Not My Alpha (Completed)

By mquistey

2.6M 97.1K 18.4K

#1 in Werewolf - #1 in Mate The world is at war with something they told themselves didn't exist. Samantha w... More

Authors Note
Chapter One - The Beach
Chapter Two - The Beach Continued
Chapter Three - The Window
Chapter Four - The Woods
Chapter Five - The Woods Continued
Chapter Six - The Bedroom
Chapter Seven - Today
Chapter Eight - Goodbyes - Part One
Chapter Nine - Goodbyes Part Two
Chapter Ten - Trucks
Chapter Eleven - Discussing a Mutual Hatred
Chapter Twelve - Into the Woods
Chapter Thirteen - The Safe House
Chapter Fourteen - Sunset
Chapter Fifteen - Guns
Chapter Sixteen - One of Us - Part One
Chapter Seventeen - One of Us - Part Two
Chapter Eighteen - Fire
Chapter Nineteen - Chances
Chapter Twenty - Wolves - Part One
Chapter Twenty-One - Wolves- Part Two
Chapter Twenty-Two - Bound
Chapter Twenty-Three - The Alpha
Chapter Twenty-Four - All Hell
Chapter Twenty-Five - You're Not Going to Run
Chapter Twenty-Six - Faking
Chapter Twenty-Eight - I Didn't Want to Freak You Out
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Just Call Me a Saint
Chapter Thirty - I'm Not So Dense
Chapter Thirty-One - I Don't Need a Wheelchair
Chapter Thirty-Two - What a Pleasant Surprise
Chapter Thirty-Three - Go On, Ask Me
Chapter Thirty-Four- Something I Should Know
Chapter Thirty-Five - I Promise
Chapter Thirty-Six - Three Days
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Eden
Chapter Thirty-Eight - Something's Happened
Chapter Thirty-Nine - I Have to Go
Chapter Forty - I Can't Let You Go
Chapter Forty-One - I Exploited It
Chapter Forty-Two - We Followed the Screams
Chapter Forty-Three - The World Seemed to Hold Its Breath
Chapter Forty-Four - The Night Turned to Glass
Chapter Forty-Five - The Pack House
Chapter Forty-Six - A Sermon in Syllables
Chapter Forty-Seven - For Now
Chapter Forty-Eight - It Was In The Tree Line
Chapter Forty-Nine - Living Hell
Chapter Fifty - He Cares
Chapter Fifty-One - A Liability
Chapter Fifty-Two - Bite You
Chapter Fifty-Three - It's Possible
Chapter Fifty-Four - Your Family
Chapter Fifty-Five - Unless I'm Not Alpha
Chapter Fifty-Six - Unconcious Vegetable of a Brother
Chapter Fifty-Seven - Everything Except You
Chapter Fifty-Eight - Too Good
Chapter Fifty-Nine - The Night We Live
Chapter Sixty - Should'a Known
Chapter Sixty-One - Making Everything Right
Chapter Sixty-Two - A Disgrace
Chapter Sixty-Three - To The Death
Chapter Sixty-Four - Not Fine
Chapter Sixty-Five - Chiefs

Chapter Twenty-Seven- Pain and Panic

43.1K 1.4K 159
By mquistey

I woke up in the early hours of the morning, countless nightmares fresh on my mind. I was breathing heavily, sprawled out on my back, with my limbs folding over my chest. The fire next to me had died long ago and small rays of sunlight were emerging from the treetops outdoors. Beads of sweat fell across my forehead, but I quickly wiped them away, thinking only of the images flashing through my weary mind. 

Sleep had come quickly last night. After Samuel finally let me be, I'd listened carefully to his measured breathing. Once I was sure he was passed out, I followed. However, it wasn't a peaceful slumber I slipped in to. Countless and torturous dreams tormented me. Images of my family, bloody and lifeless, were the main themes. In more than one nightmare, I was the one that had killed them. 

I was tired. Even though I slept, I didn't know how much rest I'd actually gotten. After each nightmare, I'd wake up only to find I was still in the small cement house, still sleeping next to a dying fire. Though I was always shivering, I'd be covered in sweat. When I would finally fall back asleep, another nightmare would ensue. This caused a vicious cycle, the visions only getting exceedingly horrifying and twisted as the night went on. 

Riley and Samuel never noticed my constant wakings, and I made sure to keep it that way. Surprisingly, I'd gotten quite skilled at staying quiet. However, with the images of my bloody family plaguing my mind, I wasn't sure how much longer I would last.   

I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts when I heard an abrupt and loud noise right outside the door. I whipped my head to the worn down wood, watching carefully for any sign of movement. At the same time, Riley shot up from his position in the far corner of the room, readying himself for any sign of danger. Samuel immediately followed, placing himself directly in front of me. When the door started to open though, they both visibly relaxed. My eyebrows furrowed at their sudden change of demeanor, and I painfully lifted myself to my knees to peer around Samuel's wide frame. 

Sure enough, the door was fully opened and the morning dew was starting to seep inside. Just beyond the door were three figures, though only one of them was standing. When I tried to get a better look at the others, my gaze was cut off by the first form walking towards us. 

When I saw who the large figure belonged to, I understood Riley and Samuel's instant relief.  Payton Bray was slowly walking into the house, quickly closing the door once he was inside. I immediately noticed he was covered in dirt and missing his shoes. His clothing was slightly torn and his bright blue eyes were tired. This didn't take away from his overpowering presence though, and when he walked through the doorway he seemed to take up the entire room.   

"Bray, it's about damn time," Riley suddenly growled.

"Sorry, Alpha," he strained. "I ran into some problems." He jerked his head behind him, causing Samuel and Riley to follow the motion.

Riley nodded, looking back to Payton. "Why didn't you call?"

"It wasn't anything I couldn't handle," he shrugged, slowly relaxing. 

Riley laughed. "Obviously. What happened?" 

It was then that Payton's gaze rested on me, crouching behind Samuel. His cold eyes held mine in a tight hold, never allowing me to leave. It was only a moment he looked at me, but it felt like much, much longer. Deciphering what his gaze held was impossible and I soon felt the overwhelming need to apologize for even trying.

"Maybe we should talk outside," he started, finally looking away. 

Samuel shifted his weight, glancing down at me. Riley did the same, casually nodding. He didn't say anything but walked past us all and through the door. Payton quickly followed him, leaving me alone with Samuel. 

"What was that about?" I quietly asked, falling back to sit on the hard floor.

Samuel turned to face me, taking in my ragged state. He shrugged his shoulders in response, not bothering to say anything. I watched him carefully as he started picking up the various things that littered the small room, piling them into bags he pulled from the back. As he worked, all evidence of us spending the night was gradually disappearing. 

A few silent minutes passed and I could tell Samuel was listening to the conversation happening outside. His face was twisted in concentration and though he continued packing our belongings, he was distracted. I waited for him to become fully immersed in their conversation before I tensed my muscles, ready to try and stand. I knew from the start it would be difficult, and I didn't want Samuel hovering over me while I made the attempt. I was too stubborn and prideful to admit I needed help, anyway.

Of course, I failed miserably. My legs gave out and I stumbled to the side, catching my weight on my bad wrist. A mangled cry left my mouth, immediately notifying Samuel of my failed attempt. I desperately tried to readjust myself and play it off, but Samuel was by my side in an instant. He quickly pulled me up from the ground and led me to the small seat of the window sill. I leaned against it, half sitting and breathing heavily, as Samuel regarded me with concern. 

"You're not looking good," he mumbled, almost to himself. 

"Thanks," I muttered. I rolled my eyes before bringing my gaze to the floor. He didn't even know the half of it. I shifted under his intense stare as both of my hands went absently to my side. They'd grow accustomed to resting there, always attempting to ease the constant burning of the gunshot. Samuel followed my motion, his eyes narrowing in on my wound. 

"We'll get that taken care of when we get back."

I stayed silent, not really believing him. If anything waited for me back home, it was more pain.

Samuel started to say something, but he was quickly cut off when the door opened. Riley walked through, glancing at the two of us before running his gaze around the room. 

"Bray is pulling the car up now," he stated. 

Samuel sprang into action, picking up the large backpacks that now scattered the floor. Riley helped him with a few, not bothering to acknowledge me. They both left the room for a minute and I began to wonder if I was expected to follow. Just as I was gathering my strength to walk, Samuel came back in. He held out his hands and stepped towards me. Knowing I had no other options, I took one of his arms in both of my hands, gripping tightly for support. He brought his other arm around my waist, supporting the weight I couldn't manage. Then slowly, he led me out of the house. 

It was a beautiful morning, and that was an understatement. The trees seemed to glisten with morning dew as rays of sunlight broke through their thick branches. The grass was slightly wet and bright green, with small clumps of weeded flowers scattered to the treeline. From there, they broke off and crept up the rough bark of the trees, molding the scenery into one perfect portrait. 

I didn't get too long to admire the rare sight before Riley was in front of us, ruining my perfect moment with his red eyes and wide smirk. I tried to hold back a sigh, but it seemed he was too preoccupied to notice any resentment on my part. He regarded Samuel with pursed lips, an unvoiced thought lingering there. 

"Payton's bringing the truck," he finally spoke, his words coming out slow and careful.

Samuel nodded, understanding flashing across his face. Before he could respond though, Riley spoke again. 

"He's got a load in the back," he stressed. "What I asked him to grab."

Samuel scrunched his face in confusion, watching Riley carefully. I mimicked his actions, noticing Riley's unusually cryptic words. However, after a moment, understanding dawned on Samuel. He was silent, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration. Samuel's eyes darted to mine for a quick moment as he finally responded. 

"There's some blankets back in the house."

Riley smirked again and nodded, casually strolling past us and back into the white-stone building. I watched him for a moment before Samuel began pulling me forward, diverting my attention. 

"What was that about?" I asked slowly.

Samuel shrugged. "Nothing."

Annoyance tugged at my heart and I couldn't help but grow heated from his response. My carefulness was out the window, quickly replaced with my temper. 

"Obviously it's something. You just won't tell me."

He glanced back at the building and sighed. "Look, it's nothing. Bray brought the truck so I'm going to sit with you in the back. There's not enough room up front."

"And?" I deadpanned.

"And, nothing," he spoke lightly. "Riley's got some stuff back there and wanted to know how to make the ride more comfortable. Don't read too much into it."

I raised my eyebrows, my lips forming a tight line. Before I could retort, Riley was back in front of us. I jumped at his unexpected and prompt arrival. He smiled lightly, glancing at Samuel before clearly noticing my irked expression. 

"Trouble in paradise?" He mocked. 

Samuel scoffed and I quickly darted my gaze to the grass, hiding my annoyance. I could feel Riley's eyes on me though, and I knew the message his sentence implied. I had to make Samuel happy, not give him trouble.

"No matter," Riley spoke after an awkward silence. "Bray's ready, come on."

He started walking to the other side of the building and Samuel and I immediately followed. When we came to the opposite end of the clearing, a large truck was pulling up from a gap in the trees. It was white with a small, two-person cabin, and an extended back half. Payton jumped from the front seat and moved to the back, lifting a latch to raise the sliding metal door covering the trunk.

Samuel guided us to where Payton stood and we stopped just as he finished lifting the door. Inside the truck was dark and stuffy. Various things were scattered along the floor, everything pushed up to the walls. A few small items had fallen from their place though, littering the floor. I quickly scanned the items, searching for anything suspicious or covered in blankets. My eyes rested on a small heap to the left of the truck where multiple blankets covered what was underneath. 

"You ready?" Samuel suddenly asked. 

I was brought back to the moment as Samuel removed his arm from my shoulder, causing me to stagger slightly. He quickly steadied me though, holding firmly to my arms. Feeling eyes on me, I glanced up to see Payton curiously watching Samuel's gentle grasp.

Payton suddenly spoke. "It really is true, then?" 

Samuel glanced up at Payton only to see he was staring at me once more. I avoided his gaze though, knowing it would hold me captive and cause fear to quickly rise. Instead, I watched Samuel's face flash with an untold emotion.

"Of course, it's true."

Payton shrugged, putting his hands in his pockets. "It's hard to believe. You can't blame me."

Samuel paused, thinking for a moment. "I wouldn't believe it myself if it didn't happen to me." He laughed once, adjusting his grip on my arms.

I tried following their conversation, but once again I felt eyes on me. I looked up to see Riley standing a few feet away, arms crossed and eyes blazing. He was staring me down, forcing every threat possible into one look. I flinched back, wishing I hadn't looked up in the first place. Samuel noticed and took the motion for pain. 

"Let's get you in, Samantha," Samuel softly spoke. He nodded to Payton who returned the gesture before walking back around the truck. When he was gone, Samuel's gaze softened, resting on me. He searched my features, smiling sadly. "This is probably going to hurt."

Before I could respond he'd picked me up, one arm under my legs and the other supporting my back. I gasped in shock and pain at his sudden movements, but as quickly as it happened, I was released once more. Confused, I opened my eyes I hadn't realized I'd shut to see I was at the back of the truck, leaning against the hard metal surface. Samuel was back at the entrance, quickly sliding the door back down. When he did, I was overcome with complete and suffocating darkness.

I could hear Samuel's footsteps coming back towards me and I suddenly wanted nothing more than to be far, far away from him. I don't know if it was the darkness, my pain, or the uncertainty of the entire siu, but something inside of me was threatening to snap. 

I tried desperately to keep my breathing steady and my heart rate normal. However, the closer he came, the faster they both went. When he was standing in the space in front of me, I was close to having a panic attack. 

"Samantha, what's wrong?" Samuel asked, quickly crouching in front of me. 

I couldn't see his face, but I suddenly felt his hand on my leg. I flinched violently, scooting back further into the wall. The movements hit my side and I gasped in pain, willing the sensation to the back of my mind. I couldn't deal with both pain and panic. 

I knew that Samuel was confused and I could hear his soft words attempting to soothe me. However, my breaths were already being cut short. I'd breathed in as much air as my lungs could hold, but it didn't seem as if I could exhale. I tried, but each time I did my lungs wouldn't comply. Suddenly, it felt as if I was suffocating. My hands reached up to my chest, pushing against my heart and neck, trying hopelessly to make my body obey my mind. 

Then suddenly, it was light again. It wasn't the same light as before, but a white and unnatural glow that cast harsh shadows. I blinked several times as my eyes adjusted. When they did, I saw Samuel was still crouched in front of me, but he was holding a small phone in his hand, the white light coming from the tip. 

Now that I could finally see, my heart decided to start calming down. My lungs shakily exhaled the air they'd taken on and when they did, I realized how dizzy I suddenly was. When Samuel saw my head spin, he carefully moved to sit next to me, holding the phone steadily in his hand. I barely noticed his movements as I could only focus on further calming myself down. 

After several tense and quiet moments, I finally heaved a large sigh. My hands left my chest and rested in my lap as I fumbled with my fingers. Samuel was still sitting next to me, unmoving. I dared a glance in his direction, only to find he was staring right at me the entire time. I shied away from his intrusive stare, looking instead at my feet. 

His voice met my ears, barely above a whisper. "Are you alright? What happened?"

I shook my head. The last thing I wanted to do was talk, but I knew he wouldn't let me ignore him. "I don't know. It just got dark and-" I sighed, searching for an answer to my anxiety. I soon found there wasn't one. "I don't know."

Samuel nodded, shifting his weight and slowly bringing a hand to mine. I tried not to flinch, but I was suddenly so overcome with exhaustion, it wasn't hard. 

"Sorry. I should have thought about that."

The truck suddenly started moving. I whipped my head up, looking around as various small objects fell haphazardly to the ground. Samuel noticed them too and let out a small laugh, trying to diffuse the tension. He watched me anxiously, waiting for me to break down once more. I managed a small smile to let him know that for the moment, I was alright.

As the truck bounced along the road, several more items bounced with it. I watched warily as backpacks slipped, supplies falling from their contents. One smaller bag fell on the heap on the far side of the truck and bounced lightly to the ground. I watched, confused, as it pulled a piece of blanket along with it. 

My eyes widened at what I saw when the blanket had been pulled away. A cold chill ran up my spine and a large pit settled in my stomach. My face paled and my hands went slack, no longer mindlessly fidgeting with my shirt.

"Samantha?" Samuel questioned, following my gaze. 

When his eyes rested on what I saw, his face flashed with apprehension. He tried speaking again, but I was already gone. There was nothing that could pull me away from the thing sticking out from the blanket. Nothing that would erase the image from my mind. Nothing that would stop the fear seeping into my skin. 

It was lying limply in the air as if suspended by invisible strings. Blood was seeping through, dripping to the metal floor. The shadows from Samuel's light only aided in the dead and cold aura emanating from its tips. 

A hand. 


WHEW, that was a long chapter! I honestly almost cut it off halfway through, but what the heck? 

What did you all think?? Another cliffhanger...sorry not sorry...couldn't help myself...

Aaaanyways, question time!

Who's hand is it? What's under the rest of the blanket??

What do you think will happen next chapter?

What do you think of Payton?

Thank you guys SO much for your support! You're aMaZiNg!!


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