My new life?!

By Ciel_Michalis_

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This is story about ceil. One day, the queen tell ceil to kill a man because the crimes he been doing with li... More

The author~Chan
πŸ“œπŸ‘‘A letter from the queen πŸ“œπŸ‘‘
The beginning of my new life?
Grell want to be loved. (But he will never will)
Let's have some fun my love!!
I have to save someone?!
I am back in my love's arms
A shocking news!!
Getting know little more about my love
Getting my love better.
Getting better my love part two
Sebastian is back in hell!!
I really miss him.
He's back in my arms again
A moments time with my love.
My twin brother is alive after all.
going to tell her the truth.
Ciel birthday and date.
Grell is back!!!
Bryian Michaelis Is Back.
Abby got kiddnap
A pose to my love
Bring Abby to London.
I am in hell with Sebastain's father!
our nightmare is ending.
I wish I never have this memeries
a little vacation time with my love. part one
a little vacation time with my love part two and telling Lizzie the truth.
Sebastain is sick
A date and Abby first word.
Shopping with Lizzie and a day with daddy. part one.
A day with daddy part two. Something bad happened?!
Ciel slowly getting his memory back.
I am finally back.. but not Elizabeth..
Elizabeth finally wakes up
finally found the person who kill my parents.
not an new chapter but it's an author update. (plus an sneak peek)
Ending a Chapter: Started a New one.
πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸ™ŒThis book is finally done! πŸ™ŒπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ

The baby is coming and the big truth of all..

222 2 0
By Ciel_Michalis_

Ceil P.O.V: 


I was in my room when Sebastian came in.

"Young master?" He said

"Yes Sebastian? What you want?" I said coldly

"Can I ask and tell you something young master?" He said

"Ok what is it?" I ask him still coldly

"Can I kiss you young master?"  He ask me.

I stared at him and then I nod and he got closer to me and kiss me on lips, I slowly mealt in this kiss and wrap my arms around his neck and he lay me down one the bed and he was on top of me. 

A few mins he broke the kiss and said

"I love you my young lord"

I was shock at first but I did have feeling for him but I didn't know he will love me back until now..

"I love you too Sebastian, I love you soo much" 

I hug him and he hug me back and we kiss again and make love all night.

*end flashback*

Heard the door opening, want to run to the door but my body still recoving what I did before.

"Hey Edward, did you got everything?" Said emile 

"Yes Emile, I not little demon anymore." Sebastian said

"I just checking, and your master is in the living room with my master" she said

"Yea thank" he said and came to me "hey baby, are feeling better?"

"Yes Sebastian, I am fine and also the child" I said 

"That good, and it good see you out of bed" he said.

"So how out I was?" I said

"Like about three months". Emile master said

"Oh" that I all can say. I been six month pregnant, and two month I was sleeping away but at lest I have other three month so that good at lest?

"Are you hungry?" Sebastian said

"Yes my love" I said

"What you want to eat" he said

"You know, something sweet Sebastian" I said.

"I knew you will say that" he said with a smile and went to the kitchen to make it.

After few mins Sebastian came out of the kitchen and come out with big piece of the cake.

"Thanks Sebastian" I said while eating the cake.

"Your welcome my love" he said and when back to the kitchen.

"You really love him?" I heard the young boy said.

"Yea I do" I said

"That good, you are lucky." He said in a low voice

What he ask me that? Does his family love him? Does he have anyone beside his demon butler?

I felt sad for him, he as me as friend and Sebastian aka Edward but I call him Sebastian because it name after my childhood dog even tho he hate dogs he acts like one sometime.

I was bored nothing to do just look at the boy doing his work, when he was signing paper I was looking at the paper that has mine and my family company. How he know my company? I know I wanted to expand the company world wide but still? But oh well.

"Hey ceil, do you know about the phantom company?" He ask

I never told him my last name because I didn't want to.

"Yes I do, and all their worker... My father add the candy shop in the company because of me and the little children in London just before he died.." I said remembering  that day my father talking it worker to get more people to work on new part of the company.

"Oh, so you work in the company?" He said

"Well, partly yes, I was the head of the company" I said

"So you own that company?" He said

"Yes, and under my family name too" I said

"Wow, I didn't know you own that company. But if you are here, who taking care the company ceil" he ask

"Well, my cousin Lizzie is taking over now, she know the company too. When we little we always play the toy that you see today. It like, me and Lizzie tested and we approve it for all kids in London, France, and Germany." I said

"So you were popular back in London?" He said

"Yes for two reason" I said.

"What those two reason be ceil?" He ask

"Well, part of it is phantom company and the other part was I worked for the queen of London" I said.

"You really work for the queen? That cool." He said.

"Yea, but I don't want to really take about it." I said try get off the topic

"Ok ceil" he said and went back to his paper work.

I sigh and started to rock myself again, and the baby started to kick but this time it was harder then before. I slowly take a deep breath in and let out and rub my big bump and the baby stop kicking me 'I can't  wait to see you my child' I thought to myself, and then I felt a arm wrap around me. I look up and saw Sebastian holding me in his arms, I smile and hold his hand and interlock them. 

"Want to go to bed?" Sebastian ask

"Yes" I said.

Sebastian cary me to our room and he lay me down slowly and carefully. I cuddle with him when I said, "Sebastian?"

"Yes my love" he said in a sweet and lovely voice.

"Do you want girl or a boy Sebastian?" I said

"Well, I do want a boy but I also like a girl too ceil." He said

I smile at him and he place his hand on my big bump and I put my hand on top of his and the baby started to kick again. "The baby is saying hi to you Sebastian" he smile and kiss me,

"I know my love"

I cuddle with him even more and slowly went back to sleep.

*two and half months later*

"Baby, where you want the big crib to go?" Sebastian said.

"Their Sebastian" I said pointing at the left side of the room.

I was getting my baby room ready before the baby come, just two more weeks and then I will see my baby.

"I clean all the toys and all clothes for you ceil" Emile said

"Thank you Emile, you can put the clothes in the closet and the toys in the toy box" I said and walk back to my room and sat down on a chair. Everything was going as plan, until I had a big wave of pain. 'It can't be today I don't have the house ready for the baby' and other pain came then I call Sebastian..

"Yes ceil" he said little worry.

"I think it time seb-sebastian" I said

"Ok ceil, I will tell Emile to come" he said and I nod and wait for him.

A min later he came back with Emile. The pain was getting harder by the mins "can someone help me!!"

"We will ceil, but you have to take a deep breath ok" Emile said

"Ok I will" I said

"Edward, cary him to bed and take off everything except the bed sheet ok" she said Sebastian nod and did what she said

*an hour later*

"Come ceil, just one more push and baby will be out!" Emile said

I nod and gave one good push. A second mins later I heard the a baby crying.

"It a... Girl!!" Emile said.

I was tired but I want to see my baby, after Emile after with me and the baby she gave to Sebastian first and then me.

"Aww she cute" said Sebastian

"Can I see her" I ask.

He smile and gave her to me, and yes she is cute.

she look like Sebastian, she have his smooth jet black hair and she have his nose and lips and have everything expect she have my big blue eyes. She was my little demon that I will anything to keep her save. 

"I will give you two some space with your new baby" said Emile

"Ok and thanks" me and Sebastian said.

She nod and left. Now we were alone with the baby on my arm sleeping.

"She look like you Sebastian." I said

"Yes she does but she have your cuteness my love" he said while holding her little hand, she have black nails and that means she is a true demon like her father.

But one thing came to my mind, 'what if Sebastian's father know the new member of the family and what he will do about it?' And 'if he find That out he want to know who is the mother of new member of the family' I never thought having kids takes lots responbilty but I will never giving up and I don't want my child go through things that I pass, I want a good life and go with it together as a family.

"Hey ceil?" Sebastian said.

"Yes Sebastian?" I said

"Do you want get marry when our little daughter is older like month or two old?" He said

"Ok and yes I love to Sebastian." I said

He smile and snuggle with me.

"What you will say to your father Sebastian" I said

"I don't know, I don't where to begin other then say 'hey dad, I'm a father and you are a grandpa and I am getting marry soon' ceil" he said

"Ok but why it hard for you say to your father that you are in love with me Sebastian?" I finaly said it.

He sigh and said, "because one my young brother had a master that he love so much and when my father found out about it he made a rule that demon can't love their master" he said heartbroken.

"So you are breaking the rule that your father said?" I ask him

"Yes" he said.

"So what happen to your brother?" I ask

"I don't know? From that day I never saw him." He said.

"Oh, I am sorry that I ask you that Sebastian." I said while holding my child tightly.

"It ok ceil, it been a long time ago" he said

I still felt bad for him and now scard what his father will do to us, I do love him and he love me too but I don't know if his father will except it. But I can't that right now I have to think about my child now and more then ever.

This is the end of this chapter

I hope you like it

And see you in the next chapter.

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