The Shy Girl and the Jock

By the_lost_dreamer

284K 7.9K 1.5K

Naomi is the 16 year old, shy and very anti-social girl who doesn't talk to anyone. And when I say no one, I... More

The Shy Girl and the Jock
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chaptet 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23

Chapter 9

11.5K 353 156
By the_lost_dreamer

"It's going okay my darling." I heard a voice say to me.

The voice was sound so gentle, so caring, yet so familiar. I looked up. It was my mother. She was holding me in her arms. 

"Mom?" I started to teared up.

"Everythings going to fine. As long as I'm here." My mom said with her generous, loving, compassionate voice as she stroked my hair. 

I can believe it! It is my mom!

"Oh mom!" I cried.

I smooshed my face against her chest. balling my eyes out with tears of happiness. I couldn't believe! My mom was right here, holding me.

I then heard her gasp. I imediately sprung up my head to look at her. She had disappeared from thin air. 

"Mom?!" I yelled.

I sprung up and started circling the area. I was just blank nothing. Like I was in a giant  white room. 

"Mom?!" I yelled even louder.

My tears of happiness started to become tears of fear.

"Naomi!" I heard a faint voice.

I turned around and it was my mother from a distance. I started running to her. As I ran closer and closer she started to get farther and farther away. I kept going even though she just got smaller. I then saw her only a few feet away from me. 

"Mom?" I cried.

I mom narrowed her eyes at me and gave me the look of death. 

"You're a disgrace for a daughter." She faintly whispered.

Then, my mom faded away. Instantly I went from being in a whit room to being in  graveyard. I was standiing in a graveyard and right in front of me was my mom's gravestone. I then could here my mom's voice reapeating the same exact words.

"You're a disgrace for a daughter." Her voice faintly whispered. 

Her voice got louder and louder and also got angrier and angrier. I went on my knees and squished my hands into my ears. My heart started beating faster and faster. I was having a panic attack.

"Stop it! Stop it!" I shouted at the voices. 

I shook my head and squished my hands even more into my ears.

I then felt someone shaking me and I woke up.

My eyes opened and I shot up from my bed. I was breathing rapidly and my heart was pounding. It felt like my heart was trying to pound it way out of my chest. I looked who had woken me up. It was Brice.

He was sitting on my bed right next to me. He had a worried look on his face.

"Naomi, are you okay?" He asked.

I instantly had a breakdown. I shook my head and smashed it into his chest. I then started balling out with tears. Brice wrapped his arms around me and started to stroke my head. 

"I'm a disgrace. I'm a disgrace." I'm mumbled as my tears were flooding out of my eyes like a waterfall. 

"What are you talking about Naomi?" Brice wondered.

"I'm a disgrace to my mother. She was such an amazing singer. She was loved by everyone in this town.  But me? I'm just a girl nobody knows exists. And even if they did know I exist they nobody would care." I cried.

"I care." Brice said.

"You're just saying that so that I would stop crying so you can just go see your girlfriend." I told him.

"Girlfriend? You mean Sally?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Sally is my step sister or soon to be step sister." He told me.

I then looked right at him.

"Then why were you two going on a group date with my Jayden and Audrey?" I asked.

"She want to come hang out with me and my friend to get to know us." He explained.

"Then who were you and Jayden talking about earlier today. With you asking someone out?" I asked.

"We were talking about you." He said smiling.

I eyes had lighted up.

Brice really does like me!

"Really?" I wondered.

"Naomi, I like you A LOT and I want to be with you. I want to be able to call you my girlfriend." He explained.

"Wow Brice! I can't believe it you like me! Because I've liked you ever since I laid eye on you." I whispered while smiling.

 "Once I heard your voice I knew that I had was in love." He told me.

Brice then got off the and went down on one knee. He held my hand with both of his hands. We gazed into each others eyes.

"Naomi. Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. 

I was totally blushing. My cheeks were extremely hot and I probably looked liked a tomato. 

"Yes." I answered him while smilig like a complete idiot.

"Yes?" he asked in excitement. 

"Yes!" I shouted with joy.

I jumped up and down and then tackled me on to my bed. He was lying down on top of me. We were both laughing and cheering to the fact that we were now a couple.

We were now a couple! Brice is now my boyfriend and I am now his girlfriend! 

We gazed deeply into each other's eyes. It felt like we were gazing at each other for hours. Then Brice leaned his face closer  and closer to me. Our lips got closer and closer. Until finally our lips were touching and we were finally kissing. When we fianlly kissed all I wanted was for us to never stop. We kissed over and over again. Then our kissing went to making out. 

About 20 minutes later Brice pulled away and just smiled and started looking at me.

"Why are you staring at me?" I smiled.

"Because your beautiful." He said. 

I started to blush. 

"Oh stop! I bet you've been called beautiful a thousand time a day." Brice said.

"I've been called beautiful before. But only by my brother and my dad." I told him.

"Oh. Well it an honor for me to the first guy to call you beautiful." He smiled.

"It's an honor to have you as a boyfriend." I flirted.

Now he started blushing a little.

"And it's an honor to call Naomi Clarkson my girlfriend." he said.

Then we started kissing again.

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