A Mob Boss's Territory (Book...

By royal888

379K 20K 6.7K

Please don't read this book unless you have read A Mob Boss's Heirs. There are spoilers in this Book from the... More

Author's Note
1. December 1979 (Viggo)
2. December 1979 (Vincenzo)
3. Terza's Touch
4. Terza's Heart
5. His Choices
6. A Jasmin's Call
7. Terza's Fears
8. A Father's Love
9. Born To Be A Don
10. Future Battles
11. Teenage Perceptions
12. Tension At Harlem
13. His Beloved's Battles
14. His Honour
15. Watching Snow
16. Scent of Roses
17. The Church In Harlem
18. His Destiny
19. His Oath
20. Unforgettable Love
21. Battle of Scorpious
22. Invader
23. Icy Times
24. The Love Of A Woman
25. Two Heirs & Their Duties
26. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 1)
27. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 2)
28. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 3)
29. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 4)
30. Christmas Eve 1979 (Part 5)
31. The Young Don (Part 1)
32. The Young Don (Part 2)
33. The Young Don (Part 3)
34. The Young Don (Part 4)
35. The Young Don (Part 5)
36. Flying Back To New York
37. The Welcome
38. Nolan At The Mansion
39. Irish Nemesis
40. Show Down
41. 4 Minutes
42. The Past (Part 1)
43. Keys
44. Traitor
45. Adele's Embrace & River of No Return
46. Her Knight
47. Battles Inside
48. Truth
49. Mistakes & Regrets
50. Chambers
51. Allies Always
52. True Meanings
53. Self Discovery
55. True Power
56. New Dawn of Threats
57. His Mother's Words
58. A Hurtful Truth
59. In The City
60. View Of Future
61. Fathers Minds
62. Sweet Dreams
63. Happy Times With Her
64. Early Visit
65. Talking Points
66. Negotiations
67. Cold Wind of Change
68. His Decisions & Choices

54. One Question

3.2K 250 19
By royal888

Francesco was standing next to the lake looking into a distance across the waters as he had his eyes closed as he was all alone with his memories.

"Francesco. Go to bed. I can't read you a bed time story tonight." His mother had said to him like many nights.

Francesco never liked going to bed knowing his mother was going to be subject to harm by his father. "No. Mother, stay in my room. Read me a story...." He knew that could buy his mother some time. Then maybe a miracle could happen. Then maybe a guest could show up so his mother wasn't hurt... Then maybe her cries and screams didn't haunt him as his father hurt her behind locked doors.

It was tough being a child in that household. He lived in fear and never stopped worrying for his mother and his brother for that matter.

Costanzo used to come to his room rubbing his eyes watching him argue with their mother.

"Francesco, it's bed time. I will read you a story tomorrow morning." She then had walked to Costanzo to give him a good night kiss "Sleep tight sweetie."

Francesco could only whisper "You too mother..." He recalled saying good night as though it could be the last time he could see his mother. He knew his father's marriage was on rocks. He hated recalling the past. There was no point recalling those worst days of his life that only became worse as he grew older. His abusive father was good at hiding his true colours. He still was. He adapted to the direction of the waves. He had the excuse he had anxiety. That was an excuse. Anxious people didn't beat their wife and kids. They had nervous break downs. His father was on medication but him being a wife beater had nothing to do with his anxiety that he had tried to sell to Francesco as an excuse when he had gone to Sicily right before marrying Adele. His father could trick the world convincingly but not him. The truth was... His father loved having power. If he was questioned he didn't like it even by his children. He had a wounded pride because his wife had ran away once when she was pregnant with their eldest son. His father didn't forgive his wife and saw the expression of affection from his kids towards her as a sign of betrayal. He was jealous in some ways too that his children loved their mother more than they loved him. A child needed their mother. His father couldn't understand that. The more time passed his father became more strict throwing whatever harshness and testing conditions at him and his brother. Francesco took the hits. He tried to protect his younger brother with all he had. But of course his brother Costanzo was emotionally hurt in many ways. No one escaped his father. His shadow was there. Francesco left him behind in Sicily hoping the next time he had to look into his eyes was at his funeral. But of course his father just never went away. His father had dared to even influence his son. His son was not damaged. He didn't think he was. His son had peculiar survival genes and of course Francesco had taught him survival skills and resilience in case he came face to face with the likes of his father. Even though he had full faith in his son being safe from the monster the thought of his son being with his father disturbed him. His son had been with his father when he was a child without his knowledge. How could Antonio betray him like this? How could Antonio allow this? He felt responsible. He should have protected his son. He had failed to protect his child. It didn't matter that his son was invincible now. He had not seen the signs. He never thought Antonio could betray his blood. Antonio wouldn't have endangered Vincenzo. He trusted Antonio and he believed Antonio must have kept an eye on his father when Vincenzo was alone with him. The thoughts troubled him.

O'Neil's voice brought him to reality "I am sorry Francesco."

Francesco opened his eyes and turned around facing his friend.

O'Neil shook his head "I am sorry I can't talk sense into him my way. I need it to be your way... He is still inside. You need to go inside and talk to him."

Francesco stared at him with a disapproving expression "I asked you to go inside and get my child out of the building. I asked you to do what you want in your way yet you come outside and throw the task back at me? I want my child out.... Get him out so I can go inside and deal with my father. I don't wish to have Vincenzo in the building."

O'Neil said "Don't exclude him from this. He needs to know. Don't try to hide the full truth. He will find out one day."

Francesco said "Not from me. He won't."

O'Neil shut his eyes and sighed. He then opened his eyes "Damn it Francesco. Stop it. You are over complicating this. Your son is doing it wrong. He doesn't understand the problem and what he has done wrong. You need to tell him the full truth or he just will live with his assumptions. He then will wake up one day finding out the truth. Then he will be blaming himself and will not be able to forgive himself. You are thinking the opposite. You think he can't live with himself if you tell him the truth. He can handle it. Don't shut him out. You are not protecting him. You are pushing him away. Don't you see what you are doing."

Francesco walked towards him "You are asking too much of me. I have never asked too much of you."

O'Neil said "Yes you have. You have done it before. You asked me to back off from Jackson since you know more and you choose not to share much.... I even don't know the extent of Jackson's past actions... You are the man to talk to Tristan about Jackson. Not me. You know it well and you withhold information... You are the source of knowledge on Jackson. The knowledge that was denied from me by my father. I heard most of what I know from you on Jackson. I didn't know Jonas was Jackson's biological nephew. You dropped the information on me after my son was taken into training by Jackson."

Francesco said "That information will come out soon... It will be public knowledge. Jackson will have to make it public or I will threaten to bring it to the press. Then the police will open the murder case of his parents. That's a start for forced transparency. With Jackson I am not rushed. I don't feel rushed. Rushing will get you caught when it comes to Jackson..."

O'Neil sighed "You could blackmail him with so much material... You know so much more. But you hide it to protect your allies and family. That's your style. We can deal with Jackson after this is over..."

Francesco said "There is no we. I will deal with Jackson. He endangered my daughter. It was an accident and it was unintentional. But he shouldn't have messed with my family. I will make him pay. He will be living in fear of getting struck down for a long time. You can't get involved. You are Irish..."

O'Neil said "I am already a traitor..."

Francesco said "You are more of a rebel than a traitor... You are a traitor who hasn't been marked to be struck down... You will be if you join me in this mission..."

O'Neil said "I cant let you face Jackson alone..."

Francesco said "You have to accept this is personal... I will call upon you when the time comes for your involvement. Your son can be educated on Jackson if you slowly point him in the right direction. Tristan will find the truth himself. He is observant. So is my son. Vincenzo will need to find the truth in his way on his own terms..."

O'Neil said "This is urgent Francesco. Your father has crossed the line... Vincenzo must be informed urgently..."

Francesco said "Informed of what? My father's records? Truth always comes out in the end. I don't wish to be the messenger..."

O'Neil closed the distance between them "Go inside and talk to your son..."

Francesco said "I asked you to do this for me... Don't abandon me now. Go inside. Do it your way. Get my child out. I don't wish to go inside and do it my way..."

O'Neil said "He needs you Francesco. He will be more distraught not knowing the truth."

Francesco said "I will take my chances..." He then looked up at the skies "Signal... Vincenzo is out... He must have walked outside himself. It's time for me to go inside..." He tried to side step O'Neil but he blocked him.

O'Neil said urgently "Francesco. Don't. I told you that you must talk to your son about your past... It has to be done. I was tempted to tell him the truth but I restrained myself. It's your right to tell him... I don't wish your son to find out the truth from a third party. I never like hearing third party accounts. Give your son some credit. Tell him about your past."

Francesco stated "No. The past belongs to the past." He then side stepped O'Neil and walked away.

O'Neil ran his hand in his hair "He is a lot like you. Your son won't stop until he finds out the truth... Even if it means breaking the rules..."

Francesco stopped walking and turned "I will protect him. I won't fail again."

O'Neil turned Francesco "You never failed. You are a great father. He knows that. He acknowledges that. You protected your son by being who you are."

Francesco said "He made him see things he didn't want to see..."

O'Neil argued "But it's nothing he can't recover from... Your father didn't hurt your son because he feared you. You did rise above your father. You protected your son. All your son wants is to get to know you. Allow him to do it Francesco. Don't push him away the next time he comes to you..."

Francesco was about to retort but heard Vincenzo's voice "Father..."

Francesco turned around to see his son standing behind him. "Father. I need to talk to you. Please give me time to talk to you..."

He then turned to see O'Neil slowly walking away. O'Neil said as he walked away "He is your son Francesco. He will find out the truth either way... He is as persistence and patient as you..."

Francescoturned to his son and looked at him. "I must say this is not a good time to talk... Leave. Go home son..."

Vincenzo didn't know how to put it but he tried   "Father I need to ask you to ... tell me about your past... I won't leave until you tell me everything. I won't stop asking. I will do anything you ask of me father. I am loyal to you. But please do not ask me to leave. Please don't turn me away. What crime have I committed that you don't wish to see me... Do anything but don't turn me away. Please. I need to know."

Vincenzo stood motionless while his father was pacing in his spot as his stare was not leaving him. His father's expression hardened and minutes went past in silence. His father was thinking about his request.

Francesco finally said after leaving Vincenzo waiting while pacing in front of him "Vincenzo. What do you want to know specifically. You can ask me a specific question. Then you will go home. I have business to attend to..."

Vincenzo spoke quickly  "I need to know about your past... About ... your father..."

Francesco asked as he stopped pacing "Why? Why about your grandpa."

Vincenzo said "Because he is part of your past that I need to know about. It's the part of your past that I know matters... He is the key part of your past that I need to know about... in order to know you and understand your decisions..."

Francesco stood in front of his son staring at him "Are you sure about that son? I am giving you one chance to ask me about my past and you ask about your grandpa? What makes you think he matters? What makes you think he is a key part of my past..."

Vincenzo hesitated but he knew he had to tell the truth "I heard ... you have nightmares... He is responsible. That's what I heard..."

Francesco said "You heard right. I get nightmares... Your grandpa is responsible. But ... your grandpa doesn't matter to me. He never did. He never does. He is not the part of my past that matters to me... My relationship with him didn't define my life... You asked the wrong question."

Vincenzo swallowed hard. He knew this was a do or die situation. His father had opened up finally. But he could see his father kept saying "your grandpa" rather than "my father". This was confirming how hard this was... This was his chance. Vincenzo asked "Then what part of your past matters?"

Francesco spoke in low tone "My mother..."

Vincenzo froze.

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