Scottish Stars Cross

بواسطة RedCherry25

1.5K 10 0

Sorcha has been waiting her whole life to find a man who will sweep her off her feet. So far, she's struck o... المزيد

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35

Part 9

54 0 0
بواسطة RedCherry25

A month had gone by since her parents arrest and Abigail's betrayal. Sorcha had kept busy with work and spending time with Calleach. Her cousins had made sure to stay close by and Sorcha was grateful for that. They were able to help delegate questions thrown at her by people around town. Sorcha was tired of all the questions and she was taking her lawyers advice about keeping mum about what had happened.

The day of the trial began. Sorcha was dressed smartly in a pencil skirt, a fitted jacket, and a topaz colored blouse with matching shoes. Zefora had insisted that she buy new clothes for the trial and Calleach had agreed by taking them shopping in Denver. Sorcha looked at herself in the mirror and fussed worriedly with her hair and checked her makeup.

"You look fine," Zefora said as batted Sorcha's hands away from her hair. "Just relax and look confident."

Zefora's eyes met Sorcha's worried ones in the mirror. Zefora hugged Sorcha from behind and even with her heals on Sorcha was still shorter that Zefora. Sorcha turned around and hugged Zefora hard. Zefora rubbed her back and gave her a smile as she pulled away.

"I'm nervous Zefora."

"You have every right to be." Zefora tilted Sorcha's chin up so that she could see her eyes.

"After what has happened over all the years, I would think something is wrong if you aren't nervous. Just remember that the Z squad, Amaranth, and Calleach will be sitting behind you."

Sorcha couldn't help but giggle. "I can't believe that you came up with the name the Z squad for you and your brothers."

A broad grin spread across Zefora's face. "Amaranth wasn't happy when I came up with it since his name starts with an A and not a Z. I told him that if we ever become a band we'll name it Amaranth and the Z Squad. That cheered him up a bit."

A sudden knock on the bathroom door caught their attention. Turning they saw Zarr standing at the door dressed in clothes that would be considered business casual. His riot of dark colored curls was behaving and he had shaved. His strange grey eyes softened as he stepped around the door and gave Sorcha a hug.

"You look amazing cuz."

Tears threatened at all of the kind words fostered upon her. Sorcha wasn't used to compliments and she wasn't quite sure how to take them. Zarr wiped her tears away carefully and framed her face with his hands.

"Don't cry Sorcha. You'll ruin your makeup and I don't want to get my ass handed to me by Zefora today."

Sorcha giggled as Zarr kissed her forehead. "That's better. It saddens me that you have received so few compliments that you have no idea how to handle them."

Zefora wrapped an arm around her brother's waist and leaned against him. "We'll have to remember to compliment her daily."

Zarr wrapped an arm around Zefora's shoulder as he grabbed Sorcha's hand and led them out of the bathroom. "We're all ready to go. Zaranth is getting the truck ready for us. He insisted we all go together." Zarr shrugged. "I think it's because he wants to see how many people can fit comfortably in his new truck."

"Zaranth and his truck." Zefora shook her head. "He's like a woman with shoes."

Zaranth poke his head into the hallway. "Who's like a woman with shoes?"

"You are brother dear."

Zaranth laughed as he stepped back into the living room. "I can't argue with you there."

Sorcha's eyes found Calleach and he looked just as handsome as he always does when he's at work. He held his hand out for her and she gladly took it. Calleach eyed her before he pulled her into his arms and offered her a chaste kiss. "You look stunning."

"Thanks, but I wish it was for something else besides court."

"You'll do fine. I got you one of the best lawyers around. He'll help win the case."

Sorcha sighed as she rested her hands on Calleach's chest. "I hope you're right Calleach. If we lose, then I am moving as far away from here as possible."

All Calleach did was smile and kiss her as Zaranth ushered everyone outside to his pickup. Sorcha sat in the front wedged between Zaranth and Calleach. The ride to the courthouse was short and Sorcha was nervous. She had butterflies in her stomach.

Karen Stumps met them at the courtroom. She shook hands with Calleach before she shook hands with Sorcha. "Are you ready Ms. McAllister?"

Sorcha smiled as best as she could. "As ready as I'll ever be."

"Good." Karen Stumps began talking to them about what to expect and Sorcha felt herself relaxing. Ms. Stumps was an acquaintance of Calleach's who moved to the U.S. from Scotland three years ago. Her Scottish accent was soothing and Sorcha felt confident that they were going to win.

The courtroom was packed full as Sorcha took her seat next to Ms. Stumps at the table where she was to spend the whole trial sitting. Calleach and her cousins sat as close to her as they could. Sorcha was watching them when she saw several of her co-workers plus Bishop with Barron and Beau walk in. They waved at Sorcha and she waved back. She turned around when Ms. Stumps patted her on the shoulder telling her they were about ready to start.

The courtroom grew quiet as the judge entered. "All rise for the great and honorable Judge Cummings."

Everyone stood and waited until the judge was seated. "You may be seated."

Sorcha sat back down in her seat and settled down to watch the proceedings. Ms. Stumps had prepared Sorcha for the line of questioning she would be subjected to. That was the part Sorcha was nervous about. Sorcha's hands were in her lap and she fidgeted with the bracelet Calleach had given her. It was an antique bracelet that had been in his family for generations. She had been surprised at the gift and had promised to wear it every day.

Court went by slowly. Sorcha paid careful attention to all that was said and done. Today they were focusing on the most recent account of abuse. There was a bad taste in Sorcha's mouth as she listened to her parents weave their tale. They were good and some of the jurors looked kindly on them.

"You may step down Mrs. McAllister."

Trina nodded gratefully at the judge as she stepped down and dabbed at her eyes with a tissue. Sorcha wanted to roll her eyes, but she refrained.

"Who would you like to call to the stand next?" The judge asked the defense.

Her parents' lawyer cleared his throat before he spoke. "We'd like to call Sorcha McAllister to the stand."

Ms. Stump nodded encouragingly to Sorcha as she made her way to the witness stand. Sorcha dutifully raised her hand as she swore to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Once Sorcha was done she took a seat and squared her shoulders ready for any questions thrown at her.

"Ms. McAllister," began her parent's lawyer. "Can you describe the events that transpired a month ago when your parents were arrested?"

Sorcha took a deep breath and brushed hair out of her face before she squared her shoulders and told her side of the story. Mr. Samuelson listened closely and interrupted her from time to time to ask questions. Sorcha's nostrils flared and a stubborn set of her chin signaled that she was getting aggravated with the line of questioning.

"Are you sure that you weren't drinking that night?"

"I am positive that I wasn't drinking the night before or the day of my parent's arrest."

"So," Mr. Samuelson said as he looked at a paper he was holding. "Calleach goaded your parents?"

"Calleach told them to leave me alone when my Mom was badgering me over the phone. He answered because I told them that if I didn't answer they would keep calling until I answered. Calleach told my Mom that I was currently unavailable."

"Can you tell the jury why you were unavailable? Was it because you were having sex with your co-work, Mr. O'Brien?"

Sorcha blushed. Ms. Stumps shot to her feet. "Objection!"

"Over ruled," Judge Cummings said. "But I would reword your question to be in better taste Mr. Samuelson."

"Of course your honor." Mr. Samuelson turned back to Sorcha. "Why were you unavailable when your mother called?"

Sorcha crossed her arms and pursed her lips as she gave Mr. Samuelson a look that said she didn't like him. "Calleach had spent the night and we were talking about having sex."

Mr. Samuelson nodded as he walked to his desk and looked down at some papers. "Did you two have sex that night?"

Another blush stole across Sorcha's pale skin. "Yes. Calleach and I were in the downstairs bedroom, but we decided to move to one of the upstairs bedrooms when Calleach saw my parents peeping at us through a gap in my window curtains. Another reason we moved upstairs was so that we wouldn't have to hear their incessant knocking on my front door."

"So you are an errant child who ignores her parents' advice?"

"No Mr. Cummings," Sorcha said softly. "I am an adult woman who is getting tired of her parents trying to rule her while they spoil my sister."

Sorcha sat through more of Mr. Cummings rude questions before it was time for Ms. Stumps to question her. Ms. Stumps looked at a notebook where she'd been writing before she looked up at Sorcha. She walked over and blocked Sorcha's view of her parents and their lawyer.

"Can you tell me what you were doing the day of the attack?"

"I slept in late. I went downstairs and made breakfast for Calleach and I around 9am. Calleach stayed over all day. I was talking on the phone with my cousin and fixing supper. We were chatting on the phone about various things when a knock came on the door. It was my parents and I told my cousin that I would talk to her later."

"Did you invite your parents into your home?"

Sorcha shook her head. "No. They forced their way in and started verbally attacking me. Father pinned me against the wall as he started trying to tell me what I was going and not going to do. Mother, as always, stayed out of the way and watched what was going on. She put in her two cents worth though."

"What happened next?" Ms. Stumps asked when Sorcha paused.

Pain clouded Sorcha's eyes as she shifted a little uneasily. "I got slammed against the wall. Father had a hold of my arms so tight. I told him that he was hurting me. That's when Mother warned him to not leaving any marks behind. The next thing I knew, Calleach had jumped off the stairs and threw my Father away from me."

"Did you know that Calleach was still there?"

"I thought he had left. Calleach took care of Father. Mother went to his aid and I ended up sitting on Mother while we waited for the police to show."

Ms. Stumps looked down at her notebook. "Did Calleach say something to the police?"

"Yes, he told them that this time charges would not be dropped. He threatened to sue."

Whispers echoed in the courtroom at Sorcha's words. The judge banged the gravel bringing court back to order. Judge Cummings gazed at the courtroom before she called for a recess and that the trial would pick back up tomorrow at 9am.

Sorcha gratefully stepped off the witness stand and moved towards her family and friends.

Calleach squeezed her hand as Ms. Stumps talked quietly with Sorcha about what to expect tomorrow. Tomorrow would be questions about all of the journals and pictures that Zefora had that Sorcha had given her.

"You did good."

Sorcha was at Calleach's house sipping from a glass of wine Amaranth had poured her. Sorcha sat on the couch with her feet in Calleach's lap. Her cousins, co-workers, and friends were arranged around her in a protective circle.

"Thanks Amaranth. Today was the easy part. It's tomorrow that I'm dreading." Sorcha shivered. "I'm not looking forward to relieving the abuse detailed in my journals."

"Just tell the truth," Zarr said helpfully. "That's all you can do."

Sorcha's answer was to yawn. Calleach chuckled as he sat Sorcha's feet on the couch and stood up. "I think that's Sorcha's cue that she's exhausted and needs some sleep. We'll see you all tomorrow at the trial."

Sorcha waved as everyone left. Calleach sat back down and returned to rubbing her feet. Sorcha gazed at him lovingly before she sat her empty wine glass down. She leaned forward and kissed Calleach.

"Take me to bed Calleach. Make me forget about all that's happened today."

Calleach chuckled as he pulled Sorcha to her feet. "I'll make you forget about tomorrow too."

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