I love you //brolby

By dolltearz

100K 2.8K 1.7K

Brennen and Colby always act like they are in a relationship. Like all the time, well what if a joke goes too... More

✖️Thirty-one✖️ (filler)
read this is you love me
Thank you for everything


1.4K 46 43
By dolltearz

(A day later)

Colby's POV

I laid in bed starring blankly at the ceiling,  I haven't talk to sam sense I yelled at him, I'm scared.
Scared I lost him
Scared I may no longer have my best friend
Scared he hates me
Scared he didn't understand
Scared I might of lost the one who never failed to understand me.

I'm not doing the best, I mean I'm happy with my relationship with Brennen but Sam, Sam is different from Brennen. A best friend is so much different from a boyfriend, because. . . A best friend is the one who will always be there for you through thick and thin. A best friend is someone you can call at three in the morning when your crying your eyes out and feel like the world is against you but they can make you laugh. And Sam is my best friend, but slowly it seems like he doesn't need me anymore. I mean he probably doesn't he has Katrina and everyone else, really all I have is Brennen and I do love Brennen it's just... it's like if I lost Brennen i could get over it it'd take a long time but I could. But Sam I can't see myself without him. Samuel is my soulmate, I don't care what anyone has to say sam is my soulmate.

I turned my head facing my wall that has the most sticky notes, I smiled weakly at them, one caught my eye 'team sam' i felt my eyes fill with tears and soon overflow, as tears rolled down my cheeks I was still smiling weakly. "Sam"
"Why'd you change"
I whispered to myself, I felt, cookie move around in his sleep at my feet, I sighed.

I heard a knock on my door breaking me from my thoughts "Colby..." I heard a familiar voice say through my door "can I come in" he said softly, I sighed "yeah" I said sitting up straight in my bed, I saw  sam walk in with a face of guilt shutting the door behind him "can we talk?" He questioned "what is there to talk about, Sam" I said crossing my arms "what you said the other day, I didn't know you felt like that" he said running his hand through his hair "Sam, what did you expect, you have been acting like a complete dick and not only that you never have time for me it's like whenever I want to hang out you need to go do something with Katrina" I said raising my voice a little "Colby-" he began but I cut him off  "what're you gonna make some excuse?" I said angry, I don't like getting upset with him but it's like sometimes I can't control it no Colby I-" he started to say again but once again I cut him off "don't lie to me" I said, I want to protect myself from pain because I don't know if I can go through anymore pain like that...like this. "Colby let me fucking speak!!" He shouted, I softened a bit knowing he was serious "listen, I'm sorry you feel that way about Katrina, and I'm sorry I made you feel the way I did but I thought that you didn't want me anymore because you were always hanging out with Brennen so I figured that maybe I should just move on? I thought you didn't want to be friends anymore" he finished, I felt a wave a guilt him me "Sammy....and I thought you didn't need me anymore too" I said looking at him with sad eyes, he chuckled a bit "so we were both wrong?" He said raising his eyebrow "I guess so, but why did you change, like even if you thought I didn't want you anymore. Why were you so mean to me all the sudden" I questioned "I don't know, I guess I was mad at you for choosing Brennen over me" he said shrugging "I'd never choose Brennen over you, I mean yes Brennen is my boyfriend but Sam your my best friend and nobody could ever, EVER take your place" I said, I was trying to read him but that boy, man you can never tell how he's feeling "so...are we okay?" He said looking up at me from the floor " we are good" I said, smiling "so, whose this little guy" he said petting cookie, smiled "that's Cookie, Brennen got him for me" I said petting him along with Sam " that's so sweet" he said smiling "you really love Bren, Don't you?" He questioned, I felt my cheeks heat up a bit "I really do" I nodded smiling "I'm happy you finally found someone" Sam admitted "yeah" I agreed, "well I've got a photoshoot to go too, I'm happy we figured this stuff out, we good?" He asked before walking you the door "we're good" I said, after he left I was alone again, I sighed grabbing my phone. I kind of tried to avoid twitter knowing my fans are probably losing their shit because I haven't tweeted or posted anything in like two months. They deserve something.

@/colbybrock tweeted
Hey guys! I know I've been gone for a long time but I was going through a lot, I'm better now though. There will be a explanation video soon.

My phone instantly went crazy with notifications, most people were very happy to see I was back there were a few people who were rude but, hey it's social media what can you do.

My phone dinged, but not social media notification, someone texted me. I grabbed my phone unlocking it seeing Brennen had texted me.

Brenny😍: you tweeted?

Colbear💙: damn, you're a stalker

Brenny😍: ofc, but you're coming back I take it? Ya know to social media.

Colbear💙: yeah, I really miss making videos and stuff :/

Brenny😍: well I'm happy, but you said there will be a explanation video? Does that mean we are gonna cum out?

Brenny😍: come* fucking Hell

Colbear💙: Jesus Christ. Anyway I was kind of hoping so, but only if you're ok with it

Brenny😍: yeah, our fans deserve to know the truth.

Colbear💙: Thats how I feel too.

Brenny😍: so what're you doing, today?

Colbear😍: absolutely nothing 😐🙄

Brenny😍: then bring your fine ass over

I giggled at the text, probably blushing a little

Colbear💙 how's about you come over? I don't wanna get up


Colbear💙: pleaseeee

Colbear💙: daddy...

Brenny😍: I'll be there in 10

Colbear💙: Thats what I thought.

Heya I didn't feel like writing anymore lmao, there will be a better chapter next time I promise

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