Abby (book 1)Watty Award Fina...

By Tracyp

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Abby is a 16 year old girl whose life is turned upside down when her last living relative is killed in a car... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
title of your story or chapter
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fiffteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine

Chapter Five

27.4K 636 70
By Tracyp

"No freaking way! This is unbelievable, not that I can confirm or deny since I've never met him. Did you guys know what you're parents were?"

Everyone around the table nodded their heads.

"Sorry Abby we thought you knew, come on let's get to class"

Only then did Abby notice that there were only stragglers' left in the canteen.

With a sigh she retrieved her backpack and slung it over her shoulder.

"It's ok, how were you supposed to know?"

Abby reluctantly followed everyone out the door and headed for the main building. It was silent as she tried to digest what she had learnt. Her dad was a vampire, she just couldn't believe it. She never thought things like this could be possible. She wondered who he was, would she ever be able to find out and did she even want to meet him.

Abby was so lost in her thoughts she barely noticed that they were the last to arrive. Jacob, Aiden and Cali had already departed for their class. Following Leah into class she sat down beside her.

"You alright hunny?"

"Yeah, I guess it's just a lot to take in"

"Good Morning Everyone"

Abby looked to the front to see the teacher, she had a stern look about her dress sense, but a kind hearted face. Her hair was in a tight chignon.

"I see we have a new student, well I'm Mrs. Stamford and welcome to Origins' class. Here we learn about how different species are made so to speak. Would you like to introduce yourself?"

Abby groaned but stood up, this was one thing she hated about starting a new school. All heads turned to face her.

"Hi I'm Abby I'm sixteen years old and I know nothing about vampires, witches or elementals"

Sitting down she looked across at Leah who give her a big grin.

"That's why we're all here dear" said the teacher.

"Now why don't we start with Vampires, who can tell me how they came about?"

Hands shot up in the air, show offs thought Abby.

"Yes Mr. Donavan" she said pointing to a nerdy looking boy in the front.

"Well no one is sure when the first actual vampire was made or weather their still alive. The story was that the first ever vampire was a man, he was deeply in love with his soon to be wife, tragedy struck and she was taken from him. She was kidnapped and killed by a group of men, who were actually demons. The man was so distraught he prayed to the gods to be able to revenge her death. The gods did not answer but the devil did. He promised the man his revenge for his soul. He would become immortal and must help the devil to create others like him."

"Excellent Mr Donavan, who can tell me the rest, yes Mrs. Swindle"

"He agreed to the devils terms, when he woke he was a vampire. He took revenge on those that took his loves life. He did what the devil asked and began turning others. After a few centuries he realised the devil had tricked him that those he had killed in revenge were actually Demons and he had only sent them back to hell and after 1000 years they would be able to return to earth. He turned his back on the devil and disappeared"

"And thus through his actions the vampire race was born" finished the teacher.

The bell rung then and everyone began packing up there things.

"Tomorrow we will be going over how vampire children came about, I would like you all to do some research on that please"

"Homework on the first day that sucks" said Abby following Leah out the door.

Leah laughed at her "Don't worry it's all in the text book you got, you only have to read the basics"

"Okay how do I get to my next class?"

"I'll show you"

Leah showed Abby to her next class, as she walked in she remembered that no one she knew was in this class. Well that's what she thought till she saw Jacob slouching in the back. Walking over she sat down beside him. God that boy was gorgeous, his hair looked different, and part of it was hanging down his forehead covering one of his eyes.

"Hey, you didn't say you were in this class"

Jacob gave her a confused look "Oh err hey" he said before turning his attention elsewhere. Wow rude much, she thought, he seemed so nice this morning.

History was really boring; the teacher was a small balding man, who had a monotone voice. He kinda made everyone sleepy. Abby zoned out for most of this class, she was still reeling from her revelations so far. The story about the first vampire was really sad; he lost the love of his life and then had to live by sucking people's blood. Abby was so grateful she didn't have to drink blood, she didn't think she could even if she had too.

Jacob pretty much ignored her and when the bell rung she thought he would wait to walk her to defence class, but he was out of his seat and out the door before she could even ask. Oh well on her way out she asked the teacher, who told her it, was in the gym. With a quick thank you she set off.

Rushing out of the main building she ran around the back towards the gym, she could see other students casually strolling across so she slowed her pace. Just as she reached the main doors Leah and Cali appeared behind her.

"Glad you found your way" said Cali "Girls changing rooms are through here."

Abby smiled in relief and followed them through.

"Here" said Leah, throwing a bundle of clothes at her "It's your gym kit, forgot to give it to you"


Abby got changed as quickly as the others; it was just a simple grey t-shirt and shorts, before rushing into the gym. Everyone was already seated on the floor around four rectangular shaped blue mats in the centre.

Leah ushered us towards a space in the middle and we all sat down and crossed our legs.

"Hey sexy" said a voice from above her. Looking up she saw Jacob, looking down at her with a grin on his face. Abby scowled at him, what was with this guy was he bi-polar? First he's nice to her, and then he acts like they never met. A look of confusion passed on his face before his smile grew wider; he winked at her as he started jogging backwards to the centre of the mats.

"There's something seriously wrong with that boy" she said to the girls, they both laughed.

A side door opened and the teacher came out. You could tell he was a gym teacher; he was tall with blonde hair with a mass of muscles.

"Alright everybody settle down" he said in a deep voice, you could see the looks of adoration on the girls face; they all looked like they wanted to jump his bones.

He looked around the faces in the gym until his gaze settled on Abby.

"Ah Abby, there you are, I'm Mr. Swanson, but everyone calls me Jack, since this is your first day I would like you to watch me and Jacob, make sure you pay attention to his defensive moves"

Abby nodded her head as they both took positions on the mat. Jack suddenly swung his fist out towards Jacob, who immediately blocked with his arm; they did a few more arm blocks before moving onto legs. The boys looked bored, while the girls looked awed at Jack. Suddenly they both stopped and Jack turned to Abby.

"Okay now let's see what you've got"

Abby immediately stood up and walked to face Jacob. She wasn't worried at all; her mom had been teaching her how to fight since she was six years old. That's what you get from a mom who had trained in all kinds of fighting techniques; she had wanted to make sure Abby could look after herself.

"Don't worry I'll go easy on you"

Abby gave him a big grin "Don't hold back on my account"

With a smile he lunged forward bringing his right arm up, which Abby easily blocked. After a few more arm blocks Jacob quickly moved into leg blocks. Abby was having so much fun she didn't even realise how quiet the gym was and that everyone was watching them with awe.

They moved faster and faster around the mats, Jacob throwing punches and kicks in succession, Abby blocking every move. She could see the sweat pouring down his face. Time to show Jacob whose boss she thought, he won't think twice about going bi-polar on her again. Just as Jacob swung with his left fist Abby brung her right leg up and kicked him under his right eye.

Stumbling backwards he looked at her with pure admiration, she hadn't even worked up a sweat.

"Well I can see you're not a beginner Abby, well done"

Everyone clapped as Abby walked back to Leah and Cali.

"Oh my god" squealed Leah "That was fantastic no one's ever got a punch in on Jacob before, he's the best in our class" Abby laughed as the girls gave her a hug.

"Alright people. Let's hit the showers, and then go to lunch"

As Abby walked to the changing rooms she couldn't wipe the smile of her face, thing were defiantly turning her way.

Hope you like it would appreciate any comments you have. Sorry about the fight scene have never done one before, hopefully next one will be better x x x

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