Accept The Past {Completed}

By HoldinOnToDaylight

205K 4.4K 1K

Elisabeth. A girls that moves from Germany to Los Angeles to escape her past. Without anything she meets Colb... More

First encounter
It's A Small World
Cold Water
Midnight At The Suicide Bridge
Cute Gesture
Sweetness Of Sleep
Surprise Number One
First Kiss
Surprise Number Two
Stormy weather
Slow Hands
Climbing And Threats
Last Day
Back In LA
Sleeping Together
Boys Like You
Hooking Up
Lose My Mind
Sad Storys
Beach Day
Abandoned Mall
Abandoned Mall Pt. 2
Day Off
Missed You
Don't Waste It On Me
Music Monday/Wednesday
Time Of My Life


2.4K 44 10
By HoldinOnToDaylight

Me and Colby are standing in front of the neighbors house, the owner of Luna. Luna is in my arms, purring and really relaxed.

   "Yes?" A woman opens the door and looks at us. She smiles as she sees the kitten in my arm. "You found her! Thanks for bringing her back." she says. I give the kitten a last kiss before I give it back to her owner.

   "She was in front of the Brocks house yesterday afternoon. Alice called, but no one answered." I explain sad.

   "Yes, I got the message. Thank you for taking care of her." The woman smiles friendly.

   "Elli, would you go back to the house? My mom wanted me to tell her something." I frown confused, but nod and leave Colby with the neighbor.

As I'm in his room, I turn on my wifi for the first time since yesterday and my phone literally explodes with notifications. All Twitter and Instagram. What the heck happened?!

   I open Instagram and see through my tags. Right, Colby posted us singing on snapchat. It's apparently a huge deal.

   As I scroll through all the stuff I got tagged in, Colby comes back.

   "My phone nearly exploded." I say and look up at him. He sits down next to me and looks on my phone screen.

   "Yea, mine was blowing up too. People really make a big deal out of it." I look at him and smile.

   "But now that they know you're not allowed to post me on your storys every time, okay?" He chuckles and hugs me from the side.

   "I'll think about it." I roll my eyes smiling.

   "So what we gonna do before I have to leave?" I ask him, leaning at him. He thinks for a moment.

   "Today Sam and I didn't plan anything, so I'm all yours. When is you flight?"

"7pm and two hours earlier there... I should be there at 5, that's four hours still." I tell him.

   "Why don't we go to the mall? I can show you some places where Sam and I recorded vines back in the days." I smile and nod.

   "Sounds good." We both get up and leave the room.

Sadly it's time for me to leave Kansas. The time at the mall was fun before we went back so I can say bye to Colbys and Sams parents. Sam went with Colby and me to say bye at the airport.

   "Bye Sam. You have a great family." I say while hugging him.

   "They can be okay." he says and smiles as I step back. Then I turn to Colby.

   "Your family is so nice. I was so afraid they wouldn't like me." Colby pulls me in a hug.

   "They love you, Elli." he says what makes me smile. He moves away just a little to look at me. I look at him smiling. "I'm gonna miss you." he claims.

   "It's two days, Cole. Two days." I say and chuckle. He smiles and kisses me before I have to go. "But I'm gonna miss you too." He pecks my lips again.

   "I want to Kat." Sam says sounding sad and desperate. Colby and I laugh.

   "I'm gonna give her a hug from you, okay?" I suggest and the blonde boy nods. Then I really have to go. "Bye guys, see you in a few days." They nod and wave me goodbye as I see how Colby holds his phone up. I roll my eyes smiling and blow him a kiss.

   "Get home safely!" he calls out as I wait at the security check in.

   "I try. Not that I would've any impact on that." I claim smiling as I put my backpack on that assembly line. I wave a last time to Sam and Colby and then make my way through the security and to my gate where I now have to wait a while.

As I leave the airport in LA I look around. Kat is going to get me so I look for her car.

   Two seconds later she stops in front of me and I get in. She hugs me from the side.

   "Never leave again without telling me, okay? Especially when you go to your boyfriend, because mine won't be far away." Kat says and chuckles. I chuckle too as she starts driving.

   "Sorry, next time I'll think of you." I say smiling.

It's the next day as I enter the café. First person I see is Dylan, who brings coffee to a table.

   "Elli!" he exclaims smiling as he sees me. He comes over and hugs me. "So good that you're here. Sophie is at the hospital and I can't handle everything alone." I look at him shocked.

   "Wait, what?! Sophie is at the hospital? Why?" I ask feeling really worried all of a sudden.

   "Oh right, you didn't know. She was in a car accident three days ago." he explains.

   "What hospital?" I ask him.

   "We can go there after work, if you want. Last time you weren't on that good terms?" I sigh and nod as I start to walk to the dressing rooms.

   Sophie had an accident... I hope she is fine and it's nothing serious. Sure, I didn't want to talk to her until I'm here, but this? She could've at least send me a text, couldn't she?

   Well, it won't do anything if I keep thinking about that. I have to work, Sophie'll be fine.

After work Dylan and I went to the hospital and we are now in front of Sophie's room. Dylan knocks at the door and walks inside after a quiet 'Come in' from Sophie.

   "Hey Sophie, someone wants to see you." I walk in, nervous. Why am I nervous?

   "Elli? What are you doing here?" she asks as she sits up straight. I go over to her to stand beside her bed.

   "Had to cover for a colleague, because she thought it's cool to get in an accident. How are you?" Sophie smiles.

   "Good, better now. It's nothing big, I had a light concussion, but I'm gonna be out soon." She looks to Dylan. "Dyl, could you..."

"Leave? Yea, I'm waiting outside for you, Elli." I nod and then our friend leaves. I sit down at a chair.

   "So... We are twins?" I ask and Sophie smiles and blushes a little.

   "Yes, it's a complicated story." I lean back in the chair, cross my arm and smile.

   "We've got time." She smiles too and starts to tell me the story how she found out about us being siblings and how she found me.

"So, just to clarify." I say after she finished. Dylan is by now back inside, sitting next to me. "You found out that your dad wasn't your dad and she told you the story how she and my dad dated as your mom spend a year in Germany." Sophie nods.

   "And your mom got pregnant with us, but after she gave birth she had to leave back to the US. My dad didn't want to give her up fully and both agreed that one, you, stays with your mom and the other one, me, stays with my dad." She nods again.

   "I can't tell you what your dad did after our mom went back here, because they lost each other." I nod understanding. Maybe I'm gonna call my dad. "Do you believe me?" I shrug.

   "Partly. Why should you make this up. My parents aren't rich and neither am I." Well, that's practically a lie, but she doesn't need to know.

   "Elli, I need to go. Should I give you a ride or do you get an uber?" Dylan asks.

   "I'm gonna come with you. I should get back to the house too. My boyfriend's coming back tomorrow." I say. Sophie smiles and nods understanding.

   "Okay, see you soon." she says and I nod before I hug her goodbye. "I'm glad you don't hate me." Sophie whispers. I pull away and smile.

   "Well, I always wanted a sibling." I say before we say goodbye again and Dyl and I leave.


I'm really sorry it took so long for this chapter. My phone broke on Sunday and I had to wait until yesterday for my 'new' one. And my motivation wasn't that high...

Anyways, I hope you liked the chapter and I hope the next ones will come faster ^^

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