Love&Basketball (Camren)

By CC__5H

405K 8.2K 2.2K

《CONVERTED》to Camren Camila Cabello a teenager about to begin her senior year has been dating her boyfriend... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 31

7.9K 162 48
By CC__5H

~*I dont own anything, everything converted to camren*~

15 minutes Later In Dinah's Car

"Looks like it's going to be a tougher season then we thought." Dinah said as they got onto the road.

Lauren just rolled her eyes. "Tell me about it. I have a feeling it's only going to get tougher from here."

Dinah laughed a bit. "Well let's handle the issues as they come. I think we need to focus on this performance I have tonight."

"What about it?" Lauren questioned.

"This is a huge dude. I have to make it as exciting as possible."

Lauren gave a small chuckle. "You do remember it's camila's show not yours right."

"Well of course, still though." Dinah replied.

"Just do your best dude. I really want this night to go perfect for camz." Lauren stated.

Dinah smiled. "Yeah I hear you dude."

Lauren nodded, but didn't reply.

"Sprung ass..." dinah muttered causing lauren to playfully push her shoulder.

The two girls laughed, but stopped as they approached The Indigo League.

"Wow...Dude...I knew a lot of people watched that show...but this is kind of crazy right..." dinah said in awe as she looked at all of the traffic. The parking lot for the club was already crowded and a lot of people had begun parking across the street.

Lauren nodded unable to find her voice. She knew that it would be crowded, but to think that this many people would show up was honestly amazing.

"Dude! Look at that a Limo!" Dinah exclaimed as she slowly drifted through the traffic.

Lauren looked towards the direction that dinah was looking and eventually located the Limo. "Wow..Somebody pretty important must be coming..Who do you think it is?"

Dinah shrugged as she continued to look out of the window. "Who knows...Could be some big name record executive..."

"I doubt it...A few agents might show up, but I hardly think my announcement on the show would bait big name record executives here..." lauren replied. Despite how popular she was there was a limit to what she could do.

Soon the line to get inside the club became visible causing lauren and dinah to cringe.

"We'll never get inside if we have to wait in that..." lauren muttered to her best friend who just nodded in agreement.

Dinah luckily managed to find a parking spot that was a short walk away from teen club. "Maybe the bouncer will let us skip the line..You know since I'm a part of camila's show."

Lauren hummed showing that she also hoped that would be the case.

"Something wrong?" Dinah questioned.

Lauren sighed. "I hope all these people don't crowd me..." The basketball player said in a timid voice. She hadn't even thought about how so many people would probably attend in hopes to see her.

The blonde haired girl laughed, she hadn't even thought about that. "You'll be alright." Dinah offered.

Lauren muttered something under her breath before she opened the door as dinah put the vehicle in park and took out the key.

"Let's just hurry up and get inside..." lauren said as she stuffed her hands inside her pockets and began walking towards the club.

With camila Backstage

"Mila you have to calm down." Normani said seriously as she looked at her best friend who was currently hyperventilating.

Shawn chuckled a bit as he watched the two girls from the couch.

Camila took a few more deep breaths before finally opening her eyes. "Do you see how many people are out there normani...I don't know if I can do this..."

"Come on Mila, you know once you get out there all of this fear that you're feeling will disappear." Normani offered.

Camila bit her lip before another problem came to her head. "Not to mention your girlfriend still isn't here oh god...What if she doesn't get here in time. I can't do the song without her.."

"Speaking of dinah, she texted me a few minutes ago saying that she and lauren were trying to get inside, but somebody noticed lauren and it got a bit hectic...They should be inside before you go on though." Normani explained laughing a bit as she gave lauren's status.

Camila giggled as she pictured lauren getting crowded by fans.

"Hope you aren't afraid of competition mila." Normani said bringing camila's attention to her.

Camila rose an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, pretty much every girl in miami wants a shot at lauren..." normani began although as she said it she starting to regret it. She didn't want to put even more worries on camila's mind before her performance.

Camila smiled surprising normani. "I don't think lauren is that kind of person." She replied as if it were obvious.

Normani smiled. "Good. Well come on! Put on your game face!" The dark skinned girl urged.

Camila laughed not realizing that a lot of her previous jitters were starting to go away just by thinking about lauren albeit just a brief thought.

Club Dancefloor

"It's so hot in here!"

"When is the show going to start?!"

"God DAMN it's HOT as fuck in here!"

Were some of the things being shouted in the crowded club.

The club owner sighed. They were already over capacity and the line outside didn't seem to be decreasing at all. He was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard a lot of screaming go on as somebody entered the teen club. His eyes widened a bit, he would have never expected another teen star to come.

The owner groaned. "I really hope my club survives tonight..." he muttered to himself.

"Lucy!" A random female screamed as the star entered the club. Her eyes scanning the area clearly searching for somebody.

A few people attempted to approach the girl, but their path was quickly closed off by a tall, muscular man.

"Back up.." He commanded in a deep voice as he held out his hand blocking anybody from approaching lucy.

Lucy seemed to be oblivious to all of the attention as she continued to stand on the tips of her toes trying to find somebody.

"Ma'am...I still don't know why you wanted to come here...It's...beneath you.." A well dressed gentleman whispered into lucy's ear. He was obviously somebody she knew considering the bodyguard allowed it.

Lucy ignored him as she continued to search the crowd.

"Isn't that the supermodel lucy?" A random teenager whispered to her friend as she pointed in lucy's direction.

"I can't believe she is here...I'm so glad I sneaked out tonight!" Her friend replied before her attention went back to the door.

Lucy's attention also went to the door as she began to hear the crowd. Her face broke out into a smile as she saw the girl she had been searching for.

"LAUREN!" She shouted drawing a few eyes to her.

The people who had been paying attention to lucy immediately began whispering.

"Lucy knows lauren?"

"Maybe she is the girl lauren was talking about on the show!"

Lucy frowned as she realized that she couldn't hear her.

"LAUREN!" She shouted once again not caring about how she looked. This time she grew a bit irritated as she saw lauren look around for who called her name, but gave up after a few seconds.

"DINAH!" Lucy screamed as she saw the taller girl seemingly pushing a few people trying to get them off of lauren.

The blonde haired girl heard her name being called, but she didn't pay much attention to it as she pushed another fan away from lauren. Luckily they had managed to skip the entire line, but of course lauren had attracted a lot of attention.

"Damn it. Let's hurry up and get backstage.." dinah muttered as she pushed lauren to go faster through the packed club.

The star high school player laughed a bit as she and dinah quickly made their way to the entrance to backstage.

Lucy pouted a bit as she watched lauren and dinah go backstage. She had came just to see them.

"Come on luce, let's find a place to sit..." Her manager whispered into her ear. He obviously wasn't happy that they were here, but he had let lucy convince him to allow her to come.

The bodyguard nodded as he lead the way to a table. Luckily most people were dancing or standing against a wall so there were a lot of tables available.

"I guess I'll see them later..." lucy said to herself a noticeable frown on her face.


"There you are dinah! It's about time! The performances are going to start soon!" Normani shouted towards her girlfriend as she revealed herself.

Dinah laughed as she grabbed normani and wrapped her arms around her. "I missed you too!" She said completely ignoring normani's statement causing her to groan.

"Where is camz?" Lauren questioned as she looked around the waiting room that they were in.

"She and shawn are doing their warm ups near the stage." Normani answered as dinah released her.

Lauren nodded as she went to go find her.

"You should go to! After all you are performing." normani told her

"You better not mess this up for mila."

Dinah didn't say anything opting to give her another kiss instead.

"I'm serious dinah." Normani replied although she didn't sound convincing as dinah gave her another peck.

"Relax. I promise I won't mess this up. Jeez both you and lauren on my back about this." Dinah laughed.

"That's because this is important." Normani countered.

Dinah finally released her girlfriend as she began to walk towards the direction lauren had. "Yeah, Yeah..."

Normani sighed as she followed dinah. "I really hope everything goes as planned..." She muttered to herself.


"So shawn you still haven't told me which song you plan to preform." Camila said as she grabbed a bottle of water to help her calm down even more.

Shawn stretched his arms in the air trying to loosen his body. "To be honest I picked a song that sounded mainstream."

Camila rose an eyebrow. "What do you mean mainstream?"

"The kind of song that you usually hear on the radio."

Camila nodded showing that she understood. although she was a bit curious on how her family would react to the songs. "So which of us should preform first?" She questioned.

"How about we flip a coin?" Shawn suggested although he didn't really care.

Before camila could reply one of the club workers approached them. "I couldn't help, but overhear your conversation and I just want to say that I have camila cabello preforming first. So if you could please stick to the schedule." He informed the two in a stressed tone. Obviously he was having a busy night.

"Well I guess that answers that question." Shawn said satisfied that they had gotten the solution for that problem so quickly.

Camila gave a weak smile as she felt the nerves coming back, before she could complain, however her eyes found a tall green eyed girl. Almost instantly the nervous feeling that had been creeping up on her became butterflies as she saw lauren.

"Lauren. It took you long enough to get here!" Camila spoke as lauren approached her.

The basketball player gave her  standard grin and put her hand behind her head. "Well I'm sure I don't have to tell you how crowded it is. I'm lucky I got in here at all."

Camila chuckled a bit remembering how normani had told her that lauren had a few fan problems at the door. "So where is DJ? I was just told that we preform first."

Lauren glanced behind her quickly finding the girl.

"Speak of the devil." Camila muttered as she watched dinah nonchalantly approach them. "I hope your ready DJ!"

The blonde haired basketball player smirked. "Of course. I got this handled. No worries."

"Miss camila, we'll be ready for you in five minutes. Please be ready by then." The club worker who had informed camila and shawn of the lineup said bringing all eyes to him.

Dinah's eyes widened a bit not expecting to have to be ready so soon. "Sheesh." She said before camila grabbed her hand and began to move her towards the stage.

"Let's go D" camila said trying to ignore the nervous feeling that was once again approaching.

"Good luck camila! I'll be watching from the main floor!" Lauren stated, but was surprised as dinah grabbed her as well.

Dinah smirked as she saw lauren's confused face. "Oh no you don't you're coming out with us."

This brought everybody's attention to dinah. "Why would lauren come to the stage with us?" Camila questioned a bit confused.

"It's apart of my surprise. Just do it dude. If I have to get up there and sing the least you could do is come out there." Dinah tried to convince her bestfriend.

Lauren gave a groan, but her curiosity bested her as she allowed dinah to continue dragging her to the stage.

"Think they'll be ok?" Shawn asked normani with an amused look on his face as the trio left them.

Normani shrugged her shoulders. "I sure hope so."

Main Stage

"D..What are you planning?" Lauren questioned once again as dinah walked around the stage. Lauren had a pretty good idea that she was planning what ignorant action she would do during the performance.

Camila chuckled a bit since she could hear how nervous lauren was. It made her feel a lot better that she was on the stage with her, even if she didn't know why.

"Relax dude. Just introduce us, and stand off to the side. You'll know what you have to do when the time comes." Dinah explained, although her explanation was missing a lot of key details.

Lauren groaned realizing that she wasn't going to get any information out of dinah. "This better not be a joke dude...This is really serious."

Grolled her eyes. How many times were they going to remind him how serious this was. "I know. Just do what I said."

"It'll be fine lauren. We might as well trust dinah." Camila added in.

Lauren looked at the beautiful girl and sighed. "You're to lenient camila."

Camila handed the DJ a CD that contained the instrumental that she planned to sing too, before getting herself ready to preform. The club owner had added curtains so she couldn't see the crowd although she could hear just how loud they were. She was really going to have give it her all just to even be heard.

"You'll do fine camz." Lauren offered as she put a hand on camila's shoulder as she noticed her tense up.

Camila gave the girl a smile before taking a deep breathe as the curtains started to open. "Let's do this.." camila muttered to herself as the crowd gave her a loud applause clearly ready to hear why lauren had vouched for her.

Lauren went up to the mic as the curtains opened revealing the the large crowd. People were still trying to fit in, but it was clear that the club was over capacity.

"What's up everybody." Lauren said in a stale tone clearly overwhelmed that she had to talk in front of so many people.

Dinah and camila chuckled a bit as they saw lauren freeze up a little.

The crowd screamed clearly happy to see the star basketball player.

"Um. First I want to thank everybody for coming out tonight. It really is amazing." Lauren started trying to stop himself from stuttering. "I want to introduce you guys to my friend camila cabello, an aspiring singer and performing with her is my teammate dinah jane. Treat them well." Lauren finished before stepping away from the mic as quickly as she could in order to allow camila to come up.

"Hey guys. First I want to thank everybody again for showing up. It really means the world to me." Camila said to the crowd with a smile on her face. "I also want to thank lauren for giving me this opportunity." She continued as she took a quick glance at lauren who was whispering something into dinah's ear probably complaining about how she had to speak in front of so many people. "Well please enjoy the song."


"Wow. I didn't know that dinah would be performing too. I didn't know she could sing." Lucy said to herself as she watched the stage with a smile on her face. She seemed to have no problems ignoring the fact that everybody who wasn't looking at the stage had their eyes glued on her.

Lucy's bodyguard sighed as he also noticed all of the eyes that were on his employer. He really didn't understand why she would want to risk coming to such a public place.

Lucy's manager seemed to be having similar thoughts, but he had his eyes glued on to the stage. Despite the fact that he didn't agree with coming here he couldn't pass up the opportunity to potentially find star talent.


The crowd finally got quiet as the beat began playing.

Camila took a deep breath before starting.

Broken glass
Broken heart
There's a picture of you laying on the floor
Empty space on the wall
While I am staring at
Wishing that you'd call
Cause every time you call me up
I'm reminded of the pain you caused
Can't move on it's so hard
When you keep on coming back for more

Camila couldn't help, but try to find austin in the crowd as she felt a little guilty to be singing the song. She didn't want to have continuing drama with him after all that would only serve to weaken her relationship with lauren.

It's time for me to say
I know you're only gonna break my heart
You're getting in the way
I should've seen this coming right from the start
So baby don't come around anymore
Or you'll be standing outside my front door

The brown eyed singer quickly abandoned the idea of trying to locate austin since even if he was in the club there were far to many people for her to be able to find him. Camila began to smile though as she saw the crowd began to get into it.

Her thoughts soon drifted to wondering if her family was enjoying it. She didn't even know if they had managed to get inside.

So listen as I say
Baby I'm tearing us apart
Cause you're only gonna break my heart
I'm tearing us apart
You're only gonna break my heart
I'm tearing us apart

As the crowd began to vibe to her singing, camila decided to drop all of her thoughts. She couldn't risk thinking about other things right now. This was her big opportunity.

Camila decided to do something that she never did as she unhooked the mic off of the stand and began to move around the stage making her act more exciting.

Her eyes drifted to dinah who had her eyes closed waiting for her part. She had a smirk on her face clearly excited. The look made camila chuckle a bit in her head. Dinah definitely enjoyed being in the spotlight.

Everyday it's the same I keep seeing you
I keep hearing your name
And I know that one day
I'll get over you and I'll be ok

But every time you call me up
I'm reminded of all the pain you caused

Camila couldn't help, but get a little animated as she continued.

Can't move on, it's so hard
When you keep on coming back for more

As she said the lines she rolled her eyes and whipped her hair behind her head in a snobby fashion in order to get the emotions behind the words across. How basically she didn't care.

It's time for me to say
I know you're only gonna break my heart

You're getting in the way
I should've seen this coming right from the start
So baby don't come around anymore
Or you'll be standing outside my front door
So listen as I say
Baby I'm tearing us apart
Cause you're only gonna break my heart

All eyes shifted to dinah as she walked next to camila and put a arm around her shoulder as she put a second mic to her mouth.

Lauren couldn't help, but smile. You could almost feel how cocky dinah was.

Someday, somehow I might say
These words aloud

By this point dinah was lifting her hands in the air towards the crowd moving it up and down as she sing. The crowd was loving it as they also lifted their hands and copied her

And I'll make you see what you're doing to me isn't right

She sighed as dinah grabbed laurens arm and pulled her next to camila causing the brown eyed girl, who had been enjoying dinah"s part to blush.

But not right now its time for me to say
I know you're only gonna break my heart

You're getting in the way
I should've see this coming right from the start
So baby don't come around anymore
Or you'll be standing outside my front door
So listen as I say
Baby I'm tearing us apart
Cause you're only gonna break my heart
You're only gonna break my heart
You're only gonna break my hear
Dinah and camila smile as both finished the song

Camila blushed a bit as an idea came to her head as the song finished. She couldn't believe that she was about to do this. She looked at lauren who was smiling, her eyes showing nothing, but pride. She looked a bit shocked however as camila wrapped her arms around her neck and brought her down for a kiss as the song faded.

Lauren's eyes widened, but she just chuckled into the kiss as she returned it ignoring the crowd who were clapping and saying things like "oooooh"

As camila released the kiss. Lauren gave her a smirk. "And what was that for?" She asked in a loud tone so she could hear her over the audience.

Camila laughed a bit as she put her finger to her chin. "Well for one I wanted to compare which felt better kissing you or doing my biggest performance to date." She answered causing lauren to roll her eyes at how she had copied her.

"And two...I wanted to be a little selfish and show everybody...that..." camila started although she was a bit scared to finish. She wanted to call laurenhers, but technically she wasn't. What if she was wrong and he really didn't want to start a relationship with her.

Normani's earlier words crept up in camila's mind as she thought about all of the girls who wanted lauren. Even though she had showed confidence then, now she wasn't so sure.

Lauren quickly caught on to camila's hesitation as she put her hand on her chin and lifted it back up and gave her another chaste kiss.

"What was that..." camila tried to ask as lauren pulled away.

"I wanted to show everybody that you're mine." Lauren stated with a soft smile completely ignoring the fact that they were still on stage.

Dinah smirked at the two before motioning for the crowd to get even louder.

Camila couldn't help, but give a teary smile. Lauren had read her mind and cleared all of her worries instantly.

Club's Dancefloor

"Dear..Don't cry.." alejandro whispered to his wife as he wrapped her up in a half hug.

Luckily once camila's family had introduced themselves to the club's owner he had managed to secure them a table. Since he knew the adults wouldn't want to be crowded by a bunch of teenagers.

"Kaki is amazing!" Sofi shouted causing alejandro to laugh, before he returned his attention back to his wife.

Sinu was overwhelmed. She knew that camila was talented, but she honestly had no idea that her daughter had this much talent. She also had to come to terms with her daughter was growing up.

Alejandro watched as his wife looked back up to the stage where camila was still in lauren's arms. He couldn't help, but smile. Lauren seemed to have everything put together, it was admirable. Plus he had always wanted his daughter to date an athlete, of course he wouldn't force her to.

The father's attention returned to her daughter who was standing on the table so she could see the stage clearly. Alejandro couldn't help but smile once again. Sofi rarely showed pride in being her sister's little sister, so it made him feel good that his youngest daughter was so proud of her older sibling.

"She is amazing." Alejandro said gaining sinu's attention.

The older woman just gave a bittersweet laugh as she leaned her head onto her husband's shoulder. "She really is."

Austin's House

"Wow...I'm surprised that you're here." A older male stated as he walked into the living room. "I mean it's no secret that your ex is performing tonight at The Indigo League."

Austin didn't reply as he continued switching through the tv channels.

He had ultimately decided against attending the concert. After seeing camila and laurem together and having her deny his request to be friends. He just didn't want to go. The game had made austin begin to question whether or not he should even continue bothering camila. It was obvious that she had moved on. More than ever.

Harley groaned as he realized his brother was being depressed again. "Come on. I've had enough of this. Stop being such a pansy." He said in a rough tone as he walked towards the television and turned it off.

Austin's eyes shifted as he looked at his older brother. "Why do you care about what I do?"

"Because." Harley replied although it wasn't much of an answer.

Austin sighed, not in the mood to deal with his brother.

Harley groaned a bit at his brother's attitude. "What are you jealous that she's with that lauren dude now?"

Austin didn't bother asking how his brother knew that camila was seeing lauren. Assuming that he had also seen what had taken place during the game.

Harley looked at his brother while he contemplated what he had thought about during the game. What if lauren was lying about where she stayed to attend school in miami. If that information was revealed it could cause a lot of issues.

"You know austin. What if I can help you get your girl back." Harley said causing austin to shift in his chair.

"And how would you do that?" Austin asked his brother finally gaining his full undivided attention.

Harley didn't answer as he continued to think. IF it was true that lauren was lying then he could approach camila with an ultimatum.

Give austin a second chance... Or risk lauren's future. Which would camila choose

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