Her Insanity ✔

By nienachanse

163K 5.8K 455

(BOOK #1) Faith was a rogue but she wasn't by choice, she was forced to be one. To live on her own in the wi... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
Last A/N
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Please READ
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Please Read!!
Dedicated Chapter
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Son Of Faith

Chapter 39

2K 74 8
By nienachanse

This song fits Faith's Death👆

Victor's pov.

It's hurts, it hurts so fucking much. We all were just talking around the bomb fire and all of a sudden there is a arrow sticking out of my mates chest, a arrow shot by hunters. They were camping up the hill when they saw a oppertunity to shoot, and Faith was the easy target.

It's been a week, a week since Faith's death, I'm slowly crumbling inside, I don't eat, I don't sleep, I just can't.

The pack members didn't do a Burial for Faith, no. They chose to freeze her, like a true Queen deserves, preventing her body to decompose and rot.

My mate is dead, the mother to my children is dead.

Patunia doesn't even talk to no one, Sage... His vivid, he wants revenge on the Hunters that killed his mother. Sage and Faith was very close, he saw her as his little savior, I saw her as my light, my aid in my darkest hour, the love of my life.

Every pack member isn't even talking, their grieving for their Queen, each day, they go lay down fresh flowers by the glass room where Faith's body is laid.

Her body is gowned in a white long dress, a bunnet of flowers on her head, as her skin turned white of the oldness.

Each day I spend most of  my time here, looking through the glass, praying, crying, begging the Moon Goddess to return her to me. This wasn't how it was meant to go, she was meant to stay by my side forever.

But she was taken away, the pain of just seeing her lifeless form lying there breaks the last little peace of my heart, any other wolves would have killed themselves of the loss of their mate but I can't. I have to stay strong for my children, they are all that I have left.

"Dad?" Sage whispers from behind me, as I'm still staring at my mate. He walks silently to my side, holding me to his embrace. I cried on his shoulder everyday and every night.

"I have Failed her Sage, I have failed your mother" I sobbed into his shoulder, he tries and comforts me by drawing circles on my back.

"I promise on mom's life.. I will fix this, we have to carry out her legacy dad" he pulls away as he stares at me with those pure silver pupils "don't give in, we all miss mom, she'll always live in our hearts, looking down to us from above" he assures me, tears forming in his eyes as the words left his mouth.

"come" he stands, extending his hand for me to take, I look at it for a moment before taking it, pulling me to my feel it feels like I could collapse into the ground if it wasn't for my son.

"you, you gonna eat... Like right now" I wanted to say something but before my mouth opened to protest he silenced me "I don't want to ear anything, if you want to stay strong for this pack and us, eat. Get your energy back dad... That's final" he snapped at me in a good way, I get it he wants to try and help me, but what can I do?

"You remind me of your Mother" I smiled weakly up at him, I almost forgot how tall he is and broad, he's only Nineteen but he's in shape.

"You only noticing that now? Really dad" he laughs lightly as he helps me walk into the mantle where pack members stood around, talking or just doing nothing.

"how's Patina?" I ask concerning, I last saw her two days ago, she keeps herself locked up in her room the whole time, the only person she will see is Sage.

"Better but still....." he trailed off.

"broken" I filled in for him. Pain and sadness strikes his face, nodding slowly just as the door opened to reveal Titan.

Narrowing my eyes at him, he shouldn't be back by now. He went off after Faith's Death to spread the word to all Gifted all around the Country.

"Early I know, I know, but there isn't much Lycans out there Victor" he stares at me with his blonde hair going into all directions.

"yeah,but thank you anyway for going out I appreciate it Titan" I muttered under my breath, he steps closer, hugging me unexpected, I returned it just in time when he pulled back.

"So what now?.... And before I forget to tell you... I have found the little town where all the hunters is" he informs, Sage straightens himself up, eyes harden, signaling Titan to go on and so he did.

"well.. There is a lot.. They can tell Werewolves by their eye coloring, werewolves have an extra color to their eyes, so they are trying to end all werewolves... As far as I heard" he takes a breath "but that's not all... They are heavily armed, prep for anything, and the worst is... They have poison that cam kill any werewolf in seconds" he takes a lung full of air in. Soaking all this information in, we all stayed quiet for awhile before Sage spoke.

"Is there anyway I can enter the human territory?" I snap my head towards him, glaring at him, is he freaking crazy? He won't even last an hour in human territory, specially when it's so heavily armed.

"Yeah, maybe, I don't know... We have to first see how they work." he muttered softly.

Sage nodded, ignoring my death Glare "so shall it be, I'll speak with Maddy, if maybe she should use her powers to inspect them, sending one of her imaginary friends to inspect" he says coyly.

"ah.... Speaking of powers... Didn't you get yours yet?" Titan ask, born Lycans only get their powers at the age of 20,a few months and Sage will have his powers, a power we cannot know yet, it can be anything.

"No, but soon, very soon" Sage insured Titan, he nodded.

They spoke for awhile longer, while Josh was preparing dinner again, Patunia hired him as the cook for the pack he was over the moon but he is heartbroken that his Queen didn't have the opportunity to see him cook again, she only saw him once that he cooked, it breaks his heart.

Every night at the dinner table we pray for her, as a pack.

It feels like yesterday that I saw that arrow, it feels like yesterday that I found out she was mine to keep, I wanted more time with her. Forever wasn't even enough for me.

I wanted to spend my life with her, care for her, and love her with all my heart. She is my other half. It feels like my other soul has been ripped out of me, I feel empty, I feel useless.

But yet again I have to stay strong for our children, be there for them, care for them. Support them, and comfort them. But I don't know how.

What will become of us? I know she's watching us from above but it's not enough, but I know I won't be able to feel her in my arms again, to smell her sent.

Touching the mark she left on me when we mated, it feels dead, sliding my fingers over it I can feel all the riffles and the marked skin, when she was still alive, and I touched it.... It erupted of the bond we had but now, it's empty.

Glancing upwards I have noticed all the pack members had form a little small circle around each other.

Patunia and Sage standing beside me as everyone piled up next to them, forming the perfect circle. Feeling my childrens hand take ahold of mine of both sides, I glance at them, sending me a assuring smile.

The rest of the pack members also intertwined hands, Sage let's go of my hand as he walked to the center of the circle. Pack members awaits his words.

This is the first time Sage has called pack members to do this, I wait patiently. He looks around, his eyes falling on me, and then he spoke, words I would never forget.

"Thank you all for coming. I know this is a tough week, losing my mother isn't easy, for none of us. We have lost a mother, a mate, a friend.. A wonderful women that always stood by us when we needed her the most" he takes a breath in as some pack members cries silently. My own tears travels down my cheeks "she always pushed her needs away and took ours in hand, to cure, to help... To love. My mother isn't dead, no. She lives within us, and she always will. She told us to be brave, face your fears, it's what's holding you back. Don't give up cause just when you fall to your knees is when you lose the greatest oppertunity of all 'hope'... She always said to smile when days are dark because it's only a dark cloud that is shadowing your happiness.. She was and is a inspiration for all of us. She isn't a Queen by Choice NO! She's a Queen from within! Her heart was pure, her spirit was strong. She'll always be In our hearts, no matter how hard we fall or how hard we cry, she'll always lift us up... It doesnt matter what people thinks of my Mother... She'll always be the Queen that everyone wish they were....  Rest In Peace Faith, my mother "

Thank you all for the amazing support and for those who kept on voting! You are amazing!

So we have come to the end of the book, I know it's heartbreaking, I wanna cry..  Thank you for going with me with this Journey with Her Insanity, it was really amazing having you all here!

I still can't believe Faith is dead

This isn't fair but yeah.

Next book will come up shortly!! Stay tuned for any updates of the new book.

Please I beg of you to comment down below what is your thoughts of the whole book.

And yet again thank you all for everything!!

See you at the next book!

Lots of love


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