Another A/N

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Okay, so now that Isaac is dead, this story will soon come to an end. Maybe like another 10-15 chapters. 20 at most. I promise that Harry and Harmony will be a thing by the end of it and we will see this couple again in the future, maybe as a cameo in another book.

But I just wanna say thank you so much for getting this book to where it is. Without you guys and DOI, I don't even think I'd have the confidence to write a story description 😂 Every one of you mean so much to me, but there are only a few that I'll shout out, because they've been the most consistent and had the funniest comments to read.


Like I said, there are more of you, but these guys show up the most on my notifications.

Anyways, I'm gonna stop ranting now and start writing the next chapter. Cya then, bai!
X Caitlin X

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