Keep Your Enemy's Closer

By wassupjames

2.3K 91 25

When the Golden Trio and the rest of the fantastic group redo their lat year as Hogwarts student, they know s... More

Chapter 1: Prefect to be.
Chapter 2: The Cockroach is back.
Chapter 3: Friend or Foe?
Chapter 5: Slipping Up.
Chapter 6: Confusion
Chapter 7: The Trip to the End
Chapter 8:Hmmmm
Chapter 9: Hospitalized
Chapter 10: Scared to Death
Chapter 11: Unexpected News

Chapter 4: Acceptance.

255 11 1
By wassupjames

Third Person POV:

Hermione woke up oblivious to the world and jumped into her shower. It instantly woke her up. When she was done, she got out and let her hair dry naturally. It was no longer frizzy like her first two years at Hogwarts, so it just ended up being curly but also wavy. She did light makeup then put her robes on.

She opened her door to find Malfoy fixing to knock.

"Oh! Malfoy. What are you doing?"

"Was just letting you know I'm going down to the Great Hall to go eat breakfast." Draco quickly said. He looked slightly nervous then left out of the door with the picture of Remus Lupin on it.

Hermione wondered why he was acting so jumpy all of the sudden.

Draco's POV:

"Why am I being panicky all of the sudden" I said scolding myself.

"Why do I get nervous when I look at her? Ugh! It's not like I like her or anything. I could never like her let alone she liking me."

I walked over to the Slytherin table quickly trying to hide from Pansy but she spotted me right away.

"Hey Drakie." Pansy yelped!

"Ugh! Why does she have call me that?" I thought to myself.

I let her ramble to me about how she's so excited about the trip to Hogsmeade and how she's going to go visit her family in Africa over the Holidays. I got bored very quickly. I ate my omelette as fast I could to get away from the little goblin and left before she could say "ButterBeer".

My first hour was Charms and I had it with Hermione. Great... I thought.

I arrived in the classroom just in time and sat next to Blaise.

"Today class, we will be learning how to charm musical instruments in to playing by themselves. All you say is..."

Professor Flitwick pointed his wand at the bongo sitting in from of him and said "instralacend". The bongo started automatically playing and the students followed. Each student had a mini tambourine or a small bongo on top.

"Instralacend" I announced.

The bongo shot up and started playing as well.

Hermione had perfected hers and already had the mini tambourine playing a whole song and everyone around her started jamming out. She looked up at me and we stared at each other for what seemed like an hour, then she looked down.

Class was over and I walked from class to class to class with Hermione in my head in every single one of them. I don't even like her. Gosh. Lunch had just started in the Great Hall so I walked over there.

Hermione sat in her usual spot at the Gryffindor table and I slowly looked over at her, ignoring the endless fighting of Blaise and Pansy.

Admitting it to myself was hard but I did have to, she wasn't that bad looking.

"Draco, shut up." the voice inside my head was saying. Though I ignored it it kept coming back.

"Draco you don't like don't like her. You. Don't. Like. Granger."

I started eating to get the bloody voice out my head.

I saw Granger walk up and leave to go to probably go to the library. She looked angry and the Gryffindor table were arguing amongst each other.

I quickly got up from my seat and walked to the library.

Hermione's POV:

UGH!! I thought they were my friends! How could they be so rude to me? All I said was 'guys I think Malfoy has changed and I'm going to try to be his friend.' It's not like I murdered him in his sleep which they would probably be cheering me on if I had. I walked straight to the library because that was my getaway from the world. I picked out a book about The History of Backfired Spells and sat at my normal seat by the window in the corner. I started reading, then heard footsteps approaching me. Although I knew someone was in front of me I ignored them. Until I noticed the voice......the once cold, hard voice but now the comforting, yet confusing voice that I somewhat liked.

"Granger?Are you okay? I saw you walking out of the Great Hall and you looked upset and they were arguing. You told them that you wanted to start being my friend didn't you?" He asked all at once.

I nodded and he started again.

"Look, I don't want you to try and become friends with me just for your friends to get angry with you." He said quickly.

He sat down next to me and butterflies began to crack out of their cacoons. Why did he always do this to me? Ggrrr.

"I don't care what they think Malfoy. I can have other friends and you've changed a lot since our first years and the times during the war I just.......I don't know."

I answered blankly.

"I know what you mean." He stood up and grabbed my book away from me.

"Hey! Give that back you little ferret." I yelled playfully trying to run to get my book.

"Oh! So we're back to name calling now, are we? Okay. You little know -it -all." He tried to throw the book across the library but before be could I landed on top of him.

"When I thought you would fall for me I didn't think you would literally." He smirked and I glared at him.

"In your dreams honey boy" I answered and smirked back.

"Sssssshhhhhhhhh!" the librarian, Madam Pince, hushed us.

We both got up,got our stuff and walked to our next class, D.A.D.A., which we had together. Butterflies, butterflies, and more butterflies.....

Hello my loves,

Hope you're having a wonderful time reading my book. I love writing and reading Dramione fanfiction and hope you like mine. Please vote or comment! Please and thank you! Chapter 5 will be posted shortly. Cya my beloved nerds!!


Draco's wife.

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