they loose there soulmate... More

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3K 130 86
By loserlance

"Pidge!" Keith yelled, opening the door to Pidge's home.

Someone appeared to be on the couch and stirred a bit. It was completely dark and the figure sat up, "who's there?"

"It's me Keith!Where's Pidge!?" Keith yelled.

"She's upstairs," he frowned and sighed and lay back on the couch. As they went upstairs the house still dimly lit except a bright light, they went towards the light that was Pidge's computer. "Pidge!"

"Keith?! What the hell are you doing here, we're not mee-" she was interrupted by a bright light, which made her half colored spotted skin show. Keith had turned on the light so she could witness what had happened. "What the fuck!?" She yelled and scrambled about trying to find something around her  desk, "how did it happen?"

"Lance kissed my cheek," Keith stated.

"Okay not the lips," Pidge calmed down, "if it were the lips it'd be bad news, bad news indeed," she looked through her desk slower and found a document reading it before looking up at Keith and Lance. "So what do want me to tell you guys?"

All three of us became confused, "what do you mean?" Lance questioned.

"Well there's several ways to go about this. Like I don't even know how you guys feel about each other. I don't even know the full story on what's happening between you guys and how this is affecting Lotor." Pidge said sighing.

Hunk spoke up, "Keith, couldn't you text Lotor to see what his status is?"

Keith looked like he'd seen a ghost, "no... I can't do that.... he'll know where I am... I can't go back..."

"What happened Keith?" Pidge questioned Keith.

Keith froze. He didn't speak and only his eyes moved in a frantic way as if he felt trapped. He did feel trapped.

Lance took notice of Keith and spoke up, "let's talk about what happened between me and Keith, not Lotor."

Pidge nodded,"fine but I don't know if I'll get the information I need or not." Pidge thought for a moment and looked at Keith, "unless... Keith? Do you love Lotor."

Keith paused, "I don't think so... no, I don't I've always sort of despised him."

Pidge thought for a second, "do you love this boy." She pointed to Lance and Lance's face went red and so did Keith's.

Keith looked at Lance shyly looking at the ground, "that's a loaded question." He said in almost a whisper.

"You answered really quick for Lotor though," Pidge said in an annoyingly knowing tone.

Keith went red more, "I like Lance more than Lotor."

Lance stared at Keith, his face red and as soon as Keith looked back Lance looked away.

Pidge caressed her chin in deep thought. "Keith could you kiss Lance's cheek?"

Keith nodded and Lance fumbled. Keith grabbed Lance's chin and softly kissed Lance's cheek. It was the softest and warmest thing Lance had ever felt and he wanted no craved more than just that.

Lance glowed with color for a second and then it stopped. Keith now had color and Lance none. Yet this time Keith had Lance's freckled heart.

Lance looked at Keith and gasped, "oh no, that's my fault, h-how do we get rid of that?" Lance point to the freckles on his heart.

Pidge looked surprised, "no idea."

Keith looked confused, "what are you guys talking about?"

"Keith... you uh have freckles on your heart?" Lance muttered.

"Oh?" Keith seemed surprised but indifferent.

Hunk sat next to Pidge and spoke to her, "what if they kissed on the lips?"

"I wanted to ask that but I'm afraid that solution might be out of reach," Pidge answered.

"Why do you say that Pidge?" Keith questioned and Lance stayed quiet. "Lance do you want to try kissing?"

Lance looked at the ground and could feel Keith cupping his cheek and his cheek gaining warmth and color.Keith pulled Lance's head up to look him in the eye but Lance poked to the side, his cheeks increasingly red. "Lance look at me," Keith said in a soft almost begging voice.

Lance looked and looked like he was going to break down.

"Do you want to kiss Lance?"

Lance looked away again and shook his head.

"No?" Keith was taken aback but didn't let go of lances cheek. "Why not Lance?"

Lance paused then shoved Keith's hand away, leaving Keith with more freckles on his heart. "I have to leave," Lance said abruptly and sprinted out the door.

Keith stood their heartbroken and in shock.

"What just happened?" Pidge spoke.

Hunk looked at Keith, "you love him yes?"

Keith nodded. Tears forming in his eyes.

"He goes to be alone at an old fort we made in his backyard... keith you need to go after him. I know him. He's had a crush on you since 5th grade and has sent you letters everyday since you guys stopped talking. He's scared Keith show him that he doesn't need to be," Hunk said while Keith seemed dumbfounded processing all the things hunk had just informed him.

Keith nodded and then ran off too, going after Lance.

Lance had run away to the spot Hunk said he would be. And he was terrified. Terrified what would happen if they kissed. And what would happen if they were soulmates and how badly Lotor might hurt him or worse Keith. Lance was lost in his thoughts until he heard a rhythmic tap from outside his fort.
"•--• •-•• • ••• •   -••• •   -- •• -• •"

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