Explosion of Emotions

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Without knocking, Richelle opened the door to what used to be Emily's office. It no longer had the paintings of Emily on the wall, or any photos of the original A Troupe she knew. It was bare.

Kate was in there measuring the empty wall space while Emily and Daniel were sat on the floor putting the photos from her old desk into a cardboard box. Richelle crossed her arms and waited for them all to notice her.

Emily looked up, intrigued, and smiled, "Richelle! How are you?" She gave the ornaments she was holding to Daniel and went to get up, but Richelle's response kept her seated.

"I'm fine." She said with gritted teeth, and she proceeded to glare at Miss Kate. Emily detected the awkwardness and looked at Kate too, who still hadn't turned away from the wall she was measuring. Richelle asked, "Miss Kate, why didn't you tell me Emily was leaving?"

Kate paused and then sighed, turning to Richelle and folding the tape measure up. "I didn't realise it was any of your business."

Richelle scoffed, "It would have been nice not to have been the last to know." She looked at Emily, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Emily looked guilty. She had a long history with Richelle, but not having her on A Troupe for the past year had dented their relationship slightly. Truthfully, she hadn't told her because Kate was right, it wasn't her business. She had told the dancers because it was in their best interest seeing as they saw her more than once a week, but Richelle was simply an intern. It didn't concern her. "I'm sorry..."

"Well I accept your apology, but why? Why are you leaving?" Richelle now had her hands clasped, anxiously messing with her nails, with a sad look on her face. Emily was glad she had forgiven her so easily.

She sighed, "Richelle, it's just the right time. I've been a studio head here for three years, and a dancer for more than ten! When I went to business school I saw the world differently, I wasn't just confined to the walls of the studio. I want to go and learn more about myself."

Richelle knew Emily was right but she wanted her to stay! She did what she always did when she felt vulnerable so started to lash out again, "We need the originals though! Kate keeps getting randomers from other studios and sticking them our our team as if we have trained them when we haven't!"

"Richelle, mind your tone." Kate said plainly. She was very used to Richelle kicking off and it didn't really faze her anymore. She went back to measuring the wall, noting down the measurements so she could make sure the new costume racks would fit, for when they redid the office as a costume cupboard.

Emily put her hands on her head, "Richelle, the team is fine. Noah started in baby ballet, you and Ozzy started in J Troupe, and then Zara moved up from-"

"Who is going to be studio head now?" Richelle put her hands on her hips and cut Emily off. She knew Emily was speaking sense but couldn't afford to be completely proven wrong.

Emily didn't know the answer to this so looked at Kate who explained, without looking up from her notebook, "One of my friends who used to be a dancer has volunteered-"

"YOU SEE! WE DON'T EVEN KNOW HER!" Richelle interrupted and threw her hands on her head in a panic. 

Emily tried to calm her down, "Richelle babe, honestly-"

She exclaimed angrily, "We might as well just get Lucien to come and run this place, at least we actually have met him before!"

"Richelle!" Kate was getting annoyed. She put her hands on her hips and gave her a disapproving look.

Richelle cut Kate off before she could begin to lecture her, "How do you expect us to function as a team when we don't even know the person that's organising us?" She looked at Daniel who was on his phone, "Daniel, can't you take the job?"

He looked up and laughed nervously, "No... I'm going with Em. I'm going to study dance therapy."

Emily smiled at him then contributed a valid point to Richelle, "Newbies like Amy adapted fine to how we worked when she first joined, what makes you think you couldn't? You're very strong Richelle, you will be fine!"

Noah and Piper entered and they could feel the tense atmosphere as soon as they walked in. Richelle hadn't noticed them and whispered to Emily, "But you're like a sister to me..."

Daniel whispered, "Aw" under his breath while Emily gave a small smile with sad eyes. Noah looked at Piper who looked awkward and like she wanted to leave as quickly as they'd come in. She didn't think it would be so emotional in here. She expected Richelle to be angrily tearing up the office and for it to look like there'd been a tornado sweep through.

Noah smiled at Emily just to acknowledge her and pulled Richelle lightly by her arm. She flicked her head,"What Noah?!"

"Uh, Piper and I... We have an idea. Just, let us explain..." 

Piper smiled at her reassuringly and Richelle tried to figure out if it was worth listening to them. She then looked between Kate and Emily who looked concerned. Emily nodded, "Go on Richelle, I'll still be here." Kate was shaking her head at how kind Emily was being to Richelle. One day she was going to have to teach Richelle how to manage her temper.

Richelle sighed, "Okay, fine." She brushed past Noah and Piper's shoulders and walked out the office and into the corridor without saying goodbye to Kate and Emily. Piper smiled at the three of them politely as she followed Richelle out, with Noah.

As soon as they rounded the corner, Richelle stood up straight, trying to add a few inches to her small height, so she could square up to Noah. "What's your big idea?"

Noah looked at Piper then proposed, "I'll tell you, but you have to agree to it before I do."

Richelle pulled a face, "No way."

Piper pleaded, "Richelle, we all feel the same way. We don't want The Next Step to be taken over by strangers. We need someone with passion and who knows what TNS is all about, to be studio head."

"No offense Piper but you've only been here a few years. You are a stranger." Richelle said this bluntly, and crossed her arms. She hadn't been convinced.

Piper exhaled loudly. She knew Richelle was difficult but she didn't need to be so abrasive. "Maybe I have only been on A Troupe for a while, but my brother was here from when he was a kid. I've been coming to TNS' recitals and competitions since I was old enough to sit quietly in a seat!"

Richelle rolled her eyes, "Fair enough." She looked at Noah, expecting a plead from him too, but he just gave her a look that managed to make her feel a certain way. She unfolded her arms, "Fine, I agree." Piper and Noah both smiled at each other then braced themselves as Richelle asked, "What's this big idea?"

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