Byron's Secret (Slenderman Ro...

By GuardianDemon

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Joy Lucille Williams, a normal young woman, living a normal life-that is until she moved to a quaint little t... More

Byron's Secret (Slenderman Romance)
Chapter 1. Moving
Chapter 2. Strange Things?
Chapter 3. Interesting
Chapter 5. Maybe
Chapter 6. Suspicious Figures
Chapter 7. Stalked
Chapter 8. The Forest?
Chapter 9. Her Past
Chapter 10. Awkward
Chapter 11. A Promise
Chapter 12. Blackmailing
Chapter 13. Good Morning?
Chapter 14. Risk
Chapter 15. Folklore
Chapter 16. What Are Their Motives?
Chapter 17. A Little Help
Chapter 18. Safe?
Chapter 19. My Custom Shirt
Chapter 20. Urgent
Chapter 21. Weird
Chapter 22. Hallucination
Chapter 23. Safe For Now
Chapter 24. No Take-Backs!
Chapter 25. The College
Chapter 26. Stupid
Chapter 27. Small Talk
Chapter 28. Students?
Chapter 29. Old Foes
Chapter 30. Remembering
Chapter 31. Fanfictions
Chapter 32. Stupid and Aggravating
Chapter 33. The Eight Pages
Chapter 34. Unexpected
Chapter 35. Complete Strangers
Chapter 36. Reconciliation
Chapter 37. Got Carried Away
Chapter 38. A Favor
Chapter 39. Walking Home
NOTE (Will be deleted)
Chapter 40. A Struggle
Chapter 41. Discussion
Chapter 42. Half-truth
Chapter 43. I Meant It
Chapter 44. Control
Chapter 45. Distance
Chapter 46. Static
Chapter 47. A Glimpse of His Past
Chapter 48. Torment
Chapter 49. I'm Here
Chapter 50. The Other Representative
Chapter 51. Weird Thoughts
Chapter 52. Vulnerability
Chapter 53. "I'm Fine"
Chapter 54. The Trip
Chapter 55. Listening
Chapter 56. I Swear
Extra: Matthew Droney
Chapter 57. The Seminar
Chapter 58. A Mistake
Chapter 59. A Resolution
Chapter 60. "Friends"
Chapter 61. His Turn
Chapter 62. Temptations
Chapter 63. Realization
Extra: Brian and Tim
Chapter 64. Confusion
Chapter 65. Indignation
Chapter 66. A Sudden Visit
Chapter 67. Conversation For Two
Author's Note
Chapter 68. Simple Joke
Chapter 69. Consultations
Chapter 70. The Building
Chapter 71. Mine and Yours
Chapter 72. Grudge
Chapter 73. Her
Chapter 74. Pasts
Chapter 75. Fooling Around
Chapter 76. Our Histories
Chapter 77. Brian
Chapter 78. A Memory
Chapter 79. Toby
Chapter 80. Need A Hand?
Chapter 81. Cleanup
Chapter 82. What Goes Around
Chapter 83. Trust and Patience
Chapter 84. Duality
Chapter 85. New Settlements
Chapter 86. A New Side Of You

Chapter 4. I'll Be Waiting

4.7K 249 162
By GuardianDemon

Friday, 7:30AM

I slipped into a yellow blouse and black dress pants. Well, I only have one skirt, at least I can move more freely in this attire, I looked plain as usual. I took a final look in the mirror and ran a hand through my hair before heading out the bedroom.

It's my first day teaching, I need to do my best. I know that if you're a new teacher, you have to earn your respect from the students, otherwise they'd just goof around while you try to educate them. After my year of being jobless and applying to schools, I guess I've already planned out my technique so I think I'l be fine.

I hope.

I sat down on the couch and picked the phone up, I dialed our home's number and waited for them someone to pick up, I don't think they're awake at this time, it's 7:30 and my first class doesn't start 'til half an hour. I just hope Dylan hasn't left the house yet, I just need to hear their voice.

Unfortunately, no one picked up. It went straight to voicemail, "Um . . ." I started, "Hey, guys, it's my first day today and . . . I'm heading to work now, I'll do my best. Wish me luck." A smile crawled it's way on my face as I ended the call, I hope they're doing well.

I stood up and left the house, I locked the front door and walked through the lawn, the weather is great here and the air smells fresh. With a smile, I walked down the street and headed towards the school. Everyone's outside in their lawn, just talking to each other, how nice. I hope I'd fit in soon.

I got closer to school by every minute, then I noticed Rachel was just about to pass through the gate.

"Rachel!" I grinned and ran towards her while waving a hand.

She gave me a surprised look before it softened into a smile, "Good morning." She greeted.

"Morning!" I smiled as we headed towards the main doors and went inside.

"You nervous?" She asked.

"I don't really know," I mumbled as we reached the office, "I think I'm more excited."

She gave a laugh, "That's good."

I closed the door behind us as we got in the office, everyone was already here except David. Ryan, Jacob and Austin were gathered around the coffee machine and talking to each other while Lance was sitting on his chair. They each greeted us a 'good morning' while we smiled back in return before we made our way towards our assigned cubicles.

Of course, Byron is also here, but as usual, he looked busy and standoffish because of the papers he was scribbling at, I think they're the same as yesterday.

I sat down on my chair, the smile not leaving my face. He's still ignoring me, I noticed on the corner of my eyes that Austin was giving me a strange look though I just gave him a shrug in return. I scooted my chair closer to the desk and faced Byron, I can see his cold eyes turning into a scowl as he kept his attention on the papers. Oh, so he actually noticed my presence after all.

I smirked and leaned my head closer to the glass dividing the desks. If it wasn't for the glass, our heads would probably bump on each other . . . How long will he try to ignore me?

"Good morning, Byron." I smiled through the glass.

The atmosphere suddenly dropped, everyone's attention were on the two of us, even Byron had stopped writing yet he didn't move or glance at me. I looked over to Rachel and the guys and mouthed out 'what?' with a confused look on my face. Is it so strange to try and make friends with him? Maybe Byron just doesn't know how to approach people, right?

The door bursted open and David walked in looking all sweaty, "Hey, guys." He panted, oblivious from the tension in the room, "What?" He stopped.

"Where have you been?" I asked in curiosity while I twirled around in my chair, he is wearing a tracksuit and I don't think anyone would start a conversation either way.

"Morning exercises with the juniors." He replied, "So what's up?" He gave us a weird look.

"Nothing . . ." I glanced over my shoulder and saw Byron getting his things ready, I looked at my watch and saw that it's almost time for my first class, "I have to get going." I mumbled as I grabbed my stuff.

I hurriedly left the room and walked towards the direction of a classroom, it'd be sort of awkward if I went out the same time as Byron-even though I already made the mood awkward back in the office.

Whatever, I don't understand, what's the big deal? It's just a greeting. Although he ignored me again, I find it funny, and it's weird. I'm so curious about Byron, I wonder why he doesn't talk much or why he pushes people away. Well, it's not gonna hurt to try talking to him.


I sighed as I made my way back to the office, that two-hour period was exhausting. Everyone literally keeps asking questions about why I'm 'qualified' to teach them. What the hell, I didn't study art for years just to be treated this way.

Luckily, I managed to keep them quiet after the first hour and they surprisingly listened to me. But it was still exhausting, teaching drains my energy, as expected on my first day.

Well, it's lunch and I'm starving. I hope someone is in the office to accompany me, it's boring alone.

I pushed the door open and greeted by the same sound of a pen scribbling on a paper, it was Byron. Oh . . . I would probably be amused by this situation but I'm too damn tired. I strode towards my desk and sat down on the chair, he didn't remove his gaze on his work, typical. What a workaholic.

I took my lunch out from under the desk and started eating while my eyes are fixated on Byron, he had such a serious look in his eyes.

". . . Have you had lunch?" I awkwardly asked.

No response.

"You . . . don't talk much." I mumbled as I ate.

Suddenly, he paused before looking at me, his glower made goosebumps appear on my skin but I was more intrigued than afraid, "What do you want from me?" He glared at me, his voice lower than what I expected.

I kept my eyes on his, "Nothing, I just wanted to talk." I shrugged. Honestly, I'm trying my best not to look away or show how bothered I am by his scowl, "Why're you so quiet?" I added.

"Don't speak to me." He coldly replied before turning his attention back to the papers.

"But why not?" I urged. I'm not just gonna stop, I'm glad Juliet's stubbornness rubbed off on me. There was a long pause between us before I decided to speak again, "What's so bad about it?"

His eyes trailed back on me and it gave me the creeps, he looks really pissed. What did I do?

After a few seconds of our little staring contest, my head started to hurt so bad, a sick feeling made it's way to my stomach, I wanted to throw up. The same flash of static from yesterday became a bit stronger and it made me shut my eyes. I groaned and pressed on my temple in attempt to stop the headache.

Then it was gone.

It left as soon as I got it. What the hell was that? I must be so worn out on the previous class, I need to be healthier. I vigorously shook my head like a kid before looking back at Byron. He was back to working again but a devious smirk played on his lips, he looked mean.

"I think I just got my head pounded by an invisible hammer." I exclaimed, as soon as I spoke, Byron's smirk left his face and he was back to the same irritated-looking guy. Am I that annoying? Well, excuse me for trying to make friends.

I jumped from my seat when the door forcefully slammed open, Austin and a man with light brown hair came in and stopped their conversation when they saw the two of us, "Oh, you two taking a break?" Austin casually asked with a curious grin.

"I am but I don't know about him." I pointed at Byron who's still ignoring us.

Austin must've noticed me looking at the man, "Oh, this is Sean," He glanced at him, "He's a teacher from the middle school."

"Oh, I'm Joy, I'm new here." I stood up from my seat and smiled.

"Right, Austin told me about you." He returned my smile, "I'm a music teacher."

"Cool . . ." I grinned as I sat back down while they continued their conversation.

"So, what are you gonna do?" Austin looked troubled as he leaned on a desk.

"I don't know, man." Sean sighed, they looked really bothered.

"Are you guys okay?" I worriedly asked.

"No, there'll be a field day next week and the other teachers gave me all the work." Sean replied, looking really stressed out, "I only have the weekend to do this."

"But today's friday . . ." I mumbled, glancing at the calendar on my desk.

"Yeah and I don't even have free time this weekend and I haven't bought the things we'll need for the preparations."

"I'd help but I'm busy too." Austin frowned as he thought of a solution. Next week . . . I don't really have plans this weekend other than exploring the town since I'm new. I guess I could help, it'd be nice too.

Before I could say a word, an idea popped up in my head. I glanced at Byron who doesn't care at all and tapped my chin in thought, "Heh," I smirked at Byron before looking back at the two, "I'll do the shopping for you." I smiled warmly.

Sean looked taken aback for a moment, "You sure? Because there's a lot."

"Yeah, Byron will come and help me too." I added, the smile not leaving my face. Austin gave me the strangest look I've received in a while but I dismissed it, "We'll help." I reassured. Byron froze for a moment before looking up at us, I don't know if he's angry or bothered, maybe both. Hmm . . . If he'd look up and raise his head more, everyone would notice how cool his black eyes are-even though it gives you the chills.


"Rest assured, we'll start tomorrow." I stopped Byron from protesting, "You could just give us the list or whatever." I shrugged.

"Seriously?" A grin formed on Sean's face when I nodded.

"Hey-" Byron started.

"So do you have a list?" I cut him off.

"Sure!" Sean took a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to me, "My number is written there and I'll come by later to give the fund to you. Thank you so much for doing this, I'll be sure to return the favor." He gratefully smiled at me.

"No problem," I smiled and glanced at Byron, "Right, Byron?" I grinned when he looked at lost for words and all he could do was gawk at us. Well, that's unexpected for someone as emotionless as him, I guess even him could make a face like that. I seriously have to stop myself from laughing. Oh my God, he looks like a kid who doesn't know what's going on.

The bell rang from the corridors, signaling that lunch is nearly over. Sean looked at his wristwatch, "I gotta go, my classes will start soon." He turned and smiled at us, "Thanks Joy and . . . Byron." Sean looked uneasy as he glanced at Byron. Figures, he was scowling at the three of us.

After Sean closed the door behind him, Austin studied us, "You two are . . . close?" He mumbled.

"Not at all." I replied while Byron got back to his writing again.

Austin gave me a confused look before giving a shrug, "Okay then," he unsurely replied, "I have to go."

"Kay!" I replied, he picked his bag up and headed outside. I twirled around and turned my attention back to Byron, "So, where will we meet up?" I asked while reading the list, "Whoah, there's a lot of things in here, you better help me." I warned.


I stared at him, "Seriously, why don't you talk much?" I frowned but as usual, I didn't get any reply, "Anyway, I'll meet you tomorrow at two here in front of the school." I kept my lunch and stood up, "Please show up, I'll be waiting." I smiled before making my way out of the office.

He better come.

I didn't know there was a lot of things I had to buy, most of them were for decorations. A field day sounds fun, I remember in middle school, Dylan and I used to compete in every game. I won some, I lost some, it was really great.

Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and replay all those experiences, I can't believe I finally have my dream job now, I won't let my family down, I'll work hard to meet their expectations.

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