Trapped -One Direction ANTI-F...

By MadInsidiousSheepGrl

555K 7.4K 3.8K

One Direction ARE the biggest thing right now. No exceptions, no arguments. And it's pretty obvious that thei... More

Authors Note: Please Read
Preface: Harry's POV
Chapter 1: Halloween
Chapter 3: Hide and Seek
Chapter 4: Tattered and Torn
Chapter 5: Wide Awake, The World
Chapter 6: Liam's POV
Chapter 7: Recovery
Chapter 8: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 9: To Kill, Or Not To Kill...
Chapter 10: Sing For Me
Chapter 11: Niall's POV
Chapter 12: Everything Burns
Chapter 13: My Scarred Savior
Chapter 14: Zayn's POV
Chapter 15: Forever Young
Chapter 16: Blue Alice
Chapter 17: The End

Chapter 2: Partying Atop Graves

30.8K 466 286
By MadInsidiousSheepGrl

Firstly, thanks a heap to ForeverJoker for making the awesome banner to the side!! :D 

Seeing as the last chapter SUCKED!! I am going to redeem my story and my writing with this chapter. Still not sure about making it in 3rd person though...

This chapter contains:
Sexual content [x]
Blood/gore [x]
Larry Stylinson scene [x]
One Direction [x]
Evanescence!! [x]

~Sheep Grl luvs chhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuu <3

Chapter 2: Partying atop graves

The night laid waste to the light of day; the darkness encapsulating the suns harsh rays. The boys had travelled in their van for about an hour; following Louis' strange directions. Zayn was confused, and as he solemnly stated out the cars tinted windows, he was sure that he they had been down the same street only a few minutes ago.

"Take a left..." Louis said, talking to Harry between the 2 front car-seats.

Harry took the left; the boys promising to never let Louis never take them anywhere, ever again. Zayn though, knew that they wouldn't keep the promise. Louis always made his and their lives so much more joyful. Even though some of his pranks or jokes ended up turning sour; nothing extreme had ever happened.

He continued to look out the window; wondering where Louis was taking him and the lads. There was no where really interesting to go... Maybe there was a carnival or a haunted house that he thought would be scary. It didn't really matter, he thought. He would have no choice in going anyway.

Zayn sighed. He had no idea why he was in such a tired, pessimistic mood. He just felt that something was... Off. That night, there was something not quite right about the mist in the air, and how it hung so closely to the ground. It was almost an orange fog; not blue or white or even grey. It was a burnt, frightening orange.

No matter how much he tried, Zayn couldn't get over it.

"We're here!!" Louis cried in elation, climbing over Liam and Zayn to get out the door.

Sliding it open with a heavy crash, Louis didn't even attempt to hide his smile as he stood affront the town cemetery and Church. For Halloween, the unused Church was converted into a hall which rich teenagers hired for parties. It had inside, many tiny rooms and was made from moss-coated stone.

"There's a party in there! I hired the Church for the night; secretly of course."

As the boys hearing kicked in, and they retreated from their shocked states of thought, they realized that there was music booming from the building. A heavy rhythm could be heard, shaking the stones and footpath. It was loud, and they all felt kinda stupid for not realizing it.

The windows were fogged, but you could see the ever-changing strobe lights from within. At the sight, the guys lips rose into smirks or excited grins. They could already tell this would be fun. They promptly got out from the van, Liam sliding the door closed behind him. Harry walked around the front of the car, hands in his tattered pockets.

Stopping in front of the Church, he looked up at it with a satisfied smirk.

"I assume there will be people already in there?"

Louis came over to him, patting his shoulder.

"Do you think I wouldn't organize something that wasn't absolutely fabulous?"

Harry just grinned at the comment, taking a step forward with his buds. They were all smiling, excitement bubbling in their guts. Niall poked Liam, smiling to him in anticipation. Liam just nodded back; it was all they needed to communicate. Zayn was still not talking, but his prior fear had diminished, rising into eagerness. He knew there would be girls there; and no matter how much he could deny it, he loved a good one-night-stand.

Louis held the cold, shaped handles of the wooden Church doors. He gripped them tight, his stomach and thoughts in a flurry also. Looking back at his friends, a smile spread across his face.

"I want you guys to live every minute of tonight like it was your last, because you never know what will happen tomorrow."

They all nodded, muttering their approval and willingness to follow his order. Pulling on his Spider-Man mask, sure that they will do what he asked them to, Louis opened the door with 2 hands. As the inside was reveal, the boys couldn't hold back exuberant smiles, or bouncing in happiness.

Inside the stone walls, were hundreds of guesting bodies. They moved like ghost and ghouls beneath the strobing, coloured lights from the roof. The loud music was being controlled by a DJ to their right, bobbing his head to the sound of the bass-heavy music. To their left, a bar filled with sparkling alcoholic drinks of all kinds were pilled pleasingly against the wall.

"Did I do good lads?" Louis inquired, snapping the guys from their staring.

"Oh yeah!" Zayn laughed, pushing past Louis and into the crowd.

Confidence and excitement growing, they all moved into the building. Wide smiles were a permanent fixture to their faces, as the explored through the expansive building.

"C'mon lads!" Louis waved through the crowd, a few girls sharing 'OMG!' looks.

The boys followed their apparent leader towards the bar, where a few people sat, drinking alone or in couples, flirting. Pushing through the tightly pressed crowd was a tedious task, but they were too excited to care very much. As they reached the bar, Louis stood coolly leaned against it.

"What do you guys want?"

"Cowboy shots!" Harry shouted. "I bet you can't beat me again Louis!"

Never able to fight back a challenge, Louis quickly pulled up a chair by Harry. Looking up at the bartender, he started a tab and the man poured their first small glasses. Both Louis and Harry were giddy, already, with excitement. They didn't often get to do things like that, in gear of what Management would think.

But now, management was the last thing in their mind.

"1, 2, 3!" Harry and Louis both downed the glasses contents, Louis cringing slightly.

More glasses were placed in front of them, but slightly dizzied Louis didn't pick up his.

"You whimping out already, Boo?"

Louis shook his head. "NO WAY CURLY, EAT MY DUST!!"

Louis, again, gulped down another shot glass full of the liquid. A dizzy feeling began to seep into them, as they continued to repeat this process over and over.

Beside them, Niall and Liam talked and joked together, an icy cool beverage in hand. Niall wasn't a good drinker, so Liam usually stuck around him at parties to make sure he didn't over do it, as he almost always did. He was the overly-happy type of drunk that caused trouble and always ended up doing something stupid.

Zayn, on the other hand, was pressed against a wall with a girl. As he whispered into her ear, she would giggle and slowly edge closer. She was beautiful, smart; the perfect girl for Zayn, even if only for a night. Him and the girl both held matching cups of beer. She wore a tight black dress, his favorite, and worked as a model. Her luxurious jet black hair fell down her chest, and edged where Zayn had his hands sliding against the tight material covering her hips. His dark eyes gazed into hers, brown and shimmering.

"How did a lovely girl like you, end up here tonight?"

She giggled, hiding a smile.

"Things happen... I came with friends but they all left to score with some Russian asses." she said in a slightly irritated tone.

Zayn smiled seductively, her anger turning him on. He like this girl, he liked her a lot. Reaching beneath her chin, he ran his fingers over the strong, protruding bones in her neck. With a single tip on her chin, he lifted her delicate face, softly, to meet him.

"Maybe it's a good thing your friends left; now you have time to be with me..."

She laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Who knew, Zayn Malik was a flirt and an optimist."

"I can be anything you want me to be..." he whispered into her ear. as they began to swing to the beat of the roaring music.

To his surprise, the girl was the first to edge her lips to his. It started with a peck, like running a sweet feather across your lip. But as they began to lose control, it quickly turned into a fiery kiss which left each breathless and begging for more.

"L-let's... Go outside or something." the girl quickly muttered, her cheeks flushed a bright red.

Zayn took her soft hand, pulling her through the crowd and out the back door. As they left the hot, deafening Church. The cold air hit both of them, sending chills across their skin. The wind blew moderately, breaking the silence. The old tree which over looked the tiny cemetery beside them creaked, as a strong gust of wind blew its twisted branches.

Zayn carefully pressed the girl into him, as he leant against a brick-wall. Their legs twisted into knots, as they both burned with scandalous passion and undeniable heat. Giggling again, the girl slowly moved closer to Zayn's plush lips, tracing a finger along the edge, he shivered beneath her touch.

Her lips were centimeters, no, millimeters from his; but her lips never reached his. Eyes and mouth growing wide, she let out a small, stunned gasp. Her body jerked slightly, her gasps turning into sickening gurgles. Snapping from his lust, Zayn's eyes trailed down to where her hands touched at the bloody wound in her gut, where sickening warm blood spewed from.

"Oh my God!" he cried, letting the girl fall to the ground as he stood there, shocked.

His hands ran through his hair, where the girl had had hers only moments ago. The girl laid in a curl on the ground. Her body violently shook, as she coughed up mouthful after mouthful of blackened blood. Her eyes widened, as her jerky fingers clamped at her heat... Which finally stopped beating.

Zayn couldn't believe his eyes... That girl was DEAD!! Not sleeping or pretending; she was seriously just stabbed right in front of him. She was dead, but who was the one who killed her?

Zayn's head shot around; eyes searching through the dark cemetery for life of any sorts. His body shook, and his legs burning with the power to run when he needed to... As the wind blew terrifyingly furious again, he shot his head to where the old tree creaked. It's deformed, unsightly branches swung slightly.

But oh no, he wasn't paying attention to the tree. Straining his eyes, he tried in vain to get a better look at the young girl who sat seemingly peaceful on one of the thicker branches. In her hand, a blood coated knife stood out in the black like her hideously blood-thirsty eyes.

"Don't try running now..." she said in a sweet voice like the chiming of bells. "It won't matter if you do... You'll still be mine."


In the cover of darkness, Harry and Louis were forcefully pressed against each other. Their lips crushed each others with unrelenting force; hands skillfully caressing the others body. Every touch brought each of them closer to the edge, as their desire created a desperate longing in both.

Harry tugged playfully on Louis' lower lip, making Louis retaliate harder, more hungry. He shifted his weight, pressing Harry further into him. His full weight was crushing, but the pain only made Harry crave him even more. Louis moved from the sweetness of Harry's lips, moving along his jawline until he reached his ear.

He nipped at it, making Harry mutter something along the lines of: "Cheeky bastard."

Grabbing at his sides, Louis pulled Harry closer to him, again.

"Harry..." he purred into his ear, making him shiver with the sound.

"Hurry Lou. If you don't say it soon I'll lose control..." Harry muttered, gripping hard at his friends muscular shoulders.

"I think I may be in love with you."

Snapping, Harry flicked open the door beside them. They toppled into the dark, dusty room. The door slammed behind them, sending the dust in the air flying. Landing on a pile of soft bags, Louis seized at his lover's shirt, pulling it off and running his curious hands hands across his tanned, smooth and muscular torso.

Smiling into Louis' lips, Harry tugged at the zipper of his suit.

"This time, let's do it out of love."

At the end of his words, the heaviness of Louis atop him vanished. Slightly dazed, he sat up in the darkness. His hair was messed, and his shirt lying alone on the floor. Squinting, Harry tried to see through the darkness and find his lover.

"Louis? Where have you gone?"

He stood up in the darkness, confused and slightly irritated. He had no idea how small or large the room was, so he just took small steps forward in the hope he didn't run into anything.

"Louis?! Is this supposed to be a game? We're drunk Louis, don't be bloody stupid!"

He took another step forward, but his stride and his thoughts were cut off by a loud, blood-curdling screech which tore through the night like a razor blade. It echoed through Harry's mind. He knew very well it was Louis and knew something was terribly wrong. Running forwards with his arms outstretched, he very quickly ran into the wall.

There was no where for him to go! The room was tiny! And Louis' scream was so close, yet so far away... Frenzied, Harry ran his hands along the stone, grazing his palms in the process.

"Louis?!" he cried, voice turning small in desperation.

"Where are you Louis..? This isn't funny anymore!" he literally began to tear; bottom lip quivering with fear.

As he was running his hands along the stone, his touch detected something which was not cold, lifeless stone. Flinching away from the warm, soft flesh, Harry sighed in relief.

"Thank God, Louis!! I thought someone-"

His sentence was cut short as the light slowly flickered on, revealing the body of a tiny girl.... In her hand was a silver blade; so properly sharpened and polished that you could see the fear in Harry's eyes in his reflection. He covered his mouth, recognizing the ghastly looking girl.

"I know you! You'r-"

In fear of hearing her own name, or of somebody else hearing, she swiftly shoved a slick tablet into his mouth. It violently crashed down his throat, and he tried to gag it up. But the girl wouldn't have that. Clamping his jaw shut, she screamed into his face for him to swallow; pressing the sharp edge of her blade against the fast pulsating vein in his neck.

Scared out of his wits, Harry swallowed the tablet with tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Please... Just don't hurt Louis.." He whispered through sniffles and tears.


Liam was sitting at the bar beside Niall; sipping at his drink. He didn't really taste it, as he did feel it chill his mouth and throat. He didn't really want to be drinking it; it reminded him too much of the parties he went to as a teenager. Where he would be called names, or even taken advantage of being the 'nerd'.

Those days had gone, yet times like that he still felt slightly out of place. He didn't belong in parties, or amongst hundreds or thousands of people. He preferred solitude, books, silence. He guessed that's why he was called a nerd. When in crowds, he felt almost claustrophobic; his breath would become uneven and his head, light yet heavy at the same time. And the noise... It left his ears ringing for days.

Placing his bottle onto the counter hard, he placed a weary hand to his pounding head. Niall looked at him with concerned eyes, dropping his bottle much quieter.

"Are you ok Liam?"

Wincing slightly, he shook his head slightly.

"I'm feeling a little ill. I think I should just get some fresh air..."

He eyed the back door; feeling disconnected from his surroundings.

"Didn't Zayn just go out there with a girl?"

Niall nodded, patting his bud on the back in attempt to comfort him.

"Yeah... But before you go, do you know where Harry and Louis are?"

Liam didn't need to think too hard to answer his question.

"Probably sharing a girl or something. They'll be back soon. You won't be alone for too long."

Niall nodded, smiling at Liam. He was unsure about leaving Niall alone, with Louis' credit card and an abundance of alcohol, but he really couldn't stay in the stuffy Church any longer. Niall smiled and have him a slight wave at his departure. Liam didn't even bother with a response. He just continued walking towards the door, where the amount of people was much lesser than in the heart of the Church.

Running his hands along the thick, oddly shaped wood of the door, he found the handle and twisted it. The door released, letting Liam tumble outside. The fresh air hit him; making him shiver at it's coldness. Walking around the large heater which looked, like, 100 years old, he shivered again involuntarily.

There was something in the air; the sounds... The creaks of the misshapen tree seemed to be almost like cries of sheer pain. Being the smart boy he was, Liam was suspicious. He ceased his step, mind reeling through the events of the night. There was nothing that really stood out to him as unusual...

Maybe how quiet Zayn was, or how intimate Harry and Louis were getting. They weren't big things. Zayn was often lost in his owns thoughts and Harry and Louis has always been close; that's where Larry Stylinson started. But his gut was telling him that one of the days events was not normal at all, but he couldn't put a finger on it.

Shaking his dizzy head, to release all negative thought, he walked forward some more.

"Oh my GOD!!"

He muttered, lifting his foot from a pool of Scarlett liquid. His body shook, as he studied the substance which reflected under the moon's rays. This could not be happening! He thought to himself, as he wiped some of the blood of his shoe with his 2 middle fingers. Scared, he took a few cautious steps closer...

And there she was, Zayn's one night stand. Her eyes were opened, yet they were hollow and lifeless. In her gut, was a perfect incision which seeped dark blood. Liam ran his hands through his hair, still trying to absorb what was really happening. She was dead, on the floor, but where was Zayn?

At the thought, Liam shot his head around. He didn't think that Zayn did it, but it was very much a possibility. But if Zayn hadn't done it, where was he and the killer? Had he been killed too, and taken somewhere? Maybe he went to the police, or to find someone to help that wasn't drunk. Liam knew the likelihood of both were high... Yet he didn't think that was the case.

His gut told him that Zayn and the others were in trouble, and that he needed to run. Fast.

He followed the feelings that were being sent to his mind; instinctual, animalistic. As quick as he could go, he sprinted onto the seemingly dead main road. He travelled up the main road, the light often illuminating his space before leaving him back in the darkness.

"ZAYN!!" he shouted, echoing through the silent street.


He was answered with silence. Not the awkward kind; the consuming, hopeless kind. The kind of silence that was so loud that it was like screaming. His breath heavy, and cheat rapidly rising and falling, Liam fell to the ground. He wasn't sober enough to do this... He just wished he'd never drank all that beer.

And how was Niall going? He was probably drunk; in ignorance like the test of the party-goers. He didn't want Niall to be alone when a killer may be lurking in the Church... WHY DIDN'T HE TELL NIALL?! They could have ran together... He loved Niall; maybe even more than a friend or a brother sometimes.

The thought of losing Niall made Liam so weak, he collapsed further onto the ground. Towering over him, the knife-wielding girl stood with a sinister smile. Liam knew she was there; he could feel her gaze upon his body. It burned like fire, itchy and uncomfortable.

"What are we going to do with you, Liam James Payne...?"

She lightly ran the tip of her knife over his shoulder, ripping the material. Beneath the touch, he shook in controllable. He knew not to fight her... He couldn't.

"I don't like victims that run Liam... That was a bad decision."


Niall was drunk.

Not a little not drunk, he was DRUNK!!

He had taken the opportunity of Liam's absence to drink as much as he could before he came back. In the small time of 10 minutes Niall consumed almost as much alcohol as Louis and Harry combined.

Stumbling through the crowd, he threw off his green hat. Girls took one look at him and knew exactly who he was. A small crowd of screaming, fanatic, drunken girls followed him as he walked towards the stage. His mind was so hazy that he didn't even notice them.

It took him a while, but after stumbling up the stairs, he met the confused DJ.

"It's ok mate," he patted his back "I'm from One Direction I can do WHATEVER I want!!"

He snatched the microphone from it's stand, shaking like papering the wind.


Almost instantly, everybody turned their head to see who owned the familiar, Irish voice.

"I am Niall Timothy Horan, and I am a leprechaun!"

The drunken crowd laughed; sounding like a slur. Taking the laughter as a positive sign, he started to dance. Niall wasn't... Exactly a... Wasn't very... Ok, Niall couldn't dance very well sober. Drunk, it was like a uncoordinated ball of tangled limbs.

The crowd started to laugh harder, at the sight of the famous star. A few took out their phones, promising to put the footage on YouTube. Poor thing, didn't know what he was doing or where all his friends had gone.

Suddenly, a loud boom crashed the Church. The brick walls shook and everybody sobered instantly. A few girlish shrieks rose, as dust fell from the ceiling. The lights flickered, before shutting off. Everybody was in complete darkness.

Afraid of the dark, Niall just stood alone and shaking as the rest of the party-goers scrambled to get out the door. The room was a flurry of screams and distress.

"Louis! Harry! Zayn! Liam! Where are you?" he whimpered, falling to the ground in a ball.

He tightly locked his eyes, so that he couldn't be frightened by the darkness. His frame shook, as tears slowly sliced down his cheeks.


Without warning, a pair of arms quickly curled around his torso, pulling him into the darkness. Niall let out a small shriek, which was just consumed by the crowds even louder screaming. He fidgeted, but a small pill was forced down his throat.

Very soon, he was asleep and placed in a pile atop the test of his friends, who were all tied and unconscious. The girls insides fluttered with excitement and anticipation.

She couldn't wait to play her games!

"Now you're all mine..." she whispered, flinging her bloody knife onto the deadened grass above a grave.

The grave of her mother, which she had killed with her bare hands.

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