Soul Sister | James x Jaiden ✔

By Singularity_Writes

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"You will fall in love with someone who doesn't love you, for not loving someone who did." Friend or Soul Si... More

Not A Great Start
Hide n Lie
Hanging Out
Friendship Fades
New Love
Returning Favor
Double Date
Wrong Timing
Falling All Over Again
A Friend's Comfort
What's Wrong With Friends?
When Two Hearts Ignite

Great Pain

2.4K 29 154
By Singularity_Writes

Every day, James would try to ask Jaiden if they could go home together.

James: Hey Jaiden, can we go home together? It's almost been a month since we went home together

Jaiden: I'm so so sorry James! But I really need to do something important! Maybe tomorrow we could?

James: That's what you said yesterday, and this last last day, and last week!

Jaiden: I'm really sorry, okay?

James: I-... Fine, I trust you. Dont forget it

Jaiden: I wont!

James' POV
I went home again, for the 25th time for this month. Jaiden was never this busy before. She started doing this after 2 days of the holiday. And ever since... She rarely walks home with me

I know it's not a big deal. But it's... She's just never this busy. Is it because she's off to meet with her fans? Probably not...

If it was just meeting up with fans, she's probably invite me over, since it's not really a big deal.

I miss her... I misd the old days when we walk home together, me cracking up with jokes. Seeing her beautiful beaming smile.

I never really got used to going home alone, even if many weeks have passed. Would you blame me? I mean... Me and Jaiden have been doing this for years, ever since when we started going to school when we were kids.

I actually hate highschool. This is where most people's friendship breaks into pieces. Making silver friends, and forgetting those gold friends.

I'm not really saying that Jaiden's not allowed to make new friends aside from me. What I mean is, couldnt've she atleast told me the truth?

I know she's not busy with group studies, projects and stuffs. So you mean like every single day she has group studies or group projects? That's impossible!

I just... Ugh... I think I'm being over thinking and being over protective with her...

I just really cant help it... I miss her badly, I wanted to see her smile.

Seeing a smile every morning from her isnt just enough for me. I'm used to see her smile everytime...

In school, we really dont have time to joke around. Since we are dumped with school work. I rarely get to hang out with her.

The only chance that I could have 2 doses of ger smile in a day is when we go home. But since she's busy, I only get to have 1 dose.

I miss the old days... I wish time wouldnt have to to go so fast, or I wish we never grew up.

Forever young... Forever problem free... Forever best friends...

Today, it's like our friendship slowly fades away...

Every night before I sleep, I could feel that Jaiden replaced me with someone.

Every night I would pray that she wouldnt replace me... That we still could be friends... And she hadnt replaced me with someone. I always prayed this gut feeling was just she was adding new friends. Not replacing me and turn me into a stranger to her.

~At home~

I finally have reached my home. My family were in the living room, having fun. But I didnt the modd to join with them. So I went upstairs.

I threw my bag, and threw my self to my seat. I went to find the note Jaiden was reading before. I grabbed it and read it:

Dear ■■■■,
    I actually have admired you... Because you have wonderful eyes, wonderful personality, and every piece of you is just perfect...

    But that's not all. You've been nice to me, and... You're laugh is cute by the way... It's like candy, it gives me sugar rush. I know you wouldnt like me back. But I wanted to confess. Not face to face though, but through a note...


I wrote this note when I realized I love Jaiden. But I knew it was too soon. But now, I think it's okay now. And I am also ready to confess to her.

So I went to grab my phone, and called her. She finally picked up the phone.

You have no idea why I was so relieved. Why? She never answered nor call back any of my missed calls.

Jaiden: Yes?

James: Are you free tonight?

Jaiden: Yeah, I just finished with my um... Things

James: Great, meet me where we first met okay?

Jaiden: You mean the secret lake we discovered as kids?

Call Ended

End of POV

Jaiden's POV
Huh... He hang up. He must've meant the secret lake.

I went to change my clothes and went to the spot where we first met. While walking there, it remind me so many memories.

The memories where I ran away from my home, this path was familiar to me. I've never forgot it, even if years have passed. It's forever in my memory.

Every step I take, more memories came back. I smiled at those good 'ol days, which was now a memory.

After admiring the scenes, I finally have reached the lake he was talking about. Me and James called it, Spellbound Lake.

There was a reason why we called it that way.

Arizona may be dry, sandy, and a place for cactus. But this lake is surrounded grasses, and grasses were surrounded by sand.

This lake is covered by cacti and bamboos. No one really noticed it since it was behind by cacti.

In this lake, every night, fireflies would light up this lake's surrounding, making it magical.

I ran away from home at sunset, and James pursuaded me to come back home with him. Ever since, we became best friends...
End of POV

James was standing near the pond, facing at the setting sun. When he suddenly heard the loud rustle of bushes and bamboos.

Jaiden: Hi James. The sunset looks beautiful huh?

James: Yes, yes it does

Jaiden: So, what's the reason why you called me here?

James: Jaiden... Do you remember the note?

Jaiden: Yes I do

James: Well... The girl that I have admired was you...

Jaiden: W-wha-

James: Yes... Jaiden, you've been an amazing girl, you know that? You're smile is so beautiful and sweet. Every piece of you, is perfect... Jaiden, I love you

Jaiden: J-james... I'm sorry, but I dont feel the same way... I have a crush on someone named Liam

James: ....
Jaiden: I know that it hurts for you to hear that. It's just... I dont feel the same way. But dont worry, we still could be best friends okay? And, I'm glad you admired me. Friends?

James: Friends...

The two hugged each, and admired the sunset until 6PM

~at James' home~

James' POV
T-that... Hurted me... I really thought that Jaiden wouldnt reject me, I really do. I thought that every relarionship starts with being strangers, slowly becomes friends, then bestfriends... And... Lovers... Which me and Jaiden will never be... Jaiden and I will never be like that...

My heart's aching so bad... It's like someone stabbed me in the chest, got runned over by a car, someone choked me, and like there's something pushing my chest...

And yes, there is something pressing on my chest... The rejection... I know that usually when someone rejects, you'll end uo being strangers again.

You may think I'n lucky that we ended up being best friends. But loosing someone you really loved and cared... Really hurts...

I'm feeling broken... Rejected... Lost the brightest light in my life... I dont hate Jaiden.. But... I just really dont know now

I half hate her and love her. Same goes to her boy, Liam... I just cant take it anymore!

My mind's a mess, my heart's achinf with great pain... This is the most painful pain I've ever felt...

Being punched, slapped, kicked... Being rejected is still far more hurtful...
End of POV

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