forever & Always (Teen versio...

By Twilightfangal

300 24 3

Summary: Bella has been accepted in a program in Italy, so she takes it. When she goes there, she meets a bo... More

chapter 1
chapter 2 :Last Time having Fun!
chapter 3 Goodbye
chapter 4: new Home
chapter 5
chapter 6: Double Date
chapter 7 : Phone Calls
chapter 8 :classes
chapter 9 after school
Day with Edward
Day Before Christmas/ winter Break
Going Home
Back In Jacksonville
Phone Calls and Family Time
Edward Comes Over to visit
We Are Together Back In JACKSONVILLE
Date Night !
Edward's Leave
Heading Back to Italy !
Watching Edward
chapter 23
Edward is going out
Untitled Part 25
The Funeral
Last Time to See Bella
Back in Italy
Moving on

the crash

6 0 0
By Twilightfangal

Chapter 21, The Crash

I hung up my iPhone in tears. I couldn't stop crying. There was no text from Edward yet. I wish he would  text  me  once. “What if he does and he would  like  me  to  respond  back -- to  check  if I am  okay  or tell him I love  him.” Oh no, he would  freak out and be upset.  Just thinking about him made me cry harder. As I closed my eyes I could feel the plane was going down. My life is over. I never thought I would die at  nineteen. I took one last look at my iPhone to see if he would text me back, but he didn't . So I text him one  last time, ‘Edward, my love I love you dearly.  Just remember I'll be in your heart, anytime you want to see me just look into your heart and I'll be there. I love you!’ I flipped my phone closed as we were about to crash into the water. The pilot came on the intercom and told us not to panic -- easier said than done. The feeling of fear  took over my body. The last thing I knew I tried to get out of the plane. But I couldn't; that's when I realized I'm gone. I felt my lungs fill up with water, I was drowning. All I could see was black and no one familiar. That's when I also realized I was dead. I looked down at my body. I could see the body lie there limp. I could feel my eyes get teary. I realized that I was floating. I looked around  and  saw all  of   the other  passengers  floating  as well. “Oh dear,  their friends  and  families”


She would be back tomorrow and I couldn't wait to see her. It’s  been a week and a half since I last saw her and touched her. I can't wait to see her. I know I drove Jared and Tyler crazy. I couldn't help it, I miss her so damn much it's not funny.  I know it would be nice to be with her again . We agreed to look for a place together, so we can have some privacy. I couldn't help but everytime I mention her I have to adjust my pants, I'm not a pig, I am just so deeply in love with her.

"Edward, man," Tyler yelled from the stairs.

"What," I answered while I was taking care of some business.

"Come  on, I don't want to keep Bree waiting," as he walked to the front door.

"I'll be right down," as I washed my hands.

Why do I have come with, I need my rest for tomorrow. I will feel like the third wheel. And a loner. I walked to the bathroom door. I opened the door and was heading downstairs when I heard on the radio in Jared's room, a plane heading here from the states crashed in the Atlantic Ocean. When I heard it my stomach did a one eighty. I felt a single tear rolled down my face. I ran back to bathroom and vomited. I can't fucking believe this. I very felt very sick to my stomach.

I walked over to the door and yelled, just go without me. I am so alone now, the woman of my dreams just vanished. We would have taken two days to find an apartment  together and I had a surprise for her. My goddamn life is over. I heard someone coming upstairs, I hurried to the sink to wash my face.

"Edward, I have something to tell you, it's not good," As Tyler came over to me.

"I already fucking know, I heard it on Jared’s radio," I was drying my face off.

"Man, I am so sorry, Bree just called, that was her flight," he hugged me.

I just started to cry. I don't know how I'm gonna make it. I heard Jared and Laurent heading to the bathroom. All the guys that I have shared this house with where here with me.

"Man, I'm so sorry," Laurent patted me on the shoulder.

"Thanks, I need to get out of here," I walked away from them, to the stairs and out the door. I am so fucking alone. I could feel my eyes well up with tears. I felt my phone vibrate, since it was in my front pocket. I took it out and flipped it open. There were two texts, so I press the button -- sure enough they were from Bella.

As I read the last one a few times, I felt my heart tear into pieces. Tears were staining my cheeks more than before I left. I just felt like screaming, which I probably will.

Fuck,why does this happen to her?

"Sir, are you okay," a woman was standing right beside me.

"oh, I'm sorry, miss." I turned to see who it was.

"Have a seat," she pointed to the bench.

I followed her over to the bench and took a seat. The woman looked like Bella. I had to look twice. She was still next to me. More tears were rolling down my face. She turned in her seat to face me. What am I going to do now?

"Why are you upset and crying," she took a tissue and wiped my face with it.

"My girlfriend was on her way back here, when her plane crashed into the ocean," I managed to say between sobs.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, I had a boyfriend on that same flight," as she wiped her eyes too.

"What was his name?" as I was wiping my face again.

“We have each other.” she retorted

“I don't know you that well, we just met.”

“Both lost  someone, I know we will get over it eventually.” she said

“I'm going to ask you one more time- what is his name?”  I asked. I was getting annoyed  now. Hoping this time  she  will fucking answer  me.

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