Enchanted : A Story Of Love A...

By payalll0

4.8K 395 66

#365 ROMANCE #2 SIDARTHMALHOTRA #9 SIDALIA While she loved someone else, he loved her. When she fell for him... More

• First Things First- Intro
• The Characters
CHAP 1. What More Do I Need?
CHAP 2. The Last One
CHAP 3. Proposing Business
CHAP 4. Said To The Wrong Person
CHAP 5. Her Happiness Meant The World
⚫Cover Change
CHAP 6. No Running
CHAP 7. Her Eyes
CHAP 8. Cheat On Her
CHAP 9. She Will Never Love Me
• Bonus Trivial Facts
CHAP 11. Pretty Helps
CHAP 12. I Need You
CHAP 14. Befallen
CHAP 15. Polar Opposites
CHAP. 16 Fooled Again | Part One
CHAP 16. Beat Him At His Own Game | Part Two
CHAP. 17 Cute, Who?
CHAP 18. Burned Again
CHAP 19. Something and Nothing
CHAP 20. Deadly Smile
CHAP. 21 Meet Meet
CHAP 22. Almost Two Arguments and Z
CHAP 23. Buddy Material
CHAP. 24 She Is Always | Part One
CHAP 24. Making This Mess | Part Two
⚫Cover Change

CHAP 10. I Thought I Mattered The Most

103 13 4
By payalll0


Class X, 29 June 2015

It was a few days after my nervous breakdown in front of Tanay and Abhi.

I was kind of worried that I messed with my self esteem so badly. That someone's denial could do me so wrong. But I think that's where I remembered that this was the whole point the two boys were talking about. I have to stop judging myself. I don't have to think about my actions so much that I forget about living my life in the moment. I had to stop being this mechanic.

Everything now seemed pretty too me. I decided after that day that I couldn't be hung up on Arsh anymore. It was time to let him go. I mean to let him go for real.

Now, that I think of it how foolish was I! I was behaving like he was going to eventually fall in love with me even when he made his intentions pretty clear. It was just that he mattered to me too much.

But I am sorted now. Am I not.

"I am finally happy that you decided to move on" Misha chirped in excitement and hugged me tight. Though she was smaller than me but her hugs, they were the best.


"Hey, You sure?" Sam said teasingly.

This made Misha give her a glaring look.

"What? I mean she does this on and off feelings thing too much. What makes you think this time it's real?"

That was Sam's attempt to justify her former question. And I totally knew where she came from.

"Whatever" Misha shrugged her shoulders and continued "My best friend has decided to move on and we are going to help her through that. I want her happy..."

"Trust me that's all I want too."

Watching them have this conversation made my skin tinkle down my stomach. My two girls were so cute. They loves me so much.

I didn't realise that I was giggling pretty hard at this thought. Only when I found them too eyeing me furiously made me realise so. I slightly gulped a sigh back down my throat, this was a weird time to release it.

I instantly came to know I was in trouble when they started hitting me (Playfully of course).

I was hurt that Shivi was missing all the friend action. I don't know, why she had to take another subject just to land her in totally different section. But it was recess so she could have showed up. Lately Shivi was behaving very distant due to her tacky boyfriend Vayu. I technically hated this fact but I couldn't do anything with the fact.

During this very moment I saw Abhi walking inside the class with his head down. To my best guess he was just humming a song and wasn't even aware.

This was another reason why I was so fond of him Abhi. I had this awful good connection with him where our conversation didn't compromise of silence or things that one of us didn't like. Music was definitely something both of us were very fond of but in very different ways. That also I have come to acknowledge due to our countless conversation on music.

I noticed he was approaching us and was only a few distance away when he brought his gaze up. And then he walked back at the sight of Misha and Sam, just passing me a faint smile.

"Hey, Zara...!" They cried in unison.

"huh.... "

"Well, girls. I am pretty serious this time. But some facts are to be taken understood one being that even if I do move over Arsh, doesn't mean I don't love him anymore or he isn't my friend anymore. He is pretty much those things to me."

My words would gain we a few surprised look I was full aware of this fact. But I seriously meant them. I continued.

"I mean girls you have to get it. He meant world to me at a time right. So I can't just come up one day and say yes I am over him. I'm not. The love thing will take time to go away eventually. Maybe it would not. It has to fade away it just doesn't go in one day and you people have to understand that."

"Yeah, girls it ain't a cliche high school infatuation where you can spit all hate once a guy rejects you." Tanay said in a tone that I knew my girls loathed but I was fully aware that they loved Tanay.

Who doesn't loves Tanay Kapoor?

Tanay was this larger than life personality who made people laugh moreover happy around him. He was just so childish on outside and all matured and philosophical inside. A person like him was rare.

And I can't seem to put how I barely talked to him before knowing he was Arsh's friend. No, actually it is him to blame because it was he who started talking to me after he came to know I was the one who fancies his best friend. It never mattered to me then but I am happy now that he started talking to me. It is always nice to have him around almost like a brother.

"Awwww... But they would still love you. You know after your rejection."

I teased him for all those girls who had crush on him. I mean like I told he was a rare package to find. He looked decent enough and had this immensely effective persona. Who wouldn't fall for that?

"Ofcourse, but they all know I am taken. I am yours, my love."

He said it with a 440 volt smile plastered on his face. And then he moved in a little closer to pack strands of my hair behind my ear. I flinched a little too that.

"Yes, you are." I replied.

And with this all four of us broke down into a high pitched laugh which gained us many weary looks. For all I know we didn't care about it anyway and we mock laughed again.

I noticed Abhi was standing a fair distance close to us but not very close. There he was just staring at me like I did something wrong. And then again I didn't look away. I just don't like breaking these intense glares.

And I just zoned to few minutes earlier when he had walked towards us. I realised he was walking to me but when he caught a glimpse of Misha and Sam he just ditched the idea. I had noticed this a few times before.

He was close to me but he was very different from the set of friends I had. I mean he would always prefer talking to me in private, alone. Unlike Tanay who would practically barge in anywhere, anytime. Not that I hated Abhi's way but he was too different with people around us. In short, he was just too different.

I was actually surprised that he was keen enough to talk to me on the day of my breakdown with Tanay around. Had it been any other day he would have ditched me for sure. I don't know why he abstained so much of himself from me.

I instantly remembered how he had held me in his arms that day. It had made goosebumps form on my body because I wasn't expecting that. But I also wanted him to be a little like that everyday. It was sometimes good enough to know that he cared. But again, it could have been out of sympathy only.


"Zara, but I am due Monday"

"Zara, Are you listening stop scribbling on paper and look at me!"



"Please, Zara help me out."


"Please, you're my baby. "

"No, no, no! "

"Zara, you know no one will help me and I am not capable of doing it alone. Please, I beg you."

"Ughhhh, Okay"

That was my conversation with Krrish. He always did this. I don't know why but I never was able to say know to his beggings. He would flash a puppy face and then I will melt like a fur ball. I just don't know, why?

"This is the last time. " I said.

"Very well" he said in a barely audible tone.

"You help him but not me, Why?"

Oh no, here comes Tanay. Now he will ask me to do his homework too. And as always I won't be able to deny him. Because then he will simply ask why I can do it for Krrish and not him.

"You have to do it for me!"

There you go.

"Hmm" And I returned to scribbling.

A fight was something I wanted least right now so I readily agreed without putting a word to escape the situation. I couldn't explain to all people why I favoured Krrish over anyone.

He was special to me. He truly was. He was kind of perfect in everything but the times he would ask for these favours where he would act helpless did give me satisfaction.

Honestly, people did ask me who would I choose between Krrish, Tanay, and Abhi. My anwser was always Krrish and I intended to keep it that way. Not like the other two meant any less. It was this emotion he showed back in return.

There was no explanation to it, why. But that did give high school to talk about us. They totally linked me with Krrish. Not that they didn't link me with the other two but Krrish was on majority side.

It was funny to me though. I do occasionally flirted with him. And also that I only flirted with him. But it was not like something I could help but I just happened whenever I was around him. And him flirting back kind of helped.

And he is pretty to look at. He looks perfect. Has this amazing body. He tops in every paper. He has this good CV of girls in school who want to date him (not a playboy, how?) and also has no problem with money. No flaws at all.

Krrish was epitome of perfection and a rival to Arsh. I don't how Tanay managed to be friends of both of them but that way given his personality.

It was even funnier that the two perfect specimens one I loved and the other I flirted with were rivals. I would have gone crazy had they been friends too.

"Wait, what you're helping them with the homework and not me? I thought I mattered the most to you, Zar!"


As promised I am back with an update on WEDNESDAY guys and it's nice with a set day. It's more easier to write now.

I don't know why people are not reacting enough. I really need to connect with my readers I mean it guys. Do VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE AND ADD.


I know you people literally hate me right now for the affection talks of Zara on Krrish and Tanay. And it does feels like injustice to Abhinav but I couldn't do away with it.

As I had mentioned earlier, Zara is a friends people so these people matter to her very much.

But they did have a glaring session and we all know how Abhi feels about them.

I hope to bring more Zara-Abhi action with the next update.

But right now I am giving them three a ship name...

Zara-Abhi : Zarav

Zara-Tanay : Ranay or Tara
( Comment which one you like more out of two because I couldn't decide.)

Zara-Krrish : Karra

Choose upon which pair you are going to ship. And don't hate me for having other two guys.

Also, I casted someone as Krrish so you are to check that too.

Keep Reading and falling in love, ♥

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