"Oopsies," I Giggled

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Harry's POV

It wasn't until last night that I noticed how thin Harmony had become since Isaac left. I was able to wrap my middle finger and thumb around her wrist easily, for croc's sake!

I sighed and whispered, "Why did ya do this to yaself, lass?" She simply nuzzled into my chest further as she slept. This made me smiled ((Message from my baby brother: p;;p,p dc/;#########\l])) a little. The princess of Gotham has always made me feel different. Like this warm fuzzy feeling inside of me. I hated it. That's probably why I teased her so much and snapped a lot.

Obviously, I cared about the girl, anyone would if they've seen the real Harmony. Then again anyone would be scared if they saw the real Harmony. "Harry..." My thoughts were interrupted by a small, almost inaudible whisper from Harmony. "Yes, lass?" I whispered back, still holding her close as I played with her hair. How is it so soft still? All the girls here have crusty as fuck hair.
"Am I a good person?"
"of course ya are, Princess!"
She sat up and looked at me tiredly. "I don't feel like a good person..." As she said this, she looked down a bit her lip. A habit I hadn't seen in almost 2 months. 

Sighing yet again, I sat up and pulled her back into my arms. "Don't tear yourself apart, Harmony," I started, losing my usual Scottish accent for a moment. "You're an amazing girl and he doesn't deserve you. Trust me when I say that... It's the truth."

Isaac's POV

I wasn't happy. And it was clear to everyone. Most of the time, I would sit alone in the art class Harmony and I was last in, playing her parents song and staring at her throne. Nothing was fun anymore. I didn't go near anyone and I didn't talk. Not even to my mother. And there was no way I went to the safehouse. Not when Harmony's ghost haunted me.

"He's only 18, he can't keep acting like this!"
"Let him! He misses Dollface!"
"He told her to go!"
"Well he should've thought about his words, shouldn't he!?"

I sighed as I listened to my parents argue, getting closer to tears with every word. Dad was right, I should've thought about my words. Sitting up, I leant over and picked up the photo album of mine and Harmony's 15-year relationship. From friendship to love to heartbreak. I cried a little as I looked over the album, singing quietly to myself.

Once I finished the album, I put it back down before hugging my pillow and crying more.

"Baby, you look happier, you do
I knew one day you'd fall for someone new
But if breaks your heart like lovers do
Just know that I'll be waiting here for you"  

I cried myself to sleep that night. Like I have done ever since leaving the isle.

Ben's POV

Now I know how Dad felt being locked away all those years. Why did I have to be dragged into this mess between Mal and whats-her-name!? Kicking the wall once more, I sighed and slid down it, sitting on the floor with my head in my hands. 

"Well look what the cat dragged in." I heard someone giggle from the entrance to where I was being kept. Instantly, I knew who that was. "Harmony!" She smirked, "The one and only," taking a bow. Rolling my eyes, I stood up and walked angrily towards the door, lunging at her through the bars. I hit my head and fell backwards. "Oopsies," She giggled, Patting my head gently before walking away.

Is she insane? Actually, don't answer that.

Harmony's POV

Ben did a classic Mum move and fell backwards, landing on the floor! "Oopsies," I giggled, walking away and shutting the storeroom door. Then I started laughing till my sides hurt. "Beastie Boy did a classic Harley Quinn everybody! Expect a bruise on the ol' noggin!" I exclaimed to the shop as I sat with my new boyfriend. "Did he really?" Harri smirked, kissing my cheek. Oh, how you gotta love the son of Hades. 

Harri is just amazing! He's got tan skin, black hair with electric blue highlights, and just the most gorgeous golden eyes you'll ever make contact with. And his personality is so similar to mine! "hello, earth to my little princess?" Harri smiled, waving a hand in my face. Oh, and he makes up amazing nicknames. "Sorry, Puddin', I was in la-la land as usual." I smiled back, giggling a little. He sighed happily, "No matter. It's fine," as he kissed the top of my head.

There was a sudden plate smash and Harry Hook walked out the shop angrily. And boy if looks could kill, me and Harri would be 6ft under and rotting by now. "Wonder what that was all about," Harri muttered, eating a chip and putting his arm around me. Dam, this boy is hot.

Harri's POV

Well, that was easier than I thought. I gotta thank Yasmin at some point for her love potion.

Harry's POV

It's not fair! I should be the one giggling with Harmony, I should be the one making her smile! I should be the one putting my arm around her and giving her cute yet sickening nicknames! It should be me!! I stopped a moment. God, I sound like an idiot. Why the fuck am I acting this way!? Ughhhhh, I need an escape.

But my escape is currently unavailable.

This. Was. BAD! But I'm having a small writer's block on my new story "Impossible Comes True" and "If You Love Me, Let Me Go" (go check them out please btw xx)so its partly affecting my ideas for this story. But I hope you enjoyed it and I'll cya in the next chapter. Bai!

X Caitlin X

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