Queen Thorn (complete)

By TeresaSullivan427

162K 4K 1.3K

Rose was driven from court, because of the treatment she received from Dimitri and Lissa. But what happened t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 15

4K 99 29
By TeresaSullivan427


"You sure as ad are that milaya moya. But I don't like the fact that every man in that room is going to be imagining you in their beds." (hell, my dearest)

"But I won't be in their beds, I will be in our bed with you. Tonight, and every night that follows. Just like I have been since I came back to court."

"You have no yeblya clue what you are doing to me do you?" (fucking)

"Oh, I know; why do you think I chose this dress. I wanted you so crazed with lust by the end of the night. That you would have no choice but to take me home and we would ravage each other, repeatedly, for hours and hours and hours."

"Roza, you are making it very difficult for me not to just throw you over my shoulder and take you home to begin our night right now." 

She wound her arms around my neck and brought her body flush against mine.

"What do you plan to do to me detka." (baby)

"Sooo many things that you won't be able to walk straight for a solid month milaya moya. I want to kiss, taste and worship every inch of your gloriously beautiful body detka." (my dearest, baby)

Chert, if she didn't moan mentally, "hmmm I can't wait. Do you want me now Mitri?" (damn) 

Oh blyad', she hadn't called me Mitri since our night in the cabin. I closed my eyes for a few seconds trying to calm my furiously beating heart and my growing cock. (fuck)

"More than you can possibly imagine detka." (baby)

"I have a great imagination Mitri." She shifted her feet, to hide the fact that she was rubbing up against me.

"Oh, I know you do, and we will use all of it soon my Roza."


"Do you have any idea what I want to do to you right this second?"

"Tell me." She moaned again.

"God, I love that sound. I am going to make you moan for hours, lyubov' moya." I started kissing her neck. (my love)

"I want sooo badly to shove your gorgeous zhopa against a wall, and make mad, crazy, passionate, love to you milaya moya." (ass, my dearest)

"Oh God, yes, please do that."

"Soon, but not right now. We still have a banquet and a ball to attend, remember."

"I want you soo soo bad Mitri."

I loved hearing her call me Mitri so much because it turned me on sooo chert much. (damn)

"I want you to Roza, I need you desperately detka." (baby)

"I need you too mladenets." (babe)

With those last words she stood on her tip toes and took possession of my lips. I locked her in my embrace just as tightly and possessively as I possibly could without hurting her. She is a freaking goddess, and the thing is, she knows it. But she doesn't flaunt it, well not to anyone but me, that is.

I knew that she did in fact pick this dress out just for me. But it was the other men that were going to be in that room that were bothering me. She is not getting off of my arm for more than a few minutes tonight.

Somehow I managed to hear as Hans Croft begin Roza's introduction. So, as much as I hated it, I broke away from our kiss. I lay my forehead against hers for a bit, both of our breathing was ragged and fast and I knew that we needed to calm ourselves.

"Everyone, please help me welcome our new queen. Her royal majesty, Queen Rosemarie Rana Marisol Ivashkov."

With those words we walked in in the very same formation that we had to the coronation. This time, Roza received a standing ovation, after she had instructed everyone to rise of course.

I could not believe the dress that she had chosen. It was a blood red, sheath column deep V-neck Watteau train satin evening dress. With ruffle beading and a split up the front, that stopped about three inches above her right knee. It had a strap that went around her neck and crisscrossed across her back. It was sleeveless and instead of zipping up the back, since there was actually very little back to it, it zipped up what little side there is. The beading went down the valley between her breast and back up over the swell of those full delicious breasts. She also wore Louboutin six-inch heeled pumps in a matching red.

Once again she caused a stir when we walked in, I was right when I told her how the men would react. Every eye in that room was on us, the men wanting to be me. And the women wishing they ever looked anywhere near as beautiful as my Roza. No matter how pretty some of the women were, they couldn't ever even hope to hold a match much less a candle to my Roza.

The banquet lasted for a couple of hours, and when the cake was wheeled out it looked amazing. The decorators had managed to accomplish everything that Roza had asked for. They had also attached the sides of the heart with little white chocolate bands painted gold. They looked like little wedding bands actually, somehow I figured that Tatiana had that done on purpose as a gentle nudge or a reminder to me. But I didn't need one I had already gotten Roza an engagement ring when the jewelers had come to the house a few days ago. Now, all I needed was the perfect time and place to propose to my soul mate.

Dinner was an interesting affair, every time that I looked up, men were ogling my woman. Did they not understand that not only was she the queen, but that she was taken? Of course, I should be used to her being ogled. Most all the male students, faculty and guardians over the age of puberty had done the exact same thing at St. Vladimir's. There had always been someone watching her with lust filled eyes.

I think Mason, Eddie and Christian were the only male students that didn't ogle her. Yuri and Emil, as far as I know, were the only guardians under the age of fifty to refrain from staring at her. Not that there had been any guardians over the age of fifty. I had even caught a few of the female guardians watching her with keen interest. What had shocked me was that even considering how Alto had treated her I caught him watching her way too closely for my sanity. I had watched him watch her more than once, and it had infuriated me until I was almost to the point of just beating him to death. Thankfully, just before I lost it completely he had to leave.

But that still didn't make me feel a bit better about men watching her. But I knew that she was taken, and that was all that truly mattered. I also knew that if she needed to, that she would put all of them in their places. If she got to them before I did.

"Yes, I am taken, by you. Calm down lyubov' moy, you are the only one that will ever have any part of my heart, mind, body or soul." (my love)

"I know lyubov' moya. It is just difficult seeing all of these men staring at you. Some of them could give you so much more than I ever could." (my love)

"What, exactly, could they give me that you can't?"

"Gifts, acceptability..."

"Dimitri Belikov, have you forgotten that the only thing in this world that I need, is you? Remember our time at the academy? I would have happily outed our relationship then and there if I hadn't been afraid that you would get into trouble. That is how worried I was and am about what other people think is acceptable. You, out of everyone in the world, should know that by now."

"You are right; I do know that. But what about the gifts Roza?"

"Men. Do you know what the greatest gifts that you could ever give me are?"


"Your love, support, respect, honor, pride, treating me with dignity and our children. I don't want anyone else, or anything that they could ever give me. YOU, are the only man in the world that I will ever want or need, the only man that I have ever wanted. Do you understand me you silly, hardheaded and gorgeous man you?"

I chuckled at her, "yes, dorogaya moya, I understand. And just so you know, I love you more than my own life Roza." (my darling)

"As I do and always will, love you my cowboy wanna be." Again, I chuckled at her.

"Wait, did you say children? As in plural?"

"Well of course I did, did you honestly think that I only wanted one child with you?"

"Oh milaya moya, you just made me the happiest man in the world. Thank you, lyubov' moya, thank you soo soo much." I picked up her hand and kissed it. (my dearest, my love)

I saw her brilliant smile before she replied, "you are welcome lyubov' moy." (my love)

Two hours later the banquet was over and we all moved to the ballroom.

"Eddie, when it comes time for my dance with David and Pasha will you bring a chair to the dance floor for David please?"

"Of course, your majesty."

"Eddie, what have I told all of you about calling me that?"

"I am sorry, but we are in a public and formal setting."

"And I don't care, no one is around but our people."

"All right, you win, I would be glad to bring out the chair for you Thorn."

"Thank you."

He chuckled at her, "you are most welcome, my queen."

She quickly cut her eyes at him, daring him to say it again. He just gave her a shit eating grin. Anyone that knew them, knew that they loved each other. They had been non-blood siblings, since they were five years old. And it was obvious that just because she now wore a crown things between them were not ever going to change.

She got an evil glint in her eyes before she said, "Donnie?"

"Yes, Thorn?"

"Would you please... smack Eddie in the back of the head?"

"Of course, Thorn."

And no sooner were the words out of his mouth then he did just that. Causing all of us to laugh.

"Dude! So not cool." Eddie complained as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Sorry dude, but she is the queen." Spiridon looked at Roza and winked at her in fun and collusion.

It had taken her all of her life, twenty-one years, but my Roza had built herself a strong family unit. It was glaringly obvious, that they would do anything for her, just as she would do anything for any and all of them.

As the night progressed the older moroi departed leaving the younger people, moroi and dhampir alike, to party the night away.

Roza had her dance with Paul and David, early in the evening, so they would not have to be up too late. She also danced with both of our nieces, and quite a few other people.

She and Mia, along with my sisters, all danced together. Then she danced with Adrian, Chris, Abe, Eddie, Spiridon, Ben, Mikhail, Yuri, Emil and Abe's guardians her uncles Pavel and Sergei. She had even danced one dance, with her uncle Nathan. After that the rest of the dances were all mine, even if I had to beat the men off with a stick. Or ward them off with my stake.

There had been several photographers and a few film crews, at the coronation, as well as the banquet and the ball. A great many pictures, of Roza dancing with David, Paul, Zoya and Roslyn had been taken. As well as a few of her talking with Rebecca, and the guardians and staff that were on break, such as Ezra.

I didn't know if Roza had decided about an assistant yet or not. But whoever she chose would have to deal with the media too printed, social, audio and video and more.

I held my Roza in my arms and danced closely with her and as I did I could see that she was communicating with someone but I didn't know who.

"Who are you talking to Roza?"

"Eddie, I was about to tell him to take Mia home, she is exhausted."

"Do you really think that he will leave your side?"

"He will if I order him to."

"That is true." I admitted with a nod.


"Eddie, I need you to do something for me."

"Ok, what do you need?" He asked as he turned to look at me from across the room.

"I need you to go to the DJ and ask him to play two songs for me."

"Ok, which songs would you like?"

"'Strokin' by Clarence Carter, and 'She's a Brickhouse' by The Commodores."

"Are you freaking serious?!"

"Yep. Dimitri likes older music, so I am going to give him some that will knock his ass on the floor."

"You do realize that you are evil, right?"

"Without a doubt."

I silently laughed, when I imagined Dimitri's face when those songs played.

"Oh, and after those two songs end take Mia home, she is tired."

"I am on the clock Thorn."

"Not after those songs finish you are not. Don't make me make it a royal order Eddie I want my sister and niece taken care of just like you do."

"All right." He sighed, and I knew that he would comply.


I just honestly could not believe my ears when the DJ started playing the song 'Strokin' by Clarence Carter. I was stunned, I never in my life thought that I would hear a song like that at a public moroi and dhampir gathering. I saw Roza's evil grin and I just knew that she had a hand in this.

"Please tell me that this song was not your idea mladenets." I begged, although I already knew the answer to that question. (babe)

"This song was not my idea." She lied.

"Why do I get the feeling that you are lying?" I laughingly asked her.

"You never said to tell you the truth, you just said to tell you this song was not my idea. So, that is what I told you." She teased as she shrugged at me.

"Ok, let me ask you this. Was this song your idea?"

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