Ice Flower Path of ice

By Zeroshifters

332 34 9

Title and cover may be temporary. Dustin is an orphan, always has been, he never met his parents. Levi is an... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 14

7 1 0
By Zeroshifters

A/N hey guys sorry I haven't been able to write for a while but I haven't had anything to write on but I finally found something, updates might not be as frequent and I won't be able to post character aesthetics but still I can write now!


<Brocks POV>

I watch as Dustin leaves with Ryder, my voice hitches slightly but I manage to play it off and keep singing. I don’t know why but pretty much the whole time I was staring at Dustin, my mind going back to the kiss we shared, the spark I felt that I’ve been hoping ever since, he felt too. His smile made it so for once, on this stage my stomach wasn’t doing somersaults and my heart wasn’t beating faster than the bangs on the drums. But now he’s out there with Ryder and it all just comes back in waves. Still I keep singing, instead looking for another smiling face. Making people happy is what I’ve always liked doing, having a positive impact on lives. And seeing people’s smiling faces always makes me happy. I never exactly understood how but I’ve always been relatively good at singing, when I was four they put me on the choir at church, I messed up with the words a lot but still, I wasn’t there for the words I was there for my voice. And I always had so much fun.

“Maybe we’re a little unifferent.” Sugar. I mess up the words even now for most songs, memorising them is hard. Especially when you’re on stage and everyone is concentrating on you, your voice, your movements. I look around more coming to the smiling face of a boy with bright green hair, he’s wearing a black hooded sweater, the hood pulled over his head so I can’t make out his facial features, the only reason I see his hair is because his fringe is so long. Along with his fringe I see his smile, even though he looks slightly creepy his smile is what I lock on to. Creepy but comforting, strange combination no doubt. Though I’ll be honest he has, well I’m assuming he I should probably say they to avoid possibly getting the wrong pronoun, horrible fashion sense like what the heck, those jeans do not go with that sweater and that hair colour with that sweater, oh honey if I wasn’t on stage right now. Hmmm usually around this point I start flying and doing some flips in the air and fly around the heads of the crowd… Stuff it I’m doing it. I concentrate on my legs for a second, feeling myself becoming weightless and hearing the crowd cheering a little more. Once I open my eyes I let myself go higher and, still singing, slip twice before floating over the crowd earning more cheers. I catch the door open and see a vibrant red haired person leave, no doubt that’s Lynx running to see what is going on with Ryder and Dustin. To be honest I’m half tempted to stop singing and go and see for myself, I resist this temptation. After all I wanna be a singer and that’s not going to happen if I randomly leave my gigs. Besides curiosity killed the cat...but satisfaction brought it no NOPE not gonna do that, just keep singing. My mind keeps going back to Dustin though, I realise I never actually asked him out, yeah he swears a LOT but, he’s nice and perfect. I’m asking him out after this gig, no question, no doubts, I just gotta do it and if he says no then he says no, please say yes. Please god say yes, that’d be amazing. Then I’d get to feel that spark a whole lot more, every day even, hopefully more than once.

Then the door opens, Dustin is the first to walk in and I stop gliding through the air shifting my attention away from Green hair human and back to Dustin, his platinum blonde hair is honestly, just perfect, everything about him is, maybe not the swearing, but everything else. Maybe not to everyone but to me. I hesitate, the words to the song coming out all jumbled, I keep going managing yet again to play it off. I can’t keep getting distracted like this, but it’s so hard. Just watching the way his jaw moves when he speaks almost sends me into a fritz again but I manage to catch myself this time. He looks up at me a smile immediately coming to his face. No Dustin, don’t do that, no no not aloud OH MY GOD HE’S SO CUTE HALP, gfvgshvbjbfhjfhjsdghdvgsgh sugar, I need to concentrate, but he’s just, I just, ugh I wanna hug him so much right now.


<Dustin’s POV>

I walk back into the place, Brock is no longer on stage, his voice still playing through the speakers. I catch it hitch and decide to look up seeing him above everyone, it’s adorable. I smile not able to help myself and hold back laughter as his voice hitches yet again. It’s hard to tell but it looks like he’s staring at me, but then again, I’m not exactly break concentration attractive so it’s something else distracting him, I wonder what. Ryder and Lynx walk in after me, Ryder hiding his face against Lynx’s chest, Lynx stroking his hair.

“You feeling better bro?” Ryder just nods into Lynx’s chest who gives me a small smile. A kinda scary smile mind you, you know the ones that say ‘I like you but I’m only smiling right now because you’re being nice, do anything more and I will slap you, do anything less I will also slap you’ those ones. They honestly haunt my nightmares sometimes. Not that I get them a lot, ok ever. But I know what they look like because I’ve seen them on other people before.

“Babe we can go home if you want, we don’t have to stay here.”

“I know.” Ryder stops talking for a second and shuffles more closely into Lynx’s chest.

“But I wanna be here for Brock, he’s really good too I wanna stay a little longer.”

“Ok babe.” Lynx seems to look more uncomfortable after Ryder replies, like he wasn’t expecting the answer Ryder gave. I shrug it off, it’s probably something else, just a coincidence.

Brock’s show comes to an end, it seems to go by incredibly fast, Brock’s voice widening the smile on my face if even a little with every word that leaves his mouth.

“Hey Lynx, Ryder wanna come see Brock backstage?” I catch them as they’re about to leave, Lynx keeping the same uncomfortable look as before on his face while Ryder looks like he feels a little better than before, but not much. They stay silent, as if they don’t hear me, either that or they’re ignoring me. I’m hoping more the former rather than the latter, still I wait, stubbornly refusing to repeat myself, a stupid decision on my part as I watch them leave. I follow them out but don’t try to gain their attention as they walk away, instead looking around the building for some flowers to give to Brock as a, congratulations I guess. I find some and curl my hand making the roots pull themselves out of the ground, this way as long as Brock puts them in water soon they won’t die and they won’t be damaged. Still they are covered in dirt which doesn’t exactly scream ‘hey I liked kissing you have these flowers because I wanna kiss you sommore but also congrats on the show’, well maybe just the ‘congrats on the show’ part. I make my way inside after picking up the flowers and round to the back room where Brock is waiting. Shocker immediately stands in my way upon me entering the room.

“Watcha doin back here dumbass, here for another ass kicking?”

“I ummm no I’m actually here to speak to Brock…”

“Wait hold up are those- flowers, you brought him flowers? Seriously...Fucking hell you’re sad, you’re literally like a hippie. You know what, I’m not even surprised, of course the guy with a giant flower on his back gets someone flowers. God you’re such a pussy.”

“Yeah and you’re a prick-” I stop myself before saying anymore. That was undoubtedly, a massive mistake. I should not have said that.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to-”

“No no no need to apologise Dustin, I’ll just get you back next time we’re in the battle dome, and this time I’ll make it hurt, a lot.” Well fuck.

“Hey Kestrel lay off.” the girl from earlier I saw on piano walks over, her hair is silver and longer on one side than the other, one side reaching almost the middle of her back while the other side barely reaches her chin.

“Fuck off, my name’s Shocker-”

“Yeah whatever just go clean up yeah?”

“Fuck you.”

“But you have a girlfriend to fuck don’t you?”


“Fuck off then.”

“You know what fine, just do me a favour and fucking die.” Shocker turns walking away, making sure to violently nudge her shoulder as he walks by picking up some equipment behind her.

“So, you must be Dusty right? Brock told me about you. I’m Crystal but just call me Crys and we’ll be cool aight?”

“Umm yeah, but umm my name’s Dustin.” I give a sheepish smile and she laughs slightly.

“Sorry bud, Brock calls you Dusty, I call you Dusty.”

“Don’t I get a say in what people call me?”

“Nope the rules clearly state that I get to call you whatever the fuck I want and there’s not a thing you can do about it- unless you have the power to forcibly make me shut up...Brock told me you control plants so I doubt it, so imma just call you Dusty.”

“Ok then.”

“He likes you, you know that right?”


“Brock, obviously, did you see the way he looked at you while he was flying around the crowd. Gay goals.”

“We’re not a-”

“I know, I know, but I ship it anyway because why not, the way you looked at him tells me you like him too. And you brought him flowers, you are adorable.” A feel my face burn bright red when she mentions the fact that I like him. Because I do- he’s just amazing, his voice. There were doubts before but now, none, strange how quickly doubts can fade.

“Also gotta apologise for Kestrel he can be a bit of a umm-”

“Absolute douche?”

“Pretty much yeah.”


“Don’t worry about him he always gets moody after a gig for some reason.”

“Isn’t being moody the only thing he does?” If he can still hear me I’m just making it worse for myself, no doubt, next time we have P.E in the battle dome I am pretty much a dead man.

“You know him?”

“Yeah he goes to school with me and Brock-”

“That must be hell.” She places her hand on my shoulder and fakes the ‘I feel sorry for you’ face.

“I am so sorry. Anyway Brock’s in the very back, past wanker over there but you’ll be fine.”

“Thanks.” I make my way past her and get in line with Shocker, he kicks me in the shin on my way past and I whince, being kicked in the shin fucking hurts.

“Flower power.” I look at him and he glares at me, I can’t help myself when I walk faster, past the drummer guy and finally into the very back where Brock is packing away the microphone along with some wires.

“Ummm Brock.”

“DUSTY.” He drops the wire he was putting away and embraces me in a bear hug.

“I ummm got you these.” I hold up the flowers weakly, he holds on to me for a few more seconds before finally releasing me and taking hold of the flowers.

“They’re beautiful.”

“Ummm also I had that thing I wanted to talk to you about once you finished the gig remember?”

“Oh yeah, that reminds me I got something to talk to you about too, you first.”

“Ok ummm well I ummm kindasortareallylikeyouandIwouldreallyliketobeyourboyfriendifthat’sok?” I speak way too fast, fuck, I need to calm down, he won’t be able t-

“OH MY GOD DUSTY REALLY?!!! THAT’S WHAT I WANTED TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT AHH!” He screams and hugs me again, this time I fall and he falls with me but instead of hitting the ground I stay with my heels barely touching the floor and Brock flying to keep us from falling. He stays there holding me for a few more seconds staring into my eyes, me staring back into his, my cheeks start to flush and I instinctively turn my head and after a few more seconds I’m lifted back onto my feet completely and Brock let’s go a large beaming smile on his face.

“Yus of course I wanna be your boyfriend Dusty.” Somehow my cheeks go from bright red to a vibrant shade of crimson. I don’t know exactly how I expected to react, maybe I would hug him, kiss even? But right now I stand there completely frozen, as if in ice, just warmer.

“I...I ummm well I-”

“Awww Dusty.” He giggles and hugs me again.

“You’re adorable Dusty.” Crys is standing in the doorway, also laughing.

“Oh my god you have to kiss though seriously.”

“Umm okee, Dusty are you ok with it?” I nod, a second kiss from Brock, I’d be mad to turn that down, of course I can’t say anything in fear of not being able to speak properly. He actually said yes when I asked him out, don’t get me wrong I wanted him to it’s just, who would date a little fuck like me.

He shifts a stray strand of hair from my face and moves his face forwards painfully slowly, not being able to stop myself I move mine forwards too, our lips meeting sending an electric shock like from when we first kissed through my body only this time, it’s better, the shock lasting longer and being more powerful than before; like now being in a relationship made it so much better. We stay like this, pure ecstasy travelling through my body the whole time until Brock finally breaks the kiss. Unable to think and process what just happened properly I simply say,


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