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Walt was quite relieved to see Chelsea. He embraced her and she quickly got to work. Given that it was a Saturday and a holiday the park was a buzz. Families that had traveled into town to visit had all bundled up and were enjoying the holiday festivities Disney style. There were no breaks, no calms in the crowds, just constant work.

"My feet ache," Walt muttered while preparing a sundae.

"Sorry I couldn't get here sooner," Chelsea apologized as she rang up the customer. "Happy holidays!" The children grinned as the sundae was handed over to them.

"Don't you worry about it, I'm just glad you're here." Walt was sweating and breathing a little heavier than usual, it worried Chelsea but she knew it was just the current work load.

"Me too," Chelsea whispered and went back to work.

The sun was setting when the voice of Mickey Mouse rang loudly through the speakers. Confused Chelsea looked to Walt. He grinned, "You've never worked the holidays 'round here. We have lots of special little moments. Right now they're going to light up the Christmas lights, right as it gets dark. It's pretty special. We've all got to go out and do crowd control. That's what the mouse is instructing us to do." Walt closed the cash register and began to shoo people outside onto Main Street. Chelsea followed his lead.

The sky was feathered with deep pink clouds and turning navy. A soft buzz of excitement fill the street. People were laughing, smiling and looking in the direction of the castle. Chelsea had seen pictures of what the castle looked like at Christmas and she was looking forward to seeing how they lit it up.

Years ago, Chelsea had road tripped from Colorado to California with her sister. It had been during the 50th anniversary of Disneyland. The fireworks had been spectacular. Tinkerbell herself flew to the top of the castle to start the show. Chelsea stared at the sky as it darkened, looking forward to fireworks. She could only imagine what the lighting would be like. Glancing around, she could see the eager anticipation on the faces of all the park patrons.

A beautiful piano cadence began to play. Immediately Chelsea recognized it. "When You Wish Upon a Star."

"Go stand in the street, get the whole effect. I'll stand guard here at the door," Walt said. They had both been standing in front of the locked doors to the store.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, you're all about this Disney stuff, Sugah. You'll love it and love it more from the middle of the street. Experience it!" He shoved her into the crowd. No one reacted angrily, they simply made way for her. She squeezed her way to the center of the street, turned and faced the castle. The music swelled and the castle began to sparkle. Chelsea wrapped her arms around herself in a tight hug. She sighed. In spite of her day, watching the faces of the children light up as the princess' home did made her feel warm inside. A smile played on her lips.

The song began to end, people began to stir, and Chelsea swore she heard someone call her name.

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