My sister's wedding - Sebasti...

By SmileyDubs92

79.1K 2K 280

26 year old Addison Jones is the black sheep of her upper east side family. When her little sister gets engag... More

My sister's wedding - Sebastian Stan fic
Chapter 1: A Surprise Announcement
Chapter 3: Time To Get Down To Business
Chapter 4: Calling Dibs.
Chapter 5: Late Night Calls And Pizza
Chapter 6: Shop Till You Drop.
Chapter 7: Broken And Kept Promises.
Chapter 8: An Interesting Turn Of Events.
Chapter 9: sleeping over.
Chapter 10: Pre Wedding Jitters.
Chapter 11: The Ceremony
Chapter 12: speeches and stars.
Thanks everyone!
New story alert!!!!
New story
Yet another new story alert

Chapter 2 : More Surprises.

6.5K 178 51
By SmileyDubs92

"Mommy, someone's at the door." Lexie said, pulling on Addy's duvet. She grabbed her hoodie and put it on over her shorts and tank top, and walked hand in hand with Lexie to the door.

"Who is it?" Lexie asked as Addy peaked in the tiny door hole.

"It's Auntie Lily?" Addy said, unlocking the door, letting Lily in. She came in with a tray of coffees and a brown bag from the coffee shop down the street. She threw her coat and the bag on the table.

"I'm having a tiny emergency, well actually a rather large emergency." Lily said, passing Addy a coffee and reaching in the bag, passing Lexie a chocolate milk and a muffin.

Addy stared at her sister in disbelief. It was early in the morning and her sister looked extremely put together. Her blonde hair was perfectly straight and she was wearing a cute dress.

"Sit, I guess." Addy gestured to the table, sitting herself, waiting for Lily to join her.

"I'm pregnant." Lily blurted out. Addy froze, unsure if her sister was joking or not. "Addison, can you say something please? I'm freaking out."

"Lily, I don't know what to say." Addy really was at a loss for words. "What do you want to do, what does Felix want to do, you've told him, right?"

"We don't want his family to know until after we get married."

Addy raised her eyebrow. "Well, if your pregnancy is anything like mine, you'll start showing right away, how far along are you?"

"Three weeks. I have a plan, but I'll need your help. We can get married next Saturday, then pretend we get pregnant on the honeymoon and then say the baby is early!"

"I'm sorry, I'm still half asleep, I thought you said you want to get married next Saturday."

"Yes, I do."

"Next Saturday, as in nine days from now." Lily nodded as Addy stared at her. She pinched the bridge of her nose. "Lily, that's crazy."

"I know, but if anyone can make it happen, it's you! Please Addy?" Lily pleaded.

Addy sighed, "There's so much to do, we'd have to get started right away."

"Excellent, I've arranged for Felix and his best man, Sebastian, to meet us for lunch. They'll both help. Thank you so much Addy, I love you!" Lily hugged Addy, "we should go shopping. We have limited time after all! Go change, I'll get Lex ready, then we can go." Lily herded Lexie into her room and Addy could hear them gabbing up a storm.

Addy went into her room and looked at herself in the mirror. Her thick, reddish purple hair was a matted mess and she was still wearing yesterday's smudged mascara. She groaned, she knew that today was going to require her to look nice. She started by wiping the makeup off her face and got to work on redoing it.

A short while laterAddy checked the mirror again. She didn't look as nice as Lily did, but she was presentable. She had tied her hair bak in a ponytail and had put on the first skirt she found in her closet, pairing it with a black tank top and a grey cardigan.

"Ready?" Addy asked, walking into the living room, where Lily and Lexie were watching cartoons.

"Mommy look! Auntie Lily braided my hair like Elsa!" Lexie said as she jumped off the couch and into Addy's arms.

"It looks very nice!" Addy said with a smile, running her fingers along the dark brown braid. "Can you please go get your shoes on so we can leave?" Lexie nodded and ran to the door, the adults following.

Addy held Lexie's hand as they walked out into the New York sunshine.

Lily wrinkled her nose, "I don't understand why you insist on living in Chelsea, it makes mom nervous that you both are here all alone."

"God Lily, I'm in Chelsea. It's not even a scary place to live. Where are you and Felix living?"

"Two blocks from mom and dads, his parents are also close by."

"We like it here, don't we Lex?"

"What does Nick think about you guys living here?"

Addy was getting annoyed with Lily, which wast a good sign since she had to spend more time with her sister that day. "Nick lost his right to get an opinion when he walked out on us." She said, hoping her tone would shut her sister up on the matter.

Addy and Lexie followed Lily around from store to store under Lily glanced at her watch.

"Goodness, is that the time? We're going to be late for lunch!" Lily shrieked as she here'd then out of the store and down the block.

"We have a reservation." Lily told the hostess, 'under Jones." The woman checked her book then led them to the table. The two men already sitting stood as they approached.

Lily threw her arms around the blond man, leading Addy to the conclusion that this was her future brother in law.

"Felix, this is my sister Addison, and my niece Alexa. Addy, this is Felix!" Lily said proudly, staring at him like he was the inventor of sliced bread.

"It's very nice to meet you, Lily has told me so much about you!" Addy lied, realizing that she really knew nothing about her soon to be in law. He shook her hand.

"The pleasure is really all mine, I want to thank you for helping with the planning. I know it's all rushed, but we're in love! This is Sebastian, my best friend and best man." Felix said, introducing the man sitting to his left.

She smiled at him quickly, taking his hand and shaking it before sitting. She noticed Lexie staring at Sebastian.

"I have a stuffed crab at my home named Sebastian. Did your mommy like the little mermaid and name you after the crab?" Lexie asked sweetly.

Sebastian chuckled, "that movie wasn't made until after I was born." He told Lexie, who looked confused.

"Then why are you called Sebastian?"

He shrugged, "why are you called Alexa?"

"It's my mommy's grandma's name, but everybody just calls me Lexie, except my grandma."

"Well, It's very nice to meet you, Lexie." Sebastian said with a chuckle as he took Lexie's tiny hand in his large one, shaking it up and down.

Addy was touched by the gesture, usually adults ignored Lexie's presence. She looked Sebastian up and down. She had to admit, he was quite handsome. His eyes were a piercing blue, the reminded her of the ocean and his brown hair was messy, as if he had just rolled out of bed. Addy could tell by the way his clothing fit that he was muscular. Very muscular.

"So. We seriously have so much to do." Lily stated.

"That's an understatement." Addy sighed, pulling a pad of paper out of her purse. "I hope you don't mind, but while you were looking at dresses for Lexie, I made a few calls. How many people are you planning on inviting, and would realistically be able to come."

"A small group, only 350. Felix and I sent out a feeler email to see if Saturday would be alright. I think almost everyone has gotten back to us, and has said yes."

Only Lily would think 350 people would be a small group. Addy sighed again, she knew this was all to be expected. She also knew that suspicion would arise if Lily, a well known, popular socialite, had a small quite wedding.

"Alright. Well, I think the best option, only because of the guaranty of its availability, would be if you guys got married at the Hampton house. The ceremony could be by the water, then we can have to reception on the back lawn. What do you think?"

Lily clapped her hands. "See Felix? I told you Addy would have this under control. I would have never thought about the Hampton house!"

"So, that's a yes?" When Lily nodded excitedly Addy made a note. "I'll call Donna and ask them to her the house ready."

"Listen team, I think we're going to have to divide and conquer. We can divvy up the list of things to do and tackle them in teams of two. I'll work with Felix and Addy can work with Seb." Lily said, ripping a piece of the paper off, making two lists.

"What team am I on auntie Lily?" Lexie asked, looking at the paper as Lily wrote.

"You'll be on our team." Sebastian said with a wink.

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