Alone Together...


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First waking up in the body of a character in Naruto, then meeting their inner personality was never a good t... More

The New Beginning
Getting Used To This World
Crazy First Day
Lessons On Etiquette
First Day Of Training
Revelations and Goals
The Bakery and The Encounters
Convenient Trip
Better Days
Finally Home
Ramen and Cookies
Getting Caught
Memorial Stone
The Game
Five In One Day
The Rain
Seriously Scary
Suspicion and Ninja Games
Unexpected Sleepover
Not Expected
Believe In Me
Finally Friends
First Fight
The Academy
The Betrayal
All The Colors
Scroll of Sealing
Bell Test
The Wave Mission Part 1
The Wave Mission Part 2
The Wave Mission Part 3
I Remember You
Probation and Training
Forget About Everything
The Real Sakura
Change In Plans
It Has Begun
The Chunin Exam's Part 1
The Chunin Exam's Part 2
The Chunin Exam's Part 3
The Chunin Exam's Part 4
The Chunin Exam's Part 5
First Kill

Truth's Told

9.2K 493 85

Sakura's POV

All the clan heads and the children followed Shikaku to his Go room. It was pretty spacious and had no problem fitting all of us inside.

"Come over here Sakura-chan" Shikaku said as he walked over to the other side of a table that held the board. I complied and sat on the empty side. Shikamaru took to sitting closer to us while the others took their own seats wherever they wanted and got comfortable.

For the next hour I spent my time paying close attention to what Shikaku was teaching me. It's not everyday some civilian child gets to be taught by a clan head. Shikaku was a very good teacher, even with his lazy personality. I noticed that he wasn't so lazy when it involved something he enjoyed.

I understood all the things he taught me and Inner made sure we would remember the information for later use. I had the distinct feeling that although I was being watched just as much as all the other kids, now it was solely on me. Where they suspicious? Had I slipped and gave them something to be suspicious of?

I cleared my mind of such thoughts and concentrated on the information that was being given to me. Shikaku taught me about the pieces and their placement and movements, as well as the etiquette and he surprised me by giving me some pointers and some simple strategies.

"So little Sakura-chan, how do you feel about playing a game with me?" He asked rather casually. I smiled and leaned slightly back on my cushion. I nodded as I popped some of my bones to help them relax for the soon to be long game.

"It would surely help me get a solid idea of how to play." I said and he nodded while also scooting back. We both bowed and he then proceeded to empty the pieces on the board. I reached over and started to set my pieces on my side of the board. I placed them according to the image I was getting from Inner. Once I finished I looked up and saw that Shikaku was already done. The game began when he moved his first piece. I took in a deep breath and reached for my first piece. It wouldn't be hard to act naturally this time, because this would be my first shogi game and I had no doubt I would be losing.

~An Hour Later~

I was actually very proud of myself. It was one hour into the game and the more I looked at the board, the more I knew I was cornered. I also knew he was holding back, because there was no way I had lasted and hour with him playing at his best. Inner had been giving me her opinions and ideas which helped greatly, but I knew we still had a long way to go. At some point I had began to try to incorporate some strategies from Go, but he would always make them useless. I came to realize that I needed to create new strategies for shogi. I had used all the pointers and strategies he had given to me, and even added some twist to them, but they were always stopped.

It was my turn currently and I had to finally stop and give up. I sighed and looked up with a defeated smile. I had done the best I could and I was proud of myself. I had managed to get some of his pieces but it wasn't something that had given me any advantages. I knew, that he knew that I would not be able to win.

"I think I'll lose with whatever move I use." I stated looking back down to the board. Shikaku was really good at strategies and I held high respect for him. He knew how to read his opponents and was always steps ahead of them.

"You did really good Sakura-chan." He said and I smiled up to him.

"Only because you taught me well." I said with a small bow towards the man. He waved it off with his hand and went back to his lazy mannerisms.

"You'll only continue to get better as time goes by." He stated. I wished that was true not only in the game but outside of it aswell. We heard Sora outside and I looked up to him.

"You kids can go." He said looking at me and then the others. I chuckled as I saw the look on some of their faces. They looked tired but fought it off to see through the whole game. Except for Shikamaru who was completely into the game.

"Finally!" Ino said as she got off the floor and walked over to me.

"Lets go see what your mom said!" She said and I nodded up to her. I stood and noticed the other kids also getting up.

"Little Sakura-chan." Shikaku said gaining my attention before I walked out. I turned to him and tilted my head in question.

"We should play again sometime." He stated and my eyes widened for a split second before I smiled at him.

"Okay." I said and bowed slightly before exiting the room.

Shikamaru caught up to me as we made our way over to Sora.

"That was a good game for your first time. How did you come up with some of those strategies?" He asked curiously.

"I just used some from Go that I knew, but your father was still too good." I answered and he nodded.

"Dad actually looked surprised throughout the game...Do you think we could play a game sometime?" He asked expectantly and I smiled at him and nodded.

"Sure, whenever you want." I said and watched him smile and look to the front when Ino yelled out happily. She ran up to me with the note in her hands.

"She said you could stay and sent over some things you would need." Ino exclaimed excitedly as she handed me the note. I was given my pink bag by Choji.

"Ino-chan do you think I could leave this with your mom?" I asked referring to my bag. She nodded and took it from me.

"Yeah, she brought some of my stuff over too!" She said and we made our way to her mother. The others decided to wait for us to come back.

Normal POV

"She did very well for her first time." Stated Hiruzen as he looked over to Shikaku.

"She actually did better than I had expected, better than Shikamaru's first time. I'm sure the only reason she hadn't done even better was probably because she had never played before. If it would have been Go, she might have had a chance at winning." Shikaku stated as he cleaned up the pieces.

"That good eh? I thought it was a joke when you told me about Fugaku; and although I'm not so big on games, I could even tell the kid was good." said Tsume as she sat near Kuromaru.

"Not only that, but Sakura-san had very...interesting idea's during their game of ninja." Said Hizashi.

"That's right. Hokage-sama, when should we speak to her?" Asked Inoichi. Hiruzen closed his eyes in thought and then opened them when he had decided.

"After dinner." Hiruzen spoke and proceeded to stand.

"Let's go see what her mother decided." Hiruzen said and walked out of the room with the others close behind.

When they returned to the outer hallways they noticed Ino and Sakura going towards the mothers and handing a pink bag over to Naomi.

"I think she was allowed to stay." Choza commented as he noticed Naomi's smile along with Ino's. The other clan members also agreed and watched as Ino grabbing Sakura's wrist and pulled her along towards the others. Ino has spoken and soon they were all walking towards the house.

"Dear, it's time for dinner." Naomi announced as she approached the group.

"Alright, we're coming." Inoichi said and followed Naomi to the dinning room they would be using.

Sakura's POV

I looked around the hallways as Ino lead us to the dinning room. She must have known the layout to Shikamaru's house really good. We stopped in front of two shoji doors. Ino slid them open on both sides and stepped through. A long rectangular table was in front of me. It was decorated with some simple flowers and had food and utensils already set.

"Sakura-chan sit here!" Ino stated as she pulled me to the very end of the table on the left. Ino had grabbed a cushion from my left and moved it to be beside me. We were small enough to fit comfortably on the end together. Sasuke along with Itachi and Shisui sat to Ino's left in that order, much to her happiness. Shikamaru was to my right and Choji was beside him. Kiba was next and the other three sat beside their parents that had come in, further down the table.

"You're going to love the food! Choji's mom always makes the best food! But your mom's the best baker!" She said excitedly. I smiled at her and looked around as everyone began to fill the table.

"I have a really bad feeling..." Inner stated and I couldn't help but to believe her.

'Did you notice anything?' I asked as I saw the mothers add more food to the table.

"Not really...just stay with Ino-pig..." She said as I felt her concentrate even more on our chakra. I had a similar idea since the day started. The best thing I could do was stick close to Ino. I looked around and couldn't find anything wrong or suspicious but I was going to heed Inner's foreboding feelings and stay in alert.

Dinner went by fast, it was fun but I just couldn't relax. Inner's and my anxiety were growing and I still couldn't find anything off. Throughout the dinner I talked to all the kids and even some adults from time to time. They were simple conversations and easy to answer but I was always cautious of what I said.

Desert came next and everyone was excited. The pastries that were in the three scrolls Madoka had sent over were practically devoured. She had sent many different types and from what I heard and seen going around the table, it was most of their favorites. Many asked me to thank Madoka when I returned and I assured them I would. Everything was going really good and we were having fun, until I felt that feeling come back.

"Outer!" Inner said worriedly. I nodded slowly.

'I know. I couldn't forget such a feeling. Someone has casted a genjutsu and since Shisui is here and is one of the best, I'd say it was him. Though there were plenty of people in the room who could have easily created it.' I thought as I tried to act as normal as I could. It was amazing how genjustu's worked, I was talking to Ino as if I normally would. Nothing besides the feeling was different.

My thoughts were halted when I sensed a presence behind me. I looked up and noticed the Hokage standing there with the other adults behind him. How did I not sense them? Nevermind...the genjutsu must have clouded the other chakra signatures in the room.

"Sakura-chan, would you mind accompanying us for a second?" He asked but I could tell, there wouldn't be a way for me to say no. I looked at Ino uncertainly.

"It's okay! But come back quickly!" She said just as if she was the real one. I knew for sure she wasn't the real Ino. The real one would want to tag along. Also, they must have placed a genjutsu on all the others so it would seem I was still present...They were serious about whatever they had to say.

I looked back up to him and tried to make my face as calm as I could.

"Okay." I said and stood up. I looked down at Ino and told her I would be back quickly, just like I would act if everything was normal. When I looked back up, I faintly caught the Hokage looking behind me. probably towards Itachi and Shisui because soon I heard footsteps get closer behind me. The situation turned even more serious than it had to when the Hokage placed a hand on my back and led me out. All the other adults practically encircled us, as we walked in the center. I felt Inner start to panic inside and she was starting to make me nervous as well.

'Calm down Inner. We can do this together.' I encouraged not really sounding as calm as I wanted. It helped calm her down enough for her to concentrate better.

"Is something wrong Sakura-chan?" He asked and I looked up to him. Noticing that everyone else was serious and stayed quiet.

"Everything's fine." I answered and for a split second I saw him frown. I felt as if I had answered incorrectly but if I had said something was wrong, he would have questioned me. And no doubt about it, he would find out I could sense the genjutsu. I looked back down and saw through the legs of the adults, I could see the outside. It was dark, not enough for me not to see, but enough to make me feel more nervous about the situation.

What could they possibly know? Or yet, what didn't they know? I stopped when Shikaku and Inoichi who were in front stopped. They opened the shoji doors on each side and I saw the Hokage walk inside.

"Sit down Sakura-chan." He said gesturing to the cushion in front of me, that would have my back facing the doors. I could do nothing but comply or it would seem suspicious. When everyone took their own seats, I noticed that they didn't wear their happy expressions. No, this was a serious conversation and I knew I wouldn't be able to lie very well.

"Sakura-chan do you have any idea why we're here?" He asked. Okay, maybe he was starting off the conversation with a light question. He would probably branch out until he got into the real topic. I shook my head slowly and tried to concentrate more on all the etiquette lessons from Madoka on meetings, instead of the atmosphere.

"No Hokage-sama." I answered.

"We just want to ask you some questions, nothing to make you worry about." He explained, and I wanted to say yeah right, I'm already nervous and you've only asked me a simple question. I settled for nodding and gesturing to him that I understood.

"I heard from Fugaku, his son and Shisui that you do not wish to enter the academy early? Can you tell me why?" He asked nicely. My eyes widened and I couldn't help but to look at the ones named. They didn't look at me but I knew they could feel my gaze.

Was this whole thing really about me not wanting to go to the academy early?

"I don't think I would make the requirements for certain areas." I answered him with the same excuse I had told the others.

"Nonsense. You would certainly pass. There must be some other reason since the academy was made for you to learn." He said and I bit the inside of my cheek nervously.

'What should I say now? If I tell them the could have different results, possibly good and bad.' I thought nervously.

"I don't know...I'm not sure what to do in this situation." Inner honestly answered with worry.

"Is there a reason why you hesitate?" Asked Hiashi, one of the only ones to come out and say what he thinks. I stayed quiet and just looked at the man.

"Sakura-chan you have no reason to think you can't make the requirements." Inoichi stated quietly.

"He's right Sakura-chan. Your pretty smart as it is." Choza backed up his comment. I could only look to them as they spoke.

"We can come back to that later. For now, I would like to ask something else. Sakura-chan, when did you start wanting to be a ninja and why?" Hiruzen asked. Of course he knew I was nervous and changed the question. He was patient and was named the god of shinobi after all.

"When I was two...and because my father did it." I answered with my cover story. He nodded with a smile.

"And your three right now correct?" He asked.

"About to be four in a month and three weeks." I informed and watched him nod his head again. I really didn't want to be here. He was making it hard not to answer his questions.

"If that's so then why don't you want to enter the academy?" Asked Kakashi. I looked at him and hesitated slightly before answering.

"The same reason why the other clan kids don't. I'm not ready." I lied, trying to make a connection to their kids.

"Some of our kids did not show the same talents as you in such an age." Hiashi stated and I couldn't help but feel sad for Hinata. I suddenly had an idea.

"But your daughter is my age isn't she?" I asked him wanting to get some good information out of this.

"She is, but months younger. Her birthday is in December." He informed. That piece of information was good. It made me feel a bit more confident. That age gap gave me enough time to think about what to do about her kidnapping that lead to many avoidable situations.

"You seem to be avoiding that one question kid." Tsume stated as everyone looked at me. I wanted to run and hide but knew it was impossible to lie for much longer. I looked down to my hands on my lap.

'What should I do?' I thought, knowing Inner did not know the answer.

"It's okay to say why Sakura-chan. No one will interrupt you." The Hokage said as he looked over to Hiashi. I took in a deep shaky breath while closing my eyes.

'I think I'm going to tell the truth.' I thought waiting for any objections from Inner. I got none and was shown an image instead. The image was that of a smiling Naruto. I remembered that day, it had been the first time I had seen him so happy and it had also been the day he had given me his trust.

I opened my eyes and stared at the Hokage dead on with resolve. I was being stupid. I knew before hand that I would be in many situations such as these, but I wouldn't give in. This was just as much for me as it was for Naruto.

"A friend." I said, catching their attention if they hadn't been observing me before.

"Are you saying that your not entering the academy because of a friend?" Asked Shibi as he seemed a bit incredulous. I looked at him with the resolve I felt and knew they could feel it too.

"That's right." I answered honestly.

"Sakura-chan...that reason's a bit..." Inoichi couldn't even finish his sentence but he didn't have to. I knew they thought my reason for not entering was weak.

"Sakura-chan you know that such a reason shouldn't keep your skills back." Shikaku stated. I shook my head and looked at him.

"I know, but I'm keeping my promise...I'm his first friend and-" My sentence was cut off by Hiashi who turned toward me.

"You can't be serious. Don't waste your talent for a friend that could very well leave you." He stated rather harshly. I frowned at his words. He could be very mean to a child, but I wasn't going to let him push his views onto me like Hinata. Before I could say anything, I was beat by the Hokage who had stayed rather quiet since I revealed my reason.

"Hiashi don't push your views onto her. Let her speak. Sakura-chan you were talking about your friend?" He asked gently. I smiled and decided that he should know the truth...He would understand...right?

"He's very nice and has big dreams that I believe will come true. I promised him that I would enter the academy with him...and beside, Ino-chan has already stated many times that we would be going together." I said looking at Inoichi and then towards the Hokage.

"So your friend wants to enter the Academy with you...What's his name?" Asked Hizashi nicely. This was it. The moment of truth, whether they accept me or shun me would be known now. I at least felt comforted by the thought that Hiruzen would take my side, as for the others...I wasn't so sure. But even so, I had too.

"Naruto Uzumaki." I stated proudly of having him as my friend. Everyone's eyes immediately widened and looked at me with surprise. The Hokage however had the reaction that I would never have had imagined, and everyone else just turned towards him in equal surprise.

The Hokage had broke out into a deep laugh. I was very confused, I didn't know what else to do but to stare at the old man. Once he calmed down and just chuckled he looked over to me with a new kind of look on his face. One that looked almost like gratitude.

"I should have known you were his little friend. Who else has pink hair? I can't believe I hadn't realized...but then, he never did tell me your name." He said and made me and the others snap out of our surprise.

"He...told you about me?" I asked, knowing full well Naruto would blab to his "Jiji". The Hokage nodded and smiled at me warmly.

"Yes all the time. Of all sorts of stuff, I was actually planning on meeting you soon. I would have never imagined you to be here." He stated and I smiled.

"Why hadn't he told you my name? He spoke about you often as well." I said and he chuckled.

"Probably because I would find you just as smart as he said and make you enter the academy early." He answered honestly. I chuckled at how cute Naruto could be when keeping his friends to himself. I didn't mind, I was his first friend that was the same age as him. I looked back up to him seriously.

"Will you still make me enter early?" I asked and the room turned serious once again.

"No." He stated and I smiled brightly towards him. Feeling very relieved.

"Why not? She obviously fits the requirements?" Hiashi stated. Hiruzen looked over to him.

" know just as much as everyone else here about Naruto-kun. He has finally been able to make a friend in Sakura-chan, something all of you should be doing." He chided. Hiashi nodded and stayed quiet as well as the others.

"Sakura-chan, what do you know about Naruto-kun?" The Hokage asked me. I wasn't planning on telling them that I knew everything or else they would question it.

"Not much. I've only just known him for a month...I have noticed that people bully him a lot but I don't know why." I answered as best as I could. He seemed to have believed me, because he smiled down at me.

"He's an orphaned child and very kind when you get to know him but the people don't see him like you and I do." He answered. I smiled up to him. He didn't have to worry, sooner or later they'll think I'm worse and start seeing him differently.

"Your a nice kid Sakura-chan!" Exclaimed Shisui as he patted my head. I swatted his hand away and froze when I heard the Hokage speak.

"Actually Naruto-kun has confided in me how scary you can be." He said.

"Then why are you repeating it Hokage-sama?" Asked Kakashi and I couldn't agree more.

"I know you guys won't tell. So, Sakura-chan you seem to be handling the bullies quite well, and I'm sure you know what I'm talking about." He said with a knowing twinkle in his eyes. I knew that all the stares of curiosity had sky rocketed when I felt my face burn up. The moment I knew he had somehow found out about my over-stepping boundaries with the others, I couldn't help but blush. The thought of being caught by the Hokage that I was lecturing older people twice my size, made me think that perhaps I should have chosen other methods.

"Sakura-chan...are you blushing?! What did you do?" Shisui just had to comment on it. Gods, he was like a guy version of Inner, who was currently attempting to stop giggling. I ignored him and pushed his hand away as I looked over to Hiruzen who along with the others looked very amused at my situation.

"Did he tell you?" I asked, feeling the blush fade away.

"He told me his version which was very...interesting. I heard the real version from someone who had seen the situation and reported it back to me." He answered not knowing that I knew about the ANBU. I looked down at the table in wonder.

"...So there was someone watching..." I whispered unintentionally. When I realized my mistake, I looked up towards a surprised Hokage.

"Sakura-chan...did you see them...or perhaps, sensed?" He asked me. I stayed quiet, not really knowing how I should answer.

"So you did." Answered Shikaku who must have taken my silence as confirmation.

"Now that it's being brought up. Sakura-san, are you perhaps suppressing your chakra?" Fugaku asked and I widened my eyes. How could they have possibly-. I quickly turned to Hizashi and Hiashi.

"So you are. And you know of their Byakugan." Said Shikaku. I was really starting to hate how he could read me so well. I just hoped he didn't find out other things.

"Sakura-chan, how is it that you know such advanced techniques and of their Byakugan? Surely your father hasn't shown you such dangerous techniques and I'm not only talking about suppressing your chakra." Hiruzen asked and I gulped. He must be referring to what I did before with Naruto's bullies.

"I read a lot." I answered which was technically true.

"But how can you concentrate on your chakra and other things?" Hizashi asked.

"I've been doing chakra practices since the beginning, so it comes naturally." I answered, hopefully they just took that as me having talents with chakra and not get any closer to finding out about Inner.

"Sakura-chan you have so much talent. Are you sure you don't want to enter the academy?" Asked Hiruzen. I nodded in resolve.

"I'm sure." I answered and besides I've gotten this far without it. I can just continue to practice on my own. Hiruzen nodded and stood, making me almost jump in joy from the meaning behind it.

"It is decided, you will enter with the others your age. Sakura-chan come with me tomorrow to the Hokage tower to discuss things. Naruto-kun should also be there when we finish up." He said. I was a bit surprised but then nodded in agreement.

"That's fine. I had to meet Naruto-san tomorrow anyway." I answered and got up when everyone else did. We were making our way back to the dinning room when I felt the chakra around us.

"I was originally going to ask you why you seemed to be comfortable being by yourself, but it seems I don't need to anymore." Hiruzen stated beside me. So that was why he had frowned earlier, for thinking I couldn't handle myself alone. I suppose that's his natural protective nature when it comes to a three year old.

"Hokage-sama, actually I lied to you earlier." I honestly told him.

"What the heck are you doing?! We just got out of one bad situation and now you want to go into another one!" Inner shouted in disbelief. Hiruzen and the others looked down at me surprised.

"What do you mean?" He asked and I looked around.

"You had asked me if something was wrong. I hadn't answered truthfully because I didn't know if I was right but I sense chakra all around...Is that normal?" I asked so they wouldn't get too suspicious. I just wanted them to know that I understood chakra better than what they thought I did and they didn't have to worry.

"I'm really impressed Sakura-chan. Though, there's nothing for you to worry about." He answered and I nodded. So he wasn't going to admit that they had put up a genjutsu. Well, it doesn't matter, I was too happy right now. They had accepted my decision and the Hokage had even encouraged it. And they didn't seem suspicious of me anymore, they looked impressed with my skills and that was way better than being suspicious of me.

I looked up to the moon that was in clear view now that they weren't surrounding me. I smiled and felt things going back to normal. Tomorrow's meeting with the Hokage wouldn't be so bad now that I knew he believed me.

💗💗Love and kisses😘😘

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