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Piper was extremely excited for the first day of their new A Troupe. She was waving at everyone, "Hi! Great to see you!" She was complimenting people's leotards and hairstyles, remembering how they all danced in the auditions. 

Amy ran over to her as soon as she entered, not even taking off her jacket or putting her bag down. She jumped on and hugged Piper, "We did it!" Although they had the advantage of being on A Troupe last year, the competition and talent they had been against in the final round, had made Amy really nervous. Also, the fact that Piper had vowed not to be biased and keep Amy just because she was her best friend, had made her even more anxious. 

They both took a step back and looked at the other dancers as they all engaged in small talk. It was going to be a good dance season.

Amy waved at Ozzy as he came in and he skipped over, "Guys!"

"Hey Ozzy, how are you?"

"I'm great," Ozzy looked around the room, "I'm excited to see the new girls on the team..." He caught the attention of Hannah and gave her a flirtatious wink, to which she laughed at and shook her head. "Hey, I heard Richelle was really impressed with us."

Amy frowned in shock, "Wow." She nodded slowly, "Richelle seems to have really changed."

Richelle and Noah left the office after noting that nearly everyone seemed to have arrived now. Richelle was in her jeans and jacket, while Noah was in his vest and tracksuit bottoms. She could feel people looking at her and wondering why she wasn't in dance wear as she walked to the front of everyone, seeing as she had announced she was going to be head choreographer at the auditions. Noah rubbed her shoulder to calm her, knowing she was apprehensive. 

Noah made small talk to a few people while Richelle went straight over to Piper and pulled her aside from Amy and Ozzy, after saying hi to them of course. Piper smiled, "Hey, what's up? You look great by the way." She was still buzzing with excitement and was slightly hyperactive.

"Thank you. I'm okay..." Richelle knew she had to get to the point and once again depart with a role she has always wanted. "Piper, I'm not dancing this season." Richelle admitted, and Piper re-looked looked her up and down, realising why she wasn't in dance wear.

Piper gasped, "Is it your hip?"

"Yeah... It just wouldn't be a good idea, so... yeah..." Richelle tried to look as unbothered as she could, but Piper felt bad for her.

"Are you still going to be choreographing?!"

"No. I need to take it easy." Richelle admitted to herself, and in response, Piper hugged her without warning and she tried to work out how she should respond to physical contact.

Piper let go pretty quickly and Richelle smiled, "So yeah, instead of me being head choreographer and studio head, I want you to be dance captain and  head choreographer."


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