Trisha and Mitch

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After thirty minutes of wedding questions Chris uncharacteristically pulled out his phone. He never, ever pulled out his phone when at a dinner table or in conversation. But Jane wouldn't stop. She went on and on and on. To Chelsea's credit, she kindly answered each question, nodded like she cared, and only yawned three times.

"I am so sorry," Liam whispered, noting Chris had pulled out his phone.

"Don't worry about it," Chris said, pulling up Google and searching for anything more interesting nearby.

"She just," Liam sighed, "I love her, I do. But sometimes I wish she'd just shut up."

Chris laughed. "You sure you want to get married, my man?" And to his surprise, Liam shook his head no. "Then why did you ask her?"

"I didn't."

"Oh shit."


"Look, I don't know you. And you should trust that I am not an expert on relationships, so maybe you shouldn't even listen to me." He looked to the man sitting next to him then glanced across the small table, Chelsea was stifling another yawn, Jane had not noticed and continued to talk about the color lilac. Chris leaned closer to Liam, "You need to be honest with her."

Liam looked at Jane, then looked at Chelsea. "Your wife is a good person. You'd almost think she was interested in the conversation."

Chris smiled fondly, Liam was exactly right. "She's pretty incredible."

"I mean, I love Jane, I do. I just, the rest of my life? She gave me this ultimatum. We either got engaged or she'd move out. I don't want her to move out, but marriage is so fucking permanent."

Chris listened to the poor man's words and felt guilty for the little charade he and Chelsea were putting on. "Just tell her. If the two of you are truly in love, it will all work out." He looked over at Chelsea, thinking briefly about how different everything could be but being honest really did pay off and it was all working out, "You just have to trust me on this. Everything has a purpose."

Liam eyed Chris' phone. "Yelp huh?"

"I think we both deserve a beer. Chelsea does for sure."

"Who?" Liam asked.

"Chels. Shit. Trisha."

Liam laughed and Chris felt a slight perspiration gathering on his neck. "I won't tell your wife you just called her by the wrong name, on your honeymoon."

"I'll buy you a beer for that," Chris said, patting him on the back. "Ladies," he interrupted, purposefully putting his hand on Jane's arm. He still believed she was questioning whether he was Mitch or Chris Pine. "As wonderful as all this bridesmaid gown talk is, us boys would like a beer." Chelsea's eyes lit up. "There's a pub a few blocks away, is that ok?" He could read Chelsea like a book, she was extremely grateful.

"Sounds lovely." Jane said as she flirtatiously danced her fingers on Chris' outstretched arm.

The two couples stood up and made their way out into the chilly Netherlands air. Chris and Chelsea led. She linked her arm with his and shoved her hand into his coat pocket again. "I think if she gets liquored up there is a good chance she'll try to have her way with you. So, control yourself."

"I am a married man, such thoughts do not even entice me." Chris said haughtily. Chelsea laughed and leaned in to him. "Did she tell you how they got engaged?"

"No, is it impossibly romantic?"

"Hardly, poor Liam was given an ultimatum. Marriage or break-up."

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