By nutjob

628 1 4

Ava Finn her life is normal and perfect loved by all her friends with her obnoxious brother her life is compl... More

Chapter - 1
Chapter 2 (Picture of Aiden)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (Picture of Stephanie)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (Picture of Terry)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 16 [Prom]

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By nutjob

Hey guys finally the moment is here for all you were waiting for THE PROM and I know the chapters were getting boring but now I won’t stretch it too far you guys will love it but that doesn’t mean the story comes to an end it still has a long way to go a lot of surprises are coming your way so hope you all love it …enjoy :)


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As, the prom was only two days away all the students were busy decorating, buying their dresses getting dates some also succeeding in getting one but some getting rejected badly all this was going on in St.Mary High !! Of course the three selected candidates had a lot to do in order to win the title this year some were honest in what they did while some chose the way of lies and dishonesty where as Ava Finn knew what she had to do even though she didn’t want to take part in all this crap but she knew she wanted to give her best shot ….

“Steph so what do we do now?” Ava asked Stephanie

“I already asked Stefan to put up the posters and now all you have to do is win the hearts of all the ones who are going to vote for you “ she replied

“And how I do that?”

“Well we can bribe them!!!”

“No, no way Steph I ain’t doing that if I win I will win in an honest way”

“Well then you have a lot to do in these two days”

“Like ??”

“Well help any students if they face any problems , volunteer if any help is needed, don’t argue or fight be nice and sweet well you are already that but still even more won’t do any harm right?”

“Yeah I guess you’re right Steph so I can do all that but let’s just hope that this time Stacey doesn’t seduce all the guys and bribe all the girls like last year to get them vote for her”

“Well for that Ava my darling, I have an idea” She winked at her

“What are you gonna do this time Steph”

“Well you just have to wait and watch my friend”

As, the school bell both Ava and Steph headed to their respective classes whereas  Aiden was busy planning for something he worked hard for days …and he was desperately waiting for Prom…Then the bell rang for recess and all the students headed to the cafeteria.

“Steph, who are you looking for and I have a feeling something very bad is about to happen” Ava asked Stephanie in a low tone

“Ava, bad would be the wrong word use the word “dirty” something dirty is about to happen here ,you just have to watch the show and enjoy “

“But what are you gonna do?”

“You’ll see, now there comes the lead to the show” Steph informed pointing at Stacey and her friend but the other one was missing

Stacey and her friends Suzanne and Sienna were like the pink sluts there and always trying to get attention and dating guys and dump them, Stacey was best friends with Ava and Stephanie but when things took the wrong turn with them they decided to become enemies for life and as they wanted Attention all the time Stephanie today decided to do something which would get them a lot of attention and also would help her friend.

“STACEY, STACEY, you dishonest p*mp, you b***h , wh**e how dare you do something like that I thought you were a friend” Sienna the missing pinky came shouting to the cafeteria

The place had gone quite all the attention were on only Stacey and Siena and many including Stephanie had even got out their cell phones to record the ultimate cat fight of the year and then to put it on YouTube !!!

Stacey, trying to control her temper as she would lose the reputation and she might even lose the title of the Queen she talked to Sienna in a very low tone.

“What have I done and how dare you call me a B***h? Did you look at yourself?’ Stacey talked to her in a low tone and smiling back to everyone to make them believe everything was fine.

“What have you done?? Oh please you better stop your act and let the cat out of the bag or else I’ll do it” Sienna still shouting

“I haven’t done a thing why would you say something like that?” Stacey said in a very sweet and innocent tone

“Fine then, would like to tell all the people over here that why the hell did you sleep with my boyfriend and make him break up with me you always do that, not with me but with Suzanne as well but she is unaware of the fact that her break up with Davis also happened because you slept with him and made him dump her”

“WHAT???? YOU SLEPT WITH DAVIS??” Suzanne said in utter shock but also anger

“I can explain” Stacey began

“Oh now you can explain?? You Slut!! Now I get why all girls hate you” Suzanne began

“You only deserve this” Sienna threw Stacey’s noodles in her face

“How dare you spill noodles in my face “This time Stacey shouting as well “If I deserve this you deserve this” Stacey spilled orange juice in Sienna face.

“Oh you are gonna regret this” Sienna said as loud as she could

“Bring it on wh**e”

With those four words by Stacey the catfight had began while, all the guys enjoyed seeing the pinkies fight their life out Stephanie was clicking pictures and recording it …Sienna and Suzanne were constantly throwing food at Stacey and when Stacey was out of food she began pulling sienna hair and rolling over and when Suzanne tried to stop them Stacey kicked her on the leg all their makeup had smudged, their perfect dresses were now covered with French fries, ketchup, juice, noodles including their own spit now that was disgusting and one thing I could assure you all is that Stacey had lost her chances of getting the maximum votes. At one point all the student were shouting “FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT”  “FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT”...When MRS. Deborah heard of the noise coming from the cafeteria she came in to make sure everybody was fine .

“Now, now silence in the cafeteria please “As she came in all the student pointed at Stacey, Sienna and Suzanne and began doing their own work. MRS. Deborah had gone red with anger and when she tried stopping them she herself got some food in her dress, and when the girls had realized that it was MRS. Deborah they had stopped…

“What on earth do you think you girls were doing?’ Mrs. Deborah asked them

“Mrs. Deborah we can explain” Sienna began

“Oh I think you can explain everything in the Principal’s office and Stacey you are officially disqualified from the Prom Queen title “

“But Mrs. Deborah” Stacey cried

“No buts just come with me to the principal’s office” she replied “Well, all the other Students get back to your work “

*  * * * * * *  *  * *  * *  *  * * *

“So, that was your big plan Steph by the way how did you do it?”

“Before coming to the Cafeteria, Sienna was getting something out of her locker and her locker is close to mine so I pretended along with Stefan and making sure Sienna Heard about the fact that Stacey slept with Sienna’s boyfriend, Revenge is sweet huh!!”

“It sure is for masterminds like you”

“So, thanks to me the biggest thorn is out of your way Ava now there won’t be any dishonesty in the winning and we have only two days left c’mon Ave we have a lot do “Stephanie dragged Ava out of the cafeteria.


The next two days passed pretty quickly and finally the day was here when everything would be decided and everything would turn normal but you just have to wait and watch...Ava was getting ready with her beautiful lavender designer gown and I must say she was looking amazing …

“Ava Darling you look beautiful” Neveah, Ava’s mother replied

“Thanks mom “

“So, who’s your date today?”

“Well it’s George”

“Oh when is he coming to pick you up”

“I dunno any minute”

With this Ava’s mom left the room and Ava got busy once again fixing her Hair and dress when suddenly the thought that today she once again had to see Aiden and Stephanie together and she knew that somewhere it would kill her to see them together….suddenly her phone rang

“Hey beautiful, did I make it on time” George asked

“You sure did George just a second I’ll be there”

“Arite sure take your time”

As, Ava made her steps towards the door , a millions of thoughts were going on in her head that what was gonna happen today, would she be the Queen, can she bear Aiden and Stephanie get all mushy mushy with each other again in front of her…

As, she opened the door…….She found George in a black tux looking handsome and had put up a big smile on his face.

“Do you intend on killing all the guys out there Ava?” George asked with a smile

“Why do I look that bad?”

“No, you look that beautiful!!!”

“Aww, thanks George you look great yourself too”

“Thank you so much, so should we head out?” George asked putting out his arm for Ava

“Yea Sure” Ava replied putting her arm in his


As, Ava and George entered the school premises, Ava could see couples everywhere but her eyes were only looking for one couple Stephanie and Aiden but surprisingly she couldn’t find any of them ..

“Steph, where are you?” Ava called her

“Ava, I’ll be there I think I’m not sure I’m not feeling well but I’ll try to”

“What? You’re sick; do you want me to come over?”

“No, No Ava it’s important for you to be there I’ll be fine I have Aiden here with me he’ll take care of me “As Stephanie said this Ava’s heart dropped but she acted normal

“Yea ok then bye Steph”

After, talking to Stephanie Ava didn’t feel like being at the Prom as she couldn’t seem to enjoy it George also offered to dance but she refused when suddenly everybody’s Attention went to MRS. Deborah who was now on stage and Ava had guessed she was there to announce the results.

“Everybody can I Draw your Attention please? Today thought its Prom we also have a Prom King and a Queen and now I’m here to announce the names of the lucky tow are you all ready to know it?” MRS. Deborah asked

“Yes Mrs.Deborah “all the students shouted in reply

“Well, firstly let’s start with the Prom King any guesses??”

“David, Terry, Aiden Aiden, Aiden “all three names were heard from the crowd

“Fine I won’t keep you in suspense anymore the Prom king this year is AIDEN HARRISON”

As, the results were announced crowd had gone crazy and everybody was clapping but Ava’s heart skipped a beat and she was shocked to know that Aiden was the Prom King and this time she didn’t even want to become the Prom Queen .

“Do we have Aiden Harrison over here please come up to the stage”

The spotlight suddenly went to Aiden and Ava was utterly shocked at seeing him in front of her. Aiden was looking utterly gorgeous, in a black Suit with a black bow and his face was as if glowing Ava felt couldn’t seem to take her eyes of him and the way he was smiling and was making his way to the stage was mesmerizing to her. She thought that if Aiden was here then Stephanie would be there as well she started looking but her thoughts were interrupted by Mrs. Deborah…

“Here comes our Prom King Aiden, Aiden do you want to say something?”

“Well, All I want to say is that I’m glad I’m finishing off my last year being the Prom King who could’ve asked for a better end” as he finished off the speech there was round of applause all around

“Well, said Aiden, now students every king needs a queen, so now it’s time to announce the Prom Queen this year”

As, Ava was searching for Stephanie she found her well dressed and fit as ever but the shocking part was that she was in the arms of Mathew Franklin, the Baseball captain of school and they were kissing each other, but why was she in the arms of some other guy when she had someone like Aiden? All these thoughts were going on in her mind but she got no answer at all.

“The Prom queen was a tough one to decide both the girls were equally deserving and only with a difference of 25 votes the winner tonight is

AVA FINN round of applause for the Prom Queen please I would request Ava to come to the stage please”

“Ava you did it see you are the Prom Queen” George said to Ava, who was lost in her deep thoughts thinking about Stephanie and didn’t even hear the announcement

“What, I did what?” Ava asked as if puzzled

“You won!! You are the Prom Queen”

“What? I am “

“Yes you are, now go up on the stage “

As, Ava made her way up to the stage, she saw Aiden come and offer his hand to help her get on the stage and there she was standing next to the man whom she loves with all her life .

“No, as we have both the Prom king & Queen now we crown them both”

“Mrs. Deborah before the crowning I have something to say if you don’t mind” Aiden said 

“Yes sure please carry on”

“Thank you I have to say something to the beautiful Prom Queen Ava here”

“She’s your queen say all you want to” Mrs. Deborah said

The whole crowd went quite and Ava was confused on what Aiden was saying and how Mrs. Deborah allowed him to tell something to her .Suddenly she found Aiden taking her hands in his and then he sat on his knees for her and then came the most unexpected surprise….

“Ava, I know that I’ve hurt you a lot and trust me I hated doing that, and I know for me you had to go through a lot but what I did was because I love you !! yea Ava Finn I love you will you please go out with me . Say yes and make me the luckiest man on earth”


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