Alone Together...


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First waking up in the body of a character in Naruto, then meeting their inner personality was never a good t... More

The New Beginning
Getting Used To This World
Crazy First Day
Lessons On Etiquette
First Day Of Training
Revelations and Goals
The Bakery and The Encounters
Convenient Trip
Better Days
Finally Home
Ramen and Cookies
Getting Caught
Memorial Stone
The Game
Five In One Day
Seriously Scary
Suspicion and Ninja Games
Unexpected Sleepover
Truth's Told
Not Expected
Believe In Me
Finally Friends
First Fight
The Academy
The Betrayal
All The Colors
Scroll of Sealing
Bell Test
The Wave Mission Part 1
The Wave Mission Part 2
The Wave Mission Part 3
I Remember You
Probation and Training
Forget About Everything
The Real Sakura
Change In Plans
It Has Begun
The Chunin Exam's Part 1
The Chunin Exam's Part 2
The Chunin Exam's Part 3
The Chunin Exam's Part 4
The Chunin Exam's Part 5
First Kill

The Rain

9.1K 468 69

Sorry guy's i dident know what to write for a while(😂).

Sakura's POV

Waking up at six in the morning always sucked, at least it did when one wasn't used to it.

I sat up in bed and stretched out my arms, listening to the bones popping in the process. I sighed and looked at the clock on my nightstand that rang moments ago. Why did I put an alarm?

That's right, to get in some early training that I wasn't able to do yesterday. The meeting with the Uchihas went well, but we got almost no training done. Then I spent the rest of the day with Ino, which was relaxing. Even meeting Neji and his father hadn't been that bad, finding out that I had to go to a clan that was bad. Inner and I still had to train in order to not let our guards down. We didn't have the time to let dangerous people get too close to finding out any more than they should. That clan meeting has to go according to whatever plan we come up with or we're in serious trouble.

I hopped out of bed and walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I dressed into some black sweatpants with a plain purple tee-shirt and put on some black standard ninja shoes. I placed my hair in a ponytail now that it was well past my shoulder blades. The bangs still framed my face but that was taken care of with a simple purple clip.

I walked downstairs quietly and walked out into the back yard. Once outside I began my usual thirty minute stretches along with placing just a little bit of chakra in my weights. I decided in order to get more training done, I should finish all the katas in one hour. I did them all quickly instead of the usual slow pace to get what I needed to get done early. At seven thirty I practiced all four dance forms and the little bit of the Lightning dance that I had yet to complete. When it got to be eight thirty, I started doing some chakra practices, such as meditating and manipulating the chakra around.

Since Madoka and Kioshi had yet to come and check on me, I decided to practice my chakra control. I walked over to the side of the door and concentrated my chakra to the soles of my feet. Gently, I placed my feet up against the wall, concentrating on sticking my feet to the flat surface. I did the same thing in the library not too long ago, but it wasn't easy to make it stick. If I add too much, the wall will crack but too little won't let me stick at all. I kept adding a little chakra after pulling my feet back each time to see if it stuck. I opened my eyes when I felt it stick to the wall once my tug was ineffective.

'Inner, you make sure that no one is coming.' I asked of her as I refocused on my feet. Once I got one foot on the wall, matching the amount to the other foot was easy. I smiled as I began to slowly walk on the wall, making sure nothing changed on either foot. I got to a location I felt no one would be able to see me, and stood there, just concentrating on staying on the wall and not falling.

I learned a few things while I experimented. First, was the obvious fact that my chakra was rapidly depleting more than usual. So I made Inner make a mental note of figuring out a way to not waste so much. The sensation was a lot clearer than I had thought it would be. A steady stream of chakra was slowly but surely being sucked away from the point of contact.

Second fact was that the more I focused and memorized the feeling, the easier it got to move around. It was just slow movements now but that was good enough for a start.

The third observation, which was by far the most impressive, was if I switched the concentration over to Inner, she could keep us on the wall as I focused on something else.

Today's morning training was spent well, what with our newly acquired information. After some more basic training for body strengthening, I was stopped at nine thirty when Madoka called for me.

I went upstairs and took a quick shower to get rid of all the sweat and dirt from training. Once done, I got dressed into a light blue dress that had purple tinted Hydrangeas on it. I walked back downstairs and ate breakfast with Madoka. I was told during breakfast that Kioshi was on a mission and that he would not be back for a while. I suppose he was told either very early today or late last night after he had tucked me in because I didn't see him get the mission otherwise.

After breakfast I asked Madoka if I could go meet a friend. She allowed me to go, not knowing that I would be going to the Memorial Stone instead.

"Here is some money to buy something along the way if you get hungry." Madoka said. I smiled up at her and nodded as I placed it in my pink bag. I left and made my way alone, without Sora who since yesterday afternoon had left to the Land of Water to deliver my letters to Haruki.

'Let's go to Ino's flower shop.' I said as I turned quickly to the right.

"What for?" Inner asked.

'To buy some flowers of course. Last time we didn't take anything.' I answered her as I continued to run towards the shop.

"That's right! Good idea, let's find some pretty ones!"She exclaimed happily. I nodded as I saw the building up ahead.

I slowed down when I got close to the entrance and patted down the pink hair that I had let down. The bangs still covered my forehead, but I moved them to the side so they wouldn't get in my way as much with the purple clip. I stepped inside the shop when I had deemed myself presentable.

"Welcome! Oh...Sakura-chan?" Naomi said, looking pleasantly surprised. I bowed and smiled up at her.

"Hello Naomi-san. I'm here to buy some flowers." I told her with a smile.

"Alright, is there something you have in mind?" She asked as she led me to the flowers. I looked around for a while, searching around the variety of flowers.

"Hmm, would you perhaps have some Forget-Me-Nots" I asked looking up to her. She smiled and nodded.

"I do. Follow me." She said and led me to the flowers farther in the back. Once she had gotten the ones I asked for she bundled them up in a pretty purple transparent wrapping and tied it with a blue ribbon.

"There you go Sakura-chan!" She said smiling down at me. I nodded and took the flowers, grateful she didn't ask any questions.

"Thank you Naomi-san." I said and paid for the flowers which had been conveniently cheap. I stepped outside and looked at the flowers in my hands.

'Simple is always best. Besides, the meaning behind them means exactly what I want to convey.' I thought, as I made my way to the Memorial Stone.

It was around twelve when I had arrived and I was surprised to feel a chakra next to the stone. When I sensed the chakra, I slowed down.

"It's exactly like the one from last time...but different to the one that followed Naruto the other day. " Inner informed. I nodded my head, completely agreeing with her.

'Most likely it's Kakashi, so it's best to remember his chakra...also, make sure he doesn't sense anything suspicious of our chakra.' I said, slowing down even more a few feet away. I wasn't surprised he was here, since I know he comes everyday...but he's here kind of late. I walked and stopped just before the trees ended. I saw him standing there with a gloomy aura around him, not that that wasn't unexpected or anything.

He wore his ANBU attire, which made me think perhaps he was going on a mission or coming from one. He looked really young compared to what I was mentally prepared for. He was in his late teens maybe?

"Kyaaa! He's noticed you! He's so hot!" Inner informed as she gushed around and still managed to keep her focus on the chakra. How she did it...I have no idea.

'You're a bit young to think about that sort of thing.' I informed her. She just rolled her eyes at me and placed her hands on her hips.

"I'm twelve, and technically it's only because you made me that way. Andyour technically eighteen, more than likely just as old as he is right now. The only thing young is our body which is a completely different thing compared to the mind where I can say he's hot if I want too!" She said actually providing some facts this time.

'Yeah, yeah. Keep daydreaming.' I said with an amused smile and she huffed in annoyance.

"Well I will!" She shouted. I smiled and rolled my eyes at her attitude.

Deciding that now was as good of a time as any to approach him, I did just that. I slowly made my way over to the stone with the bundled flowers secured in my arms. Since inner was taking care of our chakra, I had to make sure he believed our friendliness...not that we were trying to be anything else. Some people just didn't believe people could be friendly to them without a reason, which was pretty sad to think about.

I made my way in front of the stone, giving a side glance up to Kakashi. He seemed calm, and although he still had that depressed aura around him, I could bet he was still on alert. I saw him glance at me...or more specifically my hair. I didn't mind, everyone always stared at my hair first. Turning my attention back to the Memorial Stone, I placed the flowers on the ground before the stone and looked for the specific name I came to pray for. Once found, I closed my eyes and began the prayer. I decided to pray standing or the pretty dress would get dirty.

It wasn't the most comfortable of silences, and it was quickly beginning to bug me. It felt as if I intruded on his private time...which I guess was true. I finished after a while and discreetly looked up to him. His face screamed complete indifference but then again I could only see one eye so...that helped nothing.

'Now that I think about it...Isn't he supposed to wear his ANBU mask? Why is it off?' I asked Inner, trying to keep my face neutral.

"He probably doesn't see you as a threat." Inner answered. That could be true. For all he knew, I was just a civilian child, who was bound to forget this meeting ever occurred.

"Should we talk to him?" Inner asked.

'I guess it should be fine...but what should I say?' I asked looking at the rest of the names on the stone.

"Uhm that's your department, not mine." Inner said, not really helping at all. I sighed softly and looked up to the sky. The clouds were darkening and I knew soon it would start to rain. I glanced over at Kakashi and took the chance to speak up. What other topic was such a great conversational starter then the weather?

"Ne, Ninja-san." I said, trying to gain his attention. It felt weird for me to break the silence. Almost as if no speaking was allowed, it made me feel like I was in a library or something. He looked down at me but didn't say anything. And I noticed his very indifferent demeanor was still present. Well, he may not talk, but at least he's bound to listen.

"Do you like the rain?" I asked him once I knew he was listening. I looked back up to the sky when I figured he wouldn't answer my question. The sky was beginning to make those rumbling noises before a storm...Madoka would probably want me home before it starts.

"No." His late answer made me curious as to why he answered at all. Even so, I smiled over to him and tilted my head thoughtfully.

"Why?" I asked him like any curious child would.

"Rain is only a hindrance to shinobi." He answered after some thought, indulging me in my conversation. I smiled knowingly up at him and noticed the tiny droplets of water beginning to descend from the heavens.

"That's not completely true is it?" I asked, taking the chance and risking whether he would find me suspicious. I looked back up to the dark clouds when a drop fell on my cheek. The rain should just wait a little bit longer.

"It always rains at funerals..." He said quietly. Now that I thought about it, the weather did change whenever someone died here, but that couldn't always be true, because what about right now? Then again, I suppose someone dies every day, as sad as that is.

"I think it's nice." I spoke honestly, turning to look back at him. He had a face of confusion and doubt.

"Why?" He asked curiously. Funny how one of the serious characters is talking to a child so seriously. I looked down at my hands and turned them so my palms faced the sky.

"Because I see the rain as the tears we don't cry…whether it's from happiness or sadness. It doesn't have to be a funeral for it to be raining, and neither does it have to be a funeral for someone to cry." I said as I noticed the first few drops fall on my palms.

"...Are you referring to your situation?" Inner asked thoughtfully. I sadly smiled at her question. Thinking hard on the nights that I would just sit and stare at anything and nothing at all. My situation wasn't ideal, but neither was I suffering every day to get by. I can survive here.

'Don't be silly Inner. I have neither cried nor has it rained since I've been here, except for today...What? I know you have something to say.' I asked as I felt her doubtful stare. It was true after all. Since my arrival, there hasn't really been a time where I've allowed myself the chance to cry. Not because I'm not sad, on the contrary it's because I won't allow myself to give into the grief. If I cry now, I don't know if all the negativity will let me keep going.

"...Nothing..." She said quietly in response. I sighed and looked back up to Kakashi's blank face. Perhaps I should make it less serious? With that thought in mind, I smiled up at him and turned my body to face him completely, hands grasped behind my back in a childish manner

"Besides ninja-san, don't you like playing in the rain?!" I added in childishly so he wouldn't suspect me and to make the atmosphere less oppressive.

He shook his head while his visible eye closed. Was that a no? Or did he just find me to be ridiculous and shook his head? Both were very possible.

Without my notice, he reached over and ruffled my hair. That was something I wasn't suspecting. The act caught me off guard and had me raising an eyebrow up to the depressing teen.

"Go home before you get sick." He instructed. I blinked up at him and smiled before nodding. I bowed to him and began to run home, trying to beat the rain before it poured down.

"Well I think that was a good first impression!" Inner exclaimed happily. I smiled as I ran and watched out for obstacles.

'That was only one of many. I'm sure everyone we meet won't just be once. We will most likely meet them many times before the academy begins...well, most of them, hopefully." I said as I jumped over a puddle that had already started to form.

"That's true. We still have a while before the academy starts." Inner said.

'And in the meantime, we study and befriend others. If you think about it, the only friends we've made here are only a few. Most of the others we've only just met and we still have a few missing here and there.' I said as I ran straight for the bakery instead of the house. It was in sight now and the rain had already started its downpour.

I had sprinted the final feet and made it to the bakery just in time. I was quite proud of myself today. I didn't bump into anyone, I had beaten the rain, and I had talked to and hopefully cheered up Kakashi. To me, Kakashi seemed like he had a very sad life. Since his father's death all the way to the Fourth Shinobi World War. He had seen and had been through a lot. Hopefully inner and I could help change that whole last part, for him, and for everyone else.

I stepped inside the bakery, thankful I wasn't soaking wet. I scanned the room for a familiar blonde haired woman but couldn't find her. Even if Madoka wasn't here, which I doubted, I could still stay and wait for the rain to stop.

"Sakura-chan! Did the rain catch you?" Chouko asked me as she came over to me. I shook my head up at her.

"I just barely made it." I told her as I looked back outside and noticed the rain only just now starting to come down hard. It was so dark outside one would think it was night time.

"Well that's good! Go sit down, I'll get you something to munch on. Oh and your mother's upstairs." She informed me while pointing a slender finger upwards to the second floor.

"Thank you Chouko-san." I said as she waved and went towards the second story. I brushed off the small droplets that clung to my dress and hair. There wasn't much, but it was best to take care of them now before Madoka saw them and worried I would get sick or something.

Once I had brushed all the visible droplets off, I made my way across the room to an empty table. As I made my way there, something bright red caught my eye and I just had to follow. To my right, in a booth by a window sat the same woman I saw before, but this time she wasn't alone. Chōji sat across the table and also seemed to have noticed me...not that he could miss me with my hair. The red that had caught my attention was his mother's shirt which was more eye catching than my hair.

He fidgeted in his seat as our eyes met. My guess was, he was thinking about whether he should risk the chance and greet me or suffer the teasing like the last times he befriended kids. He seemed to take courage in his mother's presence for he soon waved and sent me a small smile. Chōji was such a gently child, very nice and kind. I returned the wave and smiled at him kindly.

"He's so cute! In a teddy bear sort of way!" Inner squealed and I wanted to smack her so she could stop.

"Hello Chōji-san." I greeted with a small bow. I turned towards his mother and bowed.

"Are you perhaps Chōji-san's mother?" I asked her as she looked between us. Her son's courage filled gesture must have surprised her completely.

"Yes, I am. My name is Takara Akimichi." She said with a cheerful smile. I smiled back up to her and bowed.

"It's very nice to meet you Takara-san. My name is Sakura Haruno. I just recently met your fact only just yesterday; but I can tell we will be really great friends. Right Chōji-san?" I said, while I looked over to a surprised Chōji. He nodded slowly with a smile which I returned. I looked back to his mother when she shifted.

"Oh! Could you possibly be Madoka-chan's girl?!" She exclaimed enthusiastically. I nodded and smiled up to the woman.

"That's correct. How did you know?" I asked just for the sake of a new conversation.

"You speak really well for your age so I know she's been educating you! And you have her facial features! If one knows what to look for, it's so easy to tell you're their daughter!" She answered as she smiled down at me with a big, easy smile.

"Sakura-chan! Here's your snack!" Chouko said behind the counter.

"Please excuse me." I told them as I saw Takara nod. I walked over to Chouko and noticed there was three mini chocolate fruit tarts. I tilted my head up at Chouko. She leaned over the counter, trying to be unsuspicious.

"Shh...I added two more for your friends. It's always on the house for you Sakura-chan." She whispered with a smile and a wink. I chuckled and smiled brightly up at her.

"Thank you Chouko-san." I whispered back. She nodded and handed me the tray. I walked back to the table that was occupied by the two Akimichi. I arrived and showed them the tray.

"Would you like one, Chōji-san? Takara-san?" I asked them. They smiled and thanked me for the treat. Takara took one cheerfully while Chōji timidly took one for himself.

"Please, sit down Sakura-chan!" She encouraged cheerfully. I smiled and nodded my thanks, turning then to look at Chōji.

"Thank you." I said as I sat in the space provided by Chōji who had scooted over. We ate our tarts while we talked about random things. Well, Takara talked, and I answered when questioned. Chōji however, didn't really talk much as he preferred to listen. I think he was just shy and getting used to me. But all in all, the conversations stayed simple from our favorite colors and foods, to other simple things. She had asked Chōji and me how we had met and we told her about yesterday and how I was invited to the party by Ino's request.

It still hadn't sunk in but I knew that it would later. Surely I would feel the full force of awkwardness in being the only clan-less person there. Well...they didn't know about what Haruki said but I decided to keep it that way anyway. It's likely possible we weren't even that big of a clan to begin with anyways.

The rain had slowed down from earlier and was now a slow drizzle. Seeing the opportunity, they had decided it was time to go. I walked them out and Takara made me promise that I would be there at the "party" she so called it. I had a sneaking suspicion that this "party" was meant to happen from the beginning. But what still puzzled me was still the reason as to why all the clans had to go. I thought there was some sort of competitive relationship between them.

"Maybe it's not that bad right now...maybe they can still act nice towards each other." Inner supplied her thoughts.

'Well as long as they don't start fighting to see which one's better, then I guess it's okay.' I said as I went back to sit at the table we were occupying earlier. The rain's slow drizzle could still be heard and I looked at the clock. Three o'clock, maybe I should help around the bakery? There wasn't really anything I could do without getting caught by Madoka.

'I really should have brought a book or something.' I thought as I looked through my bag, ignoring Inner's bookworm comment. I guess for now all we can do is take things one step at a time.

Thanks again for all the support! I know this chapter was kind of short, but next one's going to be longer! Love and kisses😍

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