Rose's Faerie Tale

By BrandyKFeltmate

8.1K 300 9

A story written for a dear friend several years ago. Unedited, unchecked... To venture too close to the woods... More

Rose's Faerie Tale
A spell or a prayer
You're some ugly
Little Tilly and Thoughts of Home
It Takes Time
We Will Get You Home
Just A Little Longer
The Yule Ball
I Cannot
He Listens, She Listens
To Be In Love
To Find Your Ending
Epilogue and Authors Notes

The call for Supper

424 14 0
By BrandyKFeltmate

As he felt his body disappear from her room, he concentrated on his own quarters. Stepping into the dimly lit room, Ventane reached into a small cupboard and pulled out a pair of slippers for Rose to wear.

‘She was trying to get comfort, and you frightened her, you idiot!’ he thought, frowning to himself, ‘It’s not like I intended to do that, but it certainly came out that way. The poor girl must think I’m as bad as Erol.’

Rose looked at the window. Night had definitely fallen and she could hear an eerie sort of music drifting in through her window.

Wild laughter caught her attention, as she slipped from her bed, and walked to the window. The curtains billowed about her as though they were a fog. She stepped forward into them, and stared at the sight before her.

From high above the moon shone down, glowing in a sort of forgotten glory. And below the moon, in the garden where she and Ventane had walked earlier, there was a singular figure.

A woman stood in the middle of the garden, dancing wildly in a midst of twinkling lights. She was singing and laughing. Her hair flew wild about her body, and wrapped up upward as though the wind were blowing from below. Her wide hips swayed to and fro as though she were dancing to an unheard drum.

Rose stared. She had never seen a more proud woman in her life. She was tall, and lithe, and practically glowed power. It took Rose a moment to realise that she was wearing a silver ring over Ivy against her forehead. She gasped.

'Oh.. the Queen.' she thought.

It is the Queens time.

Ventane stood straight up as alarm filled his body. The girl was in the garden. The magiks in the Palace were swimming and moving about in a dangerous way. As he swore to himself, he dashed back to her room, forgetting for the moment that he could apear at will.

Rose blanched suddenly. Oh, Ventane had told her not to be here at night! She made to step back, putting her arms behind her, but her legs would not move. Rose gasped, trying to turn, but she found herself frozen in place.

The woman stopped dancing. Her back was to Rose. She tilted her head in the general direction that Rose was in.

She spoke in the language that the Elven King had spoken in before. She turned slowly in Rose's direction. Rose looked down at her legs. They were cold and weak. The robes that she had been given were turning silver and hard. Panic welled inside, as she looked up in fear as the woman turned around and made to look her directly in the eyes.

Blood red filled her view from the woman. Rose opened her mouth to cry out, but no sound came forth.

Reaching the girls door, he nearly yelped at the shocking power he could feel from within. The Queen had found herself another victim.

‘I cannot allow it!’ he thought, bursting into the room.

Staring at the sight before him, he could see the vines from the garden touching the young womans skirts, binding her down.

Throwing himself in front of Rose, he felt the power of the Even Queen touch him for but a moment.

Rose’s vision of the blood red that had filled her was broken by Ventanes angry face suddenly flooding her view. His emerald eyes were burning with a passionate rage, and his honey coloured hair was almost floating about him. His lips were curled back, "I told you not to venture into the garden after moon rise, Lady Rose!" he barked, pushing her roughly back into the room, "Do not allow your mind to wander into the way of Her Highness!"

Rose fell backwards. She slid across the polished marble floor. Ventane suddenly looked much more intimidating than friendly. He was down right frightening with his glowing emerald eyes. Rose cried out in fear.

Suddenly Ventane turned himself around. Barely able to control his own magiks from the protecting adrenaline that was rushing through his body, he raised his hands and made the window shut with a soft clap. The curtains stopped moving suddenly. With a wave of his left hand in the direction of each curtain, they slid shut, leaving the room in a dim lighting. Ventane turned to face Rose, who still sat crumpled on the floor.

‘Idiot!’ he felt like roaring. But she was pale, and had been frightened enough for the night.

She was trembling.

Rose dared not look up, in fear that she would be covered with the red vision again. The feeling had returned to her legs. The warmth had returned as well. The robes that had appeared to be turning into something like stone were soft and supple again. She looked up at Ventane with trepidation.

His eyes took on their old appearance again, turning into those deep green pools in the darkness. His hair fell against his shoulders. He furrowed his eyebrows at her. "Lady Rose, I told you that you cannot do this."

Rose didn't answer for a moment as she looked back to the floor. Searching for her voice inside herself, she finally managed to say, "I... I didn't go out into the garden." she protested softly. Trembling, she clasped her hands to her elbows, hugging herself.

"You stepped through the window, Lady Rose. You cannot wander into her gaze." He repeated, "To step into the gaze of Her Highness would be your final act." he was much calmer now that he had removed her from what had seemed to be the 'face of danger'. He knelt before Rose. Looking her deep into her eyes, he reached to Rose's chin, and tilted her face toward him. The magiks in himself were beginning to calm now that she was safe again.

"I wish you no harm." Ventane said gently, "I am only trying to protect you, Lady Rose."

Rose stared at him. Her eyes were swimming with tears. She didn't say anything as Ventane took her by the shoulders and pulled her into an embrace like she had never felt before. Rose didn't know how long she remained within his strong embrace, but she no longer cared. He had frightened her in order to protect her.

Nobody she had ever known before had ever cared enough to do something for her in order to protect her. But had she ever been endangered before? She couldn't remember if she had. She had always wanted to be in the fields. She had always been there because it had felt safe.

The woods had even felt safe, at one time, when she had been a child. But she had never felt nearly the way she did in his arms right then.

Rose looked up at him, pulling away just far enough that she could peer into his features. He was breathing against her cheeks. He smelled sweet. He had long lashes and invisible hairs on his cheeks that Rose could barely see from where she sat.

'Is this what love is?' she wondered, as her heart fluttered.

He tilted his head, "Lady Rose.." he whispered sweetly, "It is time that we should bring you to sup. I understand that our food is finest among Kingdoms." he stroked her hair gently. ‘Thank Goddess you’re alright.’ He thought more privately.

Rose sniffled, and rubbed her face with the back of her hand. She nodded. "I'm not hungry."

Ventane rubbed her back gently, "I understand, Lady Rose, However, it would be rude not to sit at the table with your most gracious Host." He took her arms gently, and helped her to her feet, using his magiks to lift her from the floor. She didn’t seem to notice.

Rose nodded again. She looked down. 'When did I stand?' she thought to herself. Ventane pulled away. He passed his hand over the chair aside them. Sitting on the chair was a pair of what looked to be the most comfortable pair of slippers Rose had ever seen.

Ventane motioned to them. "Lady Rose, these are yours. I brought them for you."

Walking to the chair, Rose looked at them. They had appeared from nowhere, really. As though Ventane had been hiding them in his sleeves and had just dropped them on the chair.

Rose picked one of the silken shoes up and looked back at the blonde young man who had come to her rescue, "Ventane? How did you do that?" she asked. She was afraid to find out, but she had to know.

Ventane smiled gently, keeping his secret behind his green eyes and handsome expression, "Come, Lady Rose. It is time for sup." he said, holding out his hand for her. Just as he spoke, a certain chime range through the halls.

Rose tilted her head. "What was that?" she asked.

Ventane simply smiled again, as Rose slipped the soft shoes onto her feet. He led her from the room, and into the hallway. “That, Lady Rose, was the call for Sup.”

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