Daughter Of Insanity

By DepressingPancakes

140K 3K 1.2K

Joker and Harley Quinn. Who'd have thunk? Harmony Quinn, daughter of the infamous king and queen of Gotham ci... More

Insane (Six years before our story starts)
Who am I?
The Voices and a Phone Call
The Club
No Good Girls
The idea
Hotel Talk
New Kid On The Block
You Call This Food?
Sanity? No, Not Mine
Uma Is Pissed
Say that again
Truth Gummie
I Get Drunk On Jealousy
"Please Stop, You're Scaring Me!"
Nobody Said This Was Easy
"Oopsies," I Giggled
Oh. My. God.
I'm Fine
Forgot the word but this isn't a chapter XD
Dad Problems And Serious Talks
Oh Shit...
Morning After
Drunk And Vulnerable
Once Upon a December
You're... You're Leaving Me?
Baby, I'm A Little Scared
Breakfast In Bed
Fire And Ice
An Unexpected Meet
Innocent Child
Another A/N
Parties Are Such Sweet Sorrow
Am I Dreaming?
All Tied Up

I Wanna Go To The Isle!

5.1K 123 20
By DepressingPancakes

Harmony's POV (In her dream)

I was walking down a dark alley, towards this large hall known as Serpent Prep. One of the two schools here on the Isle. As I walked through the yard, lots of kids started fighting over who saw me first, which made me roll my eyes. "Welcome to Serpent Prep, Miss Quinn! I'm your guide, Gil Legume, and you'll be having the same classes as me." A boy with a bandana and some kind of war paint smiled at me. For a villain kid, this guy seems pretty weak. Some random kid bumped into me and I growled before pointing my gun at them. "Scram!" I yelled, scaring everyone around me and making them run. As I laughed insanely, the doors opened again and I turned to see......wow!

The boy was around my age and was a hook for a right hand. He wore a pirates hat and a red pirates jacket as well. On his face, he had thick eyeliner and a gorgeous smirk. Wait, do I like him? No, Isaac is my puddin' not this hunka hunka! Ah, who am I kidding, this guy is adorable! The perfect person to play with...

I woke up with a sudden start and looked around the room. "Ah, it was only a dream!" I whined before looking at the clock. 11:45am. "Shit! Gotta get up and ready for Ben!" I exclaimed before running into tue bathroom and having a shower. Why do I sleep so goddam much!?

After my shower, I quickly got dressed (above) and went to make myself some breakfast. Pancakes sound nice. Walking into the kitchen, I saw someone at the stove and screamed as I pulled out my gun. "Who the fuck are you!?" I asked her. She spun around and replied quickly, "I am the chef that King Ben asked for you! I do not mean any harm to you, Miss Quinn!" Her Chinese accent (not being racist at all, I just love Chinese food!) was thick and I quite liked it.

"Ok, sorry. I'm not used to other people company. Can you make pancakes by any chance?" I asked her. She nodded and set about making them whilst I switched on the TV. Auradon News, Auradon Prep News, Auradon Movie Channel, Auradon Discovery Channel, is there nothing like the Gotham news here? Clearly not. I sighed and kept it at the movies before going on my phone to see what was happening in Gotham.


What. The. Fuck!?!?!? Dads alive and mums back???!? I didn't believe this, so called Isaac to see if it was true.

Harmony. Isaac


Is it true!?

Is what true?

That mum and dad are back in Gotham and people wanna know where I am?

Yeah, it's true. Wanna know how I know?


Your dad is keeping me locked up because he thinks I killed you.

What the actual fuck!? I'll call him now and get him to release you.

Won't be that easy, doll face. He wants to see you in person, and won't take no for an answer. Your mum's tried everything to make him see sense but that just ended up in abuse.

Dad hit her!?

He freaking whacked her with her own bar, Harmony! Why did you have to go? Gotham will be nothing but blood and guts if you don't show up at some point.

I can't, puddin'. I really can't go back. Ben is taking me to the Isle today and everything been sorted.

Who the fuck is Ben?!

King of Auradon. You can't get a direct flight to the Isle, so you go to Auradon and then get a car ride tinthe edge of the Isle. Everyone's too scared to go further than that, so you end up walking alone.

Ok. Well, just come back when you can, and hurry please! I kinda wanna keep my face and limbs.

Ha ha, don't worry puddin'. You'll be ok with Mum there. And Jerome will take care if you too, seeing as you're my boyfriend.

Correction, I'm your friend with benefits.

Whatever. Gotta go now, bye puddin'.

Bye, doll.

I ended the call and tucked into the pancakes that the woman had just setved up. "Mmm, these are awesome! How much am I paying you for this?" I asked as I ate away. She shook her head as she cleared the side and replied, "Nothing. King Ben paid me before I came up." I nodded and went back to my pancakes, smothering one with nuttela spread. What? I need sugar in the morning, hence the pop tarts before school.


It got to 12:45pm and I was so bored that I got a load of sheets and tied the together before making myself a place to dangle from like at home. Mei, the chef woman, was making lunch in the kitchen so I was alone in the living room, happily dangling from the ceiling. "Miss Quinn, do you want- Aaahh!" Mei yelled when she saw me upside down. I laughed and pulled myself upright. "It's ok, Mei. I do this all the time. What was your question?" I asked her. She held her heart as she asked, "Do you want to me to make enough for Ben too?" I nodded my head and she nodded too before leaving, nutting something in Chinese. (She said, "This kid will be the death of me." Just so you know)

There was a knock on the door and I yelled, "It's open!" to whoever was there. Seeing as I was dead in front if the door, I managed to scare Ben too as he walked in. "Oh my God! Your highness, are you sure that's safe!?" He asked me when he saw me. I nodded and did an upside down twirl to prove it. "Pretty safe to me. So, are we good to go?" I asked him, getting down and pulling the makeshift rope with me. Ben shivered slightly and nodded his head, "Yeah, everything's ready. We can leave whenever."

"Well, Mei is making us lunch."

"We can go after that then."

"Ok then." I walked into the kitchen and saw Mei putting the food on the island counter, ready for us. "Thanks, Meu. You don't have to stay anymore, I'm leaving after this." I thanked and told her. She nodded and cleared up before packing her stuff away. "Well, sit then!" I told Ben as he stood there, gormless. He snapped from his trance and sat down next to me as I started eating.

"Can I ask something?" I asked Ben as I bit into a slice if cucumber. He nodded and looked at me. "How come Gotham and Auradon are at each others throats lately?" He swallowed his bite and answered, "Blame my father. You don't know this, but when we were fourteen, my dad wanted us to marry so that our 'kingdoms' would have a stronger bind. Your dad said no of course, claiming that you were still a child and that it would be too much pressure, and the two have been fighting ever since."

"I think I remember that. Dad did say something one day about some stupid beast deciding what happened. But at least he thinks I'm not alive anymore. Now I can just chillax without him down my throat."

"Didn't you say-"

"Turns out he wasn't dead. Dad busted mum out if prison and returned to Gotham last night, but then threw my boyfriend in prison for suspected murder of me."


"Yup. Come on, I wanna go to the Isle!" I finished my food and went to pack the last few things into my suitcase. He just stayed there and waited for me, texting someone in his phone.


The limo ride to the Isle was ok. Ben and I talked about stuff, and I learnt that his girlfriend's name was Mal, and how she was a former VK. "So, I can stay at her old place then?" I asked. He nodded, "Yeah. It was already rented out for the exchange student program. So I think you might have ti share with someone soon."

"As long as I know and like the person, that's fine."

We drove along some golden dust bridge and I felt some force go through me when we reached the Isle. "Ok, we'll drive to the apartment, but that's as far as we're allowed to go." Ben told me. I smiled at him, "That's fine." No it's not. The voices yelled. I ended up having an argument in my head with them, and didn't realize that we had arrived. "Well, here we are. I hope you have a nice time. nd if you ever want to come back, there's a spot on the Isle where there's signal. I'm not entirely sure where, but I know its by the docks." Ben smiled at me.

I nodded and got out the limo. The driver got out too, along with Ben, and the driver got my suitcase out of the boot of the vehicle. "Thanks, buster!" I teased him with the name and he nodded before waiting in the drivers seat. "Well, I'll see you around, I guess. Fair well, your majesty." I mocked, giving Ben a curtsey. He laughed and bowed ti me. "And fair well to you, Princess Harmony." He smiled. We stood up and hugged each other before he got into the limo Nd they drove off.

I'm home. I thought happily. And nothing is taking me away.

Hi, sorry I've been dead this past week, I've had other books to deal with. Hope you liked this chapter! Cya in the next one, bai!

X Cailtin X

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