The Club

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It's been a week since Dad called me at school, and I've managed to not break down into a million pieces and lose all sanity. Ok, so any picture of Brandon I saw ended up with some beautiful bullet holes in it, but that's every day for me. I was currently sat in the living room- well, more dangling from the ceiling but still -watching the TV. There was nothing better to do unless I wanted to go insane and go on a rampage, which isn't happening until Mum and Dad get back. At least, I hope they get back. Dad promised me he would only be a few days, up to a month at the max. He was three weeks left before I lose it. 

The tv was buzzing away as I dangled on some rope, and I wasn't really paying attention. Suddenly, my phone rang and I slipped. "Ow, fuck!" I exclaimed as I picked up my phone. It was Caleb. "What!?" I asked angrily into the phone. "Woah, calm down! Turn to the news." He told me. I sighed, "Why the heck would I want to listen to the news?"   "Because your Mother's on it." I put the phone down and turned to the news channel quickly. I watched as Midway Coty appeared on the screen. "It seems to be that former Queen of Gotham, Harley Quinn, has joined up with none other than Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, El Diablo, Killer Croc and Army captain Rick Flag in a mission to rescue Amanda Waller." I heard the TV say. My eyes darted from the floor to the TV, and there was a set of pictures. Deadshot, Boomerang, Diablo, Croc, Flag. And Mum. She looks insane, more insane than I've ever been. Her hair was soaking and the dye was coming out, and all her makeup was smudged and running. How had she managed to look so sleep deprived and insane?

My phone rang again and I saw it was Dad. Dad!


J-Hey, pumpkin. How are you?
H-Bored out of my skull. Mum's on the news!
J-I know she is. Listen, I need you to do me a favour. 
H-Sure, what is it?
J-Remember that club we went to when you were ten?
H-How could I forget? Yeah, I remember.
J-Good. Go there, and just continue what I was doing. I haven't been there for a while and there are a lot of fixtures needed.
H-Um, ok then. 
J-Good. Ok, well, I have at least forty seconds before I blow this place up. Gotta go, love you!
H-Bye Dad, Love you too.

I put the phone down and squealed. "Mum's coming home soon!" Then I stopped and turned off the TV. I can't go to the club looking like this. Walking back to my bedroom, I went into my walk-in wardrobe and grabbed a different outfit to wear. In the end, I went with this:

Once I put my lipstick on, I picked up my knife and Gun, putting them in my holster (Which I forgot to add in there, sorry)

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Once I put my lipstick on, I picked up my knife and Gun, putting them in my holster (Which I forgot to add in there, sorry). "Jerome! Get my car ready, we're going to the club!" I shouted down the stairs to my bodyguard and pretty much best friend, Jerome. I heard his footsteps head out to the garage, and with a few bullets to Brandon's picture, I slid down the bannister and followed him. "Ready, your highness?" He asked as I sat next to him in the car. "Yep," I said, popping the P. He started the car and we drove off to the club. I have no idea what to do, but it'll come to me when I get there.


We reached the club and I went to the private area that was reserved for my family. "Get me a blue WKD, and be quick about it!" I ordered one of the workers before sitting down and staring out at the dancers in the club. Mum was better than these bitches. Way better. My thoughts were distracted when Jerome brought in a guy and my drink. The guy was tall, with a goatee and blue eyes. (Not the guy we see Joker with in the movie.) "Miss Quinn, a pleasure to have you back!" The guy smiled, holding his hand out to me. I looked at it and pointed my gun at him. "Sit down, you pisshead," I told him, motioning to the seat near me. He nodded and sat down, watching me as I looked out to the dancers. "This place has gone downhill since your Mum and Dad stopped coming. But, we've done our best. I've made money, you've made money." This dude rambled on. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow, "What's your name?" He looked up and replied, "Derek." I nodded and continued. "Well, Derek. You trying to sweet talk me?" 

He seemed to know where I was going and shook his head. "No, I'm not. I'm simply stating what I know. So, how have you been?" I laughed as I looked at him. "Like you care. I'm only here on my father's orders. But the voices are telling me to do things of my own accord. You don't want to end up like my last victim in this place, do you?" I smirked at him. He gulped and shook his head. "Good. So, what do you want? Why has my Dad told me to come here when I could be at home or on an insane rampage?" I asked. I took a large gulp of my drink as he replied, "I honestly don't know that one." Putting my drink down, I picked up my bat properly. "Wrong answer." I smiled before whacking him around the head. Then I took my knife and slashed his shoulder. "Now, you're going to keep quiet about this, and I'm going to go home. If you have any problems, ring the house." I whispered in his ear before pushing him back and taking my drink. "Come on, Jerome. I feel like robbing a bank or something." I told him before leaving.

Sorry, this chapter was so short! I lost my train of thought halfway through. Hope you liked it, cya in the next one! Bai!
X Caitlin X

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