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Chelsea sat on the foot of her bed and stared at her phone. What just happened? Her palms were sweaty and her stomach churned. What just happened? The phone rang, but it was an unfamiliar number. She refused to answer it. "He'll call back," she whispered, staring at the phone, willing it to ring with Chris' familiar contact information. It made a sound alerting her to a voice-mail left by the other caller, but she didn't check it. Chelsea wanted to be ready to answer when Chris called back. "He just needed to calm down," she told herself.

One minute turned into five, five minutes to ten, and soon almost half an hour had passed. Chelsea still hadn't moved. Fingers jittery, she held the phone in her lap. A soft knock jolted her out of her daze. Looking up at her door she saw Drew. "Hey," she said.

"Aaron tells me you're going to Durango. I'm totally jealous. I used to ski Purg as a kid all the time." Drew plopped down next to her on the bed. "It's like a watched pot, it won't boil. No matter how long you stare at your phone it's not going to ring." Chelsea sighed. "Have a phone date with Australia today?"

Chelsea shook her head. "He hung up on me."

"I'm sure it was an accident. Long distance calls like that, it happens." Drew leaned back, "You want to take me with you to Durango? I haven't seen your pops in ages. How is the old man?"

"He's ok. Manages the diabetes as well as a child, frustrates the heck out of my mother, but he's ok." Chelsea paused, "Should I call him?"

"Nah. Maybe he hung up because the journalist came back and he had to finish an interview. Don't worry about it."

Chelsea felt nauseous, "I think we were fighting."

Drew's face contorted, "What? Why?"

"I mean, it started out innocently enough. He was upset that we weren't going to get to see each other because I was going to Colorado," noticing her roommates reaction she clarified, "I mean, he's not mad at me for that. He was just disappointed. I am too. I miss the guy. We just kept talking about it and he started making jokes about coming to Durango."

Drew whistled, "That's a big step."

"Exactly!" Chelsea snapped, "That's what I started to explain. Things are going so fast. You know. You've known me forever. I don't just take guys home to meet the parents. Jules is probably taking her boyfriend to Colorado this Christmas but she also caught him sneaking around and going to jewelry stores. That's when we bring men into the family, when big things are about to happen. But that's not what mad him hang up on me. I told him," Chelsea took a deep, steadying breath, "I told him I haven't told my parents about him. I mean, us. I haven't told my parents about us."

"Why not?" Drew asked sharply.

Chelsea’s roommates reaction confused her, "Why is this a big deal?"

"It's like you're hiding him or ashamed of him."

"That's just ridiculous," Chelsea said, sliding the phone into her pocket and starting the process of packing. "You know my parents. You know how they will react. This isn't a conversation to have over the phone. They've been walking on eggshells ever since Paul passed. They don't even mention dating. And I dive head first into it with a movie star. I don't foresee them approving. I don't want to walk in with him and have them freak out on him. I need to warm them up."

"So you are planning on telling them?" Drew asked, following her into her closet where she pulled sweaters and long-sleeved shirts off hangers.

"Of course! It's a minor miracle Jules hasn't told them yet."

"So Jules knows."

"Of course! Geez. I'm not ashamed of him. If anything I'm afraid of talking about him too much jinxing the whole thing. Which is stupid. But whatever. It's true. Plus, I don't want to be that girl that seems to be bragging about her famous boyfriend. I want him to meet my friends and family, I do. I'm just freaked out. I am really freaking out. Everything is going so fast. I mean, I just met him in October and here we are in December discussing meeting parents on a holiday. A holiday! I just want to slow down and take a breath." Drew leaned against the door-frame, watching his friend pack and listening to her talk a million miles a minute. He laughed. "Don't laugh at me," Chelsea mumbled.

Not Your Type (Chris Pine FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon