
By GDgodslayer4

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This is basically a story where a group of people are trying to survive on an oceanic planet after their ship... More

Prologue: The Three Kings
Chapter 1: Repair tools, Scanners, Flashlights and Creatures
Chapter 2: Bases and Sea Glides
Chapter 3: Seamoths and Floating Rocks
Chapter 4: The Aurora, Leviathans, Cannons, and Stasis
Chapter 5: More People, P.R.A.W.N. suits, Cyclops, and Evacuation?
Interlude 1: Water filters kill power
Chapter 6: Boredom, Crabsnakes, and Jelly Mushrooms
Chapter 7: Giant squids, Bloodkelp, Infected Creatures, and Fights
Chapter 8: Mountains, leviathans, Armor, and the Void
Chapter 9: ElecTRICKal problems, the Koosh Zone, and Scary Stuff
Chapter 10: The Subjugation of the Reaper Leviathan
Interlude 2: Symor's Tiger plants and Pranks
Chapter 11: The Grand Reef, The Second Leviathan, and an Epic fail
Chapter 12: The Lost River, The Lost Cove, The 2nd Precursor Base
Chapter 13: Resurface, Deep Underwater Base, and Troubling Leviathans
Chapter 14: A talk, Base borders, and Plans
Chapter 15: The Subjugation of the Ghost Leviathan
Interlude 3: When Boredom Strikes, Crush Guessing
Chapter 16: A Rocket Ship, and a Deeper Descent
Chapter 17: Lava Underwater, and Power Outage
Chapter 18: The Dragon, UNO wars, and a Bitchslap
Chapter 19: The Humongous Leviathan, and The Primary Containment Facility
Chapter 20: The Primary Containment Facility, and The Great Escape
Chapter 21: The Subjugation of the Sea Dragon Leviathan
Chapter 22: Hatching Enzymes, and Hope
Chapter 23: The Sea Emperor's Death, The Baby Leviathans, and Curing One self
Chapter 24: Recap and Preparation
Chapter 25: The Ultimate Battle against the Sea Dragon.
Interlude 5: Symor's hunting session
Ending 1/3: Building the Neptune Rocket Ship
Ending 2/3: Saying Goodbye to our Pets, and Everything Else
Ending 3/3: The Epilogue
Special 1: Christmas in a Different Planet...
Special 2: New Years Eve, and nearly blasting Denzel
Special 3: Easter & Holy week special, Denzel's Silent Week
Special 4: Before everything started
Just here to point out...
Announcement 1?

Interlude 4: Everything in the Primary Containment Facility, and Dark Pasts

424 1 2
By GDgodslayer4

(Karl's POV):

"Ok, so this is what's inside huh." - Denzel

"There are a lot of rooms." - Michael

"This is probably the antechamber. Look at all those relics guys." - Denzel

"Let's take a tour here."

"Good idea, so we could see the information about these relics here." - Symor

"In any case this room is huge!" - Vina

"This could be a possibility to cure ourselves from the Kharaa Bacterium that we gained by staying here." - Chelsea

"That possibility can still be low." - Shameah

"I don't think so,  this might be the final base we see here." - Denzel

"Why is that?" - Symor

"When I entered the third base which is in the molten castle, we never received a weird telepathy effect from the Sea Emperor. Which is weird." - Denzel

Speaking of those...

After Denzel said that, our minds became half-conscious. Becoming dizzy and losing our balance. Then, another telepathic message was sent to us with a weird projection.

"I am what

you seek.

Want to

help you." - ???

"Crap, I can feel it. We are very close guys." - Michael

"Let's explore first." - Symor

We took some time to scan all the relics we see in this room. Afterwards we entered a random room...

"I feel homesick."

"Oh, what a coincidence! I feel the same way. I miss my gamer corps and my childhood friend." - Denzel

"The guys at your base and those fodder will be shocked the most on you I think." - Symor

What did he mean by fodder? its probably their former classmates. Its a long story to tell so I won't really bother remembering that.

"Speaking of those fodder. I am pretty sure Denzel will go easy on the female camp, especially her, and 4 more other girls right? He would probably be bombarded by them when we go ho-" - Michael

"Shhh! do not talk about them, they give me chills." - Denzel

"Umm guys, we are at the Egg Chamber." - Jake

"Egg chamber you say?" - Symor

"The probably tested something like forcefully pulling out the baby from its egg." - Michael

I think so too but...

"Its cute but its dead."

"Oh damn, good thing it died along with the godamn things who experiment on it." - Denzel


"Don't worry about the details. Rather, I got a PDA translation from some kind of podium you know." - Denzel

"What did it translate into?" - Symor

"It goes like this: WARNING: Vaccine development program terminated. Emperor egg hatching project terminated. Live specimens terminated. Evacuate immediately." - Denzel

"Really?, then this should be the way to cure ourselves then."

Seems like we would be cured in this area after all. Everyone looks happy.

We moved on to the next room

"The pipe room huh? What is its purpose?" - Mecole

"Hmm, I think what this does is... ah I remember now, I saw those vents around the mountain area. So there should be peepers carrying out the cure." - Symor

"But, it didn't cure us." - Denzel

"I think the cure is old, so the bacteria may only be slowed down."

 "Good thinking." - Michael

We left and moved on to the next room.

"Dissection Lab, how cruel of them to dissect such cute creature." - Chelsea

"I agree, but it's needed for the cure. So I have complicated feelings about this." - Vina

"For me, it's just cruel." - Shameah

"I think they thought about if they can get the cure instantly from the babies of the Sea Emperor Leviathan. They would be able to cure themselves."

"But it seems like it's impossible to do so if you forcefully pull them out of the egg." - Jake

Next Room...

"Its a moonpool..." - Denzel

Back to the main room...

"So, we only have one room left. What should we talk about before we go there." - Symor

"How about earth." - Michael

"Well, what can we talk about there? Those insolent retards? Or how we got through our lives from that hellhole." - Symor

"I remember her until now..."

"Karl, muttering that with a faraway look? Pretty sure that you don't just love her, you absolutely don't want to see her with a different guy huh." - Denzel

"I feel like she would be worrying about you you know Karl?" - Mecole


"How about you Denz? You and your childhood friend, with her female camp who's favorite lines against you are 'Treat me Denz.'?" - Symor

"Gahah..." - Denzel

"Oh yeah, I remember seeing you being intimate with them." - Michael

"Gufuu!" - Denzel

"Oh, and how you bought art supplies for your childhood friend, let's add that in." - Symor

"Stop adding more blow!!!!" - Denzel

Denzel, in a position that looks like a charisma guard, was bombarded by both Symor and Michael. Afterwards, Jake sent the finishing blow...

"Although she already has a boyfriend." - Jake

"..." - Denzel

"I see a hannya mask behind you Denz!!!" - Shameah

"Very Scary there." - Chelsea

"Your two personalities are basically night and day." - Vina

"Shh, she's only my childhood friend. So don't worry about it, no need... no neeeeed.... Rather, do I really look like I love her?" - Denzel

"Yes, you do." - Michael

"Fine then..." - Denzel

"Anyways, how about we move on to the next room."

"Yeah, it's about time that we do this." - Denzel

We enter the last room...

"It's a pond..." - Michael

"Let's dive into it." - Denzel

Denzel, after saying so, dives into the pool. We all panicked and dove onto the pool like Denzel.

"Oh, so it's an aquarium." - Michael

"Let's see..." - Symor

The ground starts to shake.

"Woah, this guy is huge!" - Denzel

"Where, holy crap!" - Michael

"This could be the aforementioned Sea Emperor Leviathan."- Symor

This guy is huge! I think this guy might be larger than the Sea Dragon!

But what makes it better is...

"Are you here... to play?"

"Others came here once. They built these walls."

"They played... alone. They bored me."

"Now they're gone. And instead... we have you."

"We are curious whether you swim with the current, or fight against it as they did." - Sea Emperor Leviathan

"Damn oh damn..." - Denzel

"This is weird, we didn't take the weird effect this time..."

"Either way, we should let this continue for now..." - Symor

We followed the Sea Emperor around.

And after a while, we ended up into a podium surrounded by 5 eggs in a half circle.

"What do we do..." - Jake

"Anyone got an ion crystal?" - Denzel

"Here!" - Michael

Denzell inserts the ion crystal to activate something...

The Sea Emperor then moves to a sand covered gate that was behind us and starts blowing off the dust. The Emperor then said (Well, telepathically...)...

"My young need to hatch."

"To play outside this place."

"We have been here so long."
"The others built a passage to reach the world outside."
"I asked them for this freedom, but they could not hear me."
"If you help us, I will give you freely what the others tried in vain to take." - Sea Emperor

"Huh, guys, another ion crystal." - Denzel

"Here damnit." - Michael

After placing in the ion crystal to another podium, the portal gate activated which probably leads somewhere. We were about to enter the portal but...

"With the passage you have opened my young can leave this place.

But first they must feel the time is right and break free of their shells.

This is what the others could not force from me.

To you, I give the secret willingly." Sea Emperor Leviathan

After saying so, everyone, each one of us, got a notification from our PDA.

"The hell..." - Denzel

"Hatching enzymes?" - Symor

"I see, we use it in that podium..." - Michael

"So, what's the next plan?"

"Before we cure ourselves, let's kill the Sea Dragon." - Symor

Everyone seems pumped up...

(AM: Sorry bout being late here, it's a long interlude. This might be probably one of the longer chapters, next will be kept every other day OR daily. We are pacing for May 15 of finishing...)

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