Call it what you want - Jaylor

By emmachambiescoffee

29.5K 470 189

A Joe Alwyn and Taylor Swift story! "I was late. I was never late. Not once in my 30 years of life have I had... More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
What comes next?

Chapter Two

4.6K 89 55
By emmachambiescoffee

Heyhey! I'm back for more :) Here's chapter two of the fic, hope you're enjoying it! Please don't forget to vote and comment suggestions! Love, Juls.

His face was in complete shock, and he could only splutter out parts of words. Not complete sentences.

-"Yo- Me-... W-wait like... preg- oh my god!"-

A gigantic grin suddenly formed on his face, as he picked up the anxious woman and kissed her entire face.

-"A baby?! Babe! Holy- holy shit Tay! For real?"- He looked like a small child on Christmas day, giggly, bouncy and with a smile he couldn't wipe off his face.

He continued kissing Taylor's face and chuckling.

When suddenly he frowned, Taylor didn't seem so happy, she actually looked anxious and like she was about to throw up.

-"B-baby? Are you okay? Do you... not want it?"- He asked slowly.

Taylor shook her head vigorously. She did want it.

It's just... she didn't want it in a world like hers. Like theirs. Full of rumors, speculation, scrutinizing, paparazzi and analyzing every single move they took.

That couldn't be healthy, for them or for the baby.

-"J-joe, it's just..."- She took in a shaky breath, as he continued looking at her with a confused look.

-"I want this baby... God, a baby with you? Who wouldn't want that."- She paused and started fiddling with her necklace, her left hand subconsciously resting on her still flat belly.

-"I just don't want it to live in a world like ours. I can't do that to a child Joe. Not one that hasn't even been born yet. It's not fair, they didn't ask to be thrown into this crazy world of mine."- She frowned before continuing. –"No one should, and much less such an innocent baby... It would do so much damage to them, babe, I can't do that to someone. And, god! Who thinks I Taylor Swift, is ready to be a mother? C'mon Joe, you and I both know I'd fail completely."- She finished with a sad frown adorning her face and a sniff.

Joe's face immediately softened as he gently picked her up again and moved them, so they were both sitting face to face on top of the bed.

He took her hand in his and kissed it, before saying:

-"Love, I get it. I absolutely do. But, have you heard yourself? How can you even dare to say you're going to be a bad mother? The Lil' squirt's not even a fully formed being, it's not even out, and you're already so worried and caring for it."- He then moved to her face and softly kissed her forehead adding: -Also, honey, have you seen yourself with Leo? Sometimes I think he forgets you're not his mother babe"- He chuckled and kissed her lips this time, a gesture which she gladly reciprocated, softly smiling, because how is it that he can make her feel better in seconds?

She timidly nodded, a shy blush coating her cheeks.

-"I-I um, I guess you're right babe... But, what about what I said before? I can't bring a small baby into a life like ours. It's way to much pressure, stress, and rumors for a child! Have you stopped to think about how much trauma that must cause?"- She answered, laying her head in the crook of his neck, and breathing in his scent.

He took in the air and prepared himself for what he wanted to say.

-"Taylor, love, you're such a kind-hearted soul. And, I can't promise you that the baby will be safe from the paparazzi, media, and rumors constantly. Especially, as you said because well, we are its parents. But, what I can promise you is that we'll be there for each and every mistake, heartbreak, injury... For everything that a child needs. We love each other right?" – She nodded fast because, of course, she did, it was kind of impossible not to.

He smiled softly at her nod and continued.

-"Well then, what else does a child need to be happy? Its parents will love it unconditionally and they love each other. And babe, if it's the paparazzi you're worried about? We can do it. We hid from them for a whole year, we can do it with the baby as long as you're comfortable with it. Our main priority will always be the baby, and that's why I can assure you, that the baby will be safe. It will be loved, it will be happy and it will have, I can guarantee you the best mother in the whole world."-

By the time he had finished his "speech", she was crying. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones, but she was full out sobbing. How could she have found a man like him? Who melted all her insecurities away with some simple words. And who made her feel like the most loved woman in the world.

Yes, she was crying, but this time of happiness.


-"Okay? Okay what, love."- Joe said with a hopeful look on his face.

Taylor smiles before taking his hands in hers and kissing him softly.

-"We're having a baby. Us. Together."-

Joe immediately laughed with glee and started kissing Taylor's whole face. Mumbling excited phrases like: "I can't believe it'" "Oh my god baby! A baby!" "Hmm, I already can't wait." "I love you so much."

Before suddenly stopping with a strange look on his face, his eyes going dark.

-"Oh god, you're going to be so hot pregnant, I'm going to die."- He groaned and playfully bit her lip.

At this, Taylor started laughing and jokingly punched him in the shoulder.

-"You're such a kid, what have I gotten myself into"-

Joe just laughed and kissed her neck. Boy, was that a long night.


Taylor stood in front of the mirror in their bathroom, touching her belly lightly before calling out for Joe.

-"Babe? Do you think I'm starting to show?"- She said with a smile. Joe came up from behind her and wrapped his strong arms gently around her stomach, massaging softly where the bump was.

-"Hmmm, ever so slightly."- He answered with a smile as he pecked her neck.

-"I mean, I see it, but I think it's because I know you're pregnant. I feel like if you don't tell anyone, they wouldn't notice, but if you do tell someone they'll see it ya know?"-

Taylor nodded before adding:

-"Yeah. I'll be starting to show a lot more in the next couple of months... Do you think we should start telling some people?"-

Joe hummed and nodded.

-"No pressure though. You decide which people love."-

Taylor turned around and kissed him, before pulling away and saying:

-"Okay... How about we call our parents? We have dinners with both of them all the time, they won't suspect a thing."-

-"Fine with me, I can't wait to tell them though."- He responded with a smile.

Taylor chuckled nervously and said:

-"How do you think they'll react? Do you think they'll hate me?"-

-"What? Baby, you've got to get those silly doubts out of your head. They'll be as ecstatic as we are okay? I mean, if you think I haven't gotten all the "subtle" hints your mother throws at me..."- He laughed.

-"What? Which hints"- Taylor asked with an adorable confused look.

-"Oh Joe, look at how good Taylor looks with children, she'd be such a good mother."- He said with a high pitched voice, imitating Andrea.

-"Look at Tay with Leo, aren't they adorable? Do you like kids Joe? You know... I've always wanted to be a grandmother."- At this sudden revelation, Taylor started laughing.

-"Oh-laugh- my god! Does she really do that?"- Joe nodded and chuckled.

-"She must think she's being so discreet. I am so going to tease her about it!"-

Joe just nodded with a fond smile and hugged her, kissing her crown and mumbling an "I love you".

They still had that dinner to look forward to.

Love you all! Hope you liked it!

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