Hide n Lie

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~The next day~

It was a holiday here at Arizona. No schools, no students in there, and they can be found around the streets.

James is in his room, still couldnt believe he actually fell in love with Jaiden for the past few months.

He looked out the window, seeing people having fun with their friends. Comfortable with each other, nothing to awkward between them.

James wished that it wouldnt be awkward between him and Jaiden. But Jaiden saw James cry! Ofcourse, Jaiden would notice that James didnt like her actions. (even if Brian did it)

His heart ached again, his tears over flowed and ran through his face. He buried his head between his knees, crying, wanting to stop the pain.

He wished he didnt fall for Jaiden. He wished everything would just go back to normal. But, his heart picked her, and there's nothing he could do.

After minutes of swearing in his thoughts, he went to look out of his window again. When he looked out, he saw Jaiden there, going to knock at his door.

James wiped his tears away, trying to hide the fact that he was crying all morning. He grabbed a hoodie, putted it on and went downstairs.

Knock Knock

James opened the door immidiately. When he opened the door, Jaiden gave him a reassuring smile. His heart skipped a beat again.

Jaiden: Hey? What happened yesterday? Mrs.Hidgeons asked me where you went. I just said you were sick. But I know you werent, what happened?

James' POV
Sh** I cant tell her now... It would be really awkward between us. As much as I dont like to lie from her, I have to...
End of POV

James: I was criticized yesterday badly, and it hurted me...

Jaiden: Are you sure? You started crying when you saw me kissing Brian

James: It's probably a coincidence I started crying at that point... I didnt even see you guys kissing.

Jaiden: Coincidence? James, we've been best friends for years! I know when you're lying or not. I saw you looking at us

James: I'm not lying! It's... True... But, why are you kissing him? Not to be rude though...

Jaiden: Kissing him? Blegh... I wasnt! He started to kiss me! I didnt do it! Not me! It was him!

James: Oh...

Jaiden: Why did you ask? Do you care and do you have a crush on me?

James: I do care about you as a friend. But... I ha-... No I dont have a crush on you! That would be weird right?!

Jaiden: Yeah, It would be

James: Heh...

Jaiden: Anyway... We didnt get to hang out yesterday, so wanna hang out for the rest of the day?!

James: Would'nt I! Come on in!

James' POV
Gosh... I feel a big regret for telling Jaiden a lie... It's best I guess, so I wouldnt ruin our friendship. I dont want to loose her! I'm just... Maybe I'm getting obsessed of her... Hhh...
End of POV

I'm so obsessed
My heart is bound to beat right out my untrimmed chest
I believe in you, like a virgin, you're Madonna
And I'm always gonna wanna
Blow your mind

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