The Ladder

By mockingariana_

18.1K 465 169

When a new studio head is needed, Richelle knows it's time for her to climb the ladder and take the next step... More

Is there anyone left?
Explosion of Emotions
The Next Step
Best of Both Worlds
Falling off the Ladder
Operation Studio Head

A Vote of Confidence

1.5K 46 15
By mockingariana_

Emily looked at the ground awkwardly while Richelle resumed talking, "I'm being serious..."

Kate stopped laughing and told her plainly, "Richelle, you cannot run The Next Step." Kate shook her head and did not know why Richelle had even considered the idea. She resumed writing on some documents, as if Richelle hadn't ever said anything.

Amy and Ozzy joined Noah and Piper in the doorway of what used to be the office, and looked confused, "What's going on? Why did you all leave studio A?" Amy asked. Richelle looked defeated, but she was determined. She knew she could do this.

Noah explained, hesitantly though because he didn't want to seem patronising, "Richelle... Richelle wants to be studio head."

"YES!" Ozzy exclaimed at once, and was nodding frantically. He winked at Richelle when she looked at him and she rolled her eyes for what seemed like the 100th time that day. 

Amy bit her lip, then got the courage to speak, "No offense Richelle..." Richelle looked at her, expressionless, and Amy tried to not be intimidated. "When you were dance captain, I was scared of you. Like, I was scared to mess up. You're good at leading, but I think we need someone a little... softer?" Amy hoped her words hadn't been too harsh because she knew she needed to speak her opinion. If she were to stay at the studio for the next dance season, she needed to feel comfortable.

Richelle responded, "Well, that's when I was dance captain. This is different. You have to be stern and organised to be studio head. That's why Riley screwed it up, she was too nice." Emily shrugged because Richelle was probably right about her sister. I think they would all agree that Richelle didn't often let anything come before dance, and that is one trait needed by a studio head.

Daniel was less convinced and clicked his fingers so she'd turn to face him, "Richelle, it would be like having Lucien as the studio head."

"Excuse me?!" Richelle was insulted.

"You're way too objective, and I'm not saying that's bad because I'm objective too, but that's exactly why I don't think I'd be good for the job. The studio head needs to have a heart. People need to feel comfortable coming to talk to you about their issues." Daniel explained his reasoning and Richelle knew he had a point, but if she were to be completely shut down on her idea, it would be totally embarrassing. Kate had literally laughed when she suggested it. She couldn't be the laughing stock of A Troupe before the dance season had even properly started.

Kate added to Daniel's point, looking up from her writings, "What if someone had money issues, or they were stuggling with the choreography? I can't see you exactly being empathetic and helping them."

Richelle really was starting to dislike Kate, and argued back, "Well, you weren't exactly empathetic when Amanda missed the A Troupe  auditions because she was auditioning for a company tour. You refused to even let her dance for you." Noah, Piper and Amy all looked at each other quickly and knew this was a good point, but possibly the start of a confrontation. They looked back at Kate and Richelle and awaited Kate's response.

"That was different."

Richelle shook her head, "No it wasn't. She's a good dancer, you should have put the morals aside and let her audition. She was thinking about her future and that's the whole point of the studio; to think about the next step." 

Emily smiled at Richelle's response to Kate and nodded, "I think you'd be great." Richelle looked at her and couldn't help but smile. She had idolised Emily since she was around twelve years old, so to get her approval was a big deal. Emily explained to Kate, "Richelle's objective, yes, but she always thinks about what is best in terms of dance. She might not have the softest soul and she is firm," Emily looked at Amy, "but she is fair."  Emily looked Richelle up and down then smiled again, "She's like me."

Richelle smiled back. To be like Emily was all she had ever wanted.

Kate put some documents into one of the drawers, obviously trying to distract herself from this situation she was still pointlessly being made to consider. She shut the drawer a little louder than necessary, "You weren't exactly a great studio head Emily. You didn't let any dancers audition unless they were technically trained."

Emily frowned as Kate's remark. That was years ago! Plus Kate knew Emily didn't think that way at all, anymore. She wondered why she was so against the idea of Richelle as studio head. She was nineteen, she wasn't exactly still a J Trouper.

Kate looked around the room, "We'll do a vote. I'm saying no. Daniel?"

Daniel hesitated because he had heard Emily's praises. He had to go with his gut though, and he didn't feel safe leaving the studio solely in Richelle's hands. He feared it would quickly turn into Elite. "I say no. But Richelle, maybe you can have another go at being dance captain? Or even a choreographer?" Richelle frowned at him and turned away, not even replying.

Kate moved on, "Amy?"

Amy shook her head, "No." She did not look at Richelle, because she knew she would be getting a death stare from her if she did. Instead she looked at Piper, who was due to be asked next. She was still undecided though, and as much as she agreed with Emily, Piper also agreed with Daniel. Also, Amy was her best friend, and if she wouldn't feel comfortable, she didn't want to put her in that situation. At the same time though, she did want someone to be studio head that knew The Next Step inside and out.

"Piper, yes or no?"

Piper hestated, "Erm... Yes." 

Richelle wasn't expecting that. Especially as Piper and Amy were so close. Piper gave her reason, "I think you're motivated and determined enough to bring success to the studio. And sometimes tough love is good. Dancers need thick skins to survive in the industry."

Richelle really appreciated it, and smiled and Piper, "Thank you." Piper smiled back, but before she could reply, Kate had moved on.

Kate crossed her arms, "Ozzy?"

"I vote yes."

"I'm not surprised." Kate rolled her eyes but counted his vote regardless. "Emily? Do I even ask?"

Emily shrugged, "I'm a yes. I believe in her."

Richelle beamed and could barely hold her excitement. She'd done it, that was 3 votes yes and... Oh wait... 3 votes no... There was still one left?

Noah was messing with his fingernails awkwardly as he rested against the door frame. He was going to vote yes, definitely, but then he realised what studio head entailed... Richelle wouldn't be on A Troupe anymore. 

She wouldn't dance.

Kate sighed and sat down, knowing what the outcome of this vote would be. "Noah, I doubt I even need to ask you either?"


Through gritted teeth and over the top of Emily squealing in delight, Kate sighed, "Right, well, congratulations Richelle, I hope-"

"I said no." Noah spoke up. Emily went silent and just as she was about to hug Richelle, she dropped her arms at her sides. Richelle looked at Noah quickly, confused.

Kate frowned, "I thought you meant 'no' as in, I didn't need to ask you, like it was obvious what you would say?"

"No. I don't want Richelle as studio head." Noah confirmed, but he couldn't look up from the floor. He could feel Richelle staring at him and her eyes burning into his head.

Kate was taken aback and caught off guard by Noah's surprising vote. So was everyone else. The room was silent. They all knew there was a 50:50 chance of Richelle being studio head but they presumed that of all people, Noah, would vote yes. Piper in particular was stunned because they'd only just all been talking about uniting together.

Richelle couldn't deal with this, and felt like everyone was looking at her, even though they weren't. She kept her head down and slowly walked out of the office, having to brush past Noah slightly because he was in the doorway. 

He watched her leave out of the corner of his eye, then looked up and gulped. The room was still awkwardly silent. 

He felt bad, and selfish.

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