Reincarnated as the villainess

By chocosweets

449K 13.3K 2.1K

Dying from a heart failure, Margot reincarnated in the world of 'only you' a book that made quite a craze on... More

prologue+author's note
1- the baby that i became
2- the strange baby
3- her first words were..
4- my magic is?
5-my magic is revealed
6- breakfast
7- Rosalie von muriel
Very important note
9_ the plan
10_ library part 1
11_library part 2
12_ swordmanship
13_the Reveal
14_ the hunt
15_the happy return
16_the black sword
17_ finally home
18_sneaking out
20_the prince's feelings
21_the engagement
author's note
22_the bet part 1
23_the bet part 2
24_ selling his son away
Bad news
part 2

8_a big brother?

15.8K 481 82
By chocosweets

Pov Jane

After finishing the lavishing breakfast, my father suddenly announced that he just adopted the son of a viscount whose father was recently beheaded for betrayal and whose mother died of grief afterwards.

Waiting impatiently in the great hall while opening my gifts, i could not help but think about that adopted brother of mine.

From the story, jane did have one brother who was five years older than her. Even if she did not bully him and often played with him when they were little, it did not really help her out since her adopted brother was also involved in the death of jane.

Loyal to the king who saved his life by killing the giant bear in the forest, the adoptive brother could even kill the whole Winchester family not caring for them who adopted him and took care of him.

Of course, the plot seemed a bit strange since the winchester family was also one of his saviours but from the way he spoke to the king and his loyalty, it should be that he was in love with the king, so he supported him in anything he did.

Now that i am here, i need to change a few things....

The king met that brother of 'mine' during his research in medecine and when the king who was if i remember correctly still a prince at that time, helped him find the cure to a mortal serpent poison he had caught at the crystal snow montain.

I need a plan to solve that problem and maybe make him my ally!

Suddenly, footsteps were heard coming our way and soon, two figures were in sight, one was the headmaid and the other was a little boy with short, straight blonde hair and ocean blue eyes.

'Adorable!' My mom cried as she rushed to hug the boy.

He was dressed in a white outfit with a black cape covering him. His facial expression was as monotone as his style and his eyes had a tinge of darkness in them that could send you shivers of you looked at them carefully.

But out of the blue, a cute innocent smile appeared on his face and that darkness disappeared as if it was just me imagining things.

My father stood up next and walked towards the mysterious boy and gave him a pat on the back.

He beckoned to me and i hesitantly walked towards them.

'Jane, from now on, he is going to be your big brother!' My father said with a quite joyous tone.

'Good day...umm' i bowed not knowing what to call him since calling him by his name would be weird since they did not tell me his name yet...

'His name is Richard su, i mean Richard Winchester.' My mother replied.

I smiled at him to not be to suspicious of suspecting him of being the suspicious one ( please note that the author is a weirdo)

Since we were now a family, we all spend my birthday together with that big brother of mine whom made me nervous during the whole afternoon.

Soon, it was time to go to bed and it would be the perfect time to think of a plan..

Sorry for all that weirdness... i really suck at writing😅😅😅 but thank you very very very much for all the support, votes and comments...♡

I think i want to dedicate it to every readers here that support me😗.
*group hug!!*

Thank to all of you, this book has reach +1k reads and that is something i never could have guess would ever happened....😁😁😁

Extra chapter for celebration💋

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