Werewolf!Reader x Who? PDH (V...

By Funtime_Mangle13

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Your a freshman werewolf, your 14, your a girl and your ears and tail change colour depending on you mood... More

Chapter 1 first day
Chapter 2 Hanging out
Chapter 3 Hanging with Garroth part 1
Chapter 4 Hanging out with Garroth part 2
Chapter 5 Hanging out with Garroth part 3
New Characters
Chapter 7 Hanging Out With Gene
Chapter 8 Sleepover Part 1
Chapter 9 Sleepover Part 2
Chapter 10 Sleepover Part 3
Chapter 11 Kidnapped By Bullies
Face Reveal/Story time
I'm so sorry

Chapter 6 New Students

74 0 5
By Funtime_Mangle13

The song up top is the song I was listening to when I was making this!

Orange doesn't mean confused anymore now it means annoyed

Y/N pov

When I got to school with Garroth, Zane and Vylad we both went separate ways, I went with Zane and Garroth was at the fountain and I don't know where Vylad went... Anyways Zane brought me to the "Shadow Knights" he was talking about them on the way to school and I was getting a little bit annoyed so my ears turned orange, but nobody noticed so I started calming down, back to what's happening right now, we were almost where the Shadow Knights hang out, then we got there "Hey!" Zane said "What are you doing her- who is that?" The black haired guy said "Oh this is Y/N" Zane said "Hey Y/N I'm Gene that's Sasha and that's Zenix" Gene said pointing to them "Nice to meet you" I said *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* "Gotta go, bye" I said "Come at free period!, bye" Gene said
'Time for Art101!'

Gene's pov

'Y/N is really cute I want to see if I can hang out with her on the weekend' "You like her don't you" Sasha said while smirking "N-No I don't" I said 'Oh no she knows I never stutter' "You do like her then so it's like with Aphmau" Sasha said (Aphmau still goes to Pheonix Drop High and is still a freshman but Gene doesn't like her anymore) "Fine I do. Don't. Tell. Anyone!" I said "Ok I won't but you gotta buy me coffee for a week!" Sasha said "Fine!" I said.

Y/N pov: in Art101

"Ok class, we don't have any assignments so you can all talk to you friends" the teacher said.
'sweet! I can talk to Laurence and.... Garroth...'
"Hey guys what do you guys wanna do after?" I asked them "I don't really know maybe we can show you our friends and we heard that tomorrow we're getting 4 new students and they are all werewolves so we can make new friends!" Laurence said "Nice! And I'm exited to meet them!" I said "Hey guys what are you talking about" Garroth said "About the new kids that are coming tomorrow!" I said while smiling "Oh ok, I'm exited to meet them tomorrow" Garroth said with a smile *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* "Bye guys!" I said "Bye Y/N!" They said at the same time 'Time for werewolf class!'

Time skip: werewolf class

"Hey Aaron" I said smiling at him "Oh hey Y/N" he said smiling "you and Aaron are friends because you grew up with him and that doesn't mean you don't like him hehe) "When is the teacher coming anyway?" I said "I don't know" Aaron said "Sorry class but your teacher is sick so you can talk because we don't know any other werewolf teachers "Yes!" I muttered "Nice, how have you been lately?" Aaron asked me "Good, also aren't you the Alpha AND the Omega?" I asked him "Yeah it's actually hard because some werewolves hate me and some love me... Also not that way of love" Aaron said "So who did you have the choice to choose to be Omega?" I asked "Dottie, Rylan and Daniel" Aaron said "Really the pups aww, that's actually good that you didn't choose any of them at least you can fight" I said "Yeah they can't even defend themselves that's why I chose myself" Aaron said *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* "Ugh math" I said (I actually don't mind math) "Haha, see you later N/N" Aaron said (N/N means NickName)

Time skip: free period

'Time to go see Gene' when I get to the bleachers I only see Gene weird Zane tolled me that they never separate till they have to go home "Hey Gene" I said "Hey Puppy- Y/N" Gene said "Wait did you just call me Puppy?" I asked "Yes" he mumbled but I obviously heard "So why did you want to see me?" I asked "Because I want to know more about you" Gene said "Ok what's your first question?" I asked "Ok, can I call you N/N?" He asked "Sure if you want my friends call me that" I said "Can we be friends?" He asked "Yeah why not" I said "Can we hang out this weekend?" Gene asked "Sure I don't have any plans" I said "Can we hang out at your house this weekend?" Gene asked "No" I said "Why not?" Gene asked "Because my mom would kill me if I brought a boy home" I said "Oh ok, do you want to hang out at my place this weekend then?" Gene asked "Yeah..." I said "Do you want to sleep over this weekend?" Gene asked "Sure but I have to text my mom say your a girl say your name is Sasha my mom doesn't care about anything if it's a girl she just has to know her name that's all" I said *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* "Ugh science" I said "Sucks to be you" Gene chuckled "Bye, Genie!" I said "Bye, N/N!" Genie said

Time skip: Lunch

"Hey N/N!" Laurence said at a table with 11 other people and I only know 3 people "Hey Laurence!" I said "Let me introduce you to everyone!" He said "Ok" I said "This is Travis" Laurence said "H-Hey I'm T-Travis" Travis said "Nice to meet you Travis I'm Y/N and you can call me N/N if you want" I said smiling "Ok N/N" Travis said smiling "This is Dante" Laurence said "Hey, I'm Dante" Dante said "Nice to meet you Dante I'm Y/N" I said "This is Ein" Laurence said (The Nice Ein) "Hey I'm Ein and I'm a werewolf as well" Ein said "Nice to meet you, Ein it's nice to meet another werewolf that wants to be my friend! And my name is Y/N" I said "This is Kacey" Laurence said (Katelyn's brother) "N-Nice to meet y-you, K-Kacey" Kacey said while blushing "Nice to meet you, Kacey my name is Y/N and you can call me N/N" I said smiling then he smiled "This is Aphmau" Laurence said "H-Hi my n-name is Aphmau, you can call me Aph" She said "Nice to meet you, Aph umm are you a werewolf?" I ask Aphmau "No.." Aphmau said "Are your parents?" I asked "My mom isn't and I don't think my dad is because I don't know him..." Aphmau said "Your dad is then because you have a little bit of werewolf blood but most of your blood is human" I said "O-Ok" Aphmau said "Anyway this is Kawaii~Chan" Laurence said "Hi, Kawaii~Chan wanted to meet you when Laurence~Kun and Garroth~Kun tolled us about you but they didn't say your name because they wanted you to tell us but Kawaii~Chan knows your name because Laurence~Kun said your name while talking to Garroth~Kun and it's nice to meet you Y/N~Chan!" Kawaii~Chan said "I see you talk in third person and it's a pleasure to meet you also your the first mef'wa I've talked to!" I said "And I'm Katelyn, nice to meet you Y/N" Katelyn said "Nice to meet you too Katelyn" I said "Ok Y/N you know everyone now right?" Laurence asked "Yup! Can I introduce you to my friend?" I ask "Sure where is he" Laurence said "I didn't say the gender but he is a guy" I said "Oops" Laurence said "I'll go get him I'll be right back" I said
I go to the music room to go get Aaron. "Hey Aaron" I said "Hey Y/N, what are you doing here?" He asked "I wanted you to meet my friends!" I said "Ok where are they?" He asked "They're in the cafeteria" I said "Lead the way then" Aaron said "Follow me" I said. We get to the cafeteria where everyone is waiting for me to get my friend "Here we are!" I said "O-Ok, time to do this" Aaron said "Hey guys this is my friend!" I said "H-Hey I'm Aaron" Aaron said "Your in werewolf class with me you were a jerk to me" Aphmau said "He's always a jerk when he meets people for the first few times" I said "Hey!" Aaron said while growling "Hey, you know it's true" I said to him "Fine, your right.." Aaron said "See he's also like this Aphmau" I said "Fine, your right.." Aphmau said "Anyways everyone introduce yourselves" I said "Nice to meet you Aaron, I'm Travis" Travis said "Nice to meet you, Travis" Aaron said "Nice to meet you, I'm Dante" Dante said "Nice to meet you too, Dante" Aaron said "Nice to meet you, Aaron, my name is Ein" Ein said "Nice to meet you too, Ein and I like your blue strike in your hair." Aaron said "Thank you" Ein said "I'm K-Kacey Katelyn's brother also it's nice to meet you" Kacey said "Nice to meet you, Kacey" Aaron said "I'm Garroth the first friend she made here and it's nice to meet you, Aaron" Garroth said "But you weren't her first friend ever I was actually her first and your her second and it's nice to meet you, Garroth" Aaron said while smirking "Wait I'm her second friend she has ever had?" Garroth asks "No your not, your actually my 6th friend I've ever had, my other friends d-died 3 years ago" (Maybe this will come handy in the future) I said while my ears and tail change blue instead of crying. Also no one was shocked because, I think, Laurence or Garroth tolled them. "I'm so sorry for you Y/N" Garroth said actually sorry for me "Thank you Garroth but it's ok" I said "Anyways let's continue the introduction" I say "Nice to meet you, Aaron I'm... Zane.." Zane said "Nice to meet you, I guess" Aaron said "Hi, I'm Vylad, nice to meet you, Aaron" Vylad said in a calm voice "Pleasure to meet you, Vylad" Aaron said "Kawaii~Chan is happy to meet Aaron~Kun and Y/N~Chan today!" Kawaii~Chan said "It's nice to meet you, Kawaii~Chan" Aaron said "And I'm Katelyn, nice to meet you and I'm Kacey's sister" Katelyn said "Nice to meet you, Katelyn" Aaron said *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* "Bye guys, gotta go to P.E!!" I said "Bye Y/N!!" Everyone said.

Time skip: after school

"Hey Y/N wanna hang out at my place" Ein asked "Sure, what do you want to do then" I asked "Maybe we could watch Aphmau On YouTube, Read Fanfiction On WattPad, Get To Know Each Other or we could do all of those and you sleep over at my place also my parents are out of town for around two weeks so it's ok if you sleep over" Ein said "I would like to do all of those and sleep over" I said "Ok I'll walk with you home so we can go to my place after and you can get your stuff, ok" He said "Ok!" I said while smiling "Ok let's go!" Ein said "Let's!" I said.

Time skip: at Ein's house

"Hey Ein.. What are we going to do first?" I asked "Maybe we can binge watch Aphmau series and this weekend everyone could come here and we would play games" Ein said "Sorry I have plans this weekend, maybe next weekend?" I asked "Sure, next weekend, so what did you bring anyway?" Ein asked "I brought my pj's, my phone, my lunch, my backpack and my school stuff- wait... Dang it I forgot to bring my sleeping bag AGAIN ugh!" I said "Did you need it that much.." Ein said "Sort of because I had to sleep in Garroth's bed with Garroth.." I said "Oh.. Wanna watch Anime?" He asked "Sure.." I said. I put 'Kiss Him, Not Me' on and when I went to sit down I accidentally sat on Ein's lap but when I was about to move Ein held my waist so I would stay on his lap, after episode 9 I was getting tired so I fell asleep on Ein and before I closed my eyes I saw Ein blush and yawned then Ein fell asleep still holding my waist.

Time skip: Morning

I woke up and saw Ein holding me I checked my phone to see what time it was it was... 6:00 AM!?!? How I'm not even used to it and I'm not even sleepy but I can't move without waking Ein up, I check Ein's phone to see when he wakes up good he wakes up at 6:30 AM, I'll put my headphones on and lesson to some music like F/S (that means Favourite Song/Songs) till it was 6:30 I then heard a dogwhistle sound coming from Ein's phone, it hurt my ears so much when it went off, then I finally turned it off then I woke Ein up "Ahh!" He said then look at me confused and realized that he was holding me, he blushed then let go of me and Ein grabbed me again because I almost fell face first on the floor if he didn't catch me. "Thank you, Ein" I said then pecked his cheek even tho it was a peck he was a blushing mess after I pecked he's cheek I started giggling because he was a blushing mess, then when he's blush was gone he kissed me on the lips and I kissed back, 10 seconds later we parted for air... "O-Ok I'm going t-to go change into my uniform, Ein" I said "O-Ok I'll g-go right after you, Y/N" Ein said getting he's uniform from he's room... Blah blah blah me and Ein start walking to school but we arrived 10 minutes before the bell ring but 5 minutes before the bell rings the 4 new students arrived, then I went up to them, "Hey I'm Y/N, what are your names?" I asked "I'm Foxy I'm the oldest of the group and my little brother is the youngest" Foxy said "I'm Funtime I'm the second oldest on the group and my sister is older then Foxy's little brother" Funtime said "I'm Isabel, I'm a Tomboy, we are all werewolves if you didn't know and I have a older sister called Funtime" Isabel said "And I'm Nathan I'm the shortest of the group.. Yeah.." Nathan said "Nice to meet you all, want me to introduce you to my friend?" I asked them "Sure, why not" Funtime said "Ok, free period and at the bleachers" I said *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* "What class do you guys have?" I asked "Umm, we have Art101, then we have werewolf class, then Foxy and I have science, free period, then Foxy and I have math, then lunch and ur last last period is P.E" Funtime said "What about third and fifth period for Isabel and Nathan?" I asked "Well we have the opposite for third period we have math and fifth we have science" Nathan said "Let's go to Art101 now" I said "Let's go!" Foxy said.

For the next chapter: time skip Friday

I actually made this in not even two days ha! I'm going to guess something in 'YouTube 2018'... Putty is going to be in it, let's see if I'm right! Also if any of you want you can wright a character description and I would make another 'New Characters' anyways bye! And I hope you liked this chapter!

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