My Master Skywalker - Book(2)

RogersSkywalkerR5er द्वारा

104K 2.4K 585

Book (2) Sequel to Falling For Skywalker! Skywalker Series. Raina Starlight is the daughter a Commander in t... अधिक

The New Republic
Weight of The Galaxy
The New Republic Consitution
First Padawan.
Together Again
The Balcony
Jedi Temple
Jedi Archives
First Mission
Growing Tension
Begining Of A New Order
The Corscant Festival Ball
The Chase
Letting Go
A Royal Birthday
Birthday Suprise
Tagged Again!
Star Wars Tag!!
Suprise Proposal
The Deal
Letting Him Go
Knighting Ceremony
A Feeling
The Truth
Pass On What You Have Learned
First Lesson
One Day Left
Royal Wedding
Visions and Negotiations
Wishes and Negotiations
Answers on Jaccu
Last Chance
Meeting Again
Return to Corscant
Pushed Away
No Longer Alone
What Are These Feelings?
Jedi Academy
Taken Back
Back On Endor
Late Nights
Beautiful Place
Trusting You
I Love You
Mysterious Presence
Back At It
Back Home
Telling Him and The Engagement
Making Plans
Our Secret Wedding

The Search

1.4K 34 0
RogersSkywalkerR5er द्वारा

Raina's POV.

Raina woke up early in the morning. The sun was just beginning to rise. It had been a week since she had become a full Jedi. Raina and Luke were going to be traveling to Grange today to try and find a knew padawan. Raina hoped they would be successful in finding a padawan.

Raina got dressed and walked out of her room. She sensed that Luke was in the meditation room. She walked through the temple until she came to the chapel. The mechanical door came up and she walked in.

She found Luke standing in front of the large window. The blinds were open, letting the first rays of sunlight bath the room. The sun shown threw Luke's golden hair. It almost sparkled. She watched silently as his shoulders went up and down. He was breathing slowly. She opened her mouth to announce herself, but was interrupted.

"Good morning, Raina." Luke spoke smoothly.

"Morning. I'm sorry to interrupt." She apologized.

He shook his head, still turned from her. "No. It's alright. I had just finished." He answered.

"You seem. . .troubled." Raina concluded.

She heard Luke sigh softly.

"It's nothing. Just. . .nerves I guess."

He turned to her with a humorous smile. "You'd think by now I'd be used to all of this."

Raina grinned and shook her head. "Even Jedi masters can be nervous sometimes. Your only human."

Luke grinned and looked down. "I just hope I can do this." He said.

Raina walked up to him. "You aren't alone."

He looked up at her and they locked eyes. He seemed to be searching her eyes for something. She tried to tell him how sincere she was through her eyes.

He must have understood because his face softened and he nodded. "I know."

She couldn't help, but reach out and touch his arm, but as soon as her hand made contact Luke jerked away. She froze confused and surprised as to why he reacted hat way.

He cleared his throat. "We should be going."

She stared at him for a moment then nodded. "Right. We should." She agreed.

Why and he jumped like that? She was only trying to be a good friend. Things seemed to be getting worse and worse between them.

Luke, Raina and Artoo went to the space port and found their docking bay. Luke had some how gotten the New Republic to give them their old X-Wings. Raina made a note to herself to ask him about it later.

As soon as Raina saw her ship she smiled widely. She walked up to it and put her hand on its nose. She admired how great it looked. Although it had some dings and scuffs from different battles, it was still in fine condition.

Raina sighed contently. "She's exactly how I left her. And the pint job looks great!" She exclaimed, admiring her work.

Luke walked over to his own X-wing and patted its side. "It's good the see this old thing again."

Artoo rolled up next to Luke and beeped.

Luke chuckled. "No Artoo. Don't worry we're not going to Dagobah again."

Raina giggled at the little droid. The two loaded their ships and got ready for take off.

"Fire up the engines Artoo!" Luke ordered.

After getting her ship warmed up Raina climbed down the latter and stood in front of Luke.

"You ready?" He asked.

She nodded.

"Alright. I'll lead the way. Just follow me close behind." He told her.

Raina nodded and gave a playful salute. "Copy that."

Luke chuckled and shook his head. The two both walked to their X-Wings and took off.

"See you there and be careful." Luke told her.

"I will. See you there." With that they both jumped to hyperspace.

A while later Raina woke up and jumped out of hyperspace. Before her was a green colored planet. She followed Luke's X-Wing down through the planets atmosphere.

"On your left there's a pretty smooth landing spot." Luke said over the comm.

"Copy that. I'm right behind you." She answered.

Grange was actually a beautiful place. Everything was so green and beautiful. Raina landed her X-wing not far from Luke's. She opened the cockpit and climbed out. It was a little cooler on Grange then on Coruscant. A soft breeze blew her hair in front of her face.

Luke and Artoo went over to her.

"So what now?" She asked.

"Well, I saw a village near here on our way down. Let's try there."

He began walking toward the village. Raina followed.

"Luke. . .how exactly are we supposed to find a Force sensitive being?" She asked.

"We'll know when we see them. Just keep your mind clear and focused." He said.

She nodded.

The three walked through the green valley. As they came upon the small village Raina admired the beauty of it. The buildings were dome shaped and had moss and grass growing on them. The streets were made of dark colored dirt and the whole village was surrounded by green lush hills and mountains. A good sized stream ran next to the village where children were playing.

Raina and Luke walked into the village and were immediately greeted with smiles from villagers. The people were dressed simply and most of them looked like farmers. Others worked in the village.

Luke walked over to a woman selling fruit and vegetables at a booth. She looked to be in her early forties and her hair was a dirty blond color. It looked almost brown. Her eyes were green and her skin was tanned most likely from working in her farm.

"Good afternoon. I haven't seen you two in town. Are you visiting from another village?" The woman asked them.

Luke smiled kindly at her. "Yes and no. We're not from this planet. We're just visiting." He answered.

"Oh, well may asked what planet your from?" She asked.

"We're from Coruscant." He answered.

"Well, what brings you both here to our humble village?" She asked.

Raina looked at Luke. What would he tell her. He looked from Raina back to the woman. After a moment Luke began to speak.

"Well you see we're Jedi and we're on special mission. We've stopped on your planet to rest for a while before taking off again." Luke told her.

Raina was surprised Luke had told her what they were.

'Luke? What are you doing?' Raina asked him through her mind.

'Relax. It's alright. We can trust her.' He replied.

The woman's  mouth dropped and she smiled widely.

"Your Jedi?" She asked.

Luke gave a nod.

She breathed a laugh. "I can't believe it! In all my years I never thought I would see the day the Jedi would return, but it's come! It's finally come." She exclaimed.

Raina and Luke smiled at one another. Luke had been right.

The woman laughed slightly and shook her head. "What am I doing?"

She bowed her head respectfully.

Raina immediately felt a sense of humility.

"It's an honor to meet you both. I'm Sara. Sara Katali." She introduced herself.

Luke and Raina both bowed. "And I'm Master Luke Skywalker and this is Master Raina Starlight."

Raina smiled at the woman.

Soon there was a whistle and a beep. Everyone looked down at Artoo.

Luke chuckled. "And this is our droid, R2D2."

The woman named Sara giggled. "Well hello R2D2."

Artoo beeped a greeting.

The woman looked back to Luke. "Is there anything I can do for you all?" She asked.

"Well, we were wondering if there was a place we could stay for a few nights."

"Oh of course. There's an inn a few blocks over. A lady named Jaida is the owner of the inn. Tell her Sara sent you." She smiled.

Luke nodded. "Thank you. And because you've been so helpful it would be right to leave without making a purchase."

Sara smiled brightly. She looked very surprised.

"Raina is there anything you see that you would like?" He asked, turning to Raina.

She glanced around and spotted a basket of plump, juicy berries.

"Those look wonderful!" She exclaimed pointing to the basket.

Luke smiled at Sara. "We'll take some of those delicious looking berries."

Sarah nodded. "Alright."

She gathered some up in a bag and gave the bag to Raina.

"How much?" Luke asked.

"Oh um. . .three credits will be enough." She answered.

Luke looked at the bag full of berries and looked back at the woman.

"Three credits for all of those?" He asked. The woman nodded.

"But if that's too much then-"

"No no. It's not too much. It's too little. It wouldn't be fair to purchase all of those wonderful berries and then only pay a small three credits for them. Why there's enough there to add up to. . .five credits." He said.

"Oh no really Master Jedi. It's fine I-"

Luke didn't let her finish. He took out five credits and handed them to her.

"There you go, five credits. And no arguing. You deserve it."

Sara looked down at the credits and back at Luke and Raina. She smiled thankfully.

"Oh, well thank you! Thank you so much!"

Luke and Raina smiled.

"Your welcome. Good day." Luke said.

"Good day!" She called as Raina and Luke began walking off.

"That was a very sweet thing you did." Raina whispered.

"What? Oh that? Well, I felt she needed the extra credits." He answered humbly.

Raina couldn't help, but smile.

Once they got to the inn Luke told the woman there that Sara had sent them. The woman, who was obviously Jaida, immediately set them up with two rooms. She also priced them slightly cheaper then normal since Sarah had sent them. Of course Luke had nothing of it and payed the full amount. Once again the woman was grateful.

Raina and Like went to their rooms and settled in. After a little bit Raina went to Luke's room.

"Just a minute!" He called.

She waited patiently as she heard him walking to the door and a Artoo beeping excitedly. Suddenly she heard a sound as if Luke had stumbled.

"Artoo I can't let Raina in if I can't walk to the door." He said, showing a little frustration with his droid.

Artoo whistled sadly.

"Thank you." Luke said obviously frustrated, but getting over it.

Raina snorted.

Soon the door opened.

Luke smiled. "Hi."

"Hey." She greeted back.

Luke had taken off his Jedi cloak and was only wearing the rest of his Jedi robes.

She soon heard Artoo whistle loudly and race over to greet her.

She giggled. "Hi Artoo!"

Luke glanced as the droid beeped excitedly. He rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Come on in."

Raina smiled and followed Luke in. Artoo stayed by Raina's side.

Luke sat down eyeing the droid. "I don't know what's gotten into him. He's become very attached to you lately." He smiled shaking his head.

Raina giggled and patted the droid. "Maybe he just missed me." She countered.

"He's only been without you for a few hours."

Raina nodded. "True, but he and I don't see each other that much even at the temple."

Artoo beeped agreeing with her.

Luke furrowed his eyebrows seeming not to understand.

Raina looked at the droid and then glanced up at Luke briefly through her eyelashes.

"It's even been a while since. . .you and I have just been able to sit down and talk as friends. . .A long while." She admitted.

Luke looked down and she heard him sigh. "I know. It has."

Raina looked up. "May I ask why?"

He sighed heavily and stood, facing the window. His tone with her was tired and frustrated. He obviously didn't want to talk about it. Raina on the other hand was tired of never talking about it.

"Raina. . ."

Raina stood from the chair she was sitting in.
"Luke don't do this! Not again. Ever since. . .ever since that night you've shut me out. It's like we're not even friends anymore!" She exclaimed.

"We are friends, Raina." He answered tiredly.

"Are we? Because lately it doesn't feel like it. You act completely different with me now. It's like your a stranger!"

She saw him nod.

Raina continued.
"You've shut yourself completely off from me! You don't eat with me, you don't talk to me, you don't hangout with me, you avoid me in every way possible!" She exclaimed.

Luke was looking down and she could feel his anxiety growing. She didn't care though. They had to talk about this.

"That is not what friends do, Luke! That's not  how they act!"

Suddenly he turned to face her. "I know!" He snapped.

Raina blinked in surprise.

Luke looked down and sighed. "I know." He whispered.

Raina looked down.

"There's a lot that has happened between us Raina. You know that." He spoke softly now.

She didn't look up at him. She couldn't.

He sighed again. "After what happened that night. . .I knew I couldn't be close to you anymore."

At that she looked up.

"At least not like that, because whenever we get into those situations. . .I become weak. Too weak. I can't risk that happening again. Not after that last time." He told her.

"You know how I feel about you, Raina. And that won't ever change, and because of that reason. . .I can't let myself be as close to you anymore."

At this Raina's heart broke. Their friendship was going to be effected by all of this as well.

"I'm sorry, but it's best for both of us that we never get into those compromising situations. This seems to be the only way to make sure of that." He explained.

So they could no longer be best friends. That's what he was saying.

Raina nodded. "I understand. I should be going. I um. . . I think I'll have a look around the village. I'll see later." She turned to walk out.

"Raina wait!" Luke called.

She stopped. "Yes?"

". . .be careful."

Raina closed her eyes feeling a tear fall down her cheek. Without saying a word she walked out.

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