Quest for Life, Part 1 ( A Po...

By CaiusAmosAthlai

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This story that I've made is a huge collaboration of a man in VERY ancient times in a world of Pokémon, servi... More

Heads up!
Prologue: The Beginning
Chapter 2: The Rangers
Chapter 3: The Boss
Chapter 4: Recollection
Chapter 5: A New Land
Chapter 6: The City of Love
Chapter 7: Another Plea For Help
Chapter 8: Reconnaissance
Chapter 9: Ayah
Chapter 10: The Long-Awaited Encounter
Chapter 11: The Next Step
Chapter 12: Hope
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Chapter 13: An Unlikely Ally
Chapter 14: Adom, The Capitol
Chapter 15: The Ambassador
Chapter 16: Preparation
Chapter 17: Insanity
Chapter 18: Last Minute Actions
Chapter 19: Titanium Forest
Chapter 20: The Task At Hand
Chapter 21: An Impossible Dream
Chapter 22: One Memorable Day
Chapter 23: All Ends Are Beginnings
Chapter 24: Acceptance
Chapter 25: Patience and Bravery
Chapter 26: Soaring to New Heights
Chapter 27: Answers
Chapter 28: Hide-and-Rescue
Chapter 29: Knowledge is Power
Chapter 30: An Awkward Confession
Chapter 31: The Journey Home
Chapter 32: A Familiar Face
Chapter 33: Plan for the Future
Chapter 34: Celebi

Chapter 1: The Search

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By CaiusAmosAthlai

"Well, what now?" Sarah asked.

"Now we make our way towards Celebi." I said clipping my scythe to my back.

"Yeah, but do any of us know where to find him?" Lilith asked in depth. We stood in silence for a minute, waiting for someone to respond.

"Nobody knows?!" Kathrin implied quickly.

"Relax, Hoopa couldn't have put us too far from her." I said calming Kathrin down. "Why don't you fly up and tell us where we are?"

"Alright," Kathrin sighed, "but when I come back down, I'm expecting answers about everything you haven't explained yet." Kathrin flapped her wings and started to fly into the sky. Seconds later, she plunged back down, landing right where she flew off.

"Any idea?" Sarah asked.

"We're directly south of a village, maybe they can point us in a direction." Kathrin said pointing through the forest.

"It's a better place to start than nowhere." Lilith said looking into the forest.

"Guess we're off then." I said making a few steps.

"Not so fast Caius, tell us the rest of what happened." Kathrin said catching me in the act. I stopped in my tracks, hoping I could avoid the subject seemed to be not possible. With a sigh, I turned back around.

"Alright, what do you want to know?" I asked.

"Everything." Kathrin replied.

"Alright, where to start." I said trying to remember where I left off. "I think I remember telling you about what's inside the satchel, and about how I'm able to understand you all."

"Yeah, that's pretty much it." Sarah said sitting down.

"So, who is this book supposed to go to? Certainly, if Yveltal is having us run out to Hoopa and now Celebi, it's got to be important." Carinthia said looking at the satchel.

"Under direct orders, only us and our contact may see what the book and the letter says." I said discreetly. "But our contact is a long-lost rival named Xerneas."

"Xerneas?!" Everyone exclaimed.

"Yep, this is to make it to her, and no one else is to know what's inside the book besides us and her." I verified.

"But Xerneas has been gone for such a long time! She's finally returned?!" Sarah said excitedly.

"Yes and no." I replied. "At least to what our leader has said. Beyond that, he wasn't too descriptive of her." This raised confusion in the air. I wish I could help, but I didn't know anything at all to help put our minds at ease.

"Alright, so what else?" Kathrin asked still confused.

"Well, I also have our leaders' power, and maybe his intelligence and his speed as well." I said a bit grimly. Everyone looked at me in astonishment. They knew this could only mean one thing.

"Does that mean that you also ..." Carinthia began.

"Share his life? Yes." I finished. I sat down on the ground, my scythe preventing me from sitting up straight. "And I'll share the same fate as him if he passes on. Everything to the smallest detail, except I won't know when I'll wake up." They continued to stare at me, their faces, not changing from the shock. "You know, I always envied how you all live for so long compared to me, I guess it's nice to finally be up to speed with all of you." I intended for it to be a joke, but I guess it got the wrong impression. They stared at each other for a second, then looked back to me. This felt really awkward, I knew I shouldn't have told them, but they weren't going to let up until I told them. "Come on," I said standing up, "let's get to this village as quickly as possible. Every moment counts."

"Caius, wait." Lilith says catching me before I ran off.

"Hmm? What is it?" I asked curiously.

"Is, he gone?" Lilith asked concerned.

"No, our leader isn't gone, he's just relocated for the time being." I said catching on to what she was saying. "If he did, I would be in the same position as he would." This apparently provided the comfort they needed. "Now come, we need to find Celebi." We walked through the forest, taking it easy. None of us were really in the mood for running in this atmosphere.

"So, where is our leader relocating to?" Sarah asked.

"He's moving back to the capitol as we speak, he has business to attend there, as to what it is, your guess is as good as mine." I said looking into the forest. "I've already told you everything I know, so let's keep moving, this topic is not healthy for us."

"Alright, it's just, nothing about this settles with me." Sarah said uncomfortably.

"You and me both," I said calmly, "I have to be more careful with what I do from now on. I just hope that our leader will do the same."

"I'm surprised Caius," Kathrin said, "you're his closest general and yet you make it sound like he's going to go on a suicide mission." I thought about this for a second, then chuckled a little bit.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, I should know better than to doubt that he would go through something like that." I said. Just then, I heard a snap. I stopped in my tracks, looking around. Everyone else stopped as well, but I don't know if they heard it.

"Something wrong?" Carinthia questioned. I stayed silent for a couple of seconds, I didn't hear anything else.

"No," I said calmly, "it must've been just my imagination." We continued on through the forest, hoping that we could reach this village within a few minutes. As we continued on, I heard another snap, this time, the others heard it as well.

"What was that?" Lilith asked looking around.

"So, it wasn't my imagination." I said unclipping my scythe. Probably some bandits who thought they could pick on some travelers. Little would they know who they were up against. We stood on our guard, trying to find out where the noise came from.

"Come on out!" Sarah said looking around. There was a silence in the air. We couldn't see anything. Suddenly something came out of the tree above us, its hand ready to strike. We dodged the attack and the attacker plunged its fist into the ground, creating a small hole in the ground. As we dodged the attack, more figures showed up all around us. This was a trap! How did they know we were coming? The figure that attacked us jumped back to its allies, providing strength in numbers.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

"Silence!" One of them barked out. "You have no authority here."

"And what makes you say that?!" Carinthia said sharply.

"Silence! You will not be taking our village this day, or ever!" The voice boomed back.

"By the order of the Five Generals of Karma, I order you all to stand down!" I barked. The statement caused a commotion to come over the group. I guess they were setting this trap for someone else.

"What is your name?" A voice asked.

"I am Caius, Fourth General of Karma." I replied. My name caused even more commotion then my previous statement.

"Let me through." A voice uttered. The group cleared a way to show a Weavile walking towards us. "I'm terribly sorry," the Weavile declared, "we have received word from our scouts that the enemy is to soon attack our village. Everyone, stand down, these are allies, not enemies." With that, the group lowered their fists and dropped their attacks. This was a bit different than what I'm used to. "My name is Clark." The Weavile introduced. "I am the leader of the trap that was supposed to be for the enemy."

"Well Clark," Lilith began, "Your trap wouldn't have lasted long if we were your actual targets." She implied regaining her composure.

"I'm assuming that the four others with you are no doubt the other four generals?" Clark asked.

"Yes, Carinthia, Kathrin, Lilith, and Sarah." I verified. Any doubts that we were spies vanished instantly when I mentioned our names. "Now what is this about an attack?"

"We sent a scouting party out to investigate some strange events that have been happening around the area for a while." Clark said, "But I think it would be better if I told you the rest where I know we are safe."

"So be it." Kathrin said calmly.

"Please, follow us, and be quick, we don't know how much time we have until they come." Clark said running north. The group also followed Clark and we followed behind. After three minutes of running, we made it to the village. The villagers welcomed back their leader. Everyone looked at us with strange looks, but once Clark clarified that we were the Five Generals, they welcomed us with open arms. Maybe a little too openly, a few of them squealed like little girls viewing a knight in shining armor when they saw me, some even started hugging me. That was somewhat understandable since I was wearing my steel armor, but it still made me feel uncomfortable. The other generals shooed them off and we continued down until we reached a large building. We we're invited in and we sat down next to the fire in the chimney.

"So, what happened?" I inquired. "How long have you known that you were going to be attacked?"

"For about three days now." Clark verified. "Our scouts had found an encampment not far from us, it was none other than those blasted Rangers. They have been raiding nearby parts for a while now, and now they're going to try and raid the village. We thought you were their scouting party, that's why we attacked you like that." I thought to myself for a minute. Then I came up with an idea. Lilith saw the look on my face and knew what I was about to do.

"Caius, we have orders from our leader." Lilith said trying to jolt me back into reality.

"We came to this village hoping to find information about Celebi." I said looking back at Lilith. "The best way to get information is to help someone out with a current problem."

"You're looking for Celebi? We could help you find her, but these Rangers are keeping us pinned here until they either kill us, or we kill them." Clark said astonished at our task.

"I see." Lilith said contemplating what to do.

"If we help you, can you help us find Celebi? It's urgent." I replied.

"I'll do everything I can to help out." Clark confirmed.

"Do you know how many there are?" Sarah asked intently.

"Our scouts averaged out at about four-hundred." Clark replied. Was he serious? A group of four-hundred was about to attack a small village with no more than eighty warriors? It'd be a complete slaughter.

"Surely you know that you couldn't have taken all four-hundred on your own." I said.

"What else are we supposed to do? Let them raid our village and kill our civilians? I'd rather die than see that happen." Clark said through clenched teeth. He had a point there, if they just stood by and let it happen, they would continue to attack this place whenever they wanted to without any resistance.

"Fair point." I replied, "But do you still have a location on them? We might be able to stop them before they reach here."

"Our scouts returned yesterday, battered and bruised." Clark said. "They found them snooping around and attack them on sight, they barely escaped with their lives, but they said they would arrive from the south side of the village, just where you came from."

"Strange, I didn't seem to see any kind of motion in that forest besides you and your men." Carinthia said.

"That's because they are experts at stealth, they hunt in trees, never on the ground. You can be sure that if you ever run into one of them, either you or them will be dead before dusk." Clark verified.

"Just like how you attacked us." Kathrin said thinking for a minute.

"Wait, so if they only attack in trees, how did you think that we were scouts for them?" Sarah asked questionably.

"We thought you were just new recruits that they had sent out, we couldn't tell for sure." Clark admitted.

"That's in the past." I said brushing it off.

"Right, can you tell us anything else about them?" Sarah asked.

"They always seem to attack with range, never up close, and always in groups as well. If you see one, you can bet that there's more around somewhere. They also make themselves easily exposed with a tattoo on their arms. A grass bow. I can get the bow, but what's with the grass?" Clark said finishing up everything. "We've caught multiple trying to sneak in and find out more about us, but before we could capture them, they run off into the forest."

"No one is stealthier than me." Lilith implied boldly.

"Even if that's true, they'll know it's you from the beginning unless one of their men go missing." Clark said grimly. "And like I said, we haven't caught a single one."

"Well maybe you're just not using the right tactic." Sarah implied.

"Oh? And you have a better idea?" Clark asked curiously.

"I might have an idea." Sarah implied once more.

"I'm listening." Clark said intently.

"These people are after spoils, am I right?" Sarah asked.

"Right." Clark confirmed.

"Then all you have to do is gather everything into one spot." Sarah said.

"But wouldn't that make it a prime target to all the Rangers?" Carinthia asked a bit troubled.

"That's the point." Sarah said with a smile. "It will attract them like Combee's to its nest."

"I'm not sure I follow correctly." Clark says a bit concerned.

"Make an announcement to the people and tell them to give their spoils to the guards. The guards will then take everything to a big building and put them inside, we'll have guards stand next to the doors to make sure that it is kept safe. Except, that the spoils won't be kept there, they will be kept inside another building, maybe even multiple buildings to keep them hidden." Sarah said clarifying.

"The Rangers will break in, expecting to find the loot, but come up to find nothing." I said catching on.

"Right, and we will be waiting inside this "storage area" for them to break in, once they do, we take them and force them to tell us where they are hiding." Sarah finishes.

"That's not a bad plan." Clark admitted. "But we don't have a building large enough to do that besides the meeting hall, and I don't want that damaged."

"Then we'll build one just for the plan." I said. "It looks like some trees are starting to grow over the village, we can cut those down and make a building just as big as the meeting hall you have, once the plan works and the Rangers are no longer a threat, you can use the building for whatever you want." Clark thought about the offer for a minute. It did seem like a reasonable plan.

"What happens if they find out the spoils are in different buildings?" Clark asked, "They'll go for those for sure."

"Then we'll have one of us posted at each area inside the building to make sure it's protected." Sarah countered. Sarah had thought of everything for this plan, there wasn't any way that this could go wrong.

"Alright, I'll get the preparations set up for the building to be constructed." Clark said standing up.

"Don't." Sarah implied. "Tell them that we are doing this as a service to the village in an effort to have them prosper. We don't want any other help besides the five of us, and a wood-carver."

"And I know just the man." Clark said with a grin.

"Mind if I tag along?" Carinthia asked.

"Not at all, and don't worry, he will be the only one to know about this plan." Clark said.

"If possible, try not to tell him, just tell him that it's going to be used for a very important event." I said plainly. "If there's no choice, then tell him, but I want to try and keep this under wraps."

"I'll see what I can do." Clark said walking towards the door.

"We'll see you soon." Carinthia said waving farewell. We got up and went out the door as well, plans underway.

"Now all we need is a place to start building it." Kathrin implied.

"Good idea, let's start looking around." I said agreeing with Kathrin. "I'll take Lilith and look around the west and north side, Kathrin, you go with Sarah and look at the east and south side. We'll meet back up here in an hour."

"Will do." Kathrin said.

"Roger." Sarah said. With that, both Kathrin and Sarah went off towards the east side, not wasting a single moment.

"Shall we?" I implored.

"I don't see why we should be slacking off." Lilith responded. We made our way through the village to the west side, looking for an area that would be close enough to the village, but far enough that the Rangers would feel comfortable breaking in. The forest was not too thick, but we could see a few possibilities for where we could start building.

"How do you think the others are doing?" I asked.

"Probably doing better, maybe already doing construction in a place." Lilith responded looking around the area.

"Knowing Kathrin, I wouldn't doubt that somewhat." I replied. "How are you enjoying your position?"

"I'm not really fond of it." Lilith replied, "I don't like wars, they only bring out the worst in Pokémon. I long for the day that this war ends, and we can return to a normal life."

"Since when is life normal?" I said jokingly. We both chuckled a little bit.

"Fair enough." Lilith said calming down. "But I'm serious though, when this is all over, I'm looking forward to a life of peace."

"Yeah, I get what you're saying, war is not a topic everyone likes. Especially me." I said looking around once more. As I searched around, something caught my eye. A flash of light out of the corner of my eye. I turned to see what could have caused it, but there wasn't anything there. I couldn't see what could have caused anything to flash into my eyes. I looked around to see if someone else was here, someone besides us. I couldn't find anyone. It was just Lilith and I. "Let's head to the north side, there's probably more locations we can find there."

"Alright, all I'm finding anyway are large gaps in the ground." Lilith replied standing up.

"If gaps are what's causing us to reconsider a location, we can have Kathrin take care of that." I said walking northward. We continued to the north side of the village, hoping, that with luck, we could find a good spot to start construction. Again, something shined in my eye. This time, I couldn't deny that something was causing it. I looked at my armor to make sure that I wasn't doing it to myself. The scythe was on my back, my arms couldn't have reflected the light, and Lilith wasn't wearing any armor either. I looked around to see what could have emitted that light. I saw what was causing it, but I couldn't tell what it was.

"Something wrong?" Lilith asked catching my gaze.

"Do you see what's causing that light?" I asked.

"What light?" Lilith questioned.

"The light, over there." I said pointing over into the forest. Lilith focused her eyes to see if she could find a flicker of light from anywhere. She even tried standing where I was.

"I don't see anything." Lilith replied, "Are you sure you're not just tired?"

"I don't know, I don't feel tired." I replied. "I'll check it out, just keep searching." I walked out towards what was emitting that shine. As I drew closer, I felt like I was being watched, I looked around. Only Lilith was around, still searching for a decent spot. I remembered what Clark said about the Rangers. My eyes shifted through the trees, but I couldn't see anyone there. No one was on the limbs of the trees, no one hiding in the leaves. I continued towards the light, puzzled by how others couldn't have seen it. I picked it up and beheld a small stone, silver and pink. This stone was reflecting the sunlight from the sunset and directing it into my face, but if that's what happened, how did it get placed here? Did someone place it here, hoping I would find it? The thought didn't seem logical. Who would want me to find a stone? Couldn't they have just walked up and given it to me in person? Then again, being a general can intimidate a few Pokémon. I was about to toss the stone when I heard Lilith behind me.

"Caius! It's time to head back! You okay?" Lilith said grabbing my attention. I looked at the stone and gave a huff. Maybe someone in the village will want this. I put it in my satchel and walked back.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just admiring the sunset is all." I replied walking back. Another thought came into my mind. If the light reflected off this stone, was there another just like it on the east side? What was I thinking? I didn't have time to be thinking about smooth round stones. I had a mission. We made our way back into town, walking back to the house we sat down at. "Any luck?" I asked Lilith.

"No, it's too sheer, I doubt even Earthquake will level the place without scaring the residents." Lilith said grimly.

"Don't be so down, we still have Kathrin and Sarah, and we'll hear word from them and make plans from there." I said being positive.

"Caius, Lilith, glad to see you both made it back!" Kathrin said waving us over.

"Glad to see you two as well." I replied. "So, have you found anything?"

"The east and south side are too uneven, we can't really build anything there unless we hope to level the area." Sarah reported.

"It does get about level once we reach the forest though." Kathrin added.

"That happened to us as well." Lilith said confirming our results. "Unless we want to cause panic among the residents, there's no way that we can build anything."

"I could try to level it out with Earthquake." Kathrin proposed.

"Like I said, without startling the residents." Lilith responded.

"I hate to say it, but she's right." Sarah said calmly. "If we hope to build what we need, we're going to need the help of the civilians here."

"Is there no other way?" I asked.

"Not unless you want to dig it out with your own hands." A voice said from behind. We turned to see Clark and Carinthia coming up, along with a Timburr. We later learned that his name was Mathew. He agreed to help carve any wood we cut down for our special project, he also said that he would help with the construction and with supplying everything we needed to make sure it stood. I guess the Pokémon here were desperate to make this village into a town, but lacked the space.

"Well Mathew, I want to say thank you for your offer." I said boldly.

"Aw shucks, anything for the generals." Mathew replied blushing a little bit.

"We have a problem however that we can't avoid revealing to the public." Kathrin declared.

"I know, the surroundings are too lumpy to build anything, that's what's been causing our village to stay this way for a while now. If it had been bigger, we would've built a wall to help us out, but there's not much you can do with so much space." Clark said.

"Well, we may have a way to resolve that problem." I said. "But if we do it without telling everyone, they're going to think they're under attack."

"I can help level out the surroundings, but the only way I can do that is by using Earthquake." Kathrin finished.

"This is wonderful news!" Clark replied, "Finally, we'll be able to expand and create roads that lead to other villages with ease. We can build a marketplace." He seemed full of hope for the plan, but there was still the problem of telling everyone what was going to happen. Clark informed us that telling the village would be no problem, every day, he climbs a tall monument in the middle of the village, visible to everyone, and announces what will happen during the day.

"It seems to level out when it reaches the forest that's encircles your village." I said thinking for a minute. "What we could do is we could have Kathrin lift the village up higher than the forest, grabbing everything around here, then have her level it back down to make it nice and flat."

"That could work." Clark said nodding his head, "But that leaves the buildings we currently have at risk of falling during the earthquake."

"Most of the building here will be fine, almost all of them are one story, and it's mainly places like the blacksmith, the tower, and a few other buildings that are the ones at risk." Mathew says looking around pointing out a few buildings. "They're mainly built out of wood, but it'd still be a shame to lose them."

"Agreed, we want to lose none if possible." Carinthia replied.

"But it seems like this is our only option." Lilith inquired.

"Kathrin, is there a way you can limit Earthquakes power in certain areas? Lessen the damage?" I asked.

"If I could do that, then this conversation wouldn't be happening." Kathrin replied.

"A man can ask." I replied bitterly.

"I'm not saying that this isn't a good plan, trust me, I look forward to this plan," Clark replied, "It's just that I have to take the safety of my citizens into consideration."

"That's perfectly understandable." Sarah replied. "We don't need anyone getting hurt."

"And no one will get hurt." I added quickly. "We're here to help, not be a nuisance."

"But like Lilith said, it may be the only way we can get this done." Mathew said holding tight to his piece of wood. We thought for a time, trying to come up with better ideas on how to better prepare everyone. It seemed like we'd have to wing it.

"So, it's agreed then, tomorrow morning, when Clark goes to announce what will happen, he will warn everyone about what we plan to do, but make sure that we don't mean to cause them harm." I said collaborating.

"Kathrin will then go to the middle of the village after everyone is prepared and use Earthquake to lift the village up until it swallows up the bumpy terrain, then bring it back down to make it level with the rest of the terrain." Clark said continuing on.

"Once everything is level, we'll begin construction on the building on the east side. From there on, we'll continue as we have planned." Lilith said finishing up.

"Then it's agreed, tomorrow, it will begin, but for now, we must rest. No one likes working when they have no energy." Sarah replied sleepily.

"Yeah, it's getting late." Mathew replied almost falling asleep. "You can sleep in my shop if you want."

"I've gotten used to sleeping in the moonlight." I replied. "Thanks for the offer though."

"Yeah, I prefer the moonlight as well." Sarah says denying the offer.

"I'll gladly take you up on that offer." Kathrin says jumping in.

"Well, I guess I'll take it up as well." Carinthia said submitting.

"Sorry, sleeping indoors isn't my thing." Lilith replied.

"Alright, we'll see you all at the tower tomorrow morning." I replied. Mathew, Kathrin, and Carinthia started making their way to Mathew's shop.

"Thank you for everything." Clark said waving farewell.

"We could be saying the same thing about what you've done for us." Carinthia replied walking with Mathew and Kathrin. We said our farewells and made our way outside of the village onto the hills on the north side of the village. Tomorrow was going to be a busy day for everyone, including the villagers. Lilith and Sarah rested under a tree near the forest, I couldn't sleep at all. I picked myself up and walked out on top of a hill nearby, trying my best not to wake them up. The moon was full, and the view was no less breathtaking than the sunset. Its light shined as far as it could, covering the land in a silver blanket for the night. There was so much going on with me though. This new power, this new responsibility, it's a lot to think about. I always preferred the moonlight more than the sunlight. There's something calming about the moon that just seems to overtake me, like an infant being put to sleep. I still couldn't get the thought out of my head though. That stone that I had found earlier today, and the light that reflected into my eyes before that. Since I couldn't sleep I thought I'd take a look around one more time, just to get it out of my head that it's just some piece of metal that probably chipped off something. I looked around, I couldn't find anything. Was it just my imagination? As I turned around to walk back, I saw it, the flicker of light. I quickly turned back and saw what it was. I walked over, looking for what could have caused it, but it was no use. I got on my hands and knees to see if I could get a closer look at what could have caused it. I caught the glimmer one more time. It was all I needed. I picked up another stone. This one was harder to find for better reason, this one was clear and see through. I held it up in the moonlight, and sure enough, this is what was causing the same reflection. As I held it up, I felt a surge of energy course through me. I suddenly felt like I could accomplish more than I could. What was I doing? Thinking a stone could give me more power, the thought was stupid enough, but it felt like I needed to hold on to this stone. I can't explain why, it's just a feeling I got.

"Can't sleep?" A voice from behind called. I jumped a little bit, almost losing the smooth stone. I caught it and put it in my satchel. It was Sarah.

"Yeah, just a lot of thoughts coming into my mind is all." I replied calming down. Sarah walked up next to me and looked into moonlight.

"It's a nice night, isn't it?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, the moon really brings out everything the world has to offer." I replied sitting down. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's not a problem, sometimes I can't sleep either." Sarah said still looking at the moon. Something seemed to trouble Sarah. Something she wasn't saying. I could tell by the look in her eyes. "The fortress has fallen." Sarah replies looking at my face for a response.

"I know." I replied bluntly. "I've known ever since we left the fortress alone."

"Then why didn't you tell us?" Sarah asked astonished.

"If I had told you, would you have left with the rest of us?" I countered.

"Of course, it's my duty to serve under lord Yveltal." Sarah replied soberly.

"Then there was no reason to tell." I replied folding my arms on my knees.

"What about the residents?" Sarah countered.

"They've been taken to another village or town, same with the wounded." I replied. Sarah continued to look at me. Those eyes could pierce through just about everything, even my very soul. I felt like she was consoling me. But I didn't know what to really feel at the moment. "Don't get me wrong, I care for our citizens, I just want to get this done and over with."

"You need to think more about what you can do to help out others." Sarah replied looking back out at the moon.

"I'm helping the village out with their Ranger problem, aren't I?" I replied laying down on the ground.

"We." Sarah corrected.

"Sorry, we."

"I'm not just talking about the people here, I'm talking about everyone in the world. We all have our own set of problems, but one Pokémon can only do so much." Sarah said calmly. I looked up at the stars, trying to get my thoughts straight. Sarah noticed me laying back and fell on her back, looking up at the stars as well.

"I've always wondered how stars have shined so bright." I said gazing into the sky. "They remind me of how close I really am to home."

"They always seem to point to home, no matter where you are." Sarah replied. "Always to your family."

"At least you have a family to return to." I said a bit depressingly.

"What happened to them?" Sarah asked. I stayed silent for a few seconds.

"That's a subject I don't like talking about." I replied closing my eyes.

"I see." Sarah said regretting the question. We laid there, silent for a few minutes before Sarah asked; "Do you miss them?"

"There's not a day that I don't think about them." I replied. "It's what tells me that I'm human, not a Pokémon. I don't have any family left."

"That's not true." Sarah replied.

"How so?" I asked looking at Sarah.

"You've got our leader, and us." Sarah replied looking at me. I gave a soft smile, then turned back to the stars.

"You really know how to calm someone down." I complimented.

"It's a gift I guess." Sarah replied looking at the stars. "Why did you come out here?"

"Hm? Oh, when Lilith and I were looking around here, I saw something shining over here. I didn't know what it was until I found it just a little bit ago." I said pulling it out of the satchel. It shined in the moonlight just like it had before. "I figured someone in the village would like it, so I'm keeping it until then." We stared at the stone for a few seconds, observing how it glistened in the light. I felt that surge again, just like last time. I stared at it and wondered what could be making this stone resonate with energy. I put it back into the satchel, I was growing tired.

"Seems like a nice stone, I bet it'll make them happy." Sarah said sweetly.

"I'd imagine so." I said sitting up. "But it's getting late, we're going to need all the energy we can for tomorrow."

"Right." Sarah said rolling over.

"Come, let's head back. We both know what happens when Lilith finds herself alone." I said making my way down the hill.

"Yeah, she goes Absol-utely nuts." Sarah said following behind.

"Did you just crack a joke?" I chuckled.

"Maybe, but who knows? You're far more Absol-ete than I could ever be." Sarah says cracking another one.

"Oh my Arceus, you are." I said holding back my laughter.

"I could go on all night!" Sarah said grinning.

"And I believe you, but probably for another time. I'm getting a bit drowsy." I replied calming down.

"Yeah, I'm starting to feel tired aswell." Sarah yawned. We walked back to where we were initially, Sarah laidback down and went to sleep quicker than I expected. I, however, couldn't sleepuntil I knew the satchel would be safe. It contained our objective, and I'm notabout to let some greasy fingers steal this book. I climbed a nearby tree andhid it in a pile of leaves up top. I made sure that it wasn't exposed at all. Iclimbed back down, looked at the moon one last time, then sat down next to atree stump and fell asleep.    

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