Let The Frost In ❄Elsa X Jack...

By Jordananime

235K 5.7K 4.2K

Elsa has just ended the eternal winter in Arendelle and has come back into ruling the kingdom. But when thing... More

Let The Frost In ❄Elsa X Jack fan fiction❄
Rise of The Guardians
Winter Memories
A Truth A Past
Scars and Heartbeat
Plans Dreams Powers
Have I been Forgiven?
Losing Control
Ghost from the Past
Their Perfect Worlds
Blizzard's Wish
Her Awakener
His Nuisance
Decide and Decided
Death is Cold as Ice
The One You Run Home To
Different Forms of Punishment
The Request
Meeting The Council
His Dark Secret
The Secret the Walls allowed Me to Hear
A Goodbye
The Final Step
A Snowflake becomes A Storm Vol.2

Snowflake's Dream

5.4K 155 55
By Jordananime

I've dreamnt about not having powers.

That way I didn't have to keep Anna locked out.

I didn't have to go through the pain of a power

I can't control.

Fear wouldn't have cloud my judgment.

As my heart would be filled with love.

I dreamnt about not being me.


My powers had brought me things I couldn't

have imagined.

Anna and Kristoff met.

I met a variety of amazing people.

I made new friends.

I've made new enemies.

But the most important thing that my powers

had gave me.



My powers gave me him.

My one and true love.

The boy I could not live without...

even if I tried.

The boy with white hair and vibrant

blue eyes.

The boy with the staff and command

ice at his will.

Jack Frost.

The boy I want to spend eternity with.

So is it wrong to dream about not

having powers?

When your powers had gave you so


Is it wrong to wish you were normal?

When you know in your heart that

you're different.

Is it wrong to wish that your someone


It's wrong.


His arms were wrapped around me, I didn't want to move. I didn't have the urge or desire to move, I felt safe and whole in his arms. My heart beat rapidly as my hands clutched his blue jacket. He bit his lip.

"Elsa," he said seductively in my ear and chills ran down my spine.

I opened my mouth, but his name wouldn't surface. How could I have forgotten his name, this boy that I desired. He stroked his lips against mine taking my breath away. I felt weak in the knees, as he stroked his soft luscious lips on my bare skin.

"Come on, Elsa. Snowflake, say my name," he pleaded.

I opened my mouth wanting to grant his plead. But my voice wouldn't let me speak his name, oh...I wanted to speak his name so badly.

"I-I can't. I can't remember your name. My voice won't let me," I told him and he gave me a seductively smile.

"Then I will just have to make you remember," he said and he leaned down for a kiss. Our breaths became heavy as he brought me closer to him. I clutched his jacket tighter, trying to stop my knees from collapsing from under me. As his face became closer, my eyes fluttered shut, his hot breath made my lips tingle.

"Elsa," he said again.

He leaned down closer to my lips. Then softly and gently his lips tou-


My eyes popped open as Anna jumped up on my bed.

"Come on, Elsa. I want to go ice skating."

I looked at her with scolding eyes, "Anna, is that anyway to wake up your sister! You almost gave me a damn heart attack!"

"Sorry Elsa. Forgive me," she said throwing her arms around my shoulders. I gave her a smile, placing my hands on her arms.

"Alright, you're forgiven. Now, what is this about ice skating?"

"Oh, me and Hans want to go ice skating."

I made a sour face when I heard "Hans" name. "So why do you need me?" I said getting up out of the bed, starting to get ready for the day.

"I know how much you love ice skating. So I thought..."

I turned around and looked at her, she was looking down to the floor. On her face there was a glimpse of pain, I sighed. I walked over to her and I sat down in front of her on the bed grabbing both of her hands in my own. She looked up at me and I smiled.

"I would love to go ice skating with you and......Hans."

"Really?" She said her face lighting up in excitement. I gave her a nod as I smiled.

"Oh thank you, Elsa," She said throwing her arms around me.

I gave out a little giggle as she hugged me, "Now go get ready," I told her and she gave me a nod. I watched as she walked out of my room with a little hop in her step, I shook my head at her as she walked out the door. I got up from the bed and began to get ready to go ice skating with Anna.

Yesterday morning, I woke up thinking that what I woken up to, wasn't reality. I was shocked to see my mother and father, Anna was dating Hans! It all felt like I was going to wake up any minute and this would be gone. But I guess I was wrong, I guess this was reality, I looked at my arm and I pinched myself.


Yep, same old reality, but if this is reality......then why do I feel like it's not. Yesterday I thought Anna was dating another man, I thought I had ice powers for heaven sakes! And the worst part of it was......it didn't feel like my mother and father shouldn't be here, it felt like they shouldn't be alive! But that's crazy right? Because they're here, they're not dead, so this has to be reality......right? And what about these strange names I keep trying to remember, but then forget the next second? Who is this boy that haunts my dreams or my thoughts, the way he says my name, feels and sounds all too familiar.

"Elsa, come on, hurry up," Anna said as Hans lift her off the ice, doing a dance move.

"I'll be there in a minute, just be patient," I said as I sat down in the snow about to put my ice skates on.

I was wearing a blue turtle neck that became small skirt made in the same fabric. The neck and sleeves were light blue with sparkles, the rest of the shirt/skirt was dark blue. I was wearing black leggings under the shirt/skirt, my hair was back in it's usual braid. Before I put my skates on, a chill went down my spine, then I felt a pair of eyes staring at me. I whipped my head behind me, looking at the woods. My breath stopped as my eyes scanned the woods covered in snow. It was quiet, too quiet, I was about to turn my head around wanting to shake off the strange feeling when I saw something move.

My heart stopped as I saw the body of a boy leaning up against a tree surrounded by bushes. His hands were in his pocket, my heart pounded as I saw how familiar the boy looked to me. Like I have seen him before, the way he stood, the way he looked, the way his eyes looked into my soul with those vibrant eyes of his. Everything about him made my heart pound and weak in the knees. He looked at me with a hint of hope in his eyes, I don't know why but I wanted to ran to him, but my feet wouldn't let me move. My lower lip began to tremble, wanting to say his name, he gave me a smile, a smile that I knew all to well.


"Elsa!" My sister yelled and my head snapped back at her.

"Elsa, what's taking you so long. Come on hurry up." She said again.

"O-okay I'm coming," I said and she went back to skating with Hans. I turned my head to look back at the place where I saw the boy. But when I turned back he wasn't there, he wasn't anywhere to be seen. My heart sank, it felt like all the wind was kicked out of me. I looked back at my skates, frozen for a moment, then I shook my head, shaking away the image of the boy out of my head. I slipped my skates on, securing them tightly on my feet, then I got on the ice, skating over to Anna and Hans.

"What were you doing? Putting on skates or making them?" Anna said looking at me with a cocky grin.

"Shut up," I said lightly hitting her in the arm.

She giggled and she began to skated away from me. She moved two feet away when she looked at me and said...

"Come on Elsa, show Hans how good of a skater you are," she said nudging Hans with her arm.

"I don't know Anna, I think I would crush his pride," I said with a smirk on my lips.

"Oh, really?" He said with a wide cocky grin.


"Then, let's go. Me and you, skate off."

"You sure about that, geeky Prince?"

"Oh, I'm sure about it, know it all Princess."

We looked at each other, having a glare off. Hmm, a boy who doesn't back down, I might like this boy. But he's a child, not a man and especially......not a gentlemen. We stared each other down as we stood up straight, our bodies stretch to the full extent. My head was titled to the side, showing my interest in this "competition" of his, my eyes narrowed and so did his. Minutes went by as Anna stood there looking at us probably thinking 'what have I done?' as she shook her head back at forth. Then my smirk became an evil grin.

"Alright, I'll take your challenge. But you better not go home crying when I leave your butt in the snow."

"Very well, then. Who should go first?"

"I will, this thing is going to end before it even begins."

"We'll see......princess."

"Anna," I said looking at her.


"If you don't mind, can you play for me?"

"What?!" She asked in a frantic.

"Well, we can't really have a skate off without music, now can we?"


"And I know how well you play your violin."

"But Elsa, I don't even have my violin."

"That's were your wrong, go look in the bag."

She looked at me, not sure if she should believe me or not. "Go on," I said urging her to go and check the bag and she did. I watched as she took her skates off and walked off the ice, she sat down on the blanket we had put out on the white snow where the big brown bag we brought was. She reached in her bag, I watched as her hands dug around in it, then as her eyes widen as she pulled out a black case in the shape of a violin. She looked at me and I smiled, she looked back at the case that now laid on the blanket, she unhinged the hinges that kept that case locked and she opened it. In there was her dark brown violin and her bow matching the same color as he violin. She stood up and walked over to the lakes icy edge and she looked at me, stunned and all I did was smile at her.

"Now......may you play for me?"

She smiled and she slowly placed her violin on her left shoulder, resting her cheek on it. She held the handle of the bow, she stretched her arm out in a whipping motion before she placed the string of the bow on the strings of the violin.

"When ever your ready," she said with determination on her face. I nodded.

I looked at Hans, "you might want to scoot back, so you can get the full effect."

He started to skate to an edge of the frozen lake. "Why? Is your skating the "full effect"?" He said with a voice filled with disbelief.

"No..." I said skating to the middle of the lake, then I turned around and gave him a smile.

"You need to watch both of us," I said and then I looked over to Anna and nodded, telling her to begin playing. She nodded back.

❄ Hans P.O.V ❄

"You need to watch both of us," she said.

And even though I was irritated, my curiosity was arouse as she said those words. I watched as the performance began, my eyes on Anna after Elsa had just nodded to her to begin. She nodded in reassurance and her bow touched the violin strings. There was a moment of silence, Elsa stood in a ballet position, her right arm stretched out in front of her as her other arm stretched out behind her. Her right leg went behind her, the tip of her skate touching the ice, her left leg stood straight and tall, supporting her body. Her head was postures up and her back was beautiful straight, then my head whipped back at Anna, she closed her eyes once she saw Elsa in her position. She inhaled a deep breath, the wind lightly blowing her hair out of her face, she looked beautiful and utterly enchanting, she exhaled and her bow began to dance.

The music was soft and quiet, elegant and peaceful. I looked at Elsa, her posture was straight and elegant as she began to dance. I watched as she did small twists and turns, bringing her leg up as she spun, she was like a professional ballet dancer or ice skater. The way she moved with the music, it looked like it was dancing with her, as if they moved as one, as if they were one. I looked back at Anna and my heart began to pound. The way she moved with the music, as if she was lost in her own imagination as her bow danced as gracefully as Elsa across the strings. The way she swayed to the music was utterly enchanting, they were one, they were all one. It seemed like the music danced around the two sisters, protecting them in it's harmonious song.

Then the music grew in voice and in strength. It was still quiet, but loud at the same time, as the music got to this medium tone, so did Elsa's dancing. Her moves became wider and bigger, she wasn't jumping off the ice yet, but her spins had sped up, meeting more to the music's tempo. I looked at Anna, her eyes had open but her face was straight and serious as she watched her sister dance in her excellent splendor. Her sways got longer and more graceful as her bow made the violin sing. I looked at Elsa, I noticed when the violin hold a note, her movement would slowly follow it and until it kicked up to it original speed. When the music slowed down, she would slow down, when the music sped up, she would sped up. This was no longer an instrument and a dancer, this was something way more, something enchanting, beautiful, magical.

Then the music became louder, letting it sing it's heart out. Elsa jumped and her moves became loud and vigorous. When Anna played a loud note, Elsa would jump with splendor, Elsa spun when the notes became fast and tied together. When the music became choppy, her moves became ridged, when the music became powerful, her moves became bolder. Elsa wasn't the only one effected by the music, Anna moved and swayed to the music. Anna's movements became vigorous and dramatic as Elsa's grew the same. This wasn't just a performance by two sisters, this was a bond, their emotions were singing and binding together. In their moves, in the music, their posture, in every fiber of their body was......emotion. It wasn't the music or dancing that made it enchanting, it was the emotion and the bond that the two sisters had, that Anna and Elsa had. A bond that could never, ever be broken. Even with a thousand years of heart break, sadness, misfortune, disbelief......their bond will not and can not be wavered.

As the music died down back to it's soft whisper. Anna and Elsa became slower, elegant, peaceful. I watched as the sisters slowly fell back into their small and elegant moves, but even when they knew it was coming to the end. Their emotion and passion did not waver, in fact it was the opposite, instead it grew, still holding the urge to burst back into it's loud splendor. It was more than just the movement or talent that went into that performance, it was their soul. As Elsa did the last slow spin, the music became quieter and quieter and till finally it died out into silence.

Elsa and Anna were panting. They looked at each other and let out a breathless laugh, their faces filled with joy. Then the both looked at me and gave me a "well?" look. A corner of my lips went up as I put my hands up in surrender.

"I give up, go a head...say it. You told me so."

"Hans-" Elsa said but I cut her off.

"No, Elsa don't sugar coat it. Go ahead rub it in."

"Hans, what do you take me for? A child?"

"No, but-"

"Then why would I rub it in. I won fair and square and that's all that matters. I'm not going to be a sour winner."

"But......" I was dumbfounded not sure what to say or what to do.

Anna and Elsa both looked at me. Once they saw the expression on my face, they began to laugh, I put my hand behind my head feeling embarrassed.

"Lighten up, Hans," Anna said intertwining her hand with mine.

"We were just playing," Elsa said with a reassuring smile. I rolled my eyes at them, how in the world did I get stuck with the likes of these two?

❄ Elsa's P.O.V ❄

After we skated our hearts out. Anna and Hans decided to go back to Arendelle, but I wanted to do something different.

"I think I'm going to walk around in the forest for a while," I told them.

"Are you sure?" Anna said placing the wrapped blanket in the bag she was holding.

"I'm sure, here can you take my skates," I said handing my skates to her.

"Sure, but are you going to be alright out here alone? You don't want any guards or escorts?"

"Anna, I'm 18 years old, I'm pretty sure I can take care if myself," I said as she put my skates in her bag.

"Alright, just...just be careful, okay?" Anna said her voice laced with concern. I smiled at her.

"I will," I said and I wrapped my arms around her, her own catching me in her embrace. I stepped back from her, breaking our embrace as Hans walked over to her and placed his hand on her back.

"Take care of her Hans," I told him as I looked at the two of them.

"I will," He said reassuring me.

"Oh, Elsa here," Anna said handing me my purple cloak out of the bag.

"Thank you," I said grabbing the cloak from her hands.

She nodded and she said as they began to walk away, "see you later and be careful."

"I will, bye," I said waving my hand at her with my cloak still draped on my arm.


I watched them as they walked off into the distance, soon fading into the white forest. I didn't waste a minute unfolding the cloak and throwing it around my shoulders. I tied it in front of my collar bone with the crest of my family, a snowflake pendant, how perfect. I grabbed my hood and draped it over my head, covering my head, submerging it in warmth. I began to walk, letting the snow white forest absorb me in it's ice beauty. As I began to walk, I noticed the beauty of the ice on the trees, the frozen lakes, the pure white snow, but what took my breath away was the beauty of a frozen waterfall. I stood there looking at the frozen waterfall at all it's size, it's power, it's beauty. My eyes trailed down the waterfall to the frozen lake it was pouring into and then finally my reflection.

As my eyes scanned my face, I don't know why but......I didn't see myself. I mean, I did see my reflection...but it just didn't look a hundred percent me. Like I was someone else, like I wasn't who I truly am, in my reflection I saw Elsa the princess. But it seems I think I'm something more, something much more and it has to deal with what I can't remember. I never felt like a weak and pitiful princess like most people think princesses are. In fact I didn't feel like a princess at all, I felt like someone more powerful, more important. What seemed so different to me were my eyes, what was missing? Anger? Concern? Excitement? Sadness? Happiness? Wonder? Mys- no, none of the above. I was missing passion, that was it, passion. I remembered my eyes were filled with passion and sometimes...fear. I was missing the person that gave me passion in my eyes, I was missing the thing that gave me fear. So what happened, why did they leave or......why did they go missing.

"Grrrrr," I froze as a menacing growl emerged from behind me.

"Grrrrr," then I heard a chorus of growls all in one.

My heart began to pound and my breath became heavy with fear. I began to shake, I didn't have to turn around to find out what was behind me. The deepness of the growls, that eary sound of wanting to tear flesh, to taste blood, their eyes were blazing with hunger behind me. Wolves. By the amount of different pitched growls I could tell there were at least 6 wolves surrounding me. I could just imagine them waiting, waiting for me to turn around as the slowly, quietly stalked to me. My heart was frantic, my palms were sweating, I was scared out of my wits and yet here I was waiting, waiting for the perfect moment to run. 1...2..., I could hear them get closer as their paws pressed down on the white snow,...3...4. The teeth were bared, ready to cut into my flesh once they had the chance......5...6...7. Licking their lips wanting the taste of blood, the taste of my blood,...8......9. Everything fell silent as I exhaled one final breath, my beating heart the only thing left I had to hold on......one last second...

"Grrrrr," they got louder.

Ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum, ba-bum, ba- 10 and I ran!

I took off, my cloak flaring behind me, making it look like I had wings and I was ready to fly. The growls turned into barks as they chased me. The mouths snapping at my heels, I was running for my life as I ran throw that once beautiful forest. Now the forest was a nightmare as I ran threw trees, bushes, rocks. I ran for my life, my feet kicking the white snow up as they hit the ground. Now I just wished I went home with Anna or had asked for an escort, that way I could have been safe, wow...I'm smart. Trees surrounded me, but I guess I wasn't paying attention because I was soon trapped by the bottom of a mountain.

"No, no, no," I said as I tried to find a way out, but it was too late. I was already pinned against the cold hard stone of the mountain. I turned around, my palms on the cold hard rock, pushing my body up against it. The wolves surrounded me, they arched in a circle each wolf blocking any chances of escape. My heart was pounding, I was panting soaked with sweat and fear. The wolves soon enclosed on me, their lips pulled back showing their sharp pure white fangs as they growled with power. I was shaking and I collapsed to my knees. Then one wolf jumped wanting to pounce on me, I closed my eyes and put my arms up to my face, ready for the impact. God, please I don't want to die.

'Whack',it sounded like something had just came in contact with something else. Then I heard whimpering as if a wolf had just got hurt, I opened my eyes and slowly put my arms down. There standing in front of me was a figure, they were draped in a dark navy blue cloak, a cloak that looked all to familiar. There was a wolf on the ground whimpering in pain, in the figures hands was a staff, one made out of wood, the tip of the staff curved down like in a crescent moon shape. My heart pounded as I saw the familiarity of the staff and the shape of the figured cloak. Then suddenly a wall of ice with spikes emerged from the ground at his beckoning call, the wolves ran away in terror. And I......wasn't afraid, I should have been, I should be running away screaming in terror like the wolves. But seeing the forming of ice at his will made me calm and relieved. When it should make other people scared and run with fear in their eyes, but...not me, in fact I was glad, thankful, that ice could bend and form at his will.

Then he slowly turned around, his face now being able to be seen from the dark navy blue hood draped on his head. My heart pounded as I looked up at his face as he looked down at me with those beautiful eyes of his, those mesmerizing blue eyes.


Jordananime Here

Hi guys, here is another update for Let The Frost In. And yes there is another cliff hanger, well, what do you expect me to do, I love to keep you on the edge of your seats.

Oh, excuse me for one moment. *clears throat* "Are you happy Piper? Now you better update World War Middle School or you won't hear the end of it" *sticks tongue out at Piper*

Sorry guys, I just had to tell her. She one of my best friends and she made a deal with me, when I update this book she will update her book. So I just had to rub it in that now she has to do it, by the way her username name is actually mewmewlinxy, so yeah. She is obsessed with my book, which I'm surprised about, well maybe I shouldn't be. Since all of you love my book, ha ha ha ha XD.

Thank you for all the support, I love you guys.

Read, Comment, Vote, Write *cough* Piper *cough, cough*, dream, ice skate, get chased by wolves (don't), find someone you can't remember, and......

I'll see you when the next Storm Hits.

Jordananime Out

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