Best of Both Worlds

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Emily and Daniel walked together in silence. It had been a long day. An emotional day. Both of them were ready to get home and just go to sleep. Luckily neither of them lived too far from the studio.

Daniel was watching Emily's body language as she walked on his left. She had barely looked up from the ground and probably would have walked into a lamp post by now if Daniel wasn't subtly guiding her away, every time they got near one. 

"Em, are you alright?" Daniel finally asked, and she nodded. They went back to being in silence. He knew it was probably the Richelle situation bothering her, so tried his best to comfort her. "I'm sure Richelle will be okay."

Emily looked at him for the first time since they left the studio, "What if she's not?" They stopped walking and Daniel immediately regretted bringing it up. Emily explained, "She was broken when she had dance captain taken from her, who knows what this will do for her self esteem." She sighed, frustrated, and walked slightly ahead of him. She didn't blame Daniel for not voting for Richelle to be studio head because he had made a valid point, but she just didn't understand Kate and Noah's lack of faith in her. Noah hadn't even given a reason!

Daniel caught back up to Emily, "Richelle's strong... And I'm sure Noah had his reasons."

Emily just shook her head and carried on walking half a step ahead of him. She did not know what was going on in Noah's head for him to let Richelle be led on and embarrassed like that in the office, in front of everyone. She looked up to check there weren't any obstacles she was about to walk into, then stopped. Daniel had to stop himself walking into her because of how abruptly she had halted, "Emily!" She didn't turn around when he said her name, so he knew something was up. "Em?" He looked where she was looking and realised what she had seen.

 "Em?" He looked where she was looking and realised what she had seen

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Richelle was sat on a bench with her big, over sized hoodie on. The hood was up so she was practically drowning in the fabric. They could see her blonde hair falling out of it, and the way her feet only just touched the ground because of how short she was. Emily had hesitated for long enough and increased her speed, going straight towards Richelle. Daniel sighed and followed her.

At the sound of footsteps approaching, Richelle looked right and at the sight of Emily and Daniel, immediately stood up and swung her bag over her shoulder. "Sit!" Emily commanded her, and Richelle froze, slowly turning her head to face her. Richelle's eyes were red and slightly puffy, and her mascara and eyeliner were slightly smudged on her waterline. She did as she was told and sat back on the bench, but avoided eye contact, then Emily joined her. Daniel stood at the side of them.

"You need to toughen up." Emily told her, and Richelle looked at her with her mouth slightly open, offended.

Richelle retaliated, "I am tough! Did you not hear Amy say she was scared of me?"

"No, Richelle, you're not tough." Emily was adamant. Richelle didn't quite understand, so blinked and gulped. Emily explained, "You're intimidating, yes. But so am I! That doesn't mean you aren't really sensitive." Richelle nodded slowly, understanding and accepting that this was true. 

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