"The Runaway" (Rogue x Reader)

By deleted_usersorry

5.4K 205 80

She was part of a dark guild. He was part of a good guild. She was a criminal. He was a hero. Two different k... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

528 22 8
By deleted_usersorry

"We need to talk"


It filled the small office that belonged to Sting Eucliffe. The only sounds that were there were the breaths that belonged to the twin dragon slayers and sounds coming from outside.

The wind slowly blew through the broken window, causing their hair to gently dance along with the cool autumn breeze.

Two cool, Gentle, blue orbs stared wide eyed at the raven haired man that was standing in front of him.

Rogue sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He broke the intense eye contact that he had with Sting for awhile and focused his crimson eyes on Sting's boots.

"I know it's a ridiculous thing that i have done, probably the dumbest too...And i'm sorry for that but please Sting.."

Rogue looked up at Sting and clenched his fists a little. "That guild is gonna be her death one day and i would be the cause of that. I know she almost shot you today but she missed on purpos-"

A muffled laugh came from Sting's mouth. Rogue's eyes widened a little in shock as he looked at, the now laughing, blonde haired man in front of him.

Sting held his stomach and laughed out loud. He fell back into his chair and arched his back.

Rogue's eye twitched and he clenched his fists. His pinkish knuckles slowly fated into a white colour and he shot Sting a death glare. "YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

Sting wiped away some of his tears and ran his fingers through his blonde messy hair. A relieved sigh left his lips and he smiled a little while looking at Rogue. Sting shook his hand and leaned forward on his desk.

"I'm relieved" he said under his breath while looking at Rogue. Rogue pulled up his eyebrow and looked at Sting in confusion.

Sting sighed relieved one more time and leaned back into his chair. "I was worried that you were depressed. You've been acting so isolated and quiet lately that i grew worried..Not just me, everyone. You would go out late at night saying that you were going to 'train'. And when you didn't even bring Frosch anymore i grew really worried.."

Rogue adverted his eyes to the desk and slowly nodded. Now that he mentioned it, he wasn't lying. He had been very isolated and quiet lately, more then normally, and didn't bring Frosch. Of course that was for a reason due the fact that even though Rogue loved Frosch with whole his heart, he knew Frosch would tell Lector, who would tell Sting.

"Also this is the first time that you've talked about a girl you like-"

"I'm not in love with her." Rogue said.

Sting snickered and looked at Rogue. He smirked and winked. "I was just teasing" he said.

Sting sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked at the files on his desk and bit his lip a little bit.

"She was in a dark guild, right?" Sting asked. He looked up at Rogue and leaned forward on his desk.

Rogue squinted his eyes and slowly nodded. "Yes.." he said.

Sting nodded and crossed his arms. He leaned back into his chair and placed his feet onto the table. "Which one?" He asked.

Rogue tensed up a little and looked away. He told Sting some details..Just not all of them. He told Sting that it was her who almost shot him, but not who she really was known for...Not which guild she was in and not that she wasn't able to leave that guild without any risks.

A sigh left Rogue's lips and he closed his eyes "Death's Abyss.." He said. He opened his eyes again and looked at Sting.

Sting's eyes widened and he looked at Rogue in shock. "WHAT?!" He almost shouted.

Sting jumped up from his chair and placed his hands on the desk. "So you're telling me that your little friend over here who just shot an arrow at me and missed on purpose is a part of deat- YOU'RE FRIENDS WITH DEATH'S ARROW?!" Sting shouted at the sudden realization.

Rogue narrowed his eyebrows and nodded. "Please just listen to m-"

"Do you know how strong that guild is?! Do you know what kind of horrible things they have done?! What they are capable of?! What she is capable of?!" Sting hissed.

"Did you even listen to me?! I already said that she's not like them! She's different! She's not a monster like the rest of them!" Rogue yelled while clenching his fists.

"What makes her so different from the rest?" Sting asked.

Rogue sighed and unclenched his fists. He looked at Sting and his Crimson eyes softened a little. "She's a good person..Someone who knows me better then i do. She listens to me and understands me. Her actions may say different, but she loves helping people. She loves the feeling of being a hero to them..Even the smallest acts of kindness that she does for someone make her day" Rogue said.

"Sting please listen to m-"

"Rogue i'm sorry but, No..I suppose i kind of understand why you want to help her but do you know how dangerous that would be? How strong that guild is? People will get hurt..And i don't want people to die because of my decisions" Sting said while sighing and running his fingers through his hair. He frowned a little and shrugged.

Rogue's hand disappeared under his cloak and grabbed the files that were pinned between his arm and side. He laid them on the desk and nodded. "Here. I'm not dumb enough to bring up a plan without doing research first..." he said while shoving it towards Sting.

Sting looked down at the pile and raised his eyebrow. He grabbed the files and his blue orbs scanned the paper.

"It's a plan i've been working on for a few days now. It contains the weak spots of the guild building of Death's abyss and weak points of some of the members. Also some members and what kind of magic they use..I made a plan on how we can defeat that guild with the possible help of other guilds" Rogue said while looking at Sting who was reading the paper with squinted eyes.

Sting sighed and flipped the page. "And which guilds did you have in mind?" He asked.

Rogue squinted his eyes a little and laid his finger on his chin. "Fairy tail for sure, if they are willing to...I was thinking of Lamia Scale too maybe, due the fact that they are the third strongest guild in Fiore. Fairy tail and Sabertooth together wouldn't be enough" rogue said.

Sting nodded a little impressed and laid the pile of files back on the desk. He looked at Rogue and grinned. "I'll look into it a little more and make a final plan. I'll go ask Makarov and Ooba if they are willing to join." He said.

Sting sighed and sat down on his chair. He stared at the files and crossed his legs and arms. "I really hope this girl is worth it Rogue.." he said under his breath.

Rogue smiled a little and nodded. "Yes, Yes she is. Thank you.."


"You can go home if you want to, ya know" a low voice said.

Rogue looked up from his sitting position and made eye contact with the iron dragon slayer that was standing next to him. He adverted his eyes back to the bed and sat back in his chair. "She's my responsibility due the fact i took her here. Besides, if she really is so 'Dangerous' i should be the one the takes her to the magic council due the fact that I was the one who found here and took her here" he said.

Gajeel grinned and ruffled Rogue's hair. "Beware Ryos, ya know what happens if you fall for a criminal-"

"I don't even know this girl's name. Let alone having feelings for her...Do i really look THAT desperate to you? Besides i've already told you, but drop the 'Ryos' it's getting annoying" rogue said with a sigh.

Gajeel snickered and removed his hand from Rogue's head. "I was just joking. And by the way, i will call you Ryos until the day you die..Gihee i'm gonna tell my kid to call ye uncle Ryos..How 'bout that?" He said with a grin.

Rogue rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "I really hope that kid is gonna have Levy's personality AND looks. I'd be kind of sad if it looked like you, wouldn't it?" He said with a small grin.

Gajeel scoffed and slapped the back of Rogue's head. "Shut up, Will ya? At least i have a mate~" he teased.
"Let's just see you get someone first" he said.

A 'Tch' left Rogue's lips and he looked at Gajeel from the corner of his eye. "Do you know how many people would date me? A LOT. But 'Love' comes from two sides." He said while focusing his eyes on the bed in front of him again.

Gajeel pulled up his eyebrow and he looked down at Rogue. "What do you mean by 'Love'. And if the thing that you said is true, then what are you waiting for? There's tons of cute people for you out there" he said while taking a seat on the chair next to Rogue's.

"Come on, let's have some girl talk, or boy talk, i don't mind. That's what brothers do right?" Gajeel said with a grin.

Rogue groaned softly and dug his head further into the crook of his shirt. "Please don't.." he muttered.

"What did you mean by 'Love', Ryos?" Gajeel asked.

Rogue sighed. "By 'Love' i mean that i don't really care About it..To be honest i don't really believe in it either. I don't believe that there's a person on this world that could simply make your mind go crazy and that they make you want to spend the rest of your life with them. I don't believe that that's possible" he said while shrugging.

Gajeel narrowed his eyebrows a little and looked down at the guild hall that he could see through the curtains. He saw Levy sitting at a table with a book in front of her while she was smiling as she talked to Lucy. Her red wing glasses were on top of her hair. A small smile made it's way onto his face and he felt a warm feeling inside of his chest.

Rogue noticed and sighed. "I know it exists..I can see it, daily. I mean look at the way your face looks when you look at Levy. Look at you in general. You've changed a lot ever since you met her...You hated love and now you're gonna be a father.." Rogue said.

Gajeel snapped out if his gaze and looked at Rogue. He smiled a little and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "That person's out there for you too, bud."

Rogue sighed and chuckled sadly. He frowned his eyebrows a little and looked at the ground. Luckily Gajeel didn't see his down face because he would be a little embarrassed about the fact that he would look so weak about something like this.

"I'd like to believe that. But i can't. It would just a be a dream, the same kind of dream of a little girl dreaming to be a princess..Like a little boy dreaming of becoming a prince in the shining armor..Love isn't made for someone like me" Rogue said.

Gajeel's eyes widened a little. "Why'd you say that?"

"Because, Gajeel. I'm different. The people that like me, like me for the way i look. Or because i am one of the twin dragon slayers of Sabertooth. Nobody on this planet would like an quiet, anti social, Isolated person like me. And even if they did, they wouldn't be happy being with me. And i'm fine with the fact that there's no person like that out there" Rogue said under his breath.

Gajeel squinted his eyes. He sighed and sat back into his chair. "How about that silver haired girl..Err what was her name again? Yuki? Yuma?" He asked.

"Yukine. And no, she's my friend and i don't see her in that way. She doesn't see me in that way either..Besides, Sting called dibs on her like two years ago." Rogue said with a chuckle.

Gajeel opened his mouth to say something but snapped his head to the guild hall when he heard his name being called by his favourite person in the world. Levy waved at him and called him over.

Gajeel got up and ruffled his hair. "You'll find someone. Well gotta go now, see ya Ryos" he said with a grin.

Rogue sighed. "Bye, Gajeel" he muttered. Gajeel left and closed the door behind him, blocking out the view Rogue had on the guild hall before and the sound that was coming from it. Now it was just him and the girl.

Ruines were around her bed and, for safety, her arrow bag and bow were next to Rogue's chair.

Her wounds were taken care of and bandages were wrapped around her stomach.

Her chest was moving up and down to the rhythm of her breathing and her eyes were peacefully closed.

She had been out for almost two days now. Rogue was losing patience and really wanted to go back home, to Frosch. Frosch probably was worried to death..

Rogue's eyes widened when the body of the girl shifted a little bit. She took a deep breath and laid down on her side. She nuzzled her face into the pillow and a yawn made it's way out of her mouth.

Her eyes slowly fluttered open and she sleepily scanned the room. A few seconds later and her eyes shot open. She looked at Rogue and jumped up from her position.

"I summon the arrow of Poison!" She shouted. She reached for her back in a split second and tried to grab an arrow, but it wasn't there.

Her eyes widened and she checked herself, only to find out that she wasn't wearing her usual clothes but an oversized white button up shirt.

Her eyes shot towards Rogue and she shot a death glare to him.

Rogue just stayed put in his chair and boredly looked at her.

She clenched her fists and jumped towards him, but she hit the ruines and fell back onto the bed. Her hands reached out for the ruined and she started examining it with her fingers. A frustrated groan left her lips and she glared at Rogue.

Rogue sat up and looked down at the arrow bag and bow. The arrow bag now had an arrow in it that was glowing purple at the tip. Rogue nodded impressed and he grabbed the arrow.

"Well, Well that is kind of impressive." He said in a monotone voice. He broke the arrow in half and the tip of the arrow lost it's colour.

"Who are you?! You better let me go right now! I swear to god i'll fucking kill y-"

"Death's arrow right? Or Death's left eye? They both sound kinda childish to be honest.. As if you've made those names when you were eight" Rogue said under his breath, completely ignoring the young woman's comments.

The girl glared at him and clenched her fists. "You dumb weakling! There's a reason why i have those name..I'LL GLADLY SHOW YOU" She hissed.

Rogue shrugged. "I don't think you'll be able to do that in there to be honest. Or without these" he said bluntly while holding up her arrow bag and bow.

"Let me go now, or i'll make sure that you'll regret it with every fiber in your weak body" she hissed. "I'll make you regret it every single second the moment i get out of here." She said.

Rogue looked at her and arched his eyebrow. "I've heard scarier threats. Really tho, how old are you? You look 20 but you act like you're a 16 year old teen who thinks she's stronger then everyone" he scoffed.

The girl chuckle deeply and she glared at Rogue. "You really think you're a cool boy don't you, little one? But let me tell you something, Good boys shouldn't play with Naughty girls.." she said.

She got on all four and leaned forward. She pushed her chest together and licked her lips. "Because that's a dangerous game, little boy" she said.

Rogue blinked a few times and looked into her eyes. "So you're not just a childish 16 year old, but also a horny 16 year old" he said bluntly, not falling for her act.

An angry, pissed off groan made it's way out of her mouth and she sat up. She clenched her fists and punched the ruines in front of her. Her fist stayed put on the ruin and she looked at Rogue with rage burning in her eyes.

"Looking me like that won't help you for the slightest bit..Why not talk a little bit, huh?" Rogue said while leaning forward.

"I won't tell a weakling like you anyth-"

"I'm Rogue Cheney, one of the twin dragon slayers of Sabertooth and the one who made it out alive after fighting Acnologia, the great dragon king. If there's one thing that i am NOT, it's weak" he said.

The girl looked down at his feet and squinted her eyes. She clicked her tongue and sat down.

"Now tell me, 'Death's arrow', who stabbed you in the stomach?" Rogue asked.

The girl snickered and laid down. She folded her hands behind her head and crossed her legs. "I was expecting something related to my name, or guild." She said.

She switched her gaze from The ceiling to Rogue and smirked. "None of your damn business, pretty boy" she said.

Rogue sighed and folded his hands. "If you won't tell me, you won't get out of there..You know, you future is in my damn hands. I could hand you to the magic council you know? You'll get life sentenced. Maybe even death" he said.

The girl sat up and arched her eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

Rogue smirked. "The roles are switched, Arrow. I'm the one that's in charge..."

He crouched down in front of her.
"..And if you don't listen, i don't think there's gonna be much of a future for you"

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