Not Your Type (Chris Pine Fan...

By Iteachinheels

378K 8.2K 909

Chelsea moved away to escape and get a chance to start over. All she wanted was a new chance and a little ho... More

Watching Football
The Perfect Sunday
Lunch Date
A Big Scene
Text Messages
Kiss the Cook
The Party
Late Night Phone Calls
The Man on the Porch pt. 1
The Man on the Porch Pt. 2
Conversations on the Sidewalk
Paulus Potterstraat 7, 1071 CX Amsterdam, Netherlands
That Conversation Pt. 1
That Conversation Pt. 2
That Conversation Pt. 3
Vincent Van Gogh
Mitch and Trisha
Trisha and Mitch
Bruises and Bubbles
It's Not Goodbye
Colorado Game Night
Colorado Sundays
Colorado Christmas Eve
Colorado Gifts
This is Not the Ending

Colorado Late Night

2.9K 66 2
By Iteachinheels

Chelsea sat on the couch across from Melissa and Brian, who sat legs crossed on the floor in front of the coffee table. Pictionary was a mess of used paper slips and dull pencils on the lower table. They had separated into pairs, essentially couples with the exception of the old high school friends. Jake and Jennifer were dominating, nearing the end of the game board. Mr. and Mrs. Carter had all but given up, they no longer focused on drawings or watching the other teams. Chelsea's parents asked Chris questions between turns. Politely, Chris always answered. Chelsea blamed their last place position on his kindness and her current state of exhaustion. She stifled a yawn.

"Tired?" Chris asked softly, into the side of her head. Chelsea nodded while she watched Melissa sketch quickly.

"Dog sled!" Brian shouted.

"Oh my gawd, no," Melissa moaned.

Chelsea laughed and leaned into Chris, "Exhausted." Chris' arm was lazily resting on the back of the couch, his hand draped on her shoulder. Chelsea slid her hand up and laced her fingers through his. It was comfortable, natural and felt like they had been sitting on the Carter's old couch like this for years.

"Saint Bernard!" Brian guessed.

Melissa stopped drawing and laid her head on the coffee table, "You are the worst partner ever."

Chris laughed, "Hardly, check our position."

"Hey! Did you just call me the worst partner ever?" Chelsea turned to face Chris. Their faces were inches from each other. Her parents sat just on the other side of Chris, laughing at Melissa's reaction, but they disappeared. The only thing Chelsea could focus on was her strong desire to kiss Chris. His lips, oh his lips, her eyes were glued on them.

"Something tells me your mind isn't on Pictionary," Chris spoke, his voice deep and low.

Chelsea sighed, Chris was right her mind was not on the game. But it also wasn't just where Chris thought it was. The day had been a whirlwind. Though traveling just meant sitting in a plane or in an airport for hours, it always wore her out. The exhaustion was compounded by the emotional overload of seeing her family, drinking with her friends and finding Chris in her grandparents' living room. Even though her body grew heavy, she still longed to kiss him. She missed those full lips of his, but this was her parents house. Even when she had been married it felt wrong to fool around with her husband. If her parents knew the things she and Chris had done, the thought caused her to blush. The red on her cheeks caused Chris to wink at her. Chelsea shook her head and turned her focus back to the game.

"It was a chariot. A chariot! How the, I mean, how do you get a dog out of that?" Melissa snapped angrily at her partner.

"That is not a horse," Brian asserted as his partner threw the pencil down in disgust.

"Whose turn is it now?" Melissa mumbled, frustrated that they had squandered their chance to roll again and possibly win.

"Ours," Chris said, leaning forward and grabbing the dice. Chelsea watched her family watch him, they seemed to admire his good looks as much as she did. Each time he did something an awed hush came over her family. He turned and faced her, "It's your roll," he placed the dice in her hand, allowing his finger tips to linger on her skin just a second longer than necessary. Chelsea shook and tossed a seven. "Let's take you to Vegas," Chris joked as she moved their piece.

"All play," she stated.

"Get this, Brian." Melissa instructed, "Get this and we win."

"And the rest of us can go to bed," Chelsea whispered.

"Uh huh, I bet," Melissa said playfully, Chelsea shot her a look of disapproval and then looked at her mother. Susie had clearly heard the comment and looked at her daughter with a similar look censure. Chelsea pulled a card from the box and found the coordinating color to her all play space. She read the word and felt her stomach knot. Rereading it, she looked to her sister and slid the card across the board. Jules eyes darted up at Chelsea, her reaction similar. The card was passed to George, Jennifer and finally Brian. Brian groaned and slid the card back to Chelsea. Just in case she had read it wrong, she lifted the card and read the word again.


Shaking her head, she steadied herself to draw. "Ready?" Jules asked, holding the timer. An affirmative chorus followed, Jules turned the timer and play began.

Chelsea drew a stick figure, a simple one with a triangular bottom to represent a dress and curl of a pony tail.

"Girl," Chris guessed. Chelsea held her hand out signaling him to wait and met his blue eyes. She couldn't help but wonder why drawing a simple word like 'engagement' terrified her so. "Woman?" Chris guessed again. Chelsea shook her head and went back to drawing.

She drew a line underneath the girl to represent the ground. "Standing, walking," Chris continued to guess and Chelsea still shook her head. Friends and family were getting different guesses. Things like ring and diamond had been shouted out. Chris' face contorted, "Did you look at the same word as them?" he asked, stealing a glance at Jules gigantic diamond ring drawing.

Chelsea carefully drew, to the best of her ability, a stick figure on its knees. She drew the arms reaching up and added arms to her girl, with round hands on its face to signify shock. Quickly, she added a little box to the arms and began work on the ring.

Chris was frozen, his eyes darted around to the other drawings. He knew where this was going. He looked at her parents; Susie was bent over George's drawing repeating 'ring' over and over again even though it was wrong He could feel the pending awkwardness, so instead of shouting his guess he leaned in to Chelsea and whispered, "Proposal? Propose?"

The hair on the back of Chelsea's neck stood up and goosebumps flocked her skin. "No," she whispered. Those words, whispered out of Chris' mouth, gave her chills.

"It's a flipping diamond ring, that's what you've drawn, that's what I see. If that's not the word DRAW SOMETHING ELSE!" Melissa shouted.

Faces side by side, Chelsea and Chris looked up at the friends, "They're a little too competitive," Chelsea whispered.

"It's not proposal," Chris, with his own will to win, whispered, "Am I close?" Chelsea turned, looked into his eyes and gave him the smallest nod she could. Pencil to the paper, she added details. She drew a card and wrote the words, "Save the Date" on them.

"You can't write words!" Brian snapped.

"Work on your drawing, why are you looking at mine?" Chelsea muttered as she scribbled out what she had written.

"Announcement?" Chris asked, confused. Then it hit him, "Engaged! Engagement!" he shouted.

"Yes!" Chelsea said, throwing her arms into the air and giving Chris a high five.

Almost in unison the other teams let out "Oh, I get it" and similar thoughts. Brian mumbled, "Cheaters," under his breath. Before another turn was taken an uncomfortable silence fell over the group, that word 'engagement' floating above the game board awkwardly.

"Well," Mrs. Carter broke the silence, "if Chels and Chris are disqualified for cheating I say we just end this game here. It's past midnight, it's been a long day of travel, let's call it a night." She stood and was followed by her husband, "Good night, kids." Susie turned to walk to bed then she stopped and turned around, "You remember where your room is Chris?"

It seemed like a silly question, how would he forget his room? But he understood what she meant. Really Susie Carter was telling him to behave himself. He smiled at her, "Yes ma'am, down the hall, last door on the right. Next to the guest bath."

"Right across from our room," she said. "Have a good night." Chelsea closed her eyes and willed herself not to blush again. Her mother's comments with out question were reminding her to stay in her own room. Everyone called good night as her parents walked out of the room. Jennifer made her way to the kitchen with the empty popcorn bowl. "Don't forget to turn off all the lights!" Mrs. Carter called.

The sound of a door shutting made its way to the living room as the six "kids" were left cleaning up the Pictionary. "Feel like your in high school again, Chels?" Jake asked jovially.

"Shut up," Chelsea mumbled, which only caused her cousin to laugh.

Jake stood, patted Chris on the shoulder, and said, "Good luck, man." Chris said nothing in return, only smiled and watched Jake walk into the kitchen to join his wife. Shortly after they went upstairs.

Melissa was fighting off laughter, "Dude," she said, "Jake is right. Your mom is straight out of 2001 right now."

Chelsea laughed but covered her face with her hands, first the word 'engagement' was drawn and now her mother was skillfully placing her under an invisible lock and key. Chris was paid to mask his emotions and pretend to be something else; he was embarrassed as well, he simply hid it better. He smiled at Melissa and placed a hand on Chelsea's back, "So no sneaking around late at night, huh?" he winked at Melissa who girlishly giggled. Chelsea groaned, mumbling something that resembled 'stop it' into her hands.

"I remember being scared for my life prom night," Brian interjected.

Chelsea looked up out of her hands, amazed at how the awkwardness compounded by the second.

Chris looked inquisitively at Chelsea then back at Brian, "You went to prom together?" Brian nodded, almost proudly.

Melissa added, "And I had to go with stupid what's his face. Do you even talk to that guy anymore?"

"Who?" Brian asked.

"The guy I went to prom with, your friend. Gah, I can't remember his name."

"Jeremiah," Chelsea said, softly.

"Oh no, I don't talk to him anymore. I forgot you went with him." Again, Brian was staring at Chelsea in a way that mildly irritated Chris. Now he was beginning to understand why. Chris wondered if Brian was Chelsea's high school sweetheart. "I don't remember a whole lot from prom really."

"Sure you don't," Melissa whispered almost under her breath, but they all heard it. Chris glanced at Chelsea, to gauge her reaction. She was nervously picking at her fingernails. He looked back at Brian, who was still staring intently at Chelsea. "I remember we ate at the Olive Garden, like it was fancy. They made us mocktails and you spilled some on your vest." Melissa said.

"That vest was awful, thank God you did that." Chelsea said, still looking down.

"It matched your dress perfectly!" Brian protested.

"So much for not remembering much," Chelsea mumbled. Chris laughed. "It was just too much, too matchy-matchy. I'm glad you spilled that drink on it before pictures."

"Does your mom still have that picture hanging on the wall?" Brian asked, looking first at Chris then at Chelsea. Chris looked at Chelsea and had to fight off laughter, the look of complete disgust on her face was hilarious.

"No, prom was almost a decade ago. I mean, it may be somewhere but my wedding photos long since replaced that one." Chris bit the inside of his cheek to hold the giggles at bay.

"Yeah, wedding pictures. That makes sense," Brian said to no one in particular as he put the last bits of the game into the box. "I haven't looked at those pictures in ages, it would be fun to go through all that high school junk again, take a jog down memory lane."

"Quite frankly, I have had enough of memory lane for one day," Melissa stated, standing. "And as fun as this awkward prom conversation is, I'm getting tired myself. We should get going B."

"Yeah," Brian said, forlorn. Chris gave Chelsea a look, attempting to non-verbally tell her he was going to erupt into laughter soon. Understanding, Chelsea shook her head at him and mouthed 'later'. Brian carried the box to the kitchen and stacked it with the others, Chelsea hustled to the laundry room to get their coats.

"Welp," Melissa said, attempting to break the short, yet painful silence they were left in.

Chris smiled, "It was really nice to,"

"If you hurt her, Chris Pine, I swear," Brian rambled, staring at the carpet. Words spilled out the man's mouth fast and hot, "In ten years I have never met another person in the world like Chelsea. She is the most caring person in the world," he raised his green eyes to meet Chris' blue ones, "If you fuck with her, I swear."

The inside of Chris' cheek hurt from the pressure his teeth put on it. It was mean to want to laugh at this guy, but he couldn't help it. Brian was stuck in high school. "Poor choice of words, my man," Chris said with a chuckle, patting Brian's shoulder. Melissa exploded into laughter.

"Geez, what did I miss?" Chelsea said, handing each of her friends their coats. She noted the red tint to Brian's face and the smirk on Chris'. "Nevermind, I don't want to know."

Melissa beamed, "I like you, Chris. If you're in town long, we should all get together again. We can hit of Lady F's or maybe Carver's."

"Mmmm, I could do chicken stew in a bread bowl with some Carver's beer," Chelsea said, "We need to do that." Brian made his way to the door with Melissa just behind him. "It was good to see y'all, this was fun. I'll text you. You can't tease me with thoughts of Carver's." Chelsea said as she held the door open for her friends.

"Nice to meet you both," Chris called, sliding his hand around Chelsea's waist. They stood at the door with the frigid nighttime Colorado air whipping around them, watching the two get into the car. "That was interesting," Chris said, maintaining his smile.

"Be nice. Brian is different."

"In love with you, not different," Chris said, pulling the door closed as Melissa started the car and backed out of the driveway. Chelsea turned and faced Chris. "You forgot to lock the door," Chris' voice had that deep, sexual growl to it again. He leaned toward her, slithering his hand behind her and clicking the lock. The knob was level with Chelsea's backside, Chris turned his hand and cupped her buttocks. "God, I missed you so much," he whispered hungrily as he pulled her to him. Forcefully, he took her mouth, pushing her lips a part. A reflex moan escaped Chelsea's lips, Chris squeezed her ass. Her hands went around his neck and into his hair. He stepped forward pressing her hard into the door. Chelsea's knee bent upward and Chris rubbed his free hand roughly along the fabric of her jeans, up her thigh and in between her legs.

Chelsea gasped, "You have to stop."

Chris growled, "Why?"

"Because my parents will kill you."

"This really is like high school isn't it?" he said as he playfully pinched at her most sensitive parts through her jeans. Chelsea let out a pleasured yelp. He pulled his hand from the junction of her thighs and moved upward, sliding it under her sweater and cupping her breast over her bra. "Just. Like. High school."

"You were a mother's nightmare as a teen, weren't you?" Chelsea said, locking her eyes on his.

"Your bedroom or mine?" he asked.

"Seriously Chris, we can't. I would be absolutely mortified if my parents heard anything." He removed his hand from under her shirt, took a step back and sighed. "You have to remember, I actually waited to have sex until I got married. My parents think of me as a golden child. Not one who shacks up with a movie star," she winked at him.

"I will do my best to respect your parents," he put his fingers into her belt-loops and pulled her to him. "But it's going to be laborious." Slowly, Chelsea stood up on her tip-toes and kissed him. It was a passion-filled kiss that only stopped because they both remembered where they were, "And that isn't helping." He laced his fingers through hers and walked her toward the hallway.

"Chris, seriously."

"Chels, I'll be good. We have to get ready for bed." She stopped at her room, which was next to his and thankfully not across from her parents. Everyone else was upstairs. "Go get your toothbrush. At least I can get that type of intimacy." Chelsea grinned and gathered her toiletries. Soon they were standing side by side brushing their teeth. Chelsea had changed into her pajamas, loose fitting black sweats and an over-sized t-shirt. The large clothes made her look small. Chris was still fully clothed. They didn't say anything, they just stood brushing their teeth together. When they were both finished, Chelsea hesitated at his door. "I'm going to be good," he whispered.

"I think my incredibly sexy pajamas are a good mood killer," she said, pulling at the shirt and smiling.

"You could be wearing corduroy overalls or sandals with socks and I would still want you."

Chelsea looked up from the hem of the old t-shirt she'd been playing with and was met with deep pools of blue intensity. "Chris."

He whispered, "I mean it. You are a beautiful person," he touched her scar, her eyes closed, "it's more than your perfect lips." he ran his thumb across her bottom lip, "or your milky skin," he brushed her cheek, "it's here," he touched the space between her breasts. "It's cliché, but it's true. Watching you and your family, I am in love with the way you love." He ran is finger down to the waistline of her sweat pants and pulled them out. "And I really want in there."

Chelsea laughed, almost too loudly. Noticing this she quickly sealed her lips as Chris still tugged at her pants. "Fine," she whispered. He raised an eyebrow. "We can fool around, but silently." She wagged a finger at him and his eyes lit up. Pulling her by her pants, he walked to her room rapidly. Chelsea quietly closed the door as Chris abruptly pulled her pants off.

"No underwear?" he asked, pleasantly surprised.

Still facing the door she had delicately closed Chelsea replied, "Of course not. Sleep in underwear and sweatpants? How cumbersome."

Chris stepped up behind her and placed his hand right on to her warmth. She moaned. "You're going to have to be silent, remember?"

"This isn't going to work," she panted as he slid his fingers into her. "Chris," she whispered.

"Shhh," he said into her ear before nibbling on it. "No sounds," his fingers picked up speed. Chelsea's back arched, she stepped out of her sweatpants completely and reached back putting her hand into his hair. He kissed down her neck. A small, longing gasp escaped Chelsea's mouth and Chris stopped his hand. She turned, faced him, and began to pull at the buttons on his fly. Their mouths locked and their hands removed clothing before they tumbled on to the bed, "Shhh," Chris whispered.

"Shhh yourself," Chelsea breathed as she climbed on top of him. "Do you have?" she began to ask, glancing over at his jeans.

"Damn it," he cursed quietly, "No, not in my pants."

Chelsea took a deep breath and placed her hands on his lower abdomen. Chris was completely naked underneath her, she still had on her t-shirt. "Well, that changes things." She rocked playfully back and forth. Chris hips matched her movement and he groaned. Chelsea veered off of him and onto her side.

"Damn it," Chris repeated, Chelsea giggled. He stared at her for a long moment, she had a wild sparkle in her eye. "What are you thinking?" he asked. Before she could answer he felt her hand. "Oh," he gasped and closed his eyes. Her hand moved rhythmically.

"Let's just be like crazy, but safe," she began and Chris laughed, "teenagers. Crazy and safe teenagers."


Chelsea woke to the strangely pleasant sound of snoring. Chris was on his back, mouth wide and hair a wild mess. She hated to wake him up, but glancing at the clock and seeing it was a little after five in the morning she knew she had to.

"Chris," she whispered. No response. "Chris," she whispered only slightly louder. Still nothing. Smiling, she sat up and moved so she was on top of him. He jolted awake. "The lumberjack is awake," she said smiling.

Chris rubbed his hands through his hair and then placed them on Chelsea's butt, "I could wake up like this every morning." She gave him a moment. "Shit! What time is it?" He sat up, almost knocking Chelsea off him but he caught her and grinned.

"It's a little after five. My dad gets up around six." Chris began to kiss her neck and slid a hand up her shirt and squeezed her breast. "You should go back to your room," she said breathlessly.

"Do I have to?" he whispered into her collar bone as he began to suck at the soft skin of a rarely exposed part of her body.


He smiled, "I know," he moved in to kiss her but she backed away. "Aren't we past the shame of morning breath?" he asked. Chelsea smiled and pecked him on the lips. "That will do."

Chelsea climbed off his lap and watched him put his clothes back on. "You are absolutely beautiful, you know that right?" she asked.

Chris laughed, "Beautiful?"

"Yeah, it's really the only word that I think works. I could stare at you all day." Chelsea hugged her knees.

"Yet, you're kicking me out," he smirked. Reaching for the doorknob Chris looked back at Chelsea, adorably draped in a quilt, hair messy and eyes still tired. "Sleep some more, babe. You look tired, like some teenage boy fondled you all night long."

She giggled, "Whenever you decide to get up, get me up too ok?"

"I will," he slowly opened the door and glanced down the dark hallway. No lights were on anywhere. He shivered, it was cold. Chelsea stood and walked up next to him, "I'll be sneaky," he said with a wink. She kissed his cheek and watched him creep into the guest room. Just before he closed the door he peaked his head out, "Chels?" he called in a strong whisper.


"I'm glad I'm here."

She grinned, "I'm glad you're here too, sorry I fought you on it."

"It was warranted. Good night, my love."

"Good morning, my love," she replied with a grin. They both closed their doors, slid into the covers but neither immediately slept. Their thoughts were too consumed with each other.

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